Riding With The Shack, Part I – The Night The Before the Ride
A Note from Fatty About the Contest Winners: Congratulations to the big winners of the contest from last week!
Roger L, the winner of the custom-painted “FattyFly,” is yet another bike winner from New Jersey . I do not know why New Jersey-ites keep winning bikes. Maybe they are more likely as a populace to donate, and so the probability of their winning is higher? This photo is of Roger, evidently about to clear the water crossing. Roger says, however, “what you don’t see is me trying to dab a second after this photo is taken. Instead, my clipless pedals won’t let me out and I end up going for a swim. Those photos mysteriously vanished from the camera — the camera must have gotten wet. My trusty Gary Fisher Sugar let me down, maybe 29″ wheels would have been the trick.” Roger’s now faced with a conundrum: get the orange version of the FattyFly, or the pink? If it were my bike and I were choosing the colors, I’d go with the orange, but that’s just me. Feel free to help Roger out by weighing in on this very difficult choice in the comments. I’m sure he’ll take your advice under advisement.
David H, the winner of the Team RadioShack-autographed Trek Madone , is from Missouri. David’s bike is already on the way to him; he’ll have it in a few days. I have lost track of how many times people have said to me, “He sure as heck better not be planning to ride that thing.” Because, yeah, it’s definitely a collector’s item. David reports that “I’m a cyclocross fanatic and am a huge Richard Sachs and Jonathon Page fan.” And further, that he has “been riding and racing for 10 years and am the fastest 42 year old that lives on my street.”
- Andrea S, the winner of the trip to see the Tour de France, is also from Missouri – but she doesn’t yet know she has won! You see, Andrea did not provide a phone number when she donated, and the email address she entered does not work. So, if you’re named Andrea S, and you donated, and you’re from Missouri, email me and prove to me you are the right Andrea by telling me your full name and address. And give me a phone number I can call, for pity’s sake. Update: Andrea has now checked in, and I have her contact info. Congratulations, Andrea!
Again, thanks to everyone who donated — with more than 3700 people donating reasonably small amounts of money — an average of around $35 — we were able to raise a huge — $135,000 — amount of money in a ridiculously short period of time. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of my readers, who are evidently the most generous people in the world.
And now, onto the story.
Riding With The Shack, Part I – The Night Before the Ride
I could tell this was not going to be an ordinary trip before we even made it to baggage claim. (I say “we,” because as a beloved and increasingly famous and important cycling blog megastar, I deemed it necessary to bring along an assistant. The Runner would be acting in that capacity, though she was quite clear that her real reason for coming along was to accomplish one of her life objectives: to lick one of Lance Armstrong’s calves.)
You see, there was a guy — Glenn, of Capital Sports Entertainment — waiting there for us. And a cameraman (Daniel). They had a sign and everything.
(All photos from today’s post taken by Glenn Kasin, who is a great photographer as well as logistics guy and babysitter of award-winning superstar megabloggers)
We drove to the resort, talking the whole way. I of course had two very big questions on my mind:
- What is the big surprise Johan has in mind for me?
- What kind of ride was in store for me tomorrow?
They gave me no satisfaction — not even a hint — on the first question. For the second question, they did give me a hint: “Do you like lemons?”
A few years ago, that would not have been a very good hint. But that was then. Nowadays, it’s plenty. I got out my phone, went to the browser app, and did a search on “tucson lemon.” Within seconds, I knew that it’s actually Mount Lemmon (two “m’s”), which is both beautiful, and a monster of a climb.
We arrived at the parking lot, and while we were pulling out luggage, the second thing happened that made me realize this was going to be no ordinary trip: Johan Bruyneel — Director of Team RadioShack — walked up, shook my hand…and then gave me a big hug.
We talked for about ten minutes — him completely calm, me a stuttering swooning goofball.
I had just met Johan Bruyneel. Seriously. Furthermore, he told me that I hadn’t needed to bring a bike with me after all. They had decided to give me a bike to ride. “You mean loan, right?” I asked.
“No, this is for you to keep,” said Johan, offhandedly.
At which point I began to stutter, but I choose not to replicate that here.
“Seriously? Another one? This must be the big surprise you were talking about, right?”
“No, you’ll learn what that is tomorrow,” said Johan. He was enjoying this.
And so was I.
I checked into my room — an extremely nice room, I should say; substantially nicer than a Motel 6, for example — and headed downstairs, where Johan waved me over to join him at his table.
Dinner was buffet style: pasta with marinara sauce, chicken, potatoes, salad. Exactly what you’d expect. We started eating before most of the team had arrived — dinner was buffet style.
Viatcheslav Ekimov — “Eki” — was sitting a couple tables away. “Do you know who Eki is?” asked Johan.
Well, yeah.
“Eki, this is Fatty,” Johan called out.
“Hey, Fatty,” waved Eki.
“How’s it going, Eki?” I shouted back, not really knowing what else to say at that moment.
I got down to serious journalism, then, and asked Johan, “So, do any of your riders get fat during the winter?”
“Oh yes,” said Johan. “That’s one of the reasons we have these training camps, so the riders can see each other and put pressure on the ones who have gained weight.”
“Really?” I asked. “These skinny guys?”
“Some of them put on several kilos during the winter,” replied Johan. “In fact…” He began to point, and then thought better of it.
Somehow, I find it comforting that pro cyclists put on winter flub, too.
And then Lance came in. He waved and yelled, “Hey Fatty!”
As usual, I demonstrated my total suaveness, and said, “Thanks for being here.”
“Well, thanks for having me,” replied Lance, clearly curious as to exactly what kind of drugs I was on.
Yes, that is The Runner sitting beside me in that photo. Caught off-guard by his unexpected appearance, she did not at that moment ask Lance if she could lick one of his calves.
Around then, Levi Leipheimer and Chris Horner came in too, sat down, and began eating.
It took a while, but I screwed up my courage and went over to talk to them.
It turns out that I really hadn’t needed to worry, because right as I got there, Levi looked up and said, “I am so sick of pasta marinara and potatoes.”
“Yeah,” replied Chris, “But the giant cookies they have here never get old.”
You don’t get quotes like that reading VeloNews, folks.
By the way, Brad, you owe me $50 for wearing your shirt (Brad outbid Bike Snob NYC by $5.00)
After dinner, as I was heading back to my room, Lance hopped (not literally) into the elevator I was taking up. “You know we’re riding Mount Lemmon tomorrow, right?” he asked.
“Someone mentioned that, yes,” I replied. “Is that good or bad?”
“It’s a 25-mile climb,” said Lance. “And 6,000 feet of gain.” The elevator was at his floor now. Lance looked over as he got off.
“Good luck tomorrow, Fatty,” he said.
Yeah. Thanks.
Comment by bradk | 12.15.2009 | 8:45 am
Awesome! Will you take a post-dated check?
Comment by Senor Quads Tartare | 12.15.2009 | 8:46 am
Great update and congrats to the winners. I’m guessin’ the New Jersey folks win ‘cuz of Atlantic City, maybe they have a hand up in playing the odds and such?
Surreal sounds like it certainly might be the case–I can’t even imagine!
Lookin’ forward to more on the trip!
Comment by Ben | 12.15.2009 | 8:52 am
This is going to be a great series I think, keep it coming Fatty. Glad you had a ball, you deserve it!
Thanks for the great training tip from the pros too. I knew giant cookies were justified somewhere in my training diet ;)
Comment by Colorado Yooper | 12.15.2009 | 8:56 am
Great job over the weekend, I guess most of us were hanging on to see how you fared…OK, its cyber peeping, like most things now adays, we hoped to see a train jump the tracks. But, you came through with flying colors.
Continue the great work you are doing, it will pay off in the end
Comment by Lowrydr | 12.15.2009 | 9:05 am
RodgerL, go for the Pink FattyFly, after all Pink is the official Fight Like Susan Color.
And a real man aint afraid to ride pink.
Waiting on pins and needles for the next installment.
Congrats to all the Friends of Fatty for all the cash to two good causes.
Comment by Bicycle Bill | 12.15.2009 | 9:13 am
What Lowrydr said — go with the pink.
Comment by Susan | 12.15.2009 | 9:14 am
Wondering how fast I could move to Missouri and change my name to Andrea S…
I mean, there is already an “S” in my name, so it couldn’t be that hard, eh?
Enjoying reading about your expolits as only a newbie to this sport could :)
Comment by centurion | 12.15.2009 | 9:14 am
I’m from New Jersey, can I win the next contest? Please?
If I had Lance Armstrong tell me we are climbing, my heart would fall out of my body then and there.
Comment by Garren | 12.15.2009 | 9:16 am
6,000′? Is that all???
Comment by Rob M. | 12.15.2009 | 9:17 am
First, I am willing to change my name to Andrea S. and move to Missouri if I can get that trip.
I didn’t win any of the awesome prizes but you should know that I thoroughly enjoyed participating.
This blog has proven that generosity truly is contagious. The 3 winners of your contest, the Zambian student recipients of the free bikes, and those who will benefit from the donations to the LAF are not the only ones who benefited. I suggest that everyone who participated by donating or following this contest this past week has benefitted. And it happened at the most wonderful time of year.
Chapeau to Fatty. Chapeau to Johan.
Comment by Chris | 12.15.2009 | 9:17 am
I have family who live in NJ. Don’t I deserve a bike, too?
Thanks for the detailed description of hanging out with TRS – Ok, I am a little bit jealous.
You’re making Susan proud and definitely earned the right to hang out with LA and Co.
Comment by Hawkeye | 12.15.2009 | 9:25 am
You do of course realize… this is like the cycling equivilant to “Rudy.” Right?
Been eating giant cookies… storing up for the Spring. By the number that I have been eating, nobody will be able to keep pace with me.
Next time you need an assistant when you get a once in a billion life times shot like this, keep me in mind. Qualifications: I get cranky on planes. I’m always late. I get lost easy. And I don’t look nearly as good in pictures as “the runner”. But I will carry gear like a pack mule.
Great story, awesome pics. Looking forward to the next part.
Comment by MattC | 12.15.2009 | 9:27 am
RodgerL…I guess it depends on which color Team Fatty jersey you got…they HAVE to match. Who else has a jersey to match their bike? (well, not counting all the actual cycling team members)
Fatty…awesome series! I can’t imagine what a bumbling idiot I’d be in your position. How is someone supposed to act around the mega-stars? However, being as you ARE a megastar yourself…you are fitting right in!
And make sure you let us know (in advance) which ToC stage you will be attending. Hopefully I can make it to that one…(depends on which one…they are basicly SKIPPING the entire Central Coast this year! No Solvang TT?? What are they thinking?? It was GREAT here!)
Comment by Miles Archer | 12.15.2009 | 9:31 am
I wondered what I would do if I won the signed Madrone. I don’t have a museum to show it off. Even if it wasn’t signed, it’s way to nice of a bike for someone at my fitness level. The best thing I could think of is to lend it to my LBS to put in the window in exchange for a big discount on another bike.
David H, what are you going to do with it?
Comment by andy | 12.15.2009 | 9:32 am
Amazing experience. Did you manage to finish the climb?
Comment by Russell | 12.15.2009 | 9:48 am
I’ve been to NJ. That should count for something right? Congratulations to all the winners! Congratulations to all of us. Happy Holidays to all.
Comment by Guy Collier | 12.15.2009 | 9:52 am
Talk about living the dream :D
Great writing and done with real style.
Comment by buckythedonkey | 12.15.2009 | 9:56 am
/me grinning like an idiot.
Comment by VT_Rob | 12.15.2009 | 10:01 am
Amazing. Kudos to you for being able to converse with the team. I wouldn’t be able to get past “It’s really nice to meet you.”
Elden, how much of your weekend was documented by the “team” in video and picture? There seems to be a video camera in lots of pix.
Comment by boodbiker | 12.15.2009 | 10:07 am
I got the biggest, stupidest grin on my face reading this, way to go. What a great story you have to share with your grandkids!!!!
Comment by bikemike | 12.15.2009 | 10:08 am
Wow, this is like a Tom Clancey short story, only, without the espionage and the government cold war aspect.
There is probably an actor out there to play you if this story goes to Hollywood but i can’t think of him right now. Danny Devito, maybe?
Comment by OldManUtah | 12.15.2009 | 10:15 am
congratulations to the winners!!! Way to go Team Fatty! What a way to help get in the Christmas spirit.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all.
Comment by OldManUtah | 12.15.2009 | 10:17 am
oops forgot to weigh in on the Fatty bike. Pink it has to be pink.
Comment by NYCCarlos | 12.15.2009 | 10:27 am
The pink bike will look much more awesome than the orange when covered in mud :)
I wish I had won, but I’m THRILLED that I participated. Congrats to everyone involved!
Fatty, I can’t wait to hear about the rest of your weekend… namely… THE RIDE!
Comment by DC | 12.15.2009 | 10:31 am
Looks like an awesome trip already!
I see you are going to dole this out in small segments. I am not going to read your blog for a week so I can read the whole thing at once!
I will not log in
I will not log in
I will not log in
Comment by DC | 12.15.2009 | 10:33 am
Oh, and what a class act for Johan to take time out of his day to meet you at the airport
Comment by Wheels | 12.15.2009 | 10:36 am
Ahh! How awesome?! I too am reading with a huge grin. I’m so excited for you and can’t imagine how much fun you had. Take your time stretching out this series because we want lots of pictures and play by play of every minute! Congratulations to us all for such an amazing accomplishment and to Johan and the team for being awesomely generous as well!
Comment by Clydesteve | 12.15.2009 | 10:37 am
question: Was the dinner buffet style?
Comment by Lisa B in Seattle | 12.15.2009 | 10:39 am
Hey! I like giant cookies too! That’s me and Chris Horner, like peas in a pod …
Comment by Kathy McElhaney | 12.15.2009 | 10:39 am
I kept thinking, “Maybe he doesn’t have my number to call and tell me I’ve won…” Rats! Congrats to all the winners. I agree, the FattyFly paint job must match your Fatty jersey.
Eldon, your smile in EVERY picture has brightened my day. Can’t wait to hear the rest.
Comment by Clydesteve | 12.15.2009 | 10:41 am
giant cookies! – and THAT is the reason Chris Horner is one of my top 5 all time favorite pro cyclists.
Comment by Charlie | 12.15.2009 | 10:57 am
And I’m riding rollers in the basement.
Comment by Jeff | 12.15.2009 | 10:58 am
Comment by Harmon | 12.15.2009 | 11:06 am
Comment by Jodi | 12.15.2009 | 11:10 am
Elden –
One thing:
Thanks for being here.
Comment by Rich Wielgosz | 12.15.2009 | 11:10 am
I have to eat small cookies, because giant gluten-free cookies would break. :-)
Comment by Juls | 12.15.2009 | 11:10 am
FATTY!!! This is awesome! I would love to be a fly on the wall when Horner is around. He is hilarious!
Can’t wait for the rest of the reports!
Comment by Cyclin' Missy | 12.15.2009 | 11:25 am
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this!
That’s how I feel standing in your shoes as I read about your amazing weekend. I’m so happy for you, Fatty.
Comment by Frank | 12.15.2009 | 11:26 am
Glad to see you wore a sponsored shirt. Like a real pro. Congratulations!
Comment by Erik | 12.15.2009 | 11:29 am
ONLY 6000 ft of climbing? Pshaw!
You’ve finished Leadville how many times?
On a Single Speed?
Leadville climbs 14,000 total ft of gain?
Mt. Lemmon shoulda been NO problem.
Comment by kyroadie | 12.15.2009 | 11:33 am
Fats, good on you buddy! I am very happy that you are getting to enjoy this great time. You deserve it after all that you’ve shared with us. Even if we are a bit jealous. Because you allowed us to share your hard times, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are enjoying your good times even more. In the spirit of Prince, and after seeing the pics, would you consider changing your name to a symbol? You can’t be calling yourself fatty with a good conscience anymore. How about a symbol? I’m thinking “|” would work. If you’re leaning into a strong wind, you could use “/”. You are looking svelte my man. After your earlier blog post about riding for Shack; I would have to think that JB met you early to do some scouting. He probably doesn’t trust that that JV from Garmin isn’t sneaking around trying to replace Wiggins! Merry Christmas (former) big guy. Keep up the great things you are doing!
Comment by Susie | 12.15.2009 | 11:38 am
okay, i totally took three breaks while reading this post to make it last longer…can’t wait for the next installment!
Comment by Jason Mitchell | 12.15.2009 | 11:40 am
Fatty… glad you were living it up. It’s funny to think back when you stumble over every word in the presence of guys like Lance, Levi, Johan, etc. We’ve all been there… just don’t forget how to unclip on your ride and do an embarrassing, ever-so-slow tipover in front of them… how that would be BAD! :-)
Comment by T Foster | 12.15.2009 | 11:50 am
Awesome post as usual.
Interesting twist with the B&W photos.
Comment by XLHammy | 12.15.2009 | 11:54 am
Very cool….uber jealous!
Comment by brawlski | 12.15.2009 | 11:56 am
I think you should be an offical mascot for the Team Shack!, ps we need a fatty outlet in the uk so we can get the kit!
Comment by roscoe | 12.15.2009 | 11:56 am
Great post. look forward to the next updates
Comment by Mindi | 12.15.2009 | 11:57 am
Oh, Fatty, I’m grinning like a goofball for you here. Can’t wait for the next installment!
Comment by KanyonKris | 12.15.2009 | 12:03 pm
Enjoyed part 1. Looking forward to the next installment.
Comment by HKeylin | 12.15.2009 | 12:08 pm
If Lance can ride a bicycle with butterflies glue to it down the Champs-Élysées then there is no reason David can’t ride that Madone. I’m not sure what tax bracket most of your readers are in, but I could never afford a bike like that and would not pass up the opportunity to enjoy riding that rig on a daily basis.
Comment by Jason | 12.15.2009 | 12:09 pm
Having lived my 28 years in Utah and now living in NJ I can say the reason why people in NJ keep winning is for one simple fact….we need something to cheer us up out here. However, having lived two years in Belgium I can confidently say that NJ is just like it (except for the french/flemish and les frites)so maybe Johan would like NJ.
I love that you’ve been able to take the things you love (cycling and your wife) and make such an awesome difference. Keep it going.
Comment by justrun | 12.15.2009 | 12:19 pm
Ahhh, that is so awesome! The folks that won and the rest of your post. Can’t wait for the next installment… and calf licking!
Comment by Lizzylou | 12.15.2009 | 12:24 pm
Is there anybody else that can’t recognize these guys if they don’t have helmets and shades on? Having their faces completely exposed is really a good way to go incognito.
And Pink for the bike.
Comment by Sasha | 12.15.2009 | 12:26 pm
hmmmm, I think since I’m from Alaska and that is really, really cool, I should win the next prize. *wink*wink* :) hee hee Thank you SO much for giving us a couple updates of your amazing adventure. Can’t wait for more and can’t wait for the Tour of California! :) This is just so incredibly cool. I hope you expressed how thankful the Friends of Fatty are to Johan, Trek, etc. Absolutely awesome!
Comment by Charisa | 12.15.2009 | 12:44 pm
Wayyyyyyyy better than Velo News! This is awesome. Can’t wait to hear about your Mt. Lemmon climb.
Comment by dizz | 12.15.2009 | 12:47 pm
Big goofy grin on my face as I read this. I laugh, I cry, I laugh…. (steamed up glasses /wipe/wipe)
Go Elden! Well deserved and oh soooo Cool.
* pink bike (matching jersey,’kay?)
love dizz
Comment by Frank | 12.15.2009 | 12:59 pm
Wohoo, another winner from NJ. I’m sure Roger will enjoy the Singlefly as much as I do the Orbea. Of course Roger knows that he is now obligated to ride the Livestrong Challenge with Team Fatty in Philly. I’ll see you in Philly in August.
Congratulations to the two other winners in Missouri.
Fatty, I can’t wait to read the second part of the story :)
Comment by Spiff | 12.15.2009 | 1:14 pm
Wait, are you saying that Lance gave you the Look as he stepped off the elevator? Are you now an Ulrich sympathizer?
Comment by Brandy | 12.15.2009 | 1:19 pm
Horner likes the giant Chocolate chip cookies? Wow you two are brothers from another mother.
Comment by Shari | 12.15.2009 | 1:19 pm
Congrats on epic new levels of coolness! (And a new ride.) But watch out, if you’re not careful VERSUS channel will come knocking on your door, asking if you want to be a correspondent for them. Heck, they might even want YOU to shave Bob Roll’s head next time. And welcome to California too–hope to see you here!
Congrats to all the winners–but with that much money raised, we all win.
Comment by sharon | 12.15.2009 | 1:22 pm
Fatty- congratulations on your accomplishment and exciting weekend. I live in Tucson and Sunday morning I saw the team go by, headed east while I was riding west- it looked like fun (of course that was before you started climbing Mt. Lemmon- which I have not even attempted). I was looking for you and waved and yelled but you had already passed by). Sounds like a great adventure and I’m looking forward to more of the story.
Comment by Math. | 12.15.2009 | 1:22 pm
That’s awesome. I can’t help it I just have that big dumb smile on my face while reading! I’m glad such great thing happens to such a great guy.
Keep it comming, we like it too!
btw: orange is definitely the way to go for the FattyFly!
Comment by AngieG | 12.15.2009 | 1:41 pm
Congrats to the winners!!!! You all ROCK!!! Enjoy your Fatty Schwag.
FC- I know how you feel when you talk about feeling a little awkward around the pros. When I worked Levi’s Granfondo, I was doing check in for the VIP line. I was helping this writer from Road Bike Action with his ride package so things got a little backed up. Finally finished I look up and guess who was next…Levi. I made him wait for his own ride. I sat there with this totally pathetic smile pasted to my face, stuttering like an idiot, dropping his ride package about 20 times. Which is so out of character for me. You know I am NEVER short for words. :-)
He was very nice and thanked me for being there and helping. But still I kept thinking, “Nice, you idiot. You made the Levi wait! Jeez!”
You, on the otherhand, are a world famous, cycling, megablogger, superstar, with amazingly huge quads. So I am sure they were just as nervous around you. In fact I am sure when you turned and went back your seat Horner said to Levi, “Man, he had jeans on and I could still see the outline of his quads. They ARE Giant.”
Can’t wait for the next post!!
Comment by Kathleen Lisson | 12.15.2009 | 1:50 pm
I agree with my fellow Runner, I would love to lick one of Lance’s calves. Lance might even be the reason I am dating a cyclist right now. Keep the Lance pics coming!
Comment by Yukon19 | 12.15.2009 | 2:00 pm
Great report Fatty, can’t wait to read about Day 2.
Congrats to the winners, Roger I would have to say Pink. Question, Shouldn’t an official Fatty Fly be Rigid and Single Speed?
David, I have to admit I would more than likely remove my TV and just hang the bike on the wall and stare at it everyday.
Andrea, Have fun in France. Damn it.
Comment by Lissee (formerly known as Bitter) | 12.15.2009 | 2:04 pm
Oh Fatty! I haven’t laughed out loud like that for a long time! Thanks!
Glad you made it there okay and had a great time! Looking forward to the next post. :)
Comment by Marilyn | 12.15.2009 | 2:07 pm
CONGRATS TEAM FATTY AS WE WERE ALL WINNERS TO HAVE BEEN APART OF THIS. Ok, I did have another spot in my bedroom for the new bike but that is ok as with this we helped out alot of people and will continue to do so.
Comment by Bill F. | 12.15.2009 | 2:15 pm
The fun thing about reading this blog is you talk and think like one of us. You make me feel, in some strange way, like I am in that room too.
Awesome post but the cliffhanger is killing me.
Kudos to Johan and Radio Shack. Very classy.
Comment by Lissee (formerly known as Bitter) | 12.15.2009 | 2:15 pm
LMAO @ Frank – “Glad to see you wore a sponsored shirt. Like a real pro. Congratulations!”
Comment by Drew | 12.15.2009 | 2:23 pm
“Good luck tomorrow, Fatty.”
–I think that echoes the feeling of us all to you, every day we check your site.
Comment by dan | 12.15.2009 | 2:30 pm
Im from NJ and i won the camera a while back. Im going to try to make it to Philly next year. Wasnt there another Dan from NJ who won a bike? How many people from NJ have won things?
The pics from the last few days are great!
Comment by D Hogan | 12.15.2009 | 2:38 pm
No idea what to do with the bike.
1. A good friend of mine wants to cut it up into little pieces to make a collage for his junior high class room. Im thinking of saying no to this.
2. Hang it in the living room and stare at it. This is probable
3. Hang it in the LBS for a monthly stipend. This is also probable
4. Paint it pink and add some Team Fatty decals.
Comment by Paulscarlett | 12.15.2009 | 2:42 pm
sometimes it’s good to be Fatty.
Glad to see you had a great time, you deserve it and we are very proud of you
Comment by LizzyE | 12.15.2009 | 2:57 pm
D Hogan – you’re quite funny. Ever think of writing a blog?
Comment by GJ Jackie | 12.15.2009 | 3:01 pm
DHogan, you lucky dog! Wish I had your problem. Do you have another high-end bike? If so, this might be a great time for another auction! I’d definitely be in on another chance to win that sweet ride. But I’d actually have to ride it — my Trek is over 10 years old.
Comment by Nick | 12.15.2009 | 3:05 pm
I get happy just telling people about this story. The donation part and the part about you hanging out with the team. Really the whole thing is pretty amazing. Enjoy it, you deserve it.
Comment by Accident Prone | 12.15.2009 | 3:16 pm
Excellent stuff! I think you should drag out this story as long as you can. Better to savor it a little.
Glad to see you didn’t decimate The Shack as you expected. No crashes so far…
Comment by rokrider | 12.15.2009 | 3:36 pm
Certainly sounds like a weekend for the scrapbook alright. I’ve got to say that giving never felt as good as it did with this endeavor. Congrats Fatty and all of Fatty-dom.
Man, your stable of bikes must be an awesome sight. I would love to see a group photo of all of them sometime. (may need a wide angle lens)
Comment by skippy | 12.15.2009 | 3:40 pm
congrats fatty, enjoyed your 1st installment!
having met johan i am not surprised how easily you got along. he goes out of his way to put people at ease, as do the rest of the team. the attention to detail that these guys practice each day would surprise everybody.
the only time i have seen these guys act up is when some “journo” tries on a ” put down “. lance,levi and chris can put anyone at ease.
looking forward to your next episode. look at my poor blog inspired by yours and feel free to critisize the hell out of “it” .
find me “www.parrabuddy.blogspot.com”
critism to skippi@ausi.com also on twitter.com/skippydetour
i am glad to be following you and as i twitter i ask people to follow you and your adventures.
the very best for the festive season although i feel sure it will pass in a flash.
Comment by Philly Jen | 12.15.2009 | 3:42 pm
“Somehow, I find it comforting that pro cyclists put on winter flub, too.”
Oh Jan, we hardly knew ye…
Comment by JJBean | 12.15.2009 | 4:03 pm
Epic! I’m even more of a Shack fan, now. A genuinely warm greeting from Mr. Bruyneel, and then Mr. Armstrong practically tucks you in for the morrow (sweet lemmon drop dreams, Fatty). I too got the goofball grins, but ultimately it was the girly giggles that forced me to explain myself.
Comment by Doping Control | 12.15.2009 | 4:15 pm
OK Mr. Fatty…we’re onto you now. Riding with the pros…and NOT even registered with our department!
Yes…you can expect a knock on your door any MOMENT now…and you will have until 3pm MTS to pony up a urine sample (we will have to be, uhmmm…’creative’ for your hair folicle sample).
One look at those quads and we just KNEW that you’re on the juice.
Comment by dug | 12.15.2009 | 4:25 pm
is that a team issue scarf the guy with the mustache is wearing in the last pic?
it’s pretty sweet.
Comment by ann | 12.15.2009 | 5:19 pm
BRING BACK the metaphor!!!
Comment by TimK | 12.15.2009 | 5:41 pm
OK, I’m trying to figure out why everyone is going gaga from the “Elden got to meet Radio Shack” angle. Other than Lance and Johan, and the guy that has the cowboy blue jeans name, I don’t know who any of them are. All I know is they’re just a bunch of guys that get paid money to wear silly clothes and ride bikes. Fatty on the other hand is a famous blogger who has raised a lot of money for some great causes and made me laugh on some otherwise crummy days.
I say we all find the blogs of Radio Shackers (I’m sure a couple of them know what a blog is) and congratulate them on having the honor to meet fatty.
OK, with that schmooze in I’d also like to mention that I live in New Jersey. I’d gladly ride the second edition FattyFly, in pink, with purple snipe tires.
Comment by Jenni | 12.15.2009 | 5:57 pm
Pink pink pink
Comment by Peterfish | 12.15.2009 | 6:02 pm
Dude, you SO handled the pressure! From what I understand about the lemons ride, you did not get squeezed ! (much)
Comment by Century Training | 12.15.2009 | 6:29 pm
Hey – sponsorship at last !! Very cool, just like the pro’s
Comment by Lisa | 12.15.2009 | 6:31 pm
Rodger – PINK!!!
David – I’ll be happy to store the Madone for you. No worries about it being ridden here.
Elden – I’ve loved the big goofball grin in every photo. Bring on more!!!
Comment by Zed | 12.15.2009 | 6:42 pm
“me a stuttering swooning goofball.”
Now you know how I felt when I met you!
Comment by Dan O | 12.15.2009 | 7:00 pm
Nice. You live the life of a rock star.
Comment by Sara | 12.15.2009 | 7:18 pm
As much as I adore you Fatty, I can’t wait to find out if the Runner got to lick one of Lance’s calves. Lordy, lordy.
Comment by MikeF | 12.15.2009 | 7:35 pm
Savor the memories. You earned them!!
Comment by jill | 12.15.2009 | 7:55 pm
Fantastic reporting! This is my favorite Fatty series yet!
Comment by Alan | 12.15.2009 | 8:25 pm
really shallow question: What kind of frames are you wearing? They’re awesome!
Comment by Philly Jen | 12.15.2009 | 9:00 pm
Now wait just a doggone minute…
Stephen Colbert makes the cover of Sports Illustrated for raising slightly over $250K to save U.S. Olympic speedskating?!?!
I love him and all, but c’mon already — dude’s quads are not exactly what one would call Fatty-esque.
Ono, this will not do at all.
Comment by blair houghton | 12.15.2009 | 9:56 pm
part one of, like, ten, right? i’m a glutton for vicarious delayed gratification.
congrats to the winners, btw. the guy who won the roadie saved me the conundrum of riding it or hanging it on the wall and buying one exactly like it to ride.
honestly, i would have ridden it at least once. a bike is not an objet purely d’art. even damien hirst’s bike got its day in the sun on the champs elysees, before becoming one of the highest priced 2-wheeled vehicles ever hocked. it just wouldn’t feel right if i’d put it on the wall and never got one trip to max-heart-rate city out of it. i hope it gets a chance to hum. i really do.
fatty you got your day. again, i am totally stoked to have helped. and i hope wherever that $135k goes, its utility is well amplified.
Comment by Alyson Miller | 12.15.2009 | 9:56 pm
Should something unforseen happen to “The Runner”, I would be more,[way, way, more] than happy to replace her, and lick one of Lance’s calves! Just thought you should know you have “options” when it comes to “Runners”!
In fact,I would bet that you would raise way,way more money than you did, if the prize were to be to lick one of Lance’s calves.
Just saying….in the future, it might “not be all about the bike” ~ it could be “all about the calves”!!
Congrats dude!! You rock!
Comment by Lynn | 12.15.2009 | 10:22 pm
I thoroughly agree, a Lick Lance’s Calves raffle could bring in some serious $$ for the LAF!
Can’t wait to read more about this weekend, I’ve read this entry 10 times now & I have a big huge grin every time!
Comment by Jim Miller | 12.15.2009 | 11:27 pm
Awesome job and congrats on exceeding your fund raising goals
Comment by ChefJT | 12.15.2009 | 11:28 pm
Dude, words can’t describe how excited I am to read the rest/happy I am for you/friggin’ jealous I am of you! That said, I can’t think of a guy who deserves it more.
For the commenters:
Go with the pink bike
TimK is right, lets all hit their blogs and see how stoked they were to meet you
Jen is also right (and the coolest captain EVER), You should have been named S/I’s Sportsman of the year
I was born in North Jersey, live in South Jersey, and worked in Atlantic City…can I please win a bike?
Comment by Lisa | 12.15.2009 | 11:48 pm
Love the first installment and am happy to have them spread out like the Twelve Days of Christmas, just as long as they are there in the morning when I get up so that I don’t have to obsessively keep checking back for the next one, which is what I did the whole weekend with twitter, etc. (Yes, I was that excited for you on the Tour du Fatty).
So glad you had a rock star weekend. That was the best part of donating.
For what it’s worth, I vote Pink (FLS) for the Fatty edition and I vote to clear coat (a seriously protective coat) the Madone and then Ride It Like You Won It!
Comment by Kathleen@ForgingAhead | 12.16.2009 | 1:15 am
Great write-up and cannot wait to read all about the ride…that’s the part that has me quaking in my boots.
Comment by Accident Prone | 12.16.2009 | 2:06 am
Hey David-
My husband says get that bike a clear coat paint job to protect the sigs….. then ride it like crazy!
Comment by Dobovedo | 12.16.2009 | 3:24 am
woohoo! I am now only 2 degrees of separation from meeting Johan, Eki, Lance, Levi, and Chris.
No matter how many great posts I’ve read on this blog, I have NEVER laughed as hard or enjoyed reading one more than this.
until the next that is…
Comment by olej | 12.16.2009 | 4:36 am
Look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLy0tAe8mTg
Comment by Deb Mc | 12.16.2009 | 7:49 am
Awesome vid – thanks for the link
Comment by Bicycle Bill | 12.16.2009 | 8:40 am
At 9:17 am “Chris” referred to Team RadioShack as “TRS”.
When I got around to reading this, my first thing that came into my mind was the Tandy TRS-80 personal computer; my next thought was “Geez, I wonder if the team will be assigned the 80-series numbers in the Tour de France?”
My geekiness is showing…
Comment by MattC | 12.16.2009 | 8:50 am
Holy smokes! this keeps getting better and better! olej: thanks for the vid link…EVERYBODY needs to check this out! 12 days of Christmas indeed!
Comment by MattC | 12.16.2009 | 8:52 am
Ahhhh bill…Trash-80’s? Showing your age dude! (me too…I had a commodore Vic-20 for crying out loud!) 2.2k of whopping ram! Oh baby!
Trackback by Serving Humanity Since 1966 | 12.16.2009 | 10:47 am
Fat Cyclist Goes To Camp…
If you followed any of the Fat Cyclist saga that I posted about last week, then you already probably know that he met all of the goals that Johan Bruyneel put before him, and had the opportunity to go ride……
Comment by olej | 12.16.2009 | 11:14 am
Vid is official now. :) Just pays to be on the same time zone as Johan and be able to pick up his facebook posts before all Americans. :-)
Watched the video for the 3rd time. Can’t help doing it. The gasp and the view on Fatty’s face when JB tells him about the Madone – PLAIN PRECIOUS :-D
Comment by John H. | 12.17.2009 | 10:33 am
I think the important thing to note in this story is that Fatty was on a higher floor than Lance. That’s right, way to represent!
Comment by Devery | 12.17.2009 | 11:22 am
So did Runner ever get to lick a calve?
Pingback by Let’s talk about social networking/New Facebook privacy settings « HSNE Technology Tips & Tricks | 12.17.2009 | 12:22 pm
[...] Lance Armstrong’s new team). A week later he was in Arizona riding with the team (prelude, Part I, Part II), and had raised $120,000 for Livestrong and another charity, and gave away some [...]