Join Team Fatty TODAY (With Some Unbelievably Good Reasons Why)

12.1.2008 | 3:02 am

A Personal Note from Fatty: Before I launch into the (very cool news) about Team Fatty, why you should join and what you can win, I wanted to give you an update on how Susan’s doing, and you’ll be glad to hear it’s mainly good news, in the form of a machine. About a week ago, we got a home Oxygen concentrator, which Susan uses pretty much full time. The difference to her quality of life has been huge. She doesn’t need to sleep as much, she’s more alert when she’s awake, and she sleeps better when she’s asleep (i.e., doesn’t wake up gasping for breath every few minutes). I keep looking for an opportunity to borrow the machine from her for an hour so I can see how I’d feel on the bike afterward. So far, no luck, and for some reason I don’t feel right taking it from her by force.

Team Fatty Starts Today

Today we kick off Team Fat Cyclist: Fighting for Susan (“Team Fatty” for short) for the 2009 LiveStrong Challenge. In case you’re new to the idea or need a reminder, you can read where I announce the team here, but the basic idea is this. If Fat Cyclist readers like you (especially you, in fact) will join my team and work to raise money to fight cancer, we will

  • Be the largest LiveStrong Challenge team there has ever been.
  • Raise more money to fight cancer than any team ever has.
  • Make a legacy for Susan that she will be able to be truly proud of.

Oh, and one more thing. You will have opportunities to win some jaw-dropping prizes, whether you join Team Fatty or help out as a contributor.

Starting today.

Let’s Talk Incentives For A Moment, Shall We?

Whether you want to officially join Team Fatty or just want to contribute, I want to add an element of fun and awesomeness to your efforts, in the form of unbelievably cool prizes.

Here are the three you can work on winning today:

First Prize: A Masi Soulville 10


I have pestered and pestered (and pestered) Tim Jackson — the Masi Guyforever to give me a Soulville, because . . . well, just look at the damn thing. Holy smokes. It’s gorgeous. No matter how many bikes you have, no matter what kind of riding you do, you can’t help but want a Soulville.

Well, Tim has never caved in and given me one of these bikes, but Masi — and Tim — jumped right on board when I asked them to donate one on behalf of Team Fatty for the LiveStrong Challenge.

And you can win this beauty . . . by helping Team Fatty fight cancer. I’ll explain how in just a minute, but first I need to make you drool some more.

First Prize: Any Shimano Dura-Ace Wheelset

Here are three great truths of road cycling:

  1. Light wheels are good
  2. Strong wheels are good
  3. Light, strong wheels are best of all

It’s with this third great truth in mind that I’m one giggly mess about announcing that Shimano is donating any Dura-Ace Wheelset you want as a prize. For myself, I think I’d go with the Hi-Profile Carbon Composites:


You know why? Because while the three great truths of road cycling mentioned above are all well and good, there’s another great truth of cycling I think is worth mentioning: Sexy, light, strong wheels are even better than best of all.

And make no mistake: these wheels are — in addition to light and strong — sexy. Quite possibly too sexy for you. But you should still try to win them, and then perhaps you will become sexy enough to have these wheels.

Hey, it’s possible.

Big kudos, props, and high-fives, by the way, to Shimano. This is the third cancer-related fundraiser they’ve been involved with on my blog, and they’ve let me know they’re in for more.

And — you guessed it — in a few minutes I’ll explain how you can win these. But first I need to show you one more cool prize.

First Prize: Lance Armstrong-Autographed Sports Illustrated

Hey, look what an anonymous benefactor sent me.


Yep, it’s a June 11, 2005 issue of Sports Illustrated – the one right before Lance won his seventh Tour — autographed by Lance Armstrong. The magazine’s in excellent condition.

Obviously, you can’t buy this anywhere. But you can win it, by helping Team Fatty fight cancer.

How Can You Win?

I’m giving these prizes away in different ways. Here’s how.

  • The Masi Soulville 10 : The way you can win this bike is by joining Team Fatty and raising money on your own page. You can register in Austin, San Jose, Seattle, or Philadelphia — as a rider, a runner, or a virtual team member (meaning you aren’t planning to make it to the event). Then, for every $5.00 you raise in your personal fundraising page by Friday, December 12-- whether it’s money you donate or you get someone else to donate — you get a virtual raffle ticket toward the Soulville. Once again, in order to win this bike, you’ve got to be a member of Team Fatty.
  • The Shimano Dura-Ace Wheelset : You can win your dream Shimano road wheelset in either of two ways:
    1. Contribute Without Joining Team Fatty: I know that not everyone has the time to join Team Fatty and actively fundraise, but that you still want to help — and you wouldn’t mind winning some cool stuff. Well, every $5.00 you contribute on my LiveStrong Challenge page earns you a raffle ticket toward the drawing for the wheels. Oh, and don’t worry about that donation by Dr. Michael Lammler. I’ve disqualified him. Click here to donate now so you can win some ridiculously cool wheels.
    2. Join Team Fatty and raise money on your personal fundraising page. That’s right: every $5.00 raffle ticket you earn toward the Soulville raffle also earns you a ticket toward the Dura-Ace Wheelset raffle. Can you see how it’s a good idea for you to join Team Fatty and start getting your friends and family to start donating onto your fundraising page? Yes, I thought you could.
  • The Armstrong-Autographed Sports Illustrated: You can only win this autographed Sports Illustrated by joining Team Fatty. Every $5.00 you have raised by December 12 gets you a raffle ticket toward this prize.

I’ll do drawings on all three of these prizes the evening of Friday, December 12, and will notify the winners by email right away. Then, once I’ve heard back from them, I’ll announce the winners on Monday, December 15.

How Do You Join Team Fatty?

Oh, it’s really, really easy to join Team Fatty. First, you’ve got to decide which event you want to be part of: Austin, San Jose, Seattle, or Philadelphia. If you’re just planning on fundraising — not attending an event — then pick whichever city you most closely identify with. Then, just follow these steps:

  1. Click one of the below links to go to the Team Fatty page for that city:
  2. Click the “Join Our Team” link.
  3. Fill out the form. Note that the $50 registration fee is the same, whether you do one of the rides, the run/walk, or join the virtual challenge. Note: TODAY ONLY, you can enter a discount code of LSCREG09 for a $15 discount on the registration. So do it today!
  4. Start fundraising. You’ve got to raise a minimum of $250 to attend the event of your choice.

What Does Team Fatty Expect of You?

How hardcore am I expecting members of Team Fatty to be about fundraising? Well, what I’d ideally like to see is 1,000 of us, each raising $1,000. That would make a million dollars, and that would be unheard of. But, honestly, all I ask is that you make an effort. Tell your friends why this matters to you, and ask them to donate $25.00. Tell your family about how every family is eventually touched by cancer, and ask them each to donate $25.00.

Without really trying very hard, anyone can raise $500. And if you try hard, you can raise $1,000. And if you try really, really hard and raise $2,000, there’ll be something very good in it for you. I’ll explain more very soon. But it will be worth it.

Plus, remember: every time you get someone to donate, your chances go up in the next raffle. And there are going to be a lot of raffles like this.

Being a hard-working member of Team Fatty will definitely have benefits, even if you don’t ever win a raffle. And that’s not even talking about the whole “noble cause” part.

Why Should You Do This TODAY?

If you join the LiveStrong Challenge today (December 1) and enter the discount code LSCREG09, you get $15.00 off the registration fee. So save fifteen bucks and join Team Fatty right this very second.

We Are Just Getting Started

Team Fatty is just kicking off, and frankly I don’t have any idea what I’m doing, yet. But I can tell you this: I have a pretty good-sized spreadsheet now with prizes to raffle off. There’s not a stinker in the bunch, and some of them are going to spin your head and make you sit down for a minute while you collect yourself.

Also, there will be a Team Fatty jersey. And it will be awesome. Twin Six and I are working on it right now.

This whole cancer thing is deadly serious business…but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun — and win stuff — while we fight it.

Susan and I are looking forward to having you on the team.


  1. Comment by matt (ming) | 12.1.2008 | 3:39 am

    im totally in, ill be riding in seattle and anyone coming to seattle has a couch to sleep on if they need one

    great thing youre doing here elde, im always happy to be a part of it. and if i win another bike well, ill try and ride it as much as the first one!

    rock on!

  2. Comment by Beth Mason | 12.1.2008 | 4:07 am

    I’m up and running, we’ll see what shakes out as I beat my friends down for their dough!

  3. Comment by Mike from Melbourne | 12.1.2008 | 4:18 am

    I wish I could come over and join in one of those rides.
    We held our Relay for Life event weekend before last. The weather was terrible (gale force winds, rain, hail) so we had to make the hard decision and move the event indoors. So from an 18 hour relay around an athletics track we ended up with a 5 hour event inside a local school. People still walked around the school when the rain let up and we had a great time. Best of all we raised over $45,000 for the Cancer Council.

    Good luck with the Livestrong Challenge. Win Susan !

  4. Comment by gail | 12.1.2008 | 4:19 am

    I’m not likely to raise much cash with my pitiful bunch of friends and family, but I’m in anyway, just to add a little fat to the team!

  5. Comment by bigease (Cambridge, UK) | 12.1.2008 | 4:40 am

    Glad to make my small contribution to your amazing efforts. I would love to come over from the UK to support this incredible cause, but I will have to satisfy myself with making donations when I can.



    WIN Susan

  6. Comment by Eric | 12.1.2008 | 5:12 am

    Just joined Philadelphia! w00t! :)

  7. Comment by Philly Jen | 12.1.2008 | 6:55 am

    In for Philly…AND in for Austin. ‘Cuz I’m crazy like that.

    C’mon people, allez-allez-allez!

    *WIN* Susan

    P.S. I sure do hope the jerseys are pink…

  8. Comment by Jamieson | 12.1.2008 | 7:16 am

    Signed on for Philly!

  9. Comment by Pat | 12.1.2008 | 7:19 am

    I’m signed up….shooting for $5k.

  10. Comment by Mike Roadie | 12.1.2008 | 7:31 am

    Austin, here we come!!!! All set up and ready to go…

    WIN Susan!! Win Team Fatty!!

  11. Comment by Blake | 12.1.2008 | 7:53 am

    Joined Philly.

  12. Comment by Weiland | 12.1.2008 | 7:55 am

    I’m signed up for Austin,

  13. Comment by VeloMom | 12.1.2008 | 8:02 am

    joined for San Jose–thx, Fatty!

  14. Comment by Captain Lou | 12.1.2008 | 8:05 am

    I’m in for Austin.

  15. Comment by Jennebelle | 12.1.2008 | 8:13 am

    I live in Saskatchewan, Canada and am doing my own fundraising for the Canadian Cancer Society. I have raised $360.00 so far, and three hair donations for wigs for women and children with cancer. It’s easy if you try!

    Good luck with LiveStrong!

    WIN Susan!

  16. Comment by Bitter (formerly known as Lissee) | 12.1.2008 | 8:16 am

    Happy to see you already made your personal goal Fatty! lol I’m thinking you’d better make that goal a little higher.

    From your personal page:

    My Personal Fundraising Goal:
    Money Raised to Date:

  17. Comment by Julie | 12.1.2008 | 8:38 am

    I’m in for Philly!!

  18. Comment by VeloMom | 12.1.2008 | 8:39 am

    Team Fatty is already in first place! I’m inspired–just got my dog to donate the first $100.

  19. Comment by LidsB2 | 12.1.2008 | 8:43 am


    You said it would be big, and you’ve hit this one out of the park. I predict success beyond your wildest expectations. I’m in.


  20. Comment by Big Shorty | 12.1.2008 | 8:43 am


    I’ve been reading for a while and occasionally posting comments, but as of last Tuesday I’m now in the same boat. My wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer (they say it is a “good” cancer to have….I disagee and say that ALL CANCER SUCKS!)and we are looking at positive things that may can come from this, AND TEAM FATTY IS IT!

    We see the surgeon today and will be consulting an oncologyst later in the week to determine the course of treatment.

    My Christmas list will now be simple, not require returns and people can shop for me in their underwear. I don’t know a better sales pitch than that!


  21. Comment by buckythedonkey | 12.1.2008 | 8:49 am

    I have a tenuous link with San Jose, so I’ve signed up. I won’t be there though as I’m from the UK. However, I’m riding the Etape Caledonia (17th May, Pitlochrie in Scotland) and the Dragon Ride (14th June, South Wales) so one of those will be my Team Fatty event. Maybe I’ll see other fat cyclists at those…


  22. Comment by Jared | 12.1.2008 | 8:49 am

    I’m signed up for Austin! Although my personal page isn’t as nice as Mike’s yet :(

    Win Susan!

  23. Comment by Mariah | 12.1.2008 | 8:50 am

    just joined in seattle, my first century… riding in honor of my father, your a good man fatty.

  24. Comment by AZ XC | 12.1.2008 | 9:16 am

    Done and Done!!!

    Thanks for another great way to help you and Susan out along with everyone that has been effected by cancer. I’m bummed that there is no event here in AZ but I’ll do everything to hit a $1000 so we can earn a million for Susan and the Fatcyclist team.

    WIN Susan!!

  25. Comment by Kathleen | 12.1.2008 | 9:32 am

    Can’t wait!

  26. Comment by Big Boned | 12.1.2008 | 9:52 am

    I’ll be in Philly – come join me for a cheesesteak!

  27. Comment by Tim | 12.1.2008 | 10:06 am

    I’m in for Philly as well – surprisingly lots of Philly people so far (the So Cal people must have not woken up yet).

  28. Comment by montanapat | 12.1.2008 | 10:10 am

    Im on the team and signed up for Seattle!
    Go team Fatty.
    WIN Susan!

  29. Comment by Tom P | 12.1.2008 | 10:37 am

    I’m in for Philly also! Now I just need to get off my ass and raise some funds. Oh yeah and train…

    WIN Susan!

  30. Comment by Marla | 12.1.2008 | 10:41 am

    Signed up this morning for Austin!

  31. Comment by David Love | 12.1.2008 | 11:02 am

    Just signed up for Austin! For all the Fat Cyclists out there, train! I did it last year and the course is hard!!

  32. Comment by Nick | 12.1.2008 | 11:09 am

    Those oxygen concentrators are the same things the use for the oxygen bars that you see in Vegas (and other ‘hip’ places) and are really neat. So neat, in fact, that my roommate bought one and installed our very own oxygen bar. Its pretty good at getting rid of headaches and giving you a bit of extra pep (and especially good for hangovers).

  33. Comment by JT | 12.1.2008 | 11:16 am

    Hi In for Seattle! Already have first S100 in… looking for much more to come, Canadians not doing this ride come on over and give us some support! PS didn’t even see the raffles, twin six jersey etc now I’m pumped, even more so reading the positive note on Susan up front!

  34. Comment by Carl Frost | 12.1.2008 | 11:57 am

    I’m in… see you in Philly!!!

  35. Comment by Kent Peterson | 12.1.2008 | 12:13 pm

    I’m in as well. You should get one of those oxygen concentrators as a prize. That’d be totally cool.

    Really though, it’s not about the prizes.

  36. Comment by bike buddy | 12.1.2008 | 12:21 pm

    I’m in from Seattle! Happy to hear good news from Susan! Win!!

  37. Comment by Charisa | 12.1.2008 | 12:27 pm

    FUN – a cycling team!! I’m in!

  38. Comment by Dobovedo | 12.1.2008 | 12:44 pm

    I’m IN for Philly.

    I’m putting the $15 discount right back into Livestrong by adding it to my own contribution. I encourage everyone to do so… since you weren’t expecting it and were going to sign up anyway!

    I thought doing my first Ironman (Florida) was going to be the highlight of my 2009, but this feels great to be a part of and much more important!

  39. Comment by Amelia | 12.1.2008 | 12:50 pm

    In for Austin! I wanted to do this this past October but psyched myself out – nobody to do it with! I bet we can scare up a million dollars somehow with a whole lot of effort.

  40. Comment by MikeonhisBike | 12.1.2008 | 1:06 pm

    I’m in for Seattle. Glad to hear that Susan is doing better.


  41. Comment by Cliff | 12.1.2008 | 1:21 pm

    As a former Austinite, I signed up for Team FatCyclist – Austin. Instead of drowning my sorrows because the Longhorns lost out to OU, I’ll donate my beer money (and then some!) to the Live Strong Challenge instead!

    Glad to hear that Susan is much more comfortable!

    WIN Susan! WIN Team FC!

  42. Comment by Kt | 12.1.2008 | 1:35 pm

    Woot! Seattle, baby!

    Of course, I won’t be able to actually attend the Seattle event… so I’ve joined as a virtual team member from Portland. Yay!

  43. Comment by mo | 12.1.2008 | 1:39 pm

    I’m in for San Jose. Can’t wait – Metcalf Road is so fun… ;)

  44. Comment by Jeff | 12.1.2008 | 2:10 pm

    It’s a go:

  45. Comment by peter | 12.1.2008 | 2:33 pm

    Signed up for San Jose. Love that City and we host a huge event there every August at the SJ convention center. I am a virtual member as I am on the East Coast but hope to get my share of donations.


  46. Comment by The GPC | 12.1.2008 | 2:37 pm

    Signed up in Philly. Let’s get on the bike and get some fundraising done! Anyone doing a Christmas letter to family and friends with a shot of your lovely family (or your new bike?). Include the link and you’ll be pleasantly surprised how many people log on to support you! See you guys on the road!

  47. Comment by Kyddryn | 12.1.2008 | 2:55 pm

    Would you create a list of the blogs participating, so that one may more easily find one (or two, or ten) to donate to? Cheers!

    Win Susan!!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  48. Comment by John | 12.1.2008 | 3:03 pm

    Done. Just signed up.

  49. Comment by TC (Lauren Dunn) | 12.1.2008 | 3:12 pm

    The tattooed one is in and rolling for Austin! Got the first $100 raised within 15 minutes of launching the page!

    I look forward to seeing the sea of pink jerseys in Austin come October!

  50. Comment by rexinsea | 12.1.2008 | 3:19 pm

    I’m PLEASED to be in for Seattle – haven’t done a century for a while so I guess I better get my rear moving as I plan to ride it. I confuse people by going by my middle name, but you’ll see me on the team as Michael Thompson

    Best of luck to all.

    Thanks for putting this together Fatty and Mike. Looking forward to it.

  51. Comment by K | 12.1.2008 | 3:21 pm

    I just joined in San Jose. I signed up for the century as I’ve never done one and I fully intend to challenge myself to do it. Woo hoo! Go Team Fatty!!


  52. Comment by El Gato | 12.1.2008 | 3:25 pm

    In for San Jose. Looking for dirt additions to keep the ‘crossers / mtber’s happy.

    Go Fatty! WIN Susan!

  53. Comment by frilly | 12.1.2008 | 3:59 pm

    Its gonna be Frilly in Philly!

  54. Comment by Brian | 12.1.2008 | 4:20 pm

    Been following your site from the shadows for awhile and got inspired to join the Team – my fiance and I signed up for Philly

    Now if I could only get my hands on one of those jerseys before they sell out. Go Team Fatty!!

  55. Comment by Dingbat | 12.1.2008 | 4:40 pm

    I’m in.

  56. Comment by Ken | 12.1.2008 | 4:48 pm

    Signed up for Philly- BTW: Lance needs a venue in the Southeast for 2010 (Tampa, Miami, Atlanta, Charlotte, Memphis….)

  57. Comment by Jenni Laurita | 12.1.2008 | 6:20 pm

    In for Philly and so excited!

    Had my breast cancer surgery today, a great day for this to launch! WIN!!

  58. Comment by USAFANARC | 12.1.2008 | 6:24 pm

    See ya in Seattle! $120.00 raised already…okay I donated the first $100, but I’m confident I’ll hit $1000.00 with a little help from friends and family. What a great excuse to fly up from California to the Great Northwest for a ride!

  59. Comment by Kelly K | 12.1.2008 | 6:52 pm

    I’m in for Philly.


  60. Comment by Wheels | 12.1.2008 | 6:55 pm

    Although I have doubts about my fundraising abilities, this is something I am honored to be a part of. If employment and income find me, I’d love to make it to the ride.

  61. Comment by Erin | 12.1.2008 | 6:57 pm


    I appreciate that there are some schwag/incentive options for those of us who want to help, but like to keep our cancer dollars closer to home – very cool.

  62. Comment by kentucky joe | 12.1.2008 | 7:25 pm

    found out my wife’s aunt jan passed away today after an all too brief battle with brain ca ….. good day to start and so I have and hope to ride in Philly…my best to your family and win susan…

  63. Comment by Don | 12.1.2008 | 7:45 pm

    WOOO! So, Fatty, Are you going to ride all four? Will we get to see you?! Oooh… Anyway, I’ll be in Philly!


  64. Comment by PhillyUte | 12.1.2008 | 8:15 pm

    Count me in for Philly. I’ll be the one in the Rock jersey and Assos bibs, with a hint of mentholated chamois cream wafting in the air behind me. (Of course, I also have a luxury body.)

    Win Susan!

  65. Comment by Bjorn 4Lycra | 12.1.2008 | 8:36 pm

    I’m in for Austin wherever that is. I think I turn left out of South Australia and then look for directions. Might ask Lance when he is in town next month. I will be putting my $15 discount straight back in once I work out how to do it.

  66. Comment by C.R. | 12.1.2008 | 8:38 pm

    Just joined the Philly event.

    Looking forward to a team ride!

    WIN Susan!

  67. Comment by Co | 12.1.2008 | 9:22 pm

    Well, I promised to joing Team Fatty with a goal of $2K, but on seeing the requirements (and me a decades-long privacy advocate) cannot bring myself to freely hand out enough Personally Identifying Information (PII) to let someone commit identity theft. So I’m joining Gail, not that she knows it until now. My personal committment of $100 ($50 for registration and $50 for Dug having stolen Richard Simmons’ lunch money) will be an instant donation, and my fund-raising efforts will direct donations to Gail’s website. Let’s hear it for leaving a better world for even other people’s grandchildren.

  68. Comment by JC | 12.1.2008 | 10:12 pm

    Anyone else from Michigan? I’m in for a vacation to Austin this October with a little bike ride while I’m there. I’ve done Team in Training events for the past few years and already have one TNT teammate signed up here too. Working on a few more…

  69. Comment by Maria | 12.1.2008 | 10:47 pm

    Woohoo! I’m on the team here in San Jose! This will be my first century, and although it’s an honor to be doing for Susan, my nerves are already rattling.

  70. Comment by WayneR | 12.1.2008 | 10:50 pm

    I’m in for Austin. This should be a blast!


  71. Comment by cyclingeurope | 12.1.2008 | 11:25 pm

    I’m in for Austin, and my goal is $5,000. In addition to my personal donations and fundraising efforts, my bike tour company will donate $20 of every sign-up for next summer, both guided and self-guided tours (and then I’ll give my clients the opportunity to add their own additional donation).

    And now that Lance is supposedly not vacillating anymore, I’ll have a lot more clients on my Tour de France tour!


  72. Comment by Michael Schlei | 12.1.2008 | 11:37 pm

    I’m in on the Texas team! I can’t wait.

    Win Susan!

  73. Comment by Nick | 12.2.2008 | 12:25 am

    I discovered your blog at about the same time my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple months ago. It’s been a big help to be reminded that mine isn’t the only family going through this, and the strength you show in your writing is inspirational.

    I’m so in for Philly!!

    (I screwed up and didn’t get a personalized link like everybody else)

  74. Comment by stuckinmypedals | 12.2.2008 | 12:59 am

    San Jose, here I come!

  75. Comment by Davis | 12.2.2008 | 1:06 am

    I have joined Team Fatty! Seattle-style. Good Luck everyone!

  76. Comment by HB | 12.2.2008 | 3:00 am

    I’ve never commented before – you’ve inspired me, and I registered today. My mom is a survivor, I’m gonna raise as much money as humanly possible between now and next summer. WIN SUSAN.

  77. Comment by gail | 12.2.2008 | 4:47 am

    I’ve never been a team person, but it’s nice to be part of such a great team! Thank you Co., whoever and wherever you are! Thank you Fatty for a great reminder and opportunity to all of us (especially me) that by working together we can change many things. Sheesh, I’m so inspired that I might hit the garage sales next spring and buy a used bike! WIN Susan, Becky, Joana, and all the people who are joined in this struggle!

  78. Comment by SurlyRider | 12.2.2008 | 9:46 am

    I am in for Philly. I am excited and I am laready up $100 in the first day. My dad is working on his prostate cancer treatments, and he will be fine, but cancer still sucks.

  79. Comment by JAM | 12.2.2008 | 10:54 am

    just signed up and sent a wave of emails asking people to contribute. Go Susan!!!!!

  80. Comment by Don | 12.2.2008 | 11:06 am

    WOO! Team Fat Cyclist: Fighting For Susan is currently in first place, go figure, right? There’s 232 as of this moment! And 80 of them are in Philly!? Fatty, you need to come out to Philly to ride with us, please!

  81. Comment by Woody | 12.2.2008 | 11:51 am

    I’m signed up for Austin. I’ve never done a century or even a quarter of a century. Thank God I have several months to train. Able or not, here I come!

  82. Comment by Paul Franceus | 12.2.2008 | 12:04 pm

    OK, Fatty. I’m in. I’m going to match any donations I get dollar for dollar and my employer (Google) will also match me up to $3000. So donate to me and get 3x your money.


  83. Comment by Patrick | 12.2.2008 | 12:20 pm

    In for Seattle.

  84. Comment by HOWI | 12.2.2008 | 1:45 pm

    I love this blog.

  85. Comment by cyclechic | 12.2.2008 | 2:49 pm

    I just signed up for the Century in San Jose. I can’t wait!

  86. Comment by Formely Bent022 | 12.2.2008 | 3:26 pm

    Signed up for Austin (I am not too sure about riding in San Jose in July) and I am going for $5,000 in donations.

  87. Comment by Redrudy28 | 12.2.2008 | 3:28 pm

    I would love to be doing it with you, but I literally just finished up my fundraising for the LIVESTRONG NYC MARATHON team. I raised over 3500.00 without too much effort. You guys all will certainly be able to reach some of those goals fatty threw out there.

  88. Comment by Accident Prone | 12.2.2008 | 3:44 pm

    Just dropped a quick donation on you, Paul. Like the sound of 3x the cash!

  89. Comment by Dre | 12.2.2008 | 4:23 pm

    So, I’m not a cyclist. I just happen to be the girlfriend of a very avid cyclist, whose laptop I steal daily. His homepage is Fat Cyclist, and I have been reading your blog since this summer. I recently found out that my dad has cancer, and have been a mess. But, I’m reminded that there is hope for those who have been affected by cancer. Seeing the ways that you are able to inspire people, connected by the same hobby, and fight cancer is so wonderful.

    Basically, I just wanted to say that I hope everyone’s fund-raising goes well; I’ve already donated to my boyfriend! This is a great cause! And yeah, I guess the whole racing part will be fun too! :)

  90. Comment by nosferaustin | 12.5.2008 | 6:52 am

    I (finally) signed up!

    I am already so looking forward to this ride. Not only will I have an excuse to go home again (been a transplant to SLC from AUS for almost 5 years now) and get to ride to support a great team, but I get to ride in honor of my dad, who just beat prostate cancer two years ago, and my great uncle, John Francis Byrne, who just succumbed to brain cancer last Saturday (11/29) on his 40th wedding anniversary, and my friend Tracey back in Austin…and the list, unfortunately, could go on.

    This is going to be awesome. WIN!


  91. Comment by Mike Panic | 01.21.2009 | 2:10 pm

    Just signed up and joined Team Fatty today! Will be doing the Philly ride.

  92. Comment by x-minx-x | 06.21.2009 | 10:31 pm

    I saw Team Fatty today at the Armstrong event today,and had a chance to learn about how the blog started, and who you are. My hats are off to you for all your efforts and the accomplishments you have archived through cycling!

    As someone who has lost over 110 lbs through cycling, and use my cycling to raise money, I applaud for being able to take your personal story and goal to achieving such powerful goals!

    Ride on!!!!!!!

  93. Comment by sinus infection treatment | 04.29.2011 | 8:27 pm

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