An Open Letter to Rock Racing, Which Is Graciously Allowing Me to Buy One of Their New Team Jerseys

08.4.2008 | 11:45 am

Dear Rock & Republic, Rock Racing, and Michael Ball,

I’m so excited right now, I can hardly type straight? Why? I’ll tell you why. Because I just got the following email!


Before I go any further, I want to take a moment for thanking you for your consideration in not spamming me. I know that since Rock Racing does a new jersey every time they have a long training ride, you could easily be sending me notifications like this two or three times per week. By saving up your email blasts so that you only send out an announcement when you have a dozen or so new jerseys to sell, I’m assured that I won’t be getting more than two or three of these messages per month.

Anyway, I was so excited that you have some new jerseys I can buy from you that I zipped right on over to your website, where I beheld this awesome set of jerseys, among others:


When I looked at these, Rock Racing, I admit that I briefly panicked. Since I only have a budget of $500 for bike jerseys this month, which two of these fabulous jerseys should I choose? The black one with the winged skull? Or the black one with the winged skull and red collar and cuffs? Or should I go with the black one with the winged skull, the crown of thorns, and the "Cadillac" logo in blood red?

So many choices!

cheapjersey I have to be honest with you, Rock Racing. while I’m really excited about every one of the jerseys you have on your site and intend to buy one of every single one of them (and have taken out a third mortgage on my house to facilitate this intention), I find myself looking askance at some of your less expensive jerseys.

For example, while I am unquestionably drawn to the "O.G. Jersey in White," I’m a little bit put off by the $180.00 price tag. What about it makes it worth $40.00 less than the "Crucifixion Jersey in Black?" Is it because the black ink is a lot more expensive? Or maybe it’s because Labor Day (U.S.) is coming up really soon and you want to get rid of all your white jerseys before then, so you’re selling them at blow-em-out prices?

If that’s the case, good call.

If, however, the "O.G. Jersey in White" is less expensive because it’s somehow different — like maybe the skull isn’t quite Satanic-looking enough, or riders who wear it don’t look as pouty and spoiled as they ought, could you let me know?

Or, failing all that, would you mind if I just go ahead and pay you $240 for that jersey, so I’ll feel like I’m getting a really — not just nearly — exclusive jersey? Thanks in advance.

Of course, Rock Racing, I like to be an informed consumer. So, even though I would gladly pay top dollar for these jerseys even if they were made of cheesecloth, I like to know my facts. So, as I went to the details page of one of your most expensive jerseys (but not by any means your very most expensive), I was elated to find you did not disappoint:


Frankly, I’m still suffering from information overload, guys, but let me see if I’ve got this straight:

It’s a polyester jersey with three pockets in the back. And a zipper in the front.

My head’s still reeling from all this, but I still want to know a few things. First of all, how can you guys possibly afford to sell such incredibly distinctive jerseys at this deeply discounted price? This is America, guys; nobody’s going to fault you for trying to make a profit.

Next, why’d you go with three pockets, when you could have gotten away with two, or even one, like most jersey manufacturers? Your constant innovation shows that you’re not just making jerseys to make a quick buck; you’re thinking deeply about what cyclists need. And if that means the rest of the cycling apparel industry has to play catch-up for the next several years, well, so be it.

jerseydetailsI can see you went with 100% polyester for the jerseys. Unless, as according to your Sizing and Technical Info page, they’re actually 75% polyester. Either way, I think you went with exactly the right amount of polyester.

And to top it all off: an elastic grip at the bottom? A mandarin collar? Raglan sleeves?

You guys are going to blow this industry wide open. You should maybe change your pricing structure. $180 – $220 for polyester jerseys with zippers in the front and pockets in the back is just not enough.

And that actually leads me to a couple of small — oh, ever so small — grievances I have with you, Rock Racing. The first one is this:


Do you really mean to tell me that in addition to having pockets and zippers in your $210 polyester jerseys that you’re going to foot the bill for shipping (ground only) yourself?

C’mon, guys. Give yourselves some credit. We know you care more about your customers than yourselves, but I feel like I’m stealing food right out of your children’s mouths.

Seriously, I demand that you let me pay shipping for my $220 jersey. $84.00 sounds about right.

freegift But then you guys take it one step further. You go and give me a free poster if I spend more than $250 (e.g., if I buy nothing more than the $220 Crucifixion jersey and the matching $45 Crucifixion gloves).

Of course, you stipulate that the posters are only free as long as supplies last. And if I don’t miss my guess, those posters are long gone by now, because people are going to climb over the tops of each other getting their $250+ orders in so they can get that free poster.

I, for example, made 18 separate $250+ orders as soon as I became aware of this offer. Free shipping on all of them! 18 free posters! And I only spent $4680, for which I got 14 jerseys, two pair of gloves, ten t-shirts, and 4 pair of bib shorts!

But now, after the fact, I admit that I feel guilty. I took advantage of your kindness, greedily hogging those posters for myself.

I am such a heel.

Please, Rock Racing guys, let me pay for those 18 posters. I’ll bet that you innovatively printed them on glossy paper, lovingly roll them up, and insert them into a premium cardboard shipping tube. For this kind of distinctive, elegant product and service, I expect to pay a fair price.

$96 per poster sounds about right to me.

Kind Regards,

The Fat Cyclist


  1. Comment by Jay Peitzer | 08.4.2008 | 11:58 am

    Well….that was almost too sarcastic….even for me. But funny….as usual. Personally i’d ride naked if I had to pay that much for a jersey. But it should make it that much easier to sell your own jersys. An absolute bargain and much cooler (in the Elvis sense of cool).

    WIN SUSAN!!!!!

  2. Comment by Jeff | 08.4.2008 | 12:04 pm

    You failed to mention that they have “Under Armor Carbon Fiber” meaning that they are lighter, stiffer and more responsive than ordinary jerseys!

  3. Comment by Weiland | 08.4.2008 | 12:05 pm

    I don’t see that they have pint glasses, so you’ve one upped them there.

  4. Comment by dug | 08.4.2008 | 12:09 pm

    jeff, they don’t have under armor carbon fiber, it’s BODY armor carbon fiber. elden could have used some of that a couple weeks ago. me too, come to think of it.

  5. Comment by Carl | 08.4.2008 | 12:09 pm

    I think I’m going to sell one of my children. I have to have on of those jerseys!!!

  6. Comment by Bob | 08.4.2008 | 12:11 pm

    What’s a “semi-form fitted” jersey? Does that mean the jersey is shaped in a semi-V form, operating under the semi-premise that torso is wider than the waste? Because my body is kind of like that. So if I can get a jersey with a zipper in the front, three pockets in the rear, and semi-form fitted, isn’t it a bargain at any price? I mean, I’ll be darned.

  7. Comment by Tom | 08.4.2008 | 12:13 pm

    Wonder how much one of the de rosa’s with the paint scheme on it would cost. $50,000? $100,000? The ramp looks great by the way. You have some awesome mates there!! Win Susan!!!!!

  8. Comment by Robb Sutton (198) | 08.4.2008 | 12:14 pm

    Incredible letter FC. After reading this magnificent piece of writing, I had to jump at the chance to purchase, not one but 5 of these high quality, competitively priced jerseys.

    Hopefully there is enough room in their extremely small margins to afford to pay you an affiliate commission on this sale. If not, we can all relish in the thought that I have purchased some of the most original jerseys on the market. Hopefully there are enough posters left that I will be able to bless my walls with the pure art that they refer to merely as a poster.

    Thank you again FC!

    P.S. Looks like I need to quit blogging and my day job and get into the jersey business!

    P.S.S. You would have thought they would have at least come up with more than one design!

  9. Comment by KeepYerBag | 08.4.2008 | 12:17 pm

    They’ve raised the stakes on you, Fatty.

    Counter with umlauts, medieval weaponry and chainmail.

  10. Comment by Jeff | 08.4.2008 | 12:18 pm

    BODY armor carbon fiber – even better! For a minute I thought it was just some brand-named gimmick, but if it’s BODY armor, then I’m sure this will make road rash a thing of the past!

  11. Comment by Sean | 08.4.2008 | 12:18 pm

    At those sizes there all form fitted baby.

  12. Comment by Franky & Mer | 08.4.2008 | 12:21 pm

    These are awesome Jerseys. I always wanted to show off a skull on my chest. Maybe they can throw in free tattoos from the local shop? A skull on each of my kneecaps would be great…

  13. Comment by Grizzly Adam | 08.4.2008 | 12:30 pm

    It is not just a skull, but a “skully shield”. And when did road rash and venom become colors?

    Well anyway, I ordered up a couple sets of jerseys. I will be wearing them, along with my Assos shorts whilst I ride my Arantix carbon fiber mountain bike.

  14. Comment by regina | 08.4.2008 | 12:37 pm

    at those prices you should be able to send in a plaster cast of your torso and get it form fitted to that. I recently find myself to be a twin six girl, commonly wearing only fat cyclist gear or twin six, I just recently purchased a cool sleeveless jersey from the fellas and I love it.
    to R&R I say Rock on TWIN SIX.
    WIN SUSAN!!!

  15. Comment by Jared | 08.4.2008 | 12:45 pm

    I’m guessing this is their attempt to make up for the costs of fueling their fleet of Cadillacs, which have been seen at various cycling events.

  16. Comment by Al Maviva | 08.4.2008 | 12:57 pm

    Jared, the Escalades aren’t the problem; keeping the strippers, er, I mean the Rock Racing Modern Dancers / Podium Girls gassed up on Columbian Jet Fuel, now that is tough going. The price of gas is affective *everything*, even illicit imports from Central America.

    $210 is pretty expensive for a relatively generic 3 color jersey, but you figure it costs Mike Ball’s sweatshop workers a couple hundred bucks to import the graphics file and set up the printer, so it’s a fair price.

  17. Comment by KanyonKris | 08.4.2008 | 12:58 pm

    But that’s not all! You don’t just get a random poster, you get the one of YOUR CHOICE! I agree, this level of quality product and customer service is blowing my mind. Incredible value!

    I had the ranking of cycling apparel figured out, until Rock Racing entry the market. Is Rock Racing gear more or less cool than Primal Wear?

  18. Comment by barry1021 | 08.4.2008 | 1:01 pm

    FC sarcasm rocks. I would wear one of those jerseys, but unfortunately my face looks exactly like the skully shield and it might freak people out.



  19. Comment by KanyonKris | 08.4.2008 | 1:01 pm

    Fatty, much like you Mr. Ball is selling jerseys for a charitable cause. Like any decent celebrity, he has numerous illegitimate children he must support (court ordered). So think of the children.

  20. Comment by M2 | 08.4.2008 | 1:23 pm

    I’d love one of those jerseys, but by the time I save up that kind of dough they’ll add an iPod compartment inside one of the four pockets and the price will double.

    WIN Susan!

  21. Comment by Mike Roadie | 08.4.2008 | 1:27 pm


    I am so confused, there are so many choices. But, aren’t they actually all the same? Other than a color change here or there, is there any difference.

    Maybe they ought to give 75% of the proceeds of each jersey sold to help patients like Susan….or the LAF….or the SBK???/

    Nah……too much to ask!

  22. Comment by Willie Nelson | 08.4.2008 | 1:47 pm

    Proceeds really go towards helping them avoid doping controls. That stuff ain’t cheap!!! Oh, did I really just say that…? Oops. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  23. Comment by BellaBike | 08.4.2008 | 1:50 pm

    Seems they also sell an article of womens clothing they call the Hyman. Say no more. Say no more.

  24. Comment by graisseux | 08.4.2008 | 1:50 pm

    I had six of these jerseys in my shopping cart at the Colorado Cyclist website but I just couldn’t justify the extra five bucks in shipping.

    Do you think Rock Racing bibs would go well with my $20 jersey from Performance? Or would the universe implode?

  25. Comment by Formely Bent022 | 08.4.2008 | 1:54 pm

    I have been accused of being too sarcastic, but I can not come close to your level (bows deeply)…you are the King.

    Is it me or as anyone else thought about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after seeing several RR riders go by wearing the Body Armor in Venom?

    I must thank you for this article, because after reading it I do not feel so bad about how much I paid for one of Carlos Sastre’s TdF podium tunics.

  26. Comment by Carolyn | 08.4.2008 | 1:55 pm

    I’m confused. What does “Body Armour Jersey in Road Rash” mean? Is Road Rash a color or a texture?

  27. Comment by Richie | 08.4.2008 | 2:07 pm

    Very good………not at all sarcastic…….hell i’d pay double 4 a jersey like that seeing as we all must be as rich as Michael Ball……..


  28. Comment by Hamish A | 08.4.2008 | 2:13 pm

    Another great FC letter. Thanks for the chuckle :-)

    “Rock & Republic is synonymous with edgy, progressive design inspired by Rock & Roll and with an emphasis on modern silhouettes and a sleek fit. Each piece in the collection is designed for sexy, confident men & women”

    Well there’s the problem! We’ve all got old fashioned silhouettes!

    On a serious note – I can see these being snapped up by the type who buys the Ferrari bike but would a real cyclist want to be seen in such things? Awful. I wonder how much Cadillac paid to get their brand featured quite so prominently!?

    I think it’s safe to say my order won’t be winging its way to Rock & Republic anytime soon. Perhaps you should consider including them on your Jersey emails so they can see what real style is?

    WIN SUSAN!!!!

  29. Comment by Linda | 08.4.2008 | 2:26 pm

    Hidden handling charges comes immediately to mind.

  30. Comment by Nick | 08.4.2008 | 2:45 pm

    I bought 6 of these today with the matching bibs.

    Their XL only goes up to like 41″ for chest size, which means that I’m glad I bought two of each so I can stitch them together and make one for fatties like me instead of 2 anorexic guys.

    Thanks Rock and Republic!

  31. Comment by Goose | 08.4.2008 | 2:48 pm

    This just underscores how Wal Mart esque the entire Rapha line is compared to the fahsion advanced Mike Ball Rock Racing empire.

  32. Comment by Stephanie | 08.4.2008 | 2:53 pm

    So, i did an Xterra tri for the first time this weekend… and first time i’ve ever raced on my mountain bike. I’m happy to say that i didn’t place last… I’m even happier to say that i beat the heck out of a guy with one of those jerseys.

  33. Comment by Gregg B | 08.4.2008 | 2:56 pm

    Remember (while not a justification) the Rock Racing team is sponsored by Rock & Republic clothing line – where pricing for a pair of jeans STARTS at $225.

    Saw this team race at the Nature Valley Grand Prix in Minnesota and was underimpressed. They were toting some nice arm candy though…

  34. Comment by Slowerthensnot | 08.4.2008 | 3:41 pm

    if they had a shot glass maybe I would be able to afford it???

    But then again why would I?

  35. Comment by vXhanz | 08.4.2008 | 4:01 pm

    Woah! What a bargain! $220.00 for a jersey? Well since I have money to just throw away, I think I’ll get some freshly minted ones and toss them on the fire to keep the house warm this winter…

  36. Comment by Richard | 08.4.2008 | 5:17 pm

    YIKES!!!!!!!!! As P.T. Barnum said “there is a sucker born every minute”

    Nice ramp!

    WIN Susan

    Hey, what happened to the Win Susan Boomerangs?

  37. Comment by Emily | 08.4.2008 | 5:38 pm

    Usually I can work up a good feminist snit if a company doesn’t offer any women’s jerseys. Such a snit would be even more likely given that they are selling decidedly non-racing-appropriate women’s clothes instead. And even more likely given that RR apparently sponsors a women’s team (maybe they wear the RR tanktops and hot pants?).
    But these jersey designs are just so bad (especially the special Austin jersey) that I can’t bring myself to get all righteous over this…. I’m kind of glad to be left out!

  38. Comment by Lifesgreat | 08.4.2008 | 5:39 pm

    I saw these jerseys, on riders, at the Tour of CA. They looked like they belonged in some 1980s video game movie.

    Fatty, Rock Racing is coming to the Tour of Utah in a couple of weeks. You can see them in person!

  39. Comment by BotchedExperiment | 08.4.2008 | 5:43 pm

    Don’t be a jerk Fatty; EPO is expensive, and what with the credit crisis, mortgage crisis, energy crisis and crisis crisis, the cost of human growth hormone WAY up too.

  40. Comment by drapisking | 08.4.2008 | 5:57 pm

    Honestly I liked their jerseys about 25% as much as my fatty jerseys… sounds to me like you could charge $800 for your jerseys by RR’s pricing table.

  41. Comment by Duane | 08.4.2008 | 5:57 pm

    What is with the circle around the “package area” on the Body Armor bib in Road Rash?

    Black Shorts blend in with the pavement. A circle around the “package area” says: “look at me, here I am, love me.”

  42. Comment by Walter | 08.4.2008 | 6:32 pm

    Maybe there’s a surprise medical product included if you select posters of certain riders?

    Very impressive ramp, btw.


  43. Comment by Clay | 08.4.2008 | 6:36 pm


    Your condescending nature is unwarranted.

    Did you even bother to look at their signature line of T-shirts, which are “100% Cotton” and “Made in the U.S.A.” … a steal at $30!

    And, they come in innovative colors, such as black and “juice” — which is not the same as venom, which is good, because that would probably cost extra.

  44. Comment by jwbikes | 08.4.2008 | 7:00 pm

    I wonder if the form fitting carbon body armor will make me look less like a burrito?


  45. Comment by Scott | 08.4.2008 | 7:06 pm

    I saw a guy in Santa Monica yesterday wearing a full RR kit, actually…on a Sora-equipped Fuji with platform pedals. There’s something wrong with you if the clothes you’re wearing cost you more than your bike.

  46. Comment by BellaCroix | 08.4.2008 | 7:53 pm

    Oh c’mon… that jersey has a carbon fiber print… everyone knows carbon fiber (even parinting) makes you lighter which not only makes you faster but also more vertically rigid and laterally compliant.

    The carbon fiber print alone is worth at least $500/glove.

    Then you have the satanic skull… obviously this will give you the “wings of the devil” which, again, makes you faster.

    When you combine that with the crown of thorns you get jesus on your back. You’ll leave for a 500 mile ride with one energy bar and finish the ride with seven (like the miracle of the loaves and fish).

    This jersey is worth THOUSANDS. It’s so sad that you chose to lampoon this amazing product almost guaranteed to win you ANY STAGE of The Tour of your chosing. (Magic wears out after each stage and requires the purchase of another jersey).

    This is like legal doping.

    Seriously… it’s wonderful to see a little levity from you again. Nice to have you back.

    Win Susan!

  47. Comment by MonsieurM | 08.4.2008 | 8:56 pm

    I think you can definitely forget about leeching for a free one… But hey, Fatcyclist jerseys are much better looking than those.

  48. Comment by Paul | 08.4.2008 | 9:23 pm

    You have to admit its kinda funny that you of all people are knocking a company for pushing there swag on people….. Isn’t there some new Fatcyclist jersey you are trying to get us all to pre-order? Just saying…. At least theirs are full zip?

  49. Comment by Lizzylou | 08.4.2008 | 9:28 pm

    A FREE poster! And all I have to do is spend 1/3 of my paycheck on a jersey! hehe, I sense sarcasm.

    In any case, I’d much rather have that Pirate jersey I stumbled across the other day. The pirate jersey is suppior in that it had a skull AND crossbones, and cost 1/4 the price of the jersey that only has the skull. AND, the pirate jersey also has three pockets in the back, a zipper in the front, and made from polyester. Though they went one step further and gave it an antimicrobial treatment. Ahoy there matey!

    Just wish I could remember where I found that pirate jersey.

  50. Comment by fatty | 08.4.2008 | 10:48 pm

    paul – do you really think i was knocking rock racing because they’re selling something? seriously? that’s what you took away from this piece: that i don’t think rock racing should sell stuff? because if that’s really what you read, there’s no possible way i can successfully defend myself that would make any sense at all to you, and no particular reason to try.

    just sayin.

  51. Comment by bee$ | 08.5.2008 | 1:31 am

    Ooh, capitalism. gotta love it. people will buy his jerseys for the same reason they are still buying 40,000 suv’s to drive around a new serrota. $220 for any piece of polyester and Lycra is ridiculous.

    Keep in mind michael ball is trying to earn a high enough profile to get his way in to real races. pricing his team kits out of the stratosphere is just getting everybody talking about him. the guy has been quoted as ” there is no such thing as negative press”

    maybe if he sells enough stupid jerseys he can pay off the officialls that won’t let his highly payed riders onto the tour next year.

  52. Comment by TigerMouth | 08.5.2008 | 4:33 am

    In spite of their cool designs and cool beneficence, Twin Six has some room for improvement.

    I have the original Fat Cyclist orange jersey from a long ago contest (I regained the pounds but the jersey still fits) and also the original “pink lemonade” jersey. I like the styling of both, but…

    The orange jersey is of heavy stiff material. The pink jersey has a split seam. Both of them are scratchy about where the pocket stitching touches my back.

  53. Comment by Tom | 08.5.2008 | 4:49 am

    I did hear that the whole line is scratch and sniff…for an extra .50 cents….your name goes in to a drawing for the Mario Cipollini scented one.

  54. Comment by Big Mike In Oz | 08.5.2008 | 5:19 am

    “$210 is pretty expensive for a relatively generic 3 color jersey, but you figure it costs Mike Ball’s sweatshop workers a couple hundred bucks to import the graphics file and set up the printer, so it’s a fair price.”
    So after the first jersey is sold at $210 and all the overheads are recouped, shouldn’t any subsequent jerseys then be sold for $60-80 like the rest of the planet?

    First, please open your dictionary to the S department and look up sarcasm.
    Next, who would possibly want to buy a jersey for over 200 dollars from an organisation that is so flamboyant it scared Mario Cipollini away. Especially when you can pay a third of the price for an equally good quality and superior design TwinSix Fatcyclist jersey.

  55. Comment by wing-nut | 08.5.2008 | 5:48 am

    Ball must be some kind of salesman. He got Cadillac to be a main sponsor but put their name in what the newspaper business calls “below the fold”. Practically invisible on the bike.

  56. Comment by Annie | 08.5.2008 | 6:40 am

    /shuffling awkwardly/ I actually kind of like the commercials with the team all riding their bikes in the green and black kits; I think it looks kind of badass.

    Having said that, I did laugh out loud when I got this same email! I’m sure he can find some fashion victims out there somewhere to buy these things, but I can’t imagine seeing them on any actual bikers. (Granted, I live in the very sedate Midwest where we are not prone to such ostentatious displays. :) Peddling my way around town and throughout the countryside in my basic no-name bike attire is exciting enough for me!)


  57. Comment by Paul | 08.5.2008 | 6:41 am

    I think RR should send you a couple of free jersey’s for the publicity you freely gave them.

    ps – don’t confuse me with Paul @ 9:23pm

  58. Comment by Ian | 08.5.2008 | 6:58 am

    Obviously, you rushed to write this letter… because if you had thoroughly scanned the value’s hidden in this website you’d have found these gems. Most of the hoodies are a ‘reasonable’ $55… but if you want RR sponsors plastered all over yourself, then it’s $178. Track jackets; a ‘value’ at $60, but again, same jacket with sponsors names, well then, that’ll run you $220. I think RR is confused about how sponsorship works.

  59. Comment by BunE | 08.5.2008 | 8:31 am

    I have a Frank Zappa T-shirt that I used to wear on group rides before I understood that spandex actually helps keep my sausage like body undercontrol. It said on the back “There’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over”. There was this one guy that would get offended whilst drafting. He did not think that it was appropriate to wear something so controversial.
    He also had an annoying habit in that he kept talking about the “peleton” – (Are you reading this Mike?)

    Anyway, this was a few years ago. The dude has more money than sense and after a nasty divorce, guess who showed up in the carbon kit? You guessed it.

    So I ask: Did “Mike” kneel down or bend over?

  60. Comment by BunE | 08.5.2008 | 8:34 am

    Yes I know I misspelled Peloton, and I guess it was in road rash with the carbon body armor.


  61. Comment by Daddystyle | 08.5.2008 | 9:30 am

    I am at a loss for words, I feel sorry for anyone I see in a RR kit as they will feel the pain of my sarcastic wit.

    Great job with the ramp.

  62. Comment by Grump | 08.5.2008 | 10:10 am

    You question the value of these jerseys, but you fail to mention that these jerseys have a FULL FRONT ZIPPER. Come on now. We all know that a full zip adds $140 to the cost of jerseys.

    Picking one of these jerseys is hard. This will take some time to find the jersey that looks the least wankerish.

  63. Comment by RjX | 08.5.2008 | 10:22 am

    What does the whole Rock Racing line say to me?

    I’m a f**king TOOL and I’ll do whatever corporate amerika tells me!

  64. Comment by PissedOffCil | 08.5.2008 | 11:57 am

    Dont you guys think it’s funny that the team jerseys are always so expensive. I mean, aren’t those sponsors supposed to get some benefit from me wearing their logos and should therefore pay part of my jersey? Mmmmm that makes me wonder how much pros need to pay to be part of a team… It’s a good thing they have such high salaries!

  65. Comment by KT | 08.5.2008 | 12:05 pm


    Emily: they do NOT sponsor a women’s team…. do they? Oh, the horror!!! Who did they sign on? Can they actually ride, or do they stand around with bikes posing?

    The Rock Racing crew have ugly kits, ugly bikes, and ugly attitudes. Nothankyou.

    Thanks, Fatty, for the laugh– I needed it!

  66. Comment by Mars | 08.5.2008 | 12:35 pm

    For a second, I thought I was on Bike Snob’s blog.

  67. Comment by Vito | 08.5.2008 | 1:50 pm

    Just a few more reasons for RR to vanish.
    Great letter Fatty. Best wishes to Susan.

    Oh, and by the way…kick some ass at Leadville!

  68. Comment by Robb | 08.5.2008 | 2:14 pm

  69. Comment by Emily | 08.5.2008 | 2:20 pm

    KT– it was news to me too, until I clicked over to their site from Fatty’s link. Their website does mention a women’s team. However, unlike the men’s team there are no photos or bios of the racers, so maybe “women’s team” is just the RR euphemism for podium girls?

  70. Comment by Big Bird | 08.5.2008 | 2:39 pm

    No euphemism. I saw the women’s team at several early season races in California. It’s pretty much the same as the men’s team, except with girls instead of guys (in case there was any confusion).

  71. Comment by Big Bird | 08.5.2008 | 2:40 pm

    Fewer tattoos and OP refugees, too.

  72. Comment by fatty | 08.5.2008 | 2:48 pm

    mars – no disrespect to bike snob nyc, but i was doing this kind of thing long before he began his blog.

  73. Comment by Beth | 08.5.2008 | 8:23 pm

    I am sitting here trying to think of something to sell you. You big spender you. ;-)

  74. Comment by Andy | 08.6.2008 | 2:57 am

    I used to think Rapha jerseys were expensive
    But they are so cheap compared with RR. I’m confused, I’m going to chuck out all my Rapha kit and replace it with RR – can’t be seen to be riding in “cheap” kit.

  75. Pingback by Looking like a tosser is expensive… : velociti | 08.6.2008 | 4:33 am

    [...] a pretty good tongue in cheek piss take of the Rock Racing products and how over-priced they are – have a read here.  These guys, however are just following the first rule of fashion – if you really want to make [...]

  76. Comment by Donald | 08.6.2008 | 8:48 am

    Rock Racing is in desperate need of cash because they’ve invited Floyd to join the team when his suspension ends in January ‘09. Glad to see you’re helping them out Fatty!

  77. Comment by The D | 08.6.2008 | 9:09 am

    Ball is doing for cycling kit what he did for jeans: making them into pointlessly expensive status symbols. You know, cuz he’s a rebel.

    I can’t help but think of the Cake song, “How Do You Afford Your Rock n Roll Lifestyle?”


  78. Trackback by Have Your Pill Today? | 08.7.2008 | 8:34 am

    Views From The Throne ~ 08.07.08…

    I’m glad… I was able to go to Griffs over the weekend and not come out feeling like I was at a Marlboro Factory…

  79. Comment by john | 08.7.2008 | 1:33 pm

    I’m no really sure, I almost detect a little sarcasm in you article.

  80. Comment by jason | 08.7.2008 | 7:50 pm

    Much better deal…much better team

  81. Comment by Easy Tiger | 08.8.2008 | 10:40 pm

    I think they’d sell more if they said “50% of the profits from these jerseys will go towards the rehab of our riders”.

  82. Pingback by Some Interesting Blog Posts I’ve Read Lately « Maine Velophile | 08.10.2008 | 3:38 pm

    [...] Cyclist is greatful for the oportunity to purchase Rock Racing jerseys at bargain prices and also gives us a product review of DZ Nuts chamois cream. (Thanks to Fatty I had a few chuckles [...]

  83. Comment by fuzzy | 08.18.2008 | 11:20 am

    $210? At the recent exchange rate that relates to a pathetic £105. I must dash off and buy oodles of these absolutely splendid garments!

    These folk are obviously from a different planet if they think I’m spending $210 (or £105) on a jersey.

    Keep up the good work Fatty.


    Luv n’ Stuff from Fuzzy in the UK.

  84. Comment by Michael | 08.22.2008 | 8:41 am

    The jerseys look excellent, the ability to help fund the team is even better, and being able to support a team that makes cycling ‘cool’ to the non-cyclist is awesome.

    Keep in mind folks that many riders buy cycling garments at that same price (Assos anyone?) Why not don a kit that is a hell of a lot better looking than ’saftey-yellow with reflective piping’?

  85. Pingback by Fat Cyclist » Blog Archive » Hairpins are Magic | 08.25.2008 | 7:52 am

    [...] Annnnnd…he’s down. On the bright side, at least he’s not still clipped in and thrashing like an upended turtle. That would be embarrassing. Or at least, I think it would be embarrassing, although I have never personally found myself in that kind of situation after crashing. Does anyone else, by the way, think it looks like Tyler’s taking the fall on his elbows and knees on purpose? I wonder if Michael Ball instructed them earlier in the day: “Look, no matter what you do, do not damage the shorts and jerseys. They’re priceless.“ [...]

  86. Pingback by Fat Cyclist » Blog Archive » Winners of the “Design Kenny’s Tattoo” Photoshop Contest | 08.26.2008 | 8:27 am

    [...] then, showing a flare for in-jokes, Clay gave Kenny a nice new pair of bibshorts and a Rock Racing [...]

  87. Comment by mowheeler | 09.8.2008 | 7:24 am

    I think you are dead on regarding the price point. If you are willing to stretch your budget just a bit, opt for the Body Armor Jersey, then round out your collection with the Assos S13 jersey for $319.99 over at Colorado Cyclist. Add the SIDI Ergo II Carbon shoe for $509.99 and you have the perfect $1000.00 kit. Oh wait . . . you still need shorts.

  88. Pingback by Fat Cyclist » Blog Archive » I Have a Theory | 09.19.2008 | 10:08 am

    [...] Rock Racing will look even more ridiculous whenever they race alongside Team LiveStrong. Consider: one team is dedicated to fighting cancer, the other team is dedicated to selling very expensive pants (among other very expensive things). [...]

  89. Comment by stephen | 11.6.2008 | 1:20 pm

    check this out:

  90. Comment by Fonk | 03.19.2010 | 9:59 pm

    Oh sweet Jesus, that was funny. That oughta easily make your “Top Posts” lists; funniest post I’ve read of yours yet, and you write some funny stuff.

  91. Comment by Anonymous | 07.10.2010 | 3:40 pm

    bought my RR jersey on sale it was cheaper than the fat butt ugly cycling stuff. no harm in looking good and being a good cyclist

  92. Comment by heatwave23 | 12.19.2010 | 8:07 pm

    They are a little cheaper these days

  93. Pingback by Empire Jersey | Carbzine Paintball | 09.29.2011 | 9:32 am

    [...] [affmage source="ebay" results="100"]Empire Jersey[/affmage] [affmage source="amazon" results="10"]Empire Jersey[/affmage] [phpbay]Empire Jersey, 100, 16045, ""[/phpbay] Watch Boardwalk Empire Season 1 Episode 4Watch Boardw…Z [...]


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