A Day In the Life of a Bike Cop
A Note from Fatty: I have many small items of interest before I get to the meat of today’s (guest) post.
About the Fat Cyclist 2010 Clothing Pre-Orderama: Tomorrow’s the last day you can pre-order jerseys, shorts, vests, socks, armwarmers, hats, bottles, and t-shirts. We’re not going to order big quantities of anything above the pre-order amount: just enough to make sure that we’re cool for size exchanges, defects, lost shipments, and so forth. So if you want to fly the Fatty Flag (so to speak, since there isn’t actually a Fatty Flag…yet), you should probably order now.
I Wish I Were Doing this Race: Today (Monday) is the last day you can register for the Park City Point 2 Point mountain bike race. This is going to be an incredibly epic race, and I’d be doing it if I weren’t afraid.
If you’re local, you’re hardcore, and you’re not chicken, you should go sign up. Kenny and Brad have, and I’m looking forward to their writeups. And I’m looking forward to doing this race next year, when I will presumably be less chicken.
I Am Newsworthy: The Deseret News, a Salt Lake City, Utah-based newspaper, ran a really kind article about me yesterday. Many thanks to journalist (and obsessive twitterer) Jared Eborn for not mentioning my horrible body odor in the piece. Read the article here.
And Finally, A Note About Today’s Post: One of the frequent commenters on this site is someone who goes by the handle “BikeCopVT.” Like — I expect — many of you, I’ve often wondered if this guy is really a cop, on a bike, in Vermont. And I’ve wondered what such a job would be like. Dream job? Or nightmare?
Well, I met BikeCopVT in Philadelphia last weekend, and he is in fact a cop. On a bike. In Vermont. So I asked him to write up a guest post describing what his job is like. Upon reading it, I find that I like bikes more, I like cops more, and I like humanity more. BikeCopVT is definitely one of the good guys.
A Day In the Life of a Bike Cop
I recently rode in the Philadelphia LIVESTRONG Challenge. If you were there you might remember me as this guy.
You know the one with the crazy mustache, “BikeCopVT.”
One of the highlights of my trip was having the opportunity to meet someone I would consider a friend. A friend, that until this trip I had yet to meet. After talking to Elden for a minute or two I got the question I often get from people I meet. “Are you really a bike cop?” The answer is, “yes I am.” I have been a bike cop for the last nine years.
After riding the Challenge, Elden asked if I would write about what it’s like to be a Bike Cop. He wanted to know, and thought other people might be interested as well. I figured the best way to give everyone a realistic view of what it’s like to be a bike cop is to write about one 8 hour shift.
I started my shift at 3:00pm in Patrol Uniform. You see, not everybody is a fan of cops on bikes (even other police officers). So for the first two hours of my shift I was this guy:
I answered a few calls for service including going to look for a male suspect a neighboring town wanted arrested. No luck.
At 5:00pm I was able to change into my Bike Patrol Uniform:
Given the choice — be honest — which would you prefer? I pick the bike every time.
Just a few things I’ll point out:
- Yes, I am wearing a bullet resistant vest.
- Yes, it gets very hot under said vest. Thankfully during this shift it was nice and cool outside. I have an external carrier for the vest I can use when it is really hot which allows me to take it off when I’m in the office.
- Take a look at my duty belt. I weighed it once: 28 pounds.
Yep, before you think about the weight of the bike and everything in the pannier, I have already added nearly 30 pounds to what I have to pedal around. The bike is essentially an off the rack bike with Police stickers. One big difference though is the wheels. They are a bit more beefy than the average so I can do the following, without breaking anything:
After going out and taking all these pictures it was time to work. When I am on the bike I am treated like any other patrol unit. I just have a harder time transporting prisoners.
One thing the cars can’t do, though, is go here:
On the bike, though, I can. And believe me, I do — with pleasure. Hey, somebody has to check the trails!
So, from 5:30 to about 6:15 I was out on the trails. But, it’s not all trails. A lot of it is more like this:
By the way, note the socks. Yep, even on patrol, I’m a “Fat Cyclist.”
While we were taking these pictures, a mom and her two year old daughter asked if they could talk to me for a minute. The little girl wanted to let me know she was happy I was being safe and wearing my helmet.
6:30pm and I am checking one of the City’s many parks. As I ride by, a man walking with his daughter asks me to stop for a minute. Do you think a cop in a cruiser with the radio blaring, windows up and A/C on would have heard him? You see a big part of bicycle patrol is (I’m going to use a catch phrase here) Community Policing. I spent the next ten minutes talking with Annika and her dad. Annika is 3 years old. She was on her way to get ice cream. She didn’t like my sunglasses, but was happy I was being safe and wearing my helmet. (It is good to see that children are getting the message that wearing a helmet is important) She told me what every letter was on my bike and recited her ABC’s. As I rode away she said bye at least five times. I think it was only to see if I would keep looking back and waving every time she said it (I did).
6:45pm and I am on another street riding right behind a woman on a commuter bike wearing no helmet. She rode right through a stop sign, never looked, and just kept on going. I caught up to her and, as politely as I could, I reminded her that bicycles are treated the same as cars in Vermont. She is required to stop at the stop signs or risk a $209 ticket and 2 points on her driver’s license. She said thanks and well…we’ll see if she stops next time.
7:00pm, remember that guy I went looking for earlier in the day while in the patrol car? Well, we got another tip about him walking in the area. This time I’m on my bike. I beat the patrol cars to the area and rode right up to him before he ever noticed I was a police officer. He just turned around put his head down and put his hands behind his back. What is the point in running from a guy on a bike, really?
7:30pm and we get a report of possible domestic violence involving a couple on foot. Once again, due to the heavy traffic, I beat the patrol cars and locate the couple on a side street.
8:00pm dinner, hey everybody has to eat sometimes. On bike patrol you have to be a lot more aware of needing that energy and water. I always carry some food and lots of water, because in my job you just never know if you’ll get to sit down and eat.
8:30pm time for some more Community Policing. The downtown district in my city has 6 bars so I always make an effort to stop by a few. People love to (especially when drunk) talk to the bike cop and try and get their friends arrested.
9:31pm one of the Patrol Units asks me to assist him in locating a wanted person. The plan is for me to arrive first and cover the back of the building. The car arrives after me to see if the wanted person runs. No running tonight. As we walked the wanted person to the patrol car he makes note of the bike. “You guys have bikes now?” He also commented about going out a window and running, but what is the point? Here is one of my favorite police one liners: “He’ll just go to jail tired.”
10:33pm neighbor dispute. Talked to one half, he lost his cat. The other half was having great fun meowing, just to get the first guy going.
10:45pm in to the office. You see, everything I have done tonight requires documentation. I will now spend a good deal of time writing reports about all of it. My shift was supposed to end at 11:00pm, but my relief is 30 minutes late and I can’t leave until he gets here. Oh well, more time to get paperwork done I guess.
My total mileage for the night was 16.63. Not bad for a city that is just over one square mile.
Comment by je | 08.30.2009 | 11:39 pm
obsessive twitterer, huh?
did you check your own twitter feed during the tour of utah? dude, it’s time you admit you have a problem. – FC
Comment by Susan | 08.30.2009 | 11:56 pm
Very nice article in the Deseret News. Very cool picture. A good friend that lost his wife to cancer a few years ago just got remarried this weekend – lung cancer; he’s got 3 daughters and I always think of them when I read your blog. Keep on the good fight – we’re all there with you.
Comment by Will | 08.31.2009 | 12:09 am
Why is this dated 30th at 11:28pm? Do you backdate your posts?
No, it was 8/30 11:28 MDT when I published it. Just couldn’t make myself stay up half an hour longer so it would be 8/31. – FC
Comment by bryantp | 08.31.2009 | 12:20 am
Very cool!
Comment by Roo | 08.31.2009 | 12:29 am
Guess I’d better be more careful about running those stop signs……
Comment by Laura H. | 08.31.2009 | 1:14 am
I wonder if BikeCopVT’s great stash affects his aerodynamics.
Comment by Lizzylou | 08.31.2009 | 2:42 am
10:33 PM – This is the kind of thing that makes me fear for the future of our species. Sounds more like 10 year-olds than adults.
Oh… and I’m glad to see you were being safe and wearing your helmet!
Comment by Powerful Pete | 08.31.2009 | 2:55 am
Interesting story. Unfortunately, I suspect our cops would not appreciate riding ‘at work’. There was an assault on a rider on one of the [few] bike paths in Rome last summer, and in response a private security force was hired and they patrol the path on… large scooters. :-(
Comment by buckythedonkey | 08.31.2009 | 2:58 am
Diggin’ the Deseret News photo – do you have a stylist now?
My wife looked over my shoulder as I was reading today’s post, saw the photo of BikeCopVT riding down the steps and said “is that you? It looks just like you”. BikeCopVT, apparently I am your butt-twin. Or maybe it was the socks.
Comment by fatbikeracer | 08.31.2009 | 3:41 am
Nice post, good idea Fatty
Comment by Born 4 Lycra | 08.31.2009 | 4:18 am
Nice to meet you BikeCopVT and keep up the good work. “I just have a harder time transporting prisoners”. – Classic – you’ve got a cross bar so here in Oz you could give them a “dink”
Susan is right the folded arm picture is real good. So was the article well done JE.
Talking of Twitter saw your Orbea and the colour scheme matches the first FAT Cyclist Top they were made for each other.
Matches the new one, too! – FC
Comment by brian | 08.31.2009 | 5:26 am
I really enjoy seeing bike cops and, as a frequent pedestrian, feel they provide greater control of crowds in urban areas. Also, as mentioned, they have greater access to areas that cars do not. They also provide more of a positive influence on the youth, as well as an increase in helmet use.
Great post. Thanks!
Comment by Susan Tomlinson | 08.31.2009 | 5:35 am
Cool, BikeCopVT. We have bike cops patrolling our neighborhood looking for burglars. I like seeing them out there, but wish the city would help them find something cooler to wear during the hot summers.
Comment by Tom Fury | 08.31.2009 | 5:42 am
Like Brian, I also enjoy seeing bike cops on the trail, not only do they keep the peace but they serve to remind some of the more “casual” riders to think twice before they park their bikes sideways across the trail at the end of a sharp bend. Unfortunately, not all of them seem to have Bike Cop’s attitude about riding (or other riders), and one I see regularly even seems to resent it. But this guy sems great, I wish he worked in my town!
This was a great post!
Comment by Marrock | 08.31.2009 | 5:53 am
I like how you used the exact same pose in the two “leaning on his cruiser” pics.
Comment by geraldatwork | 08.31.2009 | 6:00 am
I found it very interesting to read find out what a typical day is like for a cop who rides a bike. I also found it interesting on a few occasions the bike got there before the police in cars. Thanks for posting.
Comment by justrun | 08.31.2009 | 6:14 am
Very cool perspective from a bike cop. I always got the impression they were having a little more fun than they let on.
The Deseret News article is very nice. And that photo looks pretty badass (is that appropriate to say?).
Comment by Lisa | 08.31.2009 | 6:23 am
We have Bike Cops downtown where I live (college town, lots of bars) so I’m grateful for their presence. Not that I go downtown – too old now! – but on Game Day weekends, I know those that do and most are grateful for the Officers’ presence. Unless they’re drunk and unruly. But then that’s their own fault!!
Thanks for the insight to your day, BikeCopVT. And thanks for your service.
Comment by Robert | 08.31.2009 | 6:40 am
Thanks for sharing the article about you – that was a great read!
Also, the “Life in the day of a cop” was pretty cool too. Think you can find others who’d contribute? Pretty neat reading about it…
Comment by Randoboy | 08.31.2009 | 6:54 am
Great post from BikeCopVT. We have bike cops here in Nashville, but I had no idea what their day of duty entailed. Keep up the good work!
Comment by Claire | 08.31.2009 | 7:21 am
Great article and I agree that picture is badass.
My favourite quote though was “by the time they get to the age they have to start worrying about it, that they won’t”
That’s enough reason to keep on fighting like Susan right there.
BikecopVT Awsome Job!…and now I am kind of a bit jealous as my working day mostly involves sitting at a computer and talking on the phone…and the meetings…the soul sucking meetings….ok I am a lot jealous…and maybe a little bitter.
Comment by 100poundsago | 08.31.2009 | 7:25 am
I wish my city had more Bike Cops.
Comment by Linda | 08.31.2009 | 7:39 am
Wish we had bike cops here too where I live in NJ. We sure could use them. Great idea, Elden and great post, BikeCopVT.
Comment by Rachel | 08.31.2009 | 7:40 am
I want to be a bike cop when I grow up. (I’m 35…might be a while.)
Comment by Frank | 08.31.2009 | 7:44 am
Hi bikecopVT,
Very interesting…and yes, I’m jealous as well, being a desk jockey myself. We don’t have bicycle cops in my town, so right after reading your story I’ve sent the link to our police chief and urged him to create one.
Be safe.
Comment by TomE | 08.31.2009 | 7:44 am
BikeCopVT…you too cool!!!! We love Bike Cops!!!
Comment by Canadian Roadie | 08.31.2009 | 7:56 am
Great post today. I really enjoyed both the newspaper article (great pic!) and BikeCopVT’s input. We have a few bike cops where I live and they definitely work hard to support the community. Heck, our local police force even started the Tour de Rock, a multi-day ride around Vancouver Island, to raise money to fight cancer. Check it out: http://www.tourderock.ca/
Comment by Leslie | 08.31.2009 | 7:57 am
Thanks, BikeCopVT–for your service, and for your informative post.
Comment by Freddy Freshlegs | 08.31.2009 | 8:11 am
Say Farva, you wanna take this dispatch?
Comment by El_Animal | 08.31.2009 | 8:11 am
A lot of action for a small town.
Comment by db | 08.31.2009 | 8:17 am
Two great articles in one post — thanks to both of you.
Comment by GenghisKhan | 08.31.2009 | 8:28 am
Enjoyed the “Day in the Life…” by BikeCopVT, though he forgot to add the times he stops in at cyber cafes to post to your blog! ;o)
Comment by BenMac | 08.31.2009 | 8:29 am
How strange for me to open up my favorite blog and see a post from my favorite cop!
I live in BikeCopVT’s town and see him on an almost daily basis. (I live above one of the 6 downtown bars he mentions) He’s a credit to his community and the uniform, and I’m psyched that he’s a part of Team Fatty!
yep, BikeCopVT is definitely one of the good guys, all around. – FC
Comment by VeloLoser | 08.31.2009 | 8:37 am
Hey that’s Winooski! (Or shouldn’t I say?)
I used to live nearby in Burlington – about 15 years ago – and saw more bike cops than patrol cars.
Comment by Jaime O. | 08.31.2009 | 8:40 am
10:33pm neighbor dispute. Talked to one half, he lost his cat. The other half was having great fun meowing, just to get the first guy going.
I burst out laughing. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read since…Fatty said something super funny…I always watch those police shows just to see stuff like he described. I feel very intelligent and mature after watching. I also have a huge bag of fun tricks now. Never thought of meowing, wish I would have now. My old pot-head neighbor had a cat named Kevin, and Kevin (poor thing) was forced to wear a bandana around his neck like a dog (FYI, Cats don’t like wearing accessories). Mr. I SMOKE WEED AND MY NEIGHBOR CAN SMELL IT was always screaming for Kevin (usually around 11 pm), who was always rolling in the road. There was something very funny about hearing a man yell “KEVIN, STOP @*(#$(* ROLLING IN THE #O$**(#&$ MIDDLE OF THE *$#&$*#&$ ROAD!!” The neighbor had to borrow (and never return) my plunger once when he tried to flush all of his weed. Thanks to Fatty and BikeCopVT for making me laugh (on a Monday morning no less!).
Comment by je | 08.31.2009 | 8:40 am
Well Fatty — you did say “By all means, call me Fatty” — my obsessive twittering during the Tour of Utah was greatly appreciated by my scores of followers ;)
It was actually a fun experiment to see how covering an event like that — you know, the kind without Paul Sherwin and Phil Liggett providing live play-by-play on TV and radio — could be enhanced. It was a success, I’d have to say. VeloNews, PodiumInsight, Road Magazine and CyclingNews all did similar coverage as they saw how it was being gobbled up by bike-hungry fans.
That aside, I do have a social media problem. But I hope it helps keep me employed as print media disappears.
i should probably also admit that i (obsessively) followed your tour of utah twittering as my primary way of staying caught up with the race. – FC
Comment by Heidi | 08.31.2009 | 8:42 am
But Elden, the paper failed to print a photo of your well-muscle legs…
Great entry!
Comment by Jenny-Jenny | 08.31.2009 | 8:45 am
Great article in DN. Thanks for the guest post, fun to learn about what a bike cop does, sounds like he really is a great guy and really enjoys his job!
Comment by Jenny-Jenny | 08.31.2009 | 8:47 am
by the way… I ordered my jersey, but apparently I have to wait until Christmas to actually “get” it. I can’t wait until Christmas!!
Comment by Lana | 08.31.2009 | 8:48 am
great post and I love that you just gave her a warning for blowing the stop sign – here we do get tickets, hoever I never understood what would happen if you did get cought, but didn’t have a license…
Also thanks BCVT for patrolling the trails – I do a lot of trail running and although we have mounted police (horses not bikes) who patrol on rare occassions, it would be nice to see more bike cops out there…
Comment by winner27 | 08.31.2009 | 8:53 am
Great article about you Fatty – and awesome picture too! I also really enjoyed BikeCopVT’s entry and photos. Thanks for a fun start to my Monday.
Comment by Penina | 08.31.2009 | 9:21 am
Loved it, BCVt. Brought back some memories of some of the more “interesting” characters from my NYC Paramedic days…never got to patrol on a bike or scooter, but did in a command car. Fun stuff.
Comment by Jeff L. | 08.31.2009 | 9:26 am
I’ve been a huge fan of bike cops since my first year as an Air Force Security Police Officer in ‘94 in Spokane, WA (Fairchild AFB). A nut went on a shooting spree at the base hospital (killing several and wounding many). The first guy on scene was one of our bike cops. The bike cop shot and killed the nut-job in the parking lot before he realized the cop was there. I’m a narcotics agent in SoCal now and I still have a soft spot in my heart for by brethren on two wheels.
Stay safe and keep the rubber side down.
Comment by eric | 08.31.2009 | 9:30 am
Great post BikeCopVt and thanks Fatty for doing this. I’m also a bike cop in California and his day sounds a lot like most of mine. Yeah, It’s a great job but we are careful not to say that out loud, administration hates it when they think we’re having fun.
You’re getting to have quite a following among us Fatty so be careful, we might just try and recruit you!
BikeCopVt, contact me. We should form a police Livestrong group and do some fundraising.
Comment by AngieG | 08.31.2009 | 9:49 am
BikeCopVT and Eric- Thanks for taking the risk to keep all of us safe. I imagine sometimes it might be a challenge to feel appreciated, even by your own adimistration. We all do appreciate everything you do.
Great Post!! FC thanks for sharing BikeCopVT with all of us. Your right, GREAT GUY!
Comment by Lisa B in Seattle | 08.31.2009 | 9:58 am
Winooski! We were just there, riding the tandem around VT for two weeks. Thanks for a fun writeup, BikeCopVT, and to Fatty for facilitating it. Always interesting to read about other readers. Wonder who else has an interesting job … (not me – job or interesting!).
Comment by Captain Lou | 08.31.2009 | 10:11 am
Good article. I work in a campus environment and have been on the bike for the past 4 years. Most days I can beat a patrol car to any call. I love my job.
Comment by Fat Cathy | 08.31.2009 | 10:12 am
Great post BikeCopVT! I have to admit, I have always wondered what being a bike cop was like.
Re: the 10:33pm entry – to freakin’ funny. How do you handle something like that with a straight face?
Comment by Bryan (not that one) | 08.31.2009 | 10:17 am
Cool post, BikeCopVT!
Comment by VT_Rob | 08.31.2009 | 10:30 am
Elden….that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing.
BikeCopVT….how cool to see Vermont represented here! Big shout-out from St. Mike’s and Essex!
Comment by Lowrydr | 08.31.2009 | 10:32 am
BCVT, Thanks for the service. I just about broke a gut while trying to think of my older brother being a bike officer.
He’s 62 and retired from the Iowa Statie division. Now him on a bike would just be a ton funnier than the bear in the circus on the unicycle.
As they always said on Hill Street Blues, “You be safe out there”.
Nice pick Fatty, think it’ll show up in GQ?
Comment by Lowrydr | 08.31.2009 | 10:34 am
That should be pic not pick. Dang fat fingers.
Comment by lyndap | 08.31.2009 | 10:41 am
Cool recap BikeCopVT…I’ve always wondered what it was like to patrol on bike.
Comment by Jim WR | 08.31.2009 | 10:42 am
This is great! So true about how much more approachable bike cops are than those in patrol cars. And when you realize how much more productive police forces can be with better community connections, this is a model worth expanding.
Keep up the great work, Elden!
Comment by Julie | 08.31.2009 | 10:47 am
Like the post BikeCopVT!!
Good article and pics Fatty!!
Jamie O. – thanks for the laugh this morning. Can always count on a stoner neighbor for a laugh!
Comment by BotchedExperiment | 08.31.2009 | 11:05 am
A good friend of mine was a police officer for a while and I learned what a terrible job it can be. A lot of stress; a lot of boredom; virtually no appreciation; and not much pay.
I’m glad to hear that bikecopvt is relieving stress and boredom on the bike. Nice write-up.
Comment by Mike | 08.31.2009 | 11:09 am
Great read, and it’s nice to see VT bike cops actually enjoy their job. I like seeing the city cops here in my city, but the trouble is more often than not they’re riding on the sidewalk, against traffic, and without a helmet. It’s difficult to get the message across that bikes are to behave like cars when even those charged with enforcing that don’t live it.
Comment by Clydesteve | 08.31.2009 | 11:13 am
Bike Cop VT – Thanks for the interesting read. – Glad you are out there!
Comment by Canuck | 08.31.2009 | 11:29 am
Mmmm. I wouldn’t mind getting a ticket from that bike cop. ;) Great read. I am sure the job is more dangerous than you let on.
Comment by TomE | 08.31.2009 | 11:44 am
I think all your readers are hitting Twin Six at the same time – site a little slow. Can’t wait to get my jersey!!!
Comment by Heather | 08.31.2009 | 12:32 pm
Awesome Story and a great picture!! And I get excited when I get over 100 hits a day on my blog…lol! How amazing to touch so many lives every day.
And I loved the guest post by BikeCopVt. Loved to hear about his day…certainly an interesting job. Thank you for your dedication to your community. Hope my local bike cops are as dedicated as you!!
Comment by E-Jayjo | 08.31.2009 | 12:39 pm
Sounds like you really like your job, Bike Cop, and that is best of all! Fun post. I’ve always wanted to go to VT….seems like a pretty place.
Comment by TexasGal | 08.31.2009 | 12:52 pm
Always felt like the cops on bikes were so much more approachable. Glad to especially know that you guys take the time to talk to kids it is good for them to see cops as their friends.
Comment by Stephen | 08.31.2009 | 1:04 pm
I wish we had bike cops or even Powerful Pete’s town’s scooter cops. Our finest patrol the MUPs with their Crown Vics.
Comment by Megan | 08.31.2009 | 1:05 pm
Ah, socialist Vermont, where you get paid to ride your bike and talk to 3 year olds. I’m most curious as to what he had for dinner, actually.
Comment by Michelle | 08.31.2009 | 1:11 pm
“KEVIN, STOP @*(#$(* ROLLING IN THE #O$**(#&$ MIDDLE OF THE *$#&$*#&$ ROAD!!”
Jaime O. that’s pure gold right there. Dying!
Comment by Nancy | 08.31.2009 | 1:22 pm
Great story in the newspaper, great picture too. Really appreciated the bike cop story- I love that he talks to little kids and still gets the bad guys too. Especially appreciated the joke that running from a bike cop just makes the bad guys go to jail tired! Very funny. Ride on, Bike Cop. Thanks for sharing your day.
Comment by Joel P. | 08.31.2009 | 1:39 pm
Nice article in the Desert News, could not detect any body odor while reading it. Also excellent post by BikeCopVT chalk one up for the good guys.
Joel P
PS BikeCop, Cannnondale makes a enforcement specific bike with disc brakes and a silent clutch, no click click click when coasting. Very stealthy, the bad guys will never hear you coming. Requisition one in your next departments budget.
Comment by Kris | 08.31.2009 | 1:40 pm
They need more police on bikes in London…they have some…but need more…driving in this city is an absolute nightmare…but a bike cop rockin a Fu-stache like that would be a real nightmare to criminals!
Comment by Rob M. | 08.31.2009 | 1:50 pm
Fatty, that was a wonderful article in the Deseret News.
BikeCopVt., it seems you have a great job. You drive that fancy car, ride your bike, and talk with nice people like that girl.
And you get to talk with “meow” man.
At least it can be a great job if you have the right attitude and a sense of humor, and, apparently, you do.
Great post about your day and all that heavy gear you need to carry. Be careful out there.
Comment by skippy | 08.31.2009 | 1:57 pm
That was fun to read as it closely mimics my experiences as a bike officer in CO. If they took my bike away I would definitely quit. I keep ribbing the Chief that I deserve a raise for all the money I save the city on gas. I average about 25 miles a shift and have gotten up to 50 on a very quiet night. I also love beating the patrol cars across town on the way to a call. The young kids love me and some of the teens hate me as I keep catching them doing stuff.
My bike is a Fisher matte black hardtail, black wheels and spokes = very stealthy at night.
Comment by JB | 08.31.2009 | 2:30 pm
bikecopVT, great post! I also appreciate the job you go out and do on your bike. It is my opinion that you patrolling on your bike is a return to the days that the police were part of neighborhoods serving and helping the public. “Walking a beat”
I like that image of our police force instead of the “click it or ticket” entrapment image of the police.
In our small town out of the eight cops, only one was fit enough to ride a bike and he gave that up because they got him one of those Segway thingies. The other guys seem to be….well….fatties.
A salute to you and all the bike cops out there, Thanks for what you do and please be carefull!!!
Comment by Major Icehole | 08.31.2009 | 2:40 pm
Fantastic post BikecopVT. I love it when I see cops on bikes here in Denver. No offence to police in general, but all my home town police officers tend to be of the less than athletic type. Keep up the good work.
Comment by Kathleen@ForgingAhead | 08.31.2009 | 2:53 pm
Great story! Thanks for sharing *a day in the life of a bike cop*
Comment by BikecopVT | 08.31.2009 | 3:10 pm
Laura H. – I’m going for wind tunnel testing next week.
buckythedonkey – I vote for socks.
Susan Tomlinson – I vote for cooler too. Lots of companies are working on it. It’s the vest that is the big problem.
Geraldatwork – I get there first a lot, big advantage of bikes working in an urban environment.
Claire – Don’t get me wrong I’m in front of the computer a lot to.
Freddy Freshlegs – How bout a liter a cola?
Ganghis Kahn – The beauty of a small city and wi-fi.
Lana – Yes you can get suspended and loose your license, even if you never had one to begin with.
Eric – Good idea! I will always be on TEAM FATTY though. FIGHT LIKE SUSAN!
Fat Cathy – Perfection of the poker face is absolutely necessary. Then we all laugh about it later.
BotchedExperiment – The bike is a healer.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Now I’m off to ride my bike patrolling the streets and trails of Winooksi. Right after I save all the cars stuck behind the broken gates at the cities parking garage. I love my bike ~ Ben (bikecopVT)
Fight Like Susan!
Comment by RoverDave | 08.31.2009 | 3:16 pm
awesome article BikecopVT! Be safe!
Awesome news piece Elden!
Comment by RoverDave | 08.31.2009 | 3:16 pm
btw, i can’t wait to get the new 2010 FC gear!
Comment by Katee W | 08.31.2009 | 3:26 pm
Great guest post! Thanks for taking the time to do this post and take all the pictures, it was very interesting to learn what it is that you do.
Comment by Kathy | 08.31.2009 | 3:27 pm
Thanks for a glimpse into your world! What a great workout with all of your gear! Must make time on a road bike seem as though you are floating!
Comment by Vanilla | 08.31.2009 | 3:41 pm
Here’s what I don’t get: How do you visit Fat Cyclist and all your other favorite blogs if you’re on a bike all day? People don’t actually just do that from home do they?
Comment by Haven (used to be Kt) | 08.31.2009 | 4:46 pm
Awesome guest post, BikeCopVT. We’ve got bike cops in Portland OR, it’s pretty cool. You’re doing a great job, keep up the good work and stay safe out there!
Fatty: did you get Mr Tucci to stand in for you with those pictures?? What a nice guy. Seriously, though, that was a great article.
Comment by Julia | 08.31.2009 | 5:01 pm
Very cool post! Thanks Bikecop!
Comment by Brent | 08.31.2009 | 5:09 pm
You are the man BikeCopVt. I was also a bike cop in the Air Force, I actually started the bike patrol at McGuire AFB in NJ in ‘93. I had the most fun DUI’s were always fun as they had not clue when they passes you, during the summer I could smell them as they passed me, and I would radio the gate to stop them.
Thanks for your service!!!
Comment by bobbie | 08.31.2009 | 5:29 pm
Wonderful guest post, but even more important…
I got my FLS tee from T6 today!!! Buttery soft and beautiful ~ bless them, and bless you, FC!
Hugs ~
Comment by Jen Gatz | 08.31.2009 | 5:54 pm
Awesome post- thanks for your service BikecopVT! We need to get more bike cops like you around here where I live.
Comment by Laura | 08.31.2009 | 7:42 pm
I loved this! I never really thought about the day of a bike cop! Thanks for a great post!
Comment by jay | 08.31.2009 | 8:03 pm
that’s so cool – thanks for posting the life of a bike cop.
Comment by BamaJim | 08.31.2009 | 8:18 pm
Like the bike cop article. Our daughter’s boyfriend is a law enforcement officer for the National Park Service, normally patrolling by bike at an urban US park. From riding with him, he’s developed some serious skills and fitness while keeping the park safe.
BTW, just ordered one of the cool new orange jersies. It is going to see like forever for it to arrive.
Comment by ToddBS | 08.31.2009 | 8:26 pm
10:33pm – stories like that make me want to be a cop
10:45pm – not so much
Comment by Jennifer | 08.31.2009 | 8:32 pm
I got “pulled over” by a bike cop for jaywalking. I was mortified, but I was so excited to see bike cops that I couldn’t stop grinning and I even THANKED them for stopping me. Bike cops are great and I’d love to see more of them! (but not stopping me for crossing against the lights… I don’t do that anymore… thankyouverymuch!)
Comment by Emitt D. Dixon | 08.31.2009 | 8:42 pm
Hey , great story; oh by the way is that a real gun,loll.
Comment by Erine | 08.31.2009 | 8:58 pm
BikeCopVT, you ROCK.
Comment by Egonlou | 08.31.2009 | 10:05 pm
Great post.
I think you and I took some turns pulling for each other on the century at the top end of the course. It was one of the highlights of my ride.
Nice to see about your day job.
Comment by megsrides824 | 09.1.2009 | 12:09 am
I just pre-ordered my “Fight Like Susan” t-shirt!! (I’m too broke for the jersey but maybe someday!!) I’m super excited :)
Just so you know, I’ll be eating ramen for the rest of the month (well until the middle of the month) so I could buy it- because it’s totally worth it!!
Comment by Philly Jen | 09.1.2009 | 2:42 am
Ben is simply the best! We loved having our own (off-duty) police escort for the whole ride during Livestrong Philly.
Comment by Maggi B | 09.1.2009 | 8:12 am
BikeCopVT: it was great meeting you in Philly! I was really looking forward to this article, and you didn’t disappoint. Thanks for all the good work you do in your city!
I think I need to live in a city that has bicycle patrols. That may take a while– considering one of my town’s largest roads is “Cowpath Road”, and it was once blocked during morning rush-hour by a stampede of American Bison from a local farm, our “mounted patrols” tend to be of the four-hoofed, rather than the two-wheeled, variety.
Comment by Fuzzy | 09.1.2009 | 10:43 am
A nice article in DN Fatty. Cool photo as well.
Cracking post mate!
I am an ex cycle cop and current cycle patrol instructor in the UK. The prospect of being returned to bike patrol is what keeps me in the job!
Below is a pic of my crewmate mark and I (on right). We called ourselves ‘Swoop 1′ and ‘Swoop 2′ afetr we got a letter of appreciation from a local shopkeeper, where he thanked us for ‘Swooping silently on the wrongdoers whilst reassuring the good’.
Comment by Fuzzy | 09.1.2009 | 10:44 am
I’ll try the image again!
Comment by Kate | 09.1.2009 | 1:57 pm
That is clearly the best photo ever. You like a superhero!
Comment by Casey | 09.1.2009 | 3:07 pm
Very cool post! I enjoyed getting a better feel for what a bike cop does, and always appreciate reading positive press for law enforcement officers–my husband is one! He’s a game warden, and sometimes he gets to patrol the Boise greenbelt on a bike. Other times he gets to patrol it in a float boat from the water side.
Keep up the good work!
Comment by cbarb | 09.1.2009 | 6:37 pm
Strong work. Thanks for an interesting Good Guy story.
Comment by Steve | 09.1.2009 | 9:48 pm
A bullet proof vest gives new meaning to body armor for the down hill crowd.
Comment by Christina | 09.2.2009 | 9:52 am
This is great! BikeCopVT, I enjoyed your day’s account. The photos were cool, as were the stories.
Fuzzy, kudos to you for what you do. Loved the photo!!!
I lose my balance just thinking of using my bike on the steps…
Comment by Gene | 09.2.2009 | 10:17 am
Hey, Bike Cop (sir)!
I used to run around your town, back before they turned that parking lot into a city block! Nice to see pics of the stomping grounds.
For you others……where he patrols isn’t much in terms of a physical city (1 sq. mile) but…it makes up for it in intensity. It has come a LONG WAY in the past 10 years. Way to go, Bike Cop, for helping bring your city back.
Ride on,
Comment by Ruby's Mum | 09.6.2009 | 12:37 am
Great post! Very interesting reading about a bike cop’s shift. Maybe you should have your own blog? Although, probably not officially allowed. We have a bike cop in Sedona (AZ). Works well in the Uptown (tourist) area.
Comment by Beast Mom | 09.8.2009 | 2:04 pm
I LOVED this post. :)
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[...] And we’re going to start with one engineered by my friend BikeCopVT, a frequent commenter and one-time guest poster at Fat [...]
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[...] And we’re going to start with one engineered by my friend BikeCopVT, a frequent commenter and one-time guest poster at Fat [...]