To All The Bikes I’ve Loved Before
A Self-Serving Note from Fatty: Today and tomorrow are the last days you can vote for the Bloggies award (I’m in the Best Kept Secret Category). If you haven’t, please do. And if you have, make sure that you click the link in the confirmation email you got, or your vote won’t count.
I make a point of not getting particularly attached to my bikes. I don’t name them. I don’t obsessively clean them. I don’t anthropomorphize them. I ride them until I think it’s time to replace them, and then I sell them.
The ride is what matters. The bike is just a tool.
But yesterday a couple of coincidental things happened that made me get all wistful and nostalgic.
Brad posted pictures. One of Brad’s entries for the photo contest (you’ve still got time to enter, by the way) shows Kenny and me on top of Beaver Mesa while riding the Kokopelli Trail — click the picture for a better version. Here, I’m propping myself up with my old Sugar, a terrific full-suspension mountain bike I originally bought for my wife and then took over as my own when I realized what a fine machine it was.
- I had a conversation with Rick. I was instant messaging with my friend Rick M when I found out the fate of that Sugar, which I had sold to someone about a year ago. “About two weeks after she bought it, she had the bike on the rack when she rolled her car,” Rick said. “It died instantly and without pain.”
My Sugar — which I rode in at least two Leadville 100s, in countless local races, on hundreds of miles of local singletrack and across the Kokopelli trail — died underneath a car?
That’s no way for a bike to go. Certainly not for a bike that lived the way it did.
It’s just not right.
So, today, I’m going to indulge myself and describe what I hope all my old bikes — the ones I’ve sold to make a down payment on the next bike — are doing in their new homes.
The Bridgestone MB5
The Bridgestone was my first mountain bike. I rode it once, got a concussion, and vowed never to ride mountain bikes again. Not long after that, this bike disappeared. I have a theory that it knew it was headed to a fate of rust and dust and dust, and ran away to find someone who would ride it. I hope that it did, but I also hope it still feels ashamed for bucking me off the first time I rode it and then abandoning me.
The Specialized Stumpjumper M2
This was my first “real” mountain bike. M2 stood for “metal matrix,” which meant that it was aluminum with some ceramic in there somewhere — the miracle metal of the moment. It was equipped with LX components, with — originally — a rigid fork and SoftRide stem (some of you will recall SoftRide stems, others will not). I replaced the stem with a RockShox Judy SL, which people ogled over. However, suspension forks were still a relatively new phenomenon (seriously!), and the geometry of the bike was not meant to accommodate it — the suspension adjustment knobs at the top of the stanchions would knock against the downtube.
It also came with the stupidest dropout ever conceived. Yes, the dropout was aluminum. Soft as butter. I replaced four of them within a couple months. A bunch of other people must not have had any better luck than I, because Specialized finally came out with a chromoly dropout.
I rode the Stumpjumper for two years, riding it daily. This is the bike I learned to love mountain biking on. I then sold it on to some guy in Alaska. It is my fondest hope that someone in Alaska is still riding it, though I personally doubt that the combination of aluminum and pottery as a frame material will have stood the test of time.
The Ibis Steel Mojo
I used to get paid insane amounts of money to write magazine articles and books about WordPerfect (seriously!), so thought it was time to buy myself an exotic bike: the Ibis Bow Ti. I sold the Stumpjumper and ordered the Bow Ti, which promptly failed to arrive for six months.
Luckily, the guys at Ibis are very cool. They understood that I was bikeless, so loaned me a steel Mojo — their hardtail mountain bike — until they could build my Bow Ti.
I totally fell in love with that bike. Anyone who rode it did, too — four people I know bought steel Mojos after trying mine out.
So even when the BowTi arrived, I kept the Mojo. In fact, I sent it back to Ibis for a custom “Tequila Sunrise” paint job — red at the bottom bracket, fading to a bright yellow on the top tube.
I loved this bike for a long, long time.
Eventually, I sold it when I got an Ibis Titanium Mojo. But I didn’t lose track of it, because I sold it to my sister Kellene. She rode it for a while, then handed it down to her daughter as a college bike and has suffered mightily from neglect. From what I know, that Ibis is still in the family. I keep thinking I should buy it back and restore it. That bike was a beauty.
The Ibis Bow Ti
This was the most expensive bike I have ever owned. Totally tricked out, I think I had about $6000 into it (seriously!). The parallel titanium downtubes acted as a leaf spring — the whole frame was the suspension. Anybody who knew anything about bikes wanted to check it out whenever they saw it, because it was so crazily exotic and high-tech.
The thing is, it wasn’t that great of a bike. The suspension tended to rebound you up and forward, making me even more endo-prone than I usually am. Plus, the bike was wide.
After riding this for about two years, I got tired of pretending that it was the most awesome bike ever (when you spent $6000 on a bike, that’s a hard admission to make). I sold it on to finance my next bike, the Ibis Titanium Mojo. I frankly can’t remember where it went after I sold it, though I keep hoping to see one of these on the trail someday, just so I can ask, “So, how do you like the ride of that thing?”
I haven’t seen one in years, though.
The Ibis Ti Mojo
Having realized that I loved the Ibis Mojo, but wanting a high-zoot material, I went for the Titanium Mojo as my next bike.
That was a dream bike. It climbed like no other bike I’ve ridden before or since. Good in the tight stuff. Not so great at descending, but that was probably more my problem than the bike’s.
It was the only bike I’ve ever just stood and looked at. It was that pretty. Titanium has a soft, mellow sheen when given a matte finish. I bought a watch (Citizen Titanium Ecodrive) and had my wife buy me a new Titanium wedding ring with the same finish, to go with my bike.
Yes, seriously.
I sold this bike on, and used the proceeds to buy the full-suspension Sugar I talked about earlier and a hardtail Paragon.
What a fool I was!
Of all the bikes I’ve owned, this is the only one I truly regret selling. I don’t know where that bike is, but I hope it’s being well-loved, treated like the work of art it is, and that it’s forgiven me.
The Fisher Paragon
This light, stiff aluminum hardtail was an awesome and efficient machine. I bought it just before my finances took a turn for the drastically worse, and so ended my string of extravagant bike purchases. I put more miles on this mountain bike than any other.
And so I feel a little bad that I killed it on a mountain bike ride a couple years ago.
Still, if you’re a mountain bike and you’re aluminum, you know you’re not going to last forever. Wouldn’t you want to at least die doing what you do best, with dignity, out on a trail?
The Bianchi Something-or-Other
Like most dedicated MTB’rs, I decided at one point that I ought to try road biking, but didn’t want to spend a lot of money on it, just in case I hated it. So I bought the cheapest decent road bike I could find. It was a Bianchi, but I can’t even remember the model name. I’m getting old, I guess.
Well, it turned out that I do like road biking, so I replaced this bike with an Ibis Road Ti. I sold the Bianchi to a friend and neighbor who was interested in trying out road biking, too. From what I understand, he still rides that bike. It makes me happy to know it’s in good hands.
The Ibis Road Ti
I rode this bike for nine years. I’ve never loved any bike as much as I did this one.
And it repaid me by trying to commit a suicide/homicide. I don’t blame it, though. After suffering the indignity of having been outfitted with fenders and a wacky light setup, I can understand why it started hating me.
PS: B7 competitors, it’s time for you to do your monthly weigh-in and TT. Check in the forum for details. Oh, and I also added a new anti-sandbagger rule.
PPS: Today’s weight: 168.8. I guess I angered the Dieting Gods by making jokes about them yesterday. I shall repent by eating three grapefruit tonight.
Comment by LanterneRouge | 02.1.2007 | 11:57 am
Bikes and women. The more we love them the greater the pain we are willing to endure for (from?) them.
Comment by BotchedExperiment | 02.1.2007 | 11:59 am
I love that the fat cyclist blog “I’m a bike murderer” you link to (in the paragon section) has the results of a contest AND a plea for free stuff from some bike manufacturer. Classic Fat Cyclist!!
Comment by Jen | 02.1.2007 | 12:41 pm
Geez, you forgot that the Bianchi you picked up was chrome Pista fixie? Even I remember that. You must really get around, my friend.
Comment by Stan | 02.1.2007 | 12:47 pm
I rode my old steel Cuevas racing bike for 27 years before the downtube broke. Then I found a framebuilder who could take it apart and rebuild it like the Six Million Dollar Man. Now it’s back on the road in time for its 30 anniversary.
Comment by Lissee | 02.1.2007 | 12:49 pm
I tried to talk my co-worker into voting for you on the bloggies. She just laughed at me. Sorry, I did try.
I have only ever owned one bike, hence my being able to remember what it is, and where it is. Gary Fisher Nirvana. It is currently sitting in my living room. If I had it to do again, would probably buy a road bike since there aren’t really any cool mountain biking places that I can ride to (insert car-less). Maybe I should follow your lead, sell it, then buy a new one, too bad I’m short on the disposable income thing since all my $$ goes to rent…
Comment by Paul | 02.1.2007 | 12:51 pm
Hi Fatty – first time poster here. I really enjoy your writing, you make my work days at a desk a little brighter. I just recently bought a second hand Ibis Road Ti tricked out with Dura Ace, and wanted to let you know I share your sentiments. It’s the most I’ve ever spent on a bike, and talking my wife into the expense took long effort. I’m very glad I persevered though. It’s made me feel like a much better rider than I am.
Comment by kenny | 02.1.2007 | 1:19 pm
your post today reminded me of one my favorite songs. It’s by the jim carroll band and is called people who died.. just substitute bikes for people. they were all my friends..they died.
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends
They just died
G-Berg and Georgie let their gimmicks go rotten
So they died of hepatitis in upper Manhattan
Sly in Vietnam, took a bullet in the head
Bobby OD’d on Drano on the night that he was wed
They were two more friends of mine
Two more friends that died
Mary took a dry dive from a hotel room
Bobby hung himself from his cell in the tombs
Judy jumped in front of a subway train
Eddie got slit in the jugular vein
And, Eddie, I miss you more than all the others
(First time) And I salute you, brother
(Second time) This song is for you my brother
Herbie pushed Tony from the Boys’ Club roof
Tony thought that his rage was just some goof
But Herbie sure gave Tony some, some bitchen proof
Herbie said, “Tony, can you fly?”
But Tony couldn’t fly, Tony died
Brian got busted on a narco rap
He beat the rap by rattin’ on some bikers
He said, “Hey, I know it’s dangerous,
But it sure beats Riker’s”
But the next day he got off’d
By the very same bikers
Repeat through “Eddie”
Comment by the weak link | 02.1.2007 | 1:34 pm
I hate people who quote long songs in the comments section.
Just sayin’.
If you’re one of Fatty’s friends, the one with the huge muscles, then I was just kidding.
Comment by Al Maviva | 02.1.2007 | 1:37 pm
Hah. Fatty and Botched may have sorta heard this one before. My favorite bike ever was this dark red Schwinn mixte (yeah, I know, I’m a dude, riding a mixte makes me teh ghey) that I stole from my younger sister and rode through the winter. I didn’t really ride it, so much as hammer down this steep hill, and then go around one turn at the bottom, always a left hand turn.
There was typically packed snow on the hill a foot deep. The bottom was usually iced up. I would come down the hill doing about 30, sling the bike sideways through the turn, flattrack through it with my feet up on the pedals and countersteering, bounce off the berm on the far side of the road and then go bouncing down the road. I rarely crashed. After doing this for about a month or so, the frame broke in half. That really hurt.
So then after that I rode and broke, in succession, my own bike, my mom’s bike, and my other little sister’s bike.
They never figured out who broke their bikes over the winter. It was really uncanny – put the bikes in the basement over the winter, come spring and time to get them out, the frame tubes were all snapped or badly bent over the bottom bracket. While I got in a lot of trouble as a kid (shocker, eh?) that is one that The Man never pinned on me. So Fatty says he murders bikes, but that isn’t true. What he really does is manslaughter, engaging in acts that *could* result in bike death and sometimes do, but he doesn’t try to off them. Me? I killed a bunch of them. Like Fatty’s Ibis, a couple bikes have tried to kill me in the last year or so in acts of revenge, most notably my old fixie, which bit me a few times before I sold it to pay for a new, less evil-@ss fixie. But for the most part, I don’t try to kill them any more, and they don’t try to kill me. But I’m keepin’ an eye on that fixed gear…
Yeah, I’ve really liked other bikes since then, but you’re never as close to a bike, as you are to the first one you kill.
Wow. That sounds really, really creepy, doesn’t it?
Comment by LMouse | 02.1.2007 | 2:03 pm
Did any of you Utahns get to the X-Dance Film Festival in Park City last week to see “Klunkerz?” If so, what did you think? I know some of the people in it.
Comment by BotchedExperiment | 02.1.2007 | 2:20 pm
Ok weak link, you’ve done it now. There’s no way kenny’s gonna pick you to win the contest.
Comment by JB | 02.1.2007 | 2:29 pm
I just had to leave a comment today…..I just looked at all the photos and those pics from New Zealand/Mt Ascension (sp?) were SPECTACULAR! I have wilderness envy. My first and only and still riding road bike was a Uvex that a guy in a little bike shop in Greeley CO. built me in the 70’s that fits my 6′5″ body. I have had a couple of mountain bikes that I did not like as I always feel “pearched” up on the seat ready to topple over like that dude on “Laugh-In”
Comment by Mrs. Coach | 02.1.2007 | 2:33 pm
Hasn’t anyone else noticed the time discrepancies with the Fisher Paragon and the Ibis Road Ti? Either Fatty’s slipping in his old age (hey, he said it first) or he’s trying to hide something.
I never owned my own bike till my boyfriend (now husband) bought me a Giant Yukon MTB. All I ever had was hand-me-downs. I never even rode my favorite bike:
In 2004 the husband got (through the bike shop he worked at) a T-mobile team edition Giant (excuse me, but I’m not sure) TCR/OCR 0. He outfitted it with durace-10, ksyrium SL’s, and nokon cables. It weighed in at 14.6lbs. It was beautiful.
Well, what did do? He went on one of those “I’m not good enough for my bike” benders- if you know a roadie, you know what I’m talking about- and sold it! Bought a Raleigh road bike instead. I still get mad at him for selling the Giant.
Fatty- could you talk some sense into my husband? He seems to think that he has to have one bike for the off season, sell it for the race season, and mid race season, sell that and buy another one. I honestly can’t remember how may different bikes he’s had. Its dizzying.
Comment by Rocky | 02.1.2007 | 2:37 pm
I recently put together a photo journal of all of the bikes that I have had since I bought my first one at Sam’s Club 12 years ago. I still have that frame, as it weighs an even metric ton.
I will have you know that the Steel Mojo that you mentioned was recovered from the college nightmare, was stripped of parts, powdercoated a lovely sky blue, and re-equipped with a not-so-shabby set of parts, and hangs proudly in my garage quietly gathering dust in the hope of someday riding again.
I can post photos if you like. It’s a beautiful thing.
Comment by Token Skinny Guy | 02.1.2007 | 3:07 pm
Sorry Mrs. Coach, I think I must’ve misread you. Your husband did what? He bought a… he had a… HE SOLD A… for a RALEIGH?!? He sold a T-Mobile edition Giant with Kysriums and Nokon cables and bought a RALEIGH? Sigh. I think I’ll go and despair for man kind.
Comment by Token Skinny Guy | 02.1.2007 | 3:07 pm
P.S. Yes I am a bike snob.
Comment by Mrs. Coach | 02.1.2007 | 3:20 pm
Pretty depressing I know. I told him not to sell it, I begged him not to sell it. And I still rub it in his face from time to time. It may be the biggest “I told you so” of our marriage.
Comment by fatty | 02.1.2007 | 3:51 pm
jen – no, i’m not talking about the pista. i still have the pista. i’m talking about a steel geared bianchi in celeste green i bought eleven years ago. cost around $700 i think.
stan – i’ve talked with my friend matt chester about repairing the ibis ti road and converting it into a fixie with road geometry. that would in fact be pretty dang cool.
lissee – well, thanks for trying. i hereby award you a merit.
kenny – you know, someone should do a remix combining that song with trio’s “dadada”. i’m pretty sure they’re just different vocals to the same casio demo tune.
weak link – just in case you’re not familiar with the lyrics to “dadada,” i am pasting them here:
What you will and what you won’t
What you do and what you don’t
What you can and what you can’t
This is what you need to know:
Loved you though it didn’t show
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht.
I know why you ran away, aha
Understand you couldn’t stay, aha
Wonder where you are today, aha
After all was said and done
It was right for you to run!
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha
Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, da da da
da da da
da da da
da da da
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
Da da da I don’t love you you don’t love me
da da da (repeat to fade)
al maviva – my guess is they actually knew, but didn’t say anything because by the time you were big enough to crush a bike, you were also big enough to crush a human.
lmouse – i’m sorry, but i’m only 15% as cool as is required to be admitted into the town of Park City during Sundance.
botched – hey, at least he submitted an entry, mr. “my wife’s a professional photographer and i ride bikes all the time but i haven’t submitted an entry to the bike-themed photo contest.”
jb – you’re right, those are awesome pictures of a beautiful spot. i want to live in new zealand some day.
mrs coach – one’s a mountain bike, one’s a road bike. no discrepancy. i am nothing if not accurate. except for when i’m exaggerating. oh, and except for when i’m lying, too.
rocky – will you sell it back to me for what i sold it to you?
token skinny guy – i’m sorry, but i just can’t get past your screen handle. why would you think we care about whether your tokens are skinny?
Comment by BIg Mike In Oz | 02.1.2007 | 4:40 pm
Why hasn’t anyone mentioned their first bike being a bright green 3-speed dragster with a banana seat infused with glitter? Am I the only one here who was born in the ’60s and got my first bike in the early ’70s? It died the death of many dragsters. The BMX craze arrived and I jumped it with much gusto but it was never a bike designed to leave the ground and so I broke it’s back.
Bike #2 (1979) was a BigW 10-speed which I also destroyed. I was being chased by the neighbourhood bully and as I looked back to see if I was out of range of his slingshot I sailed right into a parked car.
Bike #3 (1981) was bike#2’s components swapped on to a crappy new frame. This is the bike that I started racing on.
Bike #4 (1983) was saved and paid for by me alone and the president of my bike club took me to the importers warehouse in Brisbane where I got fitted for the bike and chose all the components myself – a red (the first of many red bikes) Daccordi in Columbus Aelle with an Ofmega Mistral groupset made from aluminium and polycarbonate [yes-black plastic].
Bike #5 (1985) was bought as a pure race bike with #4 becoming the training bike. This was another white Daccordi in Columbus SLX with a Galli Criterium groupset. This frame still hangs in the garage in case #8 breaks.
Bike #6 (1986) is the first trackbike and a picture of it after a particularly vigorous race meeting is one of my entries in this weeks competition. It was raced for another year after that photo was taken. It started life white and was resprayed black after 2 seasons of travelling to races in the boot of the car under 3 pairs of wheels.
Bike #7 (1988) is the current trackbike. It was ordered before my legendary ambulance ride but delivered after, and hence didn’t see much action. It was originally sky blue but was resprayed red last year when I couldn’t manage to get 15 years dust off without removing most of the paint.
Bike #8 (frame acquired 1988, first used 1994) is still going strong. It was originally a replacement frame for #5 but it took a while (7 years) to get around to swapping the compenents over. It’s now my fixed gear training bike and what I consider to be bike three in my stable of four machines on active duty.
Bike #9 (2001) began life as a nearly base model road bike – red (again)aluminium frame and Shimano Tiagra 9 speed groupset. The frame broke after 3 years (let’s blame it on my weight rather than the 800 miles it had travelled). A replacement red (again) frame was obtained and late last year I found an idiot with more money than sense and paid AU$250 for an Ultegra 10-speed groupset that had been ridden less than 2000 miles.
Bike #10 (unknown age) is a crappy red (again) MTB that I was given by a guy at work. I’ve removed all the non-functioning parts and now it’s just a single pedal sitting in the middle of the garage floor. No, seriously, I stripped the gears off and shortened the chain and have a full suspension singlespeed for commuting half a mile to university.
In summary, I am currently using bikes #7, #8, #9 and #10 on a regular basis. I forgot to mention, bike #8 is red. So there you go, 4 bikes, 1 track, 1 road, 1 road fixie and 1 MTB, all red.
Comment by BIg Mike In Oz | 02.1.2007 | 4:46 pm
P.S. Fatty – I’ve voted as many times as I have email addresses. It’s a shame my wife doesn’t still have her online store because our ISP allowed unlimited email addresses (literally unlimited-they accepted and forwarded everything that was addressed so I could have just kept typing random email addresses all day and they would have all arrived for verification. Maybe next time.
Comment by BotchedExperiment | 02.1.2007 | 4:57 pm
Fatty, funny thing that. Yeah, my wife’s a photographer, but she doesn’t really bike, and I don’t take pictures. Therefore, although I’ve ridden for 18 years, it is almost all undocumented. I hope I don’t get deported.
Comment by John | 02.1.2007 | 5:02 pm
I know it’s a not really meant as anything serious, but this story touched me a bit today. You see, having gotten the bicycle touring bug, I’ve been building up a Surly Long Haul Trucker into a commuter/tourer. It’s got strong wheels, super low gearing, fenders, racks, and so on. It’s not light, but it is steady, comfortable and rugged. But the main thing that makes it special to me is that my father, who is suffering from terminal cancer, is helping me work on it. It’s probably the last little project we’ll work on together and that makes it very, very important to me. I’m never going to sell it.
Comment by jill | 02.1.2007 | 6:53 pm
I can still count all of the bikes I’ve owned on one hand. But that doesn’t include the Huffy banana seat bike I had when I was 6. I would need a hand with six fingers to count that.
Comment by KatieA | 02.1.2007 | 9:47 pm
I have “owned†one bike – that being the lovely K-Mart Huffy mountain bike which is pictured on my blog. Bright yellow, purchased it because I was living in a unit with a really nice park / track one street away that Boyfriend and I rode on almost every day. Same one that I was riding last weekend (to my PT session, 10km – glutton for punishment) when I got blasted past by people on all of the bikes mentioned above.
As for bikes I’ve actually used – I can only remember a crappy green fixie that my Mum has a picture of my “fixing†with a pair of pliers in the backyard, when I was 12. Spokes were a little bent and the spokie-dokies* wouldn’t spin properly. Can’t have a girl riding around with non-functioning spokie-dokies. I somehow think that was the least of my problems, considering the bike was a) too big for me cause it was my brother’s old one, and b) so full of rust that it looked more brown / red than green.
* Spokie-dokies are little things that you used to be able to get that clipped onto your spokes (hence the name) and would make clicking noises as you rode. A must have accessory for any self-respecting kid riding a crappy bike.
Comment by Weean | 02.2.2007 | 4:59 am
But did you kill the Paragon, or was it that big ol’ rock? I ran my beatiful hand-built fillet-brazed Roberts Genesis into the side of a car that had pulled out in front of me once, & crumpled the downtube. It was the sweetest bike I’ve ever owned.
Whilst I WAS riding it at the time, up until now I’ve had a pretty clear conscience over the matter. You’ve sown the seeds of doubt in my mind, Fatty.
Comment by Rocky | 02.2.2007 | 6:18 am
If you have use for it, yes. Of course. I think it’s been three years since anyone has ridden it.
Comment by Tim D | 02.2.2007 | 6:31 am
My mountain bike ownership has been fairly sparse. First one was a Claud Butler Oracle. Weighed a ton, totally bomb proof. I am in the process of renovating one I got of my sister. Next was an Orange P7. My favourite mountain bike. I sold it to Joe, who uses it as part baby carriage, part excercise bike (on a Tacx iMagic, check them out). This was replaced with the current Marin Mount Vision. A fantastic bike that gets dogs abuse and keeps going. Unfortunately, that means no excuse to replace it.
Comment by dug | 02.2.2007 | 6:35 am
i thought video killed your bike. no? maybe i’m confused.
Comment by the weak link | 02.2.2007 | 10:55 am
Well fine.
So who recorded it? I plugged the title of the song into Napster and got these choices:
–Formicja Niezwych Schabuff
–Unknown Prophets
I used to think it was impossible to have so many versions of one dumb song, until I saw how many versions of “Mexican Radio” there were.
Comment by Genghis Khan | 02.2.2007 | 11:19 am
The Weak Link — Whoa there and careful; Mexican Radio is not dumb. I mean, eating BBQ-ed iguana–you can’t make that stuff up! Perhaps I should post the lyrics here for you… ;o)
Comment by the weak link | 02.2.2007 | 11:26 am
Not to derail this comment section or anything, but….first, I love “Mexican Radio”, it’s just that the world doesn’t need 12 different versions of it. Second, I’ve pulled up four versions of DADADA so far, expecting to hear something that sounds vaguely like Sting, and, good golly gosh, it’s torture to listen to some of this stuff.
Comment by runride | 02.2.2007 | 11:29 am
Great topic FC, brings back many fond memories of my past bikes. Did anybody else notice that fatty replaced his stem on his Stumpjumper with a fork? I would like to see a picture of that. Speaking of forks, KatieA has anybody mentioned that your fork is on backwards? I would get that Huffy checked out by your LBS (local bike shop) before you hurt yourself on that thing!
Trackback by Buy augmentin. | 03.4.2008 | 3:30 pm
Buy augmentin.
Buy augmentin.
Comment by mens mountain bikes | 11.18.2009 | 7:26 pm
i had so many recent bike that i bought and now destroy maybe because im not the athletic to maintain my bike to its good shape and condition.