Twin Six Has Completely Lost Its Mind. In a Really Good Way.
I was at the grocery store / neighborhood pharmacy last night, picking up dozens of cartons of Sugar-Free Jell-o (more on why another time), when I got a call from Brent at Twin Six.
“Ryan (the other half of Twin Six) and I were thinking,” said Brent, “about what more we could do in the fight against cancer.”
Usually, I love getting calls like this, but this one caught me off-guard. Twin Six has already donated $6600 of their profits on their own Team Fatty LiveStrong Challenge page — considerably more than I’d expect from a small business.
So I turned the question back on him. “What do you have in mind?”
“We were thinking that this Friday, we’d donate half of all our sales to the Lance Armstrong Challenge.”
“Half your net, you mean,” I corrected.
“No,” said Brent. “Half our sales. At the end of the Friday, we donate half our gross for the day to our Team Fatty page.”
“Um, you guys know it’s OK for you to keep a little of what you earn for yourselves, right? You don’t have to give everything away,” I said.
“Don’t worry about us. We’re fine. Let’s just raise a lot of money to fight cancer this Friday.”
So that’s what we’re going to do.
Let’s Give Twin Six Their Biggest Day Ever
So, to be perfectly clear: tomorrow, Friday, February 6, for every dollar you spend at the Twin Six site, 50 cents goes to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
This includes everything — all jerseys, t-shirts, socks, wool jerseys (including the Fat Cyclist Wool Jersey, 25 of which will be available tomorrow), cycling caps. Everything.
And yes, this definitely includes all Fat Cyclist merchandise: t-shirts, socks, wool jerseys, shorts, bibshorts, cycling caps and bottles (on a personal note: I originally hesitated to promote the Fat Cyclist bibshorts, because I wanted to make sure I like them myself before telling you you should buy them. Well, I now have two pair, and they are the shorts I wear most often. Tomorrow, I’m going to pick up a couple more pair, in fact.)
So, maybe it’s time you think ahead and stock up for your Spring cycling wardrobe.
Stuff That Was Out Of Stock…Is Back In Stock
Twin Six is going to be making available all their most popular designs, including some that have not been available for some time. In other words, if there’s something you’ve wanted from Twin Six that hasn’t been available, check back tomorrow. There’s a good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for.
Twin Six has always had my favorite designs — that’s why I begged them to design my jerseys. And now — with half of what you spend tomorrow going to the fight against cancer, you’ve got the perfect reason to make yourself the best-dressed cyclist around.
Comment by LidsB2 | 02.5.2009 | 12:22 pm
Giddyup! Go Twin Six! I knew I liked those guys for more than just their sweet gear.
Comment by Jonnie | 02.5.2009 | 12:30 pm
Those guys are crazy good!
Comment by BG | 02.5.2009 | 12:37 pm
I’m in! Especially if they stock some sizes that have been out (how can fat cyclists wear a medium in Fat Cyclist wear? you tell me!). This gives me all the motivation I could ever need to buy the Twin6 gear I’ve been coveting!
Comment by Philly Jen | 02.5.2009 | 12:39 pm
Excuse me, did you just say Fat Cyclist wool jersey?
If I managed to snag one of those, I would probably feel compelled to wear it all the time. Like, in August for the Philly Livestrong, when it will almost certainly be 98.6°F outside.
Because something that cool must not go to waste.
Comment by crib | 02.5.2009 | 12:44 pm
There goes the tax return …
P.S. If you come up with a good recipe for gelatinous energy blocks, let us know.
Comment by matt (ming) | 02.5.2009 | 12:46 pm
way to go twin six, rock solid guys.
theyre definately getting my money
Comment by MikeonHisBike | 02.5.2009 | 12:53 pm
Those guys at Twin Six are Cycling Saints! Hallelujah, can I get an Amen?
Comment by Di | 02.5.2009 | 12:56 pm
Are there women’s jerseys? How do they fit? Anyone? I am definitely a “fatter cyclist,” and I find that Trek’s WSD line works for me. Are there any ladies who can tell me how Twin Six fits in relation to this? Thanks!
Comment by JDogg | 02.5.2009 | 12:59 pm
Sheesh – Going to have to get on the site early before they do sell everything out.
Comment by TomE | 02.5.2009 | 1:04 pm
Wow…just sent this link to all my buddies who might not have heard about “Fatty”!! Way to go Twin Six!
Comment by Lana K | 02.5.2009 | 1:16 pm
Hey Di – I love there jerseys cause they don’t have the elastic on the sleeves and their sleeveless ones are fab. No idea on the Trek WSD Line, but I wear a Large/XL Jersey usually and find that theirs are pretty close to normal. They aren’t what I would call skinny mini jerseys (for which I am thankful). T-Shirts are a bit small so I order a guys or a few sizes up (American Apparel I think)
Thank you Twin Six guys – time to do some holiday shopping!
Comment by Marla | 02.5.2009 | 1:18 pm
Comment by USAFANARC | 02.5.2009 | 1:21 pm
These guys just rock. My closet is already full of their T-Shirts (8) and jerseys(4), but I’ll just have to add another one. BTW, I also have a pair of their Fat Cyclist bibshorts and love them. They are on equal footing with bibshorts I’ve paid twice as much for. The FC arm warmers are high quality as well. (Yes, I have the full kit and wear it proudly.) Also, my new Fat Cyclist T-shirt (and one for my wife) arrived yesterday…it rocks…now I only wish I had waited to order it until tomorrow.
Comment by Kelly B. | 02.5.2009 | 1:22 pm
Hey Di–I just got one of their jerseys, the Schoolgirl sleeveless. It fits wonderfully. I’m not a twig, but I’m not huge (BMI is around 20 and I’m about 10 pounds from my target weight). The jersey has a nice fit–not too tight, not too loose. Check out their sizing charts–they are very accurate from what I can tell.
Totally, totally recommend the Women’s jerseys.
Comment by Don | 02.5.2009 | 1:28 pm
OK, give it up… Everytime Twin Six does something unbelievably cool like this they always drop a surprise… What’s it going to be this time?! Wait… what’s left for them to do? Hmmmm….
Twin Six guys are AWESOME! I’ll have to see what I could sell off to afford a Twin Six shopping binge!
Comment by ant1 | 02.5.2009 | 1:31 pm
Man, those twin six guys really make the rest of us look bad (except when we’re wearing their products that is).
Comment by Big Boned | 02.5.2009 | 1:37 pm
I was talking to God today (before I had a “follow up” surgery on the arm I broke in June screwing off on my MTB IN A PARKING LOT – nice….and embarrassing! The surgery went well, so maybe I can get back on my bike soon!). Anyway, he mentioned to me that Brent and Ryan just got reserved spots “up there”. I didn’t know why. Now I do.
Seriously, guys, it’s nice to see someone in business acting outside of their own personal best interest. A far cry from those CEO’s that just got “punked” by having to accept ONLY $500k/year.
Thanks for being a role model for us all.
Big Boned
Comment by Dingbat | 02.5.2009 | 1:45 pm
I’m going to have to take out a loan against the sale of my forthcoming Merckx EMX-3 (suckazzzz), but I’m getting a wool jersey!
Comment by Boz | 02.5.2009 | 1:46 pm
Rock on, TWIN SIX !!! Above and beyond for those in real need is the bomb. I just wish I had a job and a few extra bucks coming in so I could help out. But, I’m still buying in spirit.
Comment by Wes | 02.5.2009 | 1:48 pm
This is why I recommend Twin Six to all my friends :-) fo sho!
Comment by Clint | 02.5.2009 | 1:48 pm
Gah. I wish they had stuff to fit…well…fat cyclists.
But, since they’re from here in Minneapolis, yay Twin Six. Up 612, y0.
Comment by | 02.5.2009 | 2:01 pm
over and out
Comment by cheapie | 02.5.2009 | 2:08 pm
that’s ridiculous. but pretty sweet.
Comment by Mike Roadie | 02.5.2009 | 2:35 pm
“A-shopping we will go…..a-shopping we will go…..high-ho di-dario, a-shopping we will go”
Comment by rich | 02.5.2009 | 2:43 pm
Awesome – it’s pretty reaffirming to see compnay leaders doing the right thing for a change after everything in the news.
I just received my fat cyclist wool jersey and it’s awesome!
Planning a small shopping trip online tomorrow…daughter can pay her own tuition next quarter :-)
Way to go Twin Six
Comment by Jenni | 02.5.2009 | 3:09 pm
YAY Twin Six!!!
Comment by Cliff | 02.5.2009 | 3:30 pm
Great news, Fatty!! Is this sale going to include the poly FC jerseys as well? I’ve been wanting to get my hands on one of those for quite some time. Also, when does the sale kickoff? Are we talking 12:00am mountain time, or what? :)
Glad to see all the support you’ve gotten for your LiveStrong campaign!
Pingback by Creating brand loyalty by doing good « Write Before Thinking | 02.5.2009 | 3:35 pm
[...] Creating brand loyalty by doing good There are brands that do good deeds because it’s good marketing. And then there are brands who do it because they’re ran by good people. Twin Six is run by some of the best. Case in point. [...]
Comment by Jenni Laurita | 02.5.2009 | 4:08 pm
If goodness could fly, Twin Six would be an airport.
Comment by Clydesteve | 02.5.2009 | 4:40 pm
I received my T-6 Fat cyclist long sleeved wool jersey last week. It is the best piece of cycling clothing I have ever had.
I wear it all the time as a sweater in the house, as well as on chily rides. I remove under layers if it starts to get warm, so I can leave the woolie on.
If you can snag one of these Friday, do not even consider the price. It is worth it. And since there are not many FC woolies left, go ahead and barge the door down to snag one of the regular T-6 woolies. They are great.
Brent & Ryan – way to go!
Comment by Triflefat | 02.5.2009 | 5:05 pm
Did Kelly B. [1.22pm] really just nonchalantly toss in a BMI of just 20 without remark from anyone??
Presuming Kelly is of average height for a woman, say 5 ft. 6 in., that BMI calculates to a mass of 124 lbs. There are clydesdales in Team Fatty who would eat that much for breakfast!!
For a quick reality check, tell us what the Fatty BMI is at the moment. My guess is it’s way nearer 30 than it is 20.
Comment by Megan | 02.5.2009 | 6:18 pm
I would assume central time start off – since Twin Six is located in Minnesota, but I can’t confirm.
Comment by Formerly Bent022 | 02.5.2009 | 6:22 pm
Di – I love Twin Six jerseys and now the shorts too. If I am riding I am in a T6 jerseys, both regular and sleeveless are great. Their sizing charts are accurate.
T6 guys are the absolute best!!!!! Love you guys!!!
Comment by leroy | 02.5.2009 | 7:14 pm
As if anyone really needed another reason ….
The wool jersey is amazingly comfortable. I ordered mine one size up figuring I would layer underneath it on rides (which I have)or wear it as a sweater off the bike.
Now I’m tempted to order a second one in my ordinary size because that jersey just feels so good.
But I won’t. There are only 25 available and it would be wrong to hog them. And besides, they have other wool jerseys….
Great products, but even better folks.
Thank you Twin Six.
Comment by BikeCopVT | 02.5.2009 | 7:37 pm
For those of you going crazy over the Fatty Wool Jersey from T6, I was just on their website and it appears you can order it as of right now! I would wait until the 1/2 goes to LAF if you can stand it. But I don’t think anyone would blame you for going crazy before midnight.
Win Susan
Elden Won!
Comment by Kathleen | 02.5.2009 | 8:32 pm
Totally awesome awesomeness…are these guys for real? I love them.
Comment by roadrash | 02.5.2009 | 9:03 pm
I’m so in. I live in Dallas but travel to the Twin Cities frequently on business. I’ve stopped by the Twin Six studio (very lean, very cool) and met Brent & Ryan at the Nature Valley Crit in St. Paul. These guys rock. I may have to stay up until 12:01 CST to place my order…
Comment by shuttleguy | 02.5.2009 | 9:12 pm
Amazing. What a great idea! Time to load up.
Thanks Twin Six!
Comment by wil | 02.5.2009 | 10:00 pm
Just placed an order last week, now I’ll have to order some more!
Comment by PeckishCyclist | 02.5.2009 | 11:16 pm
Just another plug for T6 women’s jerseys. By far, my FC jersey is the most comfortable I’ve ever owned. Going back for more tomorrow.
Comment by buckythedonkey | 02.6.2009 | 3:53 am
I did, in fact, eat a KellyB for breakfast. Just scored myself a February TotM from TwinSix. Woohoo! I take my hat off to you lads.
Comment by Big Boned | 02.6.2009 | 6:21 am
Just got done ordering for both myself and my wife. What a great way to help the cause!
Comment by Leslie | 02.6.2009 | 8:11 am
I was going to go buy a t-shirt, but I figured I would never wear it, so I just went and donated the price of the shirt on your livestrong page. Not so much the cyclist. I think what you are doing is great, found you through Pioneer Woman.
Comment by Jason | 02.6.2009 | 8:30 am
Just picked up a Fatty T-shirt. Thanks Twin Six for being such a great supporter of Fat Cyclist.
Comment by JDogg | 02.6.2009 | 9:57 am
Order placed!
Comment by Stacie | 02.6.2009 | 10:08 am
Awesome! Just placed an order for another Fatty Jersey! Anyone know how the wooly fits on a chick? I was going to order the small, but I wasn’t sure if it would hang to my knees being that it’s meant for guys. Thanks!
Whoo hoo, Twin Six!!!!
Comment by Steve Courtright | 02.6.2009 | 10:22 am
Order placed. Keep up the good work ya’ll.
Comment by Peckish Cyclist | 02.6.2009 | 10:26 am
I just ordered the wool jersey–hoping it fits women, too! Usually only buy women-specific, but the combo of LiveStrong donation + T6 styling was impossible to resist. Will let you know.
Thanks Fatty and T6!
Comment by Kate | 02.6.2009 | 10:28 am
Yay! A great excuse to get my first real jersey!
To be honest, and give credit where credit is due, I didn’t expect to buy a jersey. I wanted to, but I was sure that, like most US companies, Twin Six would charge an arm and a leg for shipping to Canada.
I was pleasant surprised. Thanks, Twin Six!
Comment by Cliff | 02.6.2009 | 10:37 am
Glad I waited until this morning to place my order – got a medium poly FC jersey (woot!), a pair of arm warmers, and a water bottle. Props to TwinSix for their generous contribution!
I take it the pint glasses are no longer available?
Comment by Let'sSay"Husky"Cyclist | 02.6.2009 | 10:55 am
Just ordered the wool hat. Twin Six has a new loyal customer. BTW, I wish that they’d bring the classy orange items back…
Pingback by Fat Cyclist » Blog Archive » Fight Cancer, and Look Good While You’re Doing It | 02.6.2009 | 11:06 am
[...] « Twin Six Has Completely Lost Its Mind. In a Really Good Way. [...]
Comment by Kristine Shreve | 02.6.2009 | 11:30 am
Not a cyclist. Not even really interested in cycling. I am, however, very interested in fighting cancer. Oddly enough, one of my goals for the next year is to do more to fight cancer. It seems odd that buying a Fat Cyclist T-shirt will do that, but it appears that today it does.
That, in case it wasn’t already apparent from the other comments, is a very cool thing.
Comment by Clayton | 02.6.2009 | 12:31 pm
I’m in – a 1st time twin six customer today!
Comment by NoTrail | 02.6.2009 | 2:15 pm
I’m so bummed. I checked this first thing this morning and they were out of my size in everything that I liked. :(
Comment by Bluenoser | 02.6.2009 | 6:51 pm
I must say that I’m the proud owner of a Fatty wool long sleeved jersey. Not only that but one of the generous deals where if it was xl or bigger Fatty got the bucks to fight cancer. I couldn’t resist. I’ll be so happy and proud to put this on on the cool foggy days on the 50k loop.
Twin Six Rocks.
Now for some socks and stuff.
Comment by Kim Fritsche | 04.5.2009 | 10:49 pm
Hi Fatty
What can I say, that’s not already said, the guys at Twin Six rock! My new bib shorts and woolie jersery have just arrived. Only a couple of week from date of order – all the way Downunder to a very happy owner in Sydney.
This fat cyclist just found an excuse to get out and do a few more kilometres.

– Kim