Obligatory Preamble (I am so cliche)

05.10.2005 | 5:43 am

Hi. I’m Elden, and I’m a fat cyclist. That is, I am a fat person who rides a bicycle.

But I have not always been fat, nor have I always been a cyclist. I have, however, always been a rambling blowhard. It’s a curse.

In the days ahead, I will talk about some of the following:

  • Why I am fat
  • Why I love to ride my bike
  • Why it’s crucial that I lose 30 pounds in the next three months
  • My craziest year ever (see “Why I am fat”)

First, though, I will tell you about what I did last weekend: Ride Around White Rim in One Day (affectionately known as RAWROD ‘05) — a 100 mile mountain bike ride in Canyonlands Nat’l Park, UT, over the course of about ten hours. Because while I am unquestionably fat, I have been doing endurance rides for around nine years now, which means I am perhaps not without hope.

Today’s weight: 188.6lbs. On a 5′8″ guy, that’s fat.


  1. Comment by Marty | 08.3.2007 | 4:13 am

    Nice preamble!
    Don’t forget to do a post-amble when you wind up the blog.

  2. Comment by jon | 09.9.2008 | 5:23 pm

    Weird. I’m only the second to comment on the post that started it all.

    I will say this: Looking back here now, I don’t think any of us could have predicted where this blog was going to go…. although I bet Fatty had it planned out all along.

    Love it. Best blog I’ve run across ever.

  3. Comment by Joe S | 11.6.2008 | 10:12 am

    Its late 2008 and I’ve lost 25# this year and I’m still 245.
    You think you’re fat?!?
    I better get moving.

  4. Comment by Michael | 12.17.2009 | 7:26 pm

    I’m 6′ 0″, 235lbs, and love riding the bike. I’ve done six centuries and commute to work weekly, but I never manage to lose more than 10 lbs between events. I’m definitely the “fat cyclist” in my group.

  5. Comment by Comic Book Guy (a closeted Fat Cyclist) | 10.2.2010 | 2:31 pm



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