My Jealousy Is Now Complete
Some of you will remember Matt, who won the dream bike that Ibis Cycles donated to help raise money for LiveStrong. Well, the bike has arrived, and it’s everything Matt had hoped for and more. Check it out:
Here’s what Matt has to say:
Wow, this is an amazing bike, seriously amazing. I did 330 miles in 3 days with 27,000 feet of climbing. i have nothing but praise for every part of the bike, it fits so well together.
Depending who you asked I finished either 8th or 16th in the Crater Lake Century.
Read more about Matt’s first impressions of the Ibis Silk SL here, and Matt’s first big epic with his Ibis here. I’ve got to say, it really feels like this bike went to the right guy.
Again, a big thanks to Ibis for donating this awesome Silk SL. And an equally big thanks to all of you who bought raffle tickets. You helped out in a big way.
Oh, and as a very cool side-effect of your raising so much money with this raffle: MikeRoadie was one of the very top fundraisers for his LiveStrong Challenge, which means he got to get up on stage and get his photo with Lance.
Yup, that’s a Fat Cyclist T-shirt he’s got on under that blazer.
That yellow dot they’re holding is the “WIN Susan” sign Mike kept on his helmet (and had photographed with many other people) throughout the event. You can see it better here:
Congrats to Mike and Matt, and thanks to everyone for the work you’re doing to fight cancer.
This matters.
Comment by bikemike | 08.20.2008 | 8:02 am
great job, Mike!
Win Susan!
Comment by Jeff | 08.20.2008 | 8:05 am
I’m glad to see the Ibis is getting lots of miles on it. I wouldn’t have been able to put in the kind of time that such a machine deserves.
Comment by Bryan | 08.20.2008 | 8:18 am
Nice bike. 330 miles in 3 days? Dude! After that my rear would be looking to file a lawsuit against my brain for cruel and unusual punishment!
Comment by Mocougfan | 08.20.2008 | 8:39 am
Seriously that is way awesome. Strong work Mike. Very strong. And that is a beautiful bike. Congrats Matt.
Comment by Kathleen | 08.20.2008 | 8:45 am
Wow, can I be magically transported to wherever Matt is in that photo – too perfect! I could maybe ride a few miles in that setting :-)
Good vibes all around! WIN Susan!
Comment by Big Boned | 08.20.2008 | 8:48 am
Posts like this are why we all keep coming back here. (Well, that and Fatty’s crazy stories).
WIN Susan!
P.S. What a S-weeeeet bike! IBIS, you rock!
Comment by Big Boned | 08.20.2008 | 8:50 am
P.S.S. Just noticed in that picture – apparently Lance didn’t get the memo on what pants to wear!
Comment by Philly Jen | 08.20.2008 | 9:00 am
Yo, real men wear PINK! You guys rock. Congrats to both of you.
WIN Susan
Comment by matt (ming) | 08.20.2008 | 9:02 am
fatty deserves an award. this was all his doing, he orchestrated the whole thing. fatty has plenty on his plate and he took a 2nd helping, but i guess hes good at getting a second helping of things. you rock man.
way to go mike, thats huge dude, something you can be proud of for a long time.
thanks again for getting me a amazing bike, im going to ride it as much as i can and when asked about it, and how i got the dura ace 7900 early (which is SWEEEEEET) i happily tell them about you, your blog and fighting for susan.
have some stuff posted at my little corner of the internets-
Comment by NW | 08.20.2008 | 9:25 am
Comment by Hamish A | 08.20.2008 | 9:39 am
Fantastic to see the Ibis getting used so well in such a beautiful setting. 8th or 16th, either way is good, well done Matt!
Mike, with all the really nice backdrops for a photo in San Jose you picked the Adobe building? Nice. Great pics though and well done for such a brilliant fundraising effort!
Here’s hoping that when next years TriathAlon comes around I’m a little luckier in the draw – any chance of a GF Superfly SS maybe? ;-)
WIN Susan!!!
Comment by KT | 08.20.2008 | 10:10 am
Is that Crater Lake at Dawn, or Sunset?
Either way, that is one beautiful picture. And the scenery isn’t so bad, either! :)
Awesome job, MikeRoadie, on raising so many dollars! :)
Win! Susan!!
Comment by Don | 08.20.2008 | 10:43 am
Huzzah Fatty!
Way to go Mike!!
It’s so awesome to see all the good that this blog is doing Fatty! You should be proud of your baby!
Comment by leroy | 08.20.2008 | 10:53 am
The Ibis couldn’t have found a better home.
MikeRoadie did an awesome job.
Fantastic post!
Win Susan!
(But honestly, can’t you post photos of folks doing less epic stuff wearing FC shirts and jerseys? Some of us are kinda sensitive and feeling unworthy. Doesn’t anyone use one of those riding lawnmowers while wearing an FC Jersey?)
Comment by Beast Mom | 08.20.2008 | 11:27 am
This is a very cool update. Great pics. :)
Comment by Mike | 08.20.2008 | 11:35 am
Sweet pics, great news for matt and mike. one gripe though: never take a pic of your road bike in the granny gear. 53×11 makes the bike look way meaner.
Win Susan!
Comment by Mike Roadie | 08.20.2008 | 11:36 am
No…..thanks to ALL of YOU…..from Elden to Susan to Matt and everyone who entered and contributed to all the folks who stopped on the road to get a picture with the “Win Susan” yellow dot. There will be more FC “props” coming up in October as I head to Austin (Clydesteve, too) for the Ride for the Roses Weekend. There will be more shots of Lance “shouting out” to And there are a few more photos from LSC San Jose coming, too.
Together, we CAN win!!!
Comment by Clydesteve | 08.20.2008 | 12:53 pm
Matt – nice. I need to do that ride – I am only about 80 miles from the start. I really really love the Crater Lake loop.
Mike – See ya there in Austin – FC tee shirts for the appreciation dinner – right?
Comment by buckythedonkey | 08.20.2008 | 1:19 pm
What a brilliant post. Well done Matt (you lucky swine, although the Ibis has clearly gone to a good home!) and Mike (congratulations on hitting your 50K goal for six – fantastic!).
Leroy: fear not! My daughter took a photo of me changing a light bulb while wearing a Fatty T-shirt. Will that do? ;-)
Comment by Jodi | 08.20.2008 | 2:23 pm
Damn straight it matters – well played Mike, thanks for the amazing work.
Comment by Accident Prone | 08.20.2008 | 2:30 pm
Great post. Fantastic job guys! This blog has created a passion for the fight against cancer that I never really had before. Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and the motivation.
Comment by Mike from Melbourne | 08.20.2008 | 3:56 pm
Drool… I’m glad Matt is using that bike as it should be used. Enjoy.
And well done Mike. That is great work.
We are well advanced in our planning for our local Relay for Life event in November. The goal this year is $100,000 which we should get given the amount of interest so far.
Comment by Bjorn 4Lycra | 08.20.2008 | 5:12 pm
Comment by Paul | 08.20.2008 | 5:44 pm
“…30 miles in 3 days with 27,000 feet of climbing.”
I’ll say it went to the right guy!
Comment by aussie kev | 08.20.2008 | 5:51 pm
mikeroadie rocks
Comment by bubbaseadog | 08.20.2008 | 6:51 pm
fatty its not a cancer ride but it is for charity its the ms 150 from houston to austin two day 185 mi ride 13000 riders largest charity road ride in the nation last year raised 18,000,000for ms . why dont you and some of your boys come on down and ride first 50 mi flat and then gets a little hilly . most folks start training for it in late can ride mtn road rollerskates or unicycle come on down we have a ball. just go to for more info. bubbaseadog.
Comment by barry1021 | 08.20.2008 | 7:48 pm
27,000 ft of climbing in 3 days–why don’t you check back when you give it a true climbing test.
Um, kidding. I don’t think I could do that in a CAR. THe pictures clearly demonstrate that the winner was selected by a higher power. Perfect fit.
Comment by Duane | 08.20.2008 | 8:36 pm
Is it OK if I hate Matt… just a little bit?
Congrats to Mike and Matt.
Comment by fatty | 08.20.2008 | 11:22 pm
i’m testing whether i can embed images in comments now. here’s one hosted at Flickr.
yay, it works!
This is going to be helpful in tomorrow’s post / contest.
Comment by Nix | 08.21.2008 | 1:26 am
wow, sexy bike, perhaps I should think of adding a road bike to my collection…
Please Fatty, what was the story with the mayonaise???!!!!
Comment by buckythedonkey | 08.21.2008 | 3:41 am
Fatty, please post a link to instructions for inbedding links, images, etc into comments?
Comment by Philly Jen | 08.21.2008 | 6:37 am
Wow, that’s cool!
On behalf of a certain demographic portion of your readership:

I’m just sayin’…
And in the spirit of the Olympics: ?? Susan!
Comment by Philly Jen | 08.21.2008 | 6:39 am
(Ooops, comments no like Unicode.)
Jia you Susan!
Comment by LidsB2 | 08.21.2008 | 8:21 am
Crater Lake is a gem. My dad dragged me around that loop 24 years ago when I thought the only type of bike on the planet was a BMX bike. Like most 14 year olds, I didn’t know how lucky I was. It took a while for the the seed to sprout, but thankfully it finally did!
MikeRoadie – thanks for your great work, and congratulations.
Matt – Your TLC of the Ibis tempers the jealosy I feel. Keep it up!
Comment by Hamish A | 08.21.2008 | 8:21 am
Perhaps Fatty could get Twin 6 to produce a Kenny Calendar? You know, just to keep a certain demographic of the readers happy 12 months of the year. Just a thought. You know, for the Ladies out there.
There’s going to be a contest?! Is it for a Gary Fisher Superfly SS frameset? :-D
Comment by MikeonhisBike | 08.21.2008 | 3:39 pm
I was jealous that Matt won that sweet ride but at least a fellow Pacific Northwesterner won it.
Comment by jodi | 08.21.2008 | 5:39 pm
what an amazing forum to have attracted so many to do such great things….truly inspirational. So proud of my brother Mike and so impressed by all of you!