Tomorrow Is The Most Important Race of the Year
A “How About Another Race Story About the Ironman?” Note from Fatty: John Moore, whom I referred to as “The Arizona Guy” in my Ironman writeup, has written his own very interesting Ironman story. I highly recommend it; read it here.
Could I Have Done This Race Without Training?
You might remember that the way I originally got into the whole Ironman mess in the first place was by positing that a cyclist could just pull an Ironman out of his butt, were he so inclined.
So, now that I’ve done an Ironman, you’d think that I’ve answered that question.
Except I probably really haven’t. Because I cheated. Here’s how:
- I swam several times. True, not enough to make me a good swimmer, but enough to make sure I was confident I could at least swim that far — though I was totally honest about having doubts about making the cutoff.
- I ran a little bit, and would have run more if I could. Thanks to doing practically no running for at least a month before the race, I may as well have not run at all prior to the Ironman, but I’m a full-disclosure kind of guy, so there you go.
So, to be truthful, I didn’t just pull an Ironman out of my butt. But my opinion that a cyclist (me, in this case) could just pull an Ironman out of his butt remains unshaken.
Nay, I’ll go further: my opinion is strengthened. Here’s why:
- My Aqua Sphere wetsuit practically did the swim for me. The swimming I did prior to the race might have made me fifteen or twenty minutes faster — or let’s be really generous to me and say it made me half an hour faster — but with the wetsuit I had, I would have finished this swim even with no swim training whatsoever. So let’s say I would have started the ride two hours into the race, instead of 1:30 into it.
- If I had trained more on the bike and less on the swim and run, I’d have been faster on the bike. Probably not a lot faster, but if I had skipped the hours I spent running and swimming and spent them on the bike instead, I’d definitely have been stronger on the road. Let’s be conservative and say I’d have been only ten minutes faster over 112 miles.
- I could’ve walked the marathon in < 8.5 hours. All I’ve got to do is walk 3.1 mph (which is not even “brisk”).
So yeah, I still think a strong cyclist who doesn’t do any running or swimming could complete an Ironman without doing any other training.
The question is, could a strong runner who does no riding or swimming complete an Ironman? I think that’s less likely; the aerobic base and leg strength will cross over to a degree, but probably not enough. Depends on the runner.
Or could a strong swimmer who does no riding or running complete an Ironman? That one’s easy: no way.
But just because I reassert that my original hypothesis is correct doesn’t mean I haven’t changed my mind.
Where before I thought that because a cyclist could pull off an untrained Ironman that triathlons are inherently silly, I now have spent some time racing with these guys, and I like them. I like their cheerful acceptance of pain, I like the way they train in multiple disciplines even though they don’t like some of them, and I like their crazy dedication. They were fun, self-effacing, nice athletes.
Still, I stand fast on my earlier proclamation: I don’t want to do another one.
But I can understand why someone would.
Tomorrow: The 100 Miles of Nowhere
And now, with the Ironman out of the way, I can get on to my really important race, which is the Third Annual 100 Miles of Nowhere.
I understand that 500 of you will be joining me (as race director, I didn’t have to reserve a slot, and I get the t-shirt anyway).
The Runner, her son The IT Guy, and I will be doing the Alpine, UT edition of this race from the comfort of my nice cool basement (there had been talk of doing it in a bike shop, but when only two locals expressed interest in joining me, I decided that I’d just do it at home instead).
Our plan is to watch the second half of the second season of Dexter, as well as the first Iron Man movie, to get us in the mood for seeing Iron Man 2 sometime next weekend or so.
Also, for the first time ever, I will be doing the 100 Miles of Nowhere on a trainer instead of on rollers. This is because both The Runner and The IT guy will be using trainers set to 0 resistance, and I don’t want to finish hours and hours behind them.
Also, in recognition that The Runner and I have been doing a lot of long runs and rides and other training during Saturdays lately, we’re going to start our 100 Miles immediately after getting the twins to bed tonight, so we have all of Saturday open for family stuff.
Your Writeups
The thing I liked absolutely best about the 100 Miles of Nowhere last year was reading and posting other race reports, so be sure to email them to me. Just put the body of your report in the email message, and attach the photos. That way I don’t have to mess around with removing word processor fonts and formatting.
Also, keep your reports short, and remember that I won’t be posting all of them, because I’m far too lazy. So don’t get mad at me or anything, OK?
Good luck with your race!
Comment by Kamala | 05.7.2010 | 11:35 am
Ready to wear a groove in a 1.25 mile section of the Burke-Gilman Trail tomorrow!
Comment by jweb | 05.7.2010 | 11:42 am
If any other Twin Cities racers want to join me, I’ll be doing 34 laps around Lake Calhoun sometime on Saturday. I’m hoping to start around 9ish.
Comment by Eric L | 05.7.2010 | 11:47 am
I thought I’d try doing this on my fluid trainer with the resistance not engaged. A minute’s worth of test told me it wouldn’t be much fun. Even in my largest gear I got pedaling too fast and started to bob up and down. My trainer’s not adjustable, so it was all or nothing. I quickly opted for the road. Actually a loop around an old shipyard in Richmond California.
Good luck all of you GC leaders! May we all be graced with good weather & good times.
Comment by AnneJuliet | 05.7.2010 | 11:53 am
DC Riders: For anyone who is interested, there are a few of us (and our faithful fans, of course) who will be riding at Hains Point beginning at 7:30. I’ll have a plain pink jersey (bc i sadly didn’t score a Team Fatty one in time). Another rider in a Fatty kit and at least one other rider there will be on an orange recumbent.
if anyone is interested in joining us, just show up! or drop me a line anne.paterson at
rain or shine! maybe:)
happy riding!
Comment by ocary | 05.7.2010 | 11:54 am
@Fatty – I jumped the gun again this year. Emailed you a couple days ago with the basic info and a question. Somehow I got 5 people to ride the same stupid .95mile loop with a steep hill and had a cheering section of a dozen or so people. 99of29… oh yeah! Very good times.
Fuller details and pictures are here:
@jweb – If it is not snowing or raining hard, I’ll try to come ride a bit with you tomorrow. I _am not_ going to do the full hundo though. What will you be riding / wearing?
Comment by Philly Jen | 05.7.2010 | 11:55 am
I’m off to watch Pat and Jenni rock it out at the Lehigh Valley Velodrome during the big spring bike swap.
BTW, for the many fans of the amazing Noodle: check out the blog and many awesome videos she has put up to document her prep for the coast-to-coast ride she’ll be starting later this month: (Don’t forget to drop a coin in her Livestrong bucket while you’re there!)
Comment by K | 05.7.2010 | 11:58 am
Fatty – don’t forget about the online movie! Enjoy the weekend….
Comment by jweb | 05.7.2010 | 12:01 pm
I’ll be wearing the 2010 Fat Cyclist jersey. If/when you see me, just yell out “FAAAAAAAATTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYY” at the top of your lungs.
Comment by MattC | 05.7.2010 | 12:08 pm
Ahhhhh….the days following the 100MoN last year were some of my Favs…some amazing people out there. Alas, I won’t be doing it w/ ya’ll…I’ll instead be doing my own 62MtS (Miles to Somewhere)…w/ 4200′ of climbing. And lets not forget my faithful training partener…the Evil Mr. Wind, who will be joining me once again. It’s forecast to be howling all weekend down here. Anyway, good luck racers…I’m sure you’ll all win your divisions! I humbly await your reports!
Comment by Nooch | 05.7.2010 | 12:14 pm
NYCarlos and I will be doing (what he has referred to as) the lower loop in central park, about 100 times. If anyone else from the New York Metropolitan area want to to join us, feel free, you can get me at
Comment by Cardiac Kid | 05.7.2010 | 12:16 pm
This is going to EPIC!!
Comment by jweb | 05.7.2010 | 12:18 pm
Slight change of plans for me… I won’t be able to complete my race tomorrow due to the Twins game being preemptively rained out tonight. (I’ve got tickets to tonight’s game, which is being made up tomorrow at noon).
So I will be racing on Sunday morning instead.
Comment by Isaac | 05.7.2010 | 12:20 pm
@jweb @ocary Depending on the weather, I may come ride for a bit. I’m a total wuss, though, so if it’s cold or rainy, I probably won’t come. Plus, I’m not signed up officially. I’ll be on a red Bianchi Eros in one of the older (‘07? ‘08?) Fatty jerseys.
Comment by jon n | 05.7.2010 | 12:24 pm
anyone in Indianapolis, I’ll be riding this around monument circle… planning on starting around 8am. @j_root on twitter and jon nolen(at)gmail com if you replace the spaces with . that’s my email address.
Comment by melinda | 05.7.2010 | 12:27 pm
My husband and i are doing it Sunday, in Volunteer Park!
Comment by chris | 05.7.2010 | 12:27 pm
@Nooch – I measured the loop including the 72nd Street Transverse to be ~1.7 miles, so I’m going to quit after 58 laps or so. What time are you guys starting?
Comment by Mike | 05.7.2010 | 12:27 pm
Looking forward to doing 400 laps around a local school track in 40 degree temps and a 20mph wind. Should be lots of fun :) Hooray mid-west weather.
Comment by jweb | 05.7.2010 | 12:31 pm
Change of plans #2…
The makeup game is actually at 7:00 Saturday night, not 12:00.
So I can ride on Saturday morning as scheduled.
Therefore, I will be riding on Saturday morning, hoping to start at 9ish, or whenever I get my carcass out of bed and over to Lake Calhoun.
Comment by Barbara | 05.7.2010 | 12:39 pm
Back to the Tri… see, this is why it’s a good bet that you will do another one: someday when all your parts are working and not hurting, you’ll start thinking, “I wonder what I could do in a tri if I actually TRAINED for it?”
Then again, at your age (10 years younger than mine, I might add) the likelihood of ever again having a time when all your muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons are working properly and not hurting… gets smaller and smaller.
Comment by CrashCanipe | 05.7.2010 | 12:51 pm
I will be riding 25 laps of a 4 mile off-road loop tomorrow. Forecast in NJ calls for rain and 50 degrees at the start. Oh boy!
Comment by Anthony | 05.7.2010 | 1:12 pm
Funny Fatty, I found the same website when googling average walking pace. Hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail next month and wanted to see what mileage I could expect to cover each day.
Comment by hannah | 05.7.2010 | 1:48 pm
@jweb and other Twin Cities riders: *IF* it is not snowy and cold, I will be there and would love the company–look for a chunky girl on a Bianchi and dark blue and white Carleton College kit. However, if it really does snow tonight (pity us, for those of you who don’t live here!), I will be taking full advantage of the flexibility of this race and doing it next weekend or whenever it thaws out a little.
Comment by Jenni | 05.7.2010 | 1:56 pm
I’m in! Surlyrider and I are going to be in the middle of a velodrome on trainers. I cannot wait.
My reports will be on my blog, click my name.
Comment by VA Biker | 05.7.2010 | 2:00 pm
RE: Assessment on whether one discipline, but athletically-inclined folks can pop off an IM, fascinating. (That’s as in a Spock/Leonard Nimoy/Elden eyebrow arcing one word statement.)
Best of luck on the 100 Miles of Nowhere tonight/tomorrow!
Comment by Betsy | 05.7.2010 | 2:03 pm
Bike ready, DVD’s lined up, New 40 in flat screen to watch them on, resting up today, made my own finishers medal (I’m all about the bling), off to the store for the snacks…..I mean fuel food, think I’m ready! Excited. Will be cheering everyone on!!!!!!
Comment by Biene-Munich | 05.7.2010 | 2:05 pm
Anyone in Munich, Germany? (Haha)
If it doesn’t rain heavily I’ll do a loop in Oberschliessheim, if it does I will be on the trainer. I’m aiming for 100 km, most I ever did before was 75 km, we’ll see how I will hold up.
Everyone enjoy!!!!
Comment by centurion | 05.7.2010 | 2:08 pm
For somebody that swears that he won’t do another IM, you sure do talk about how great is was, and how great the people where. Any body wanna bet Fatty does another IM?
Comment by ckcycling | 05.7.2010 | 2:08 pm
I was pumped and ready to sign up for your 100 Miles of Nowhere, and then I’m ready to sign up and BAM! sign ups are full. I’ll be quicker to sign up next year.
Comment by Vinnie V | 05.7.2010 | 2:11 pm
Going all-out public to raise more $ for LivesSTRONG! Canopy on the boardwalk in N. Carlsbad with my nephew on trainers. Paste this Youtube link for my “100 Miles of Nowhere Promo Video.”
Canari and boned up with some swag to give away for $ donated! If you are in north San Diego county, come ride with us!
Comment by ocary | 05.7.2010 | 2:14 pm
@jweb, @hannah, @every-other-Minneapolis-ish rider. I’ll be at Calhoun tomorrow 10-ish, riding til noon-ish. Silver Trek cyclocross bike with a bento-box. Pink 2010 fatty jersey or blue jacket or orange BCR kit.
What would be the elevation gain for 100 miles around Calhoun? 100 feet?
Comment by Atomic | 05.7.2010 | 2:21 pm
MattC–are you in F’town for Joe Martin? That’s the right distance and time for the ameture race…
Comment by Noodle | 05.7.2010 | 2:36 pm
Bummed to be missing it this year. Ride on, people! Someone make an awesome video!
Comment by fancydirt | 05.7.2010 | 3:23 pm
Oooh, you’re in for a good time. The second half of Season 2 of Dexter is pretty intense. I actually just finished it off earlier this week and started Season 3 last night. Fantastic show.
Have an awesomely boring ride!
Comment by Roberto Leonardo | 05.7.2010 | 3:29 pm
Tomorrow the Giro d’Italia takes off…in The Netherlands! The second best race of the world. The best is…yes…The Tour! Also takes off in The Netherlands! Nevertheless, I wish you and all of you the best in your race tomorrow! Surely the third best race of the world ~ in any case, the best race for you! Cheers!
Comment by G in Morocco | 05.7.2010 | 3:45 pm
I love how you linked to “Bella Online: The Voice of Women.”
Comment by Lesley Jacobs | 05.7.2010 | 6:00 pm
Hey gang,
I’m going to be riding out in front of my house on my spinning bike, and will be gabbing it up with the neighbors and dog walkers who happen by. I am making cupcakes, and cookies, and am going to have a fundraising event while I ride.
Sunday Volunteer park riders, I’m going to stop by and say Hi!
Comment by roan | 05.7.2010 | 6:03 pm
Hummm…only two locals responded…HEY FOLKS this is the Iron Runner & ditto Fatty ! I will be honored to be there with y’all. Short 1 1/2 hr flight should arrive about 8PM…could someone pick me up ? Need loaner bike and trainer. Hey could we practice letting it fly on the fly. Sure would save time by not stopping. Might be a good idea to have a remote to turn off the cooling fan though.
Comment by RJD | 05.7.2010 | 6:49 pm
I’m in Evanston, Wyoming, if anyone wants to go to the Bear River State Park on Sunday and ride the last 1-2 miles section over and over and over and over and weather should be great!
Comment by RobinCanTri | 05.7.2010 | 7:38 pm
We have three possibly insane women participating in the Southern Nevada Cycle Chica’s edition of 100 Miles of Nowhere.
I’d love to keep track of all of your progress… use #100MoN hashtag on Twitter so I can find you!
Have a great ride everyone!
Comment by Peter | 05.7.2010 | 8:25 pm
So now the important question (to me anyhow), is can someone who has totally forgotten to train for the HMoN be ready to go tomorrow? I’m about to find out!
Time to cue up the entire Monty Python collection…unless my 2 year old decides he has to help by making me watch Thomas the Tank Engine. (I might finish quicker)
Comment by dawn from Houston | 05.7.2010 | 8:34 pm
No training, no skill, all on a 15yr old bike. Oh yeah this is going to be fun. Now I just have to decide: the 0.7 loop x 150 times or the 1.5 loop x 70 times. Choices, choices…
Comment by Doug (Way up State NY) | 05.7.2010 | 8:59 pm
Good luck tomorrow. My two friends and I have graduation at our university tomorrow, so we won’t be riding tomorrow. But we will be riding on Friday. 1.5 mile loop around campus. We’ve been busy competing with each other to raise money. Winner gets dinner. AND we have some friends who are going to ride with us. Not all of the way, but some of the way. Riding 100 miles around campus is crazy after all :)
My wife got a job as a social worker with the local Hospice this year, so this has new meaning for us.
Comment by Jeremy | 05.7.2010 | 10:14 pm
My friends and family must really dislike me. I offered up miles at $10 a mile and they bought 271.5 of them. I’m going for 200 in the main park in town with LAF goodies to give away tomorrow but I’m hoping to nail down as many as I can before the park closes down.
I’ll be photographing and Facebooking the action as I go. The debate is resistance or no. It’s a magnetic trainer so it’s all or nothing.
Comment by anji | 05.7.2010 | 10:22 pm
Hmmm,,, fascinating theory about the swimmers not being able to pull off a run or a bike…
I’ve been trying to learn to run for quite a while… most I got up to was a 7 minute run (and, I know, this isn’t up to parr with your numbers but, I”m 100 pounds overweight, and have been in a recent accident, please keep that in mind!)…. however, I haven’t run since the accident, until yesterday. I did however, swim at least 2.5kms in one session, at least once a week or so since the accident.
My first run yesterday? a 20 minute, non-stop run. So, not only did I NOT regress with my running, I improved it a crapload. I could have gone longer but did not want to risk injuring my neck/back.
So… I’m queen of stats when it comes to this kind of training stuff… and definitely, if I were an even stronger swimmer, I’m sure I’d have no problem doing the runs or bike.
Would I?
Heck no!! I’m not insane :P
Comment by Greg from Sydney | 05.8.2010 | 12:03 am
Well our 100 Miles are done and dusted. A bunch of us Sydneysiders got together this morning and knocked out our 100 miles around Centenial park.
As a true sign of friendship we had a lot of friends who said we were mad but joined us anyway after making a donation to a local cancer charity.
Good luck to those still underway.
Comment by buckythedonkey | 05.8.2010 | 4:35 am
My 100MoN plans have been sunk by a trans Atlantic trip today, so this London Lad will be dreaming of the comfort and joy of 160 laps of the Inner Circle while he’s sitting stuffed into a coach class seat.
I hereby proclaim myself winner of the Clydesdale in Most Discomfort category.
Good luck to you all!
Oh, and I’m selling a brand new FC jersey, 100% of proceeds going to support (my Mum by way of) Ovarian Cancer Action. Will ship anywhere in the World (at your cost).
Fatty, please delete this if you consider it inappropriate content for your blog.
Comment by cdags | 05.8.2010 | 6:24 am
We’re postponing our 100 Miles of Nowhere around Lemon Hill 133 times to next Saturday what with all the nasty weather we’re expecting today (it better start storming or I’ll feel like a shlub.)
So feel free to come out and join us next Saturday, May 15th. We’ll start riding at 7AM and there will be food and Sly Fox beer for all!
Comment by Drdave | 05.8.2010 | 6:36 am
Actually finished my ride on Thursday. A 2.33 mile loop around my very small town, Deckerville, MI. Will be posting my report sometime soon. Got some good video footage of the start and finish to post on YouTube. The fun part was crossing the train tracks 84 times. Yeah, got pretty good at a soft crossing.
Comment by Redbird | 05.8.2010 | 8:32 am
100 MoNW – Qatar is in the books once again. Good ride and it was still under 100 degrees when I finished at 8:30 this morning! Early bedtime tonight. :)
Comment by site of sorrow | 05.8.2010 | 9:03 am
I passed this sign 20+ times as I cycled Belle Isle in downtown Richmond Va and sorrowful I was as I gave up after 23miles, the most I have ever done in one day before was 16 on a rented bike in Acadia national park with a break for popovers at the Jordan Pond house. It took me 3hours and every time round I told myself I would not brake on the down hill s curve but I find i am too chicken to go more than 12mph. I took a break to check out the Susan Komen on Browns island that I skipped today for 100mon. I am a winner in the 54yo 200+ lb night nurses with high hopes. Janet– I tried
Comment by Ian Thomson | 05.8.2010 | 9:19 am
Ok! I got onto this too late, it will be next year for me. I am doing an indoor ride on my tacx, 12 hours, thinking of all you guys.
What a great group!!! If I qualify for RAAM this year (you should try this one fatty), how do I help raise money for cancer?
Comment by bykjunkie | 05.8.2010 | 9:27 am
Bykjunkie and SnotRocketeer are complete. 100 miles aboard the USS Nassau!
Comment by Maggi | 05.8.2010 | 10:53 am
I just got home from the spring swap meet / flea market at the Velodrome in Lehigh Valley, PA, where I got to cheer on Pat & Jenni in all their Team Fatty glory! I think Jenni was at 45 miles when I stopped by to jump around and cheer for them (Jenni acted like she was finishing a mountain stage, and I wished I had a freaking cowbell). GO PAT & JENNI!!
Comment by Carl | 05.8.2010 | 12:23 pm
I used my Giant Tempo spinning bike… 100 miles in 5:04:16 ride time and 5:30 overall. Thanks Fatty, it was actually ?fun? Congrats to all the other 100MON racers!!!
And to “site of sorrow” – that is one of the best stories we will hear. Congratulations.
Comment by Lori | 05.8.2010 | 1:04 pm
Just got back from 30 miles of Nowhere on the Tidewater Bikeway in Manteca, California. Perfect weather and not too much broken glass-lol. Sorry to only have done 30 miles but 100 next year for sure!
Comment by Biene-Munich | 05.8.2010 | 2:30 pm
I did 100 km of Nowhere today near Munich, which ist 25% more than I ever did before. I’m pretty pround and dead tired, and I can’t wait to hear all the stories.
Comment by Biene-Munich | 05.8.2010 | 2:31 pm
that was supposed to be “proud” not “pound”
Comment by Betsy | 05.8.2010 | 4:02 pm
100 Miles…..Done! sent you an email and some pictures. I made my own finishers medal, which I am wearing right now as I sip some champane to celebrate. Did it in 6:49:33. Alot faster then I thought. The last 25 miles was the hardest…..then the last 5, OMG, had to stop every 2 miles. Legs feel good, but my tail bone is really sore…..
Even though I did this on my own, I was very aware of all the others out there doing the same race with me. So Glad to have that cosmic connection with all of you.
So, I Betsy have won in the “I am so awesome Dude” catagory. Woo Hoo !!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the experiance Fatty…..I mean IronFatty!
Comment by roan | 05.8.2010 | 4:55 pm
Won and Done. Sounds familier, huh ?
Won the “Nothing better to do because all else pales in comparision Group”.
The rewards worthy. The Guinness priceless (not quite I had to buy it) Going to miss Noodles’ report (she set the bar high last year). Can hardly wait to ’see’ what shows up this year.
Thanks Fatty I’m sure I wouldn’t do this on my own.
Comment by Nooch | 05.8.2010 | 7:41 pm
For the record, and sorry for the confusion, NYCarlos and I will be starting in central park tomorrow morning around 6am, at the engineers gate at central park (90th and 5th).
You’re more than welcome to join us!!
Comment by NYCCarlos | 05.8.2010 | 8:06 pm
Please do! You can come cheer too!!!!!!! :)
Comment by brewcitychris | 05.8.2010 | 8:09 pm
110k to Nowhere completed this afternoon. Started out looking to do 100 miles, but 41°, steady 20mph winds and rain made us shut it down early. May look to do it again later in the year when Wisconsin warms up for good. Did I just suggest that I would do this again in the same year?
Congrats to all of the 2010 R2N riders!
By the way if you have not watched the screening of Ride the Divide yet, definitely catch it before the end of the screening today. Very inspiring.
Comment by CrashCanipe | 05.8.2010 | 8:17 pm
I’m noticing a little bit of a pattern here. My dreams of an off-road mountain bike 100 Miles of Nowhere were cut a little short to the 100 Kilometers of Nowhere. I stopped at 65 miles due to heavy allergy issues when the pollen was blowing at gusts of 30 mph here in New Jersey. I overestimated my ability…
Comment by Betsy | 05.8.2010 | 8:35 pm
@brewcitychris, or Fatty, or someone… do we see the screening of Ride the Divide?????
Comment by Surlyrider | 05.8.2010 | 9:03 pm
So Jenni and I “finished” the 100 miles of nowhere stage 1 this morning. The wind blew some precious stuff around and just about broke my tent. We raised a bunch of money and had a great time. Keep an eye on your blogs for updates.
Way too much fun.
Betsy go to the ride the divide website and enter fatcyclist after the /
Comment by Betsy | 05.8.2010 | 10:07 pm
@surlyrider Great picture and congrats on the finish. I found the feed, what a great movie. I almost forgot to watch it. Thanks!
Comment by Jeremy | 05.8.2010 | 10:36 pm
I’m totally bummed. The link to the Ride the Divide is not working. It’s still May 8th in three time zones and I just finished up my 273 Miles of Nowhere.
Comment by Chris | 05.8.2010 | 10:52 pm
The link to Ride the Divide didn’t work for me either
Comment by Dan | 05.8.2010 | 11:15 pm
Completed my 101 in 6:45 riding time with several breaks inbetween.
Also climbed something like 3800 feet during the ride.
This is my first century in 12 years, and last time I wasn’t a “Clyde”.
I may do it again next week.
Garmin connect data posted as my “website”, which is pretty funny if you use the “player”.
Comment by Ride The Divide Movie | 05.9.2010 | 7:31 am
Thanks for all who watched and commented on the “Ride the Divide” movie. We hope it helped get you through your 100 Miles of Nowhere event.
I see a few of you night owls did not get a chance to access the link. The server took down the page at midnight EST.
In honor of Team Fatty, when you make any purchase from our online store, 1/2 of the proceeds will go to LiveStrong. Use code TEAMFATTY at checkout. This code will alert us to activate the donation:
Thanks again for the great comments & reviews of the film – we appreciate your support in getting the word out.
If your club or organization would like to include the “Ride the Divide” film in an upcoming fundraiser for LiveStrong or another great cause, please let us know.
You can contact: mike(at)

Comment by not much further... | 05.9.2010 | 9:39 am
Reporting from London – its cold again, but we did our 100 MoN in 6.20 ish (flat course, lots of loops) with something between a constant drizzle and heavy rain pretty much the whole time. Temp maxed out at about 8 degrees C (gotta love spring in the UK). Well done all riders, we thought of you and what we were doing it for as we pedalled our way round and round and round….!
Comment by Russ | 05.9.2010 | 11:00 am
Wow that sux, i haven’t even received my 100 MoNW pack yet and I find out that I can’t see the movie when it does arrive.
I’m guessing my pack may arrive in time for me to ride next weekend so I’ll be with “A ride with George Hincapie” instead and Series 3 of the “The wire”.
Long live Fattie.
Comment by Allison- S. Florida | 05.9.2010 | 11:29 am
Monotony in Markam Park. Well, we’re just about done with our 100 MoN here in South Florida. Four of us, 3 registered and 1 bandit chose Markham Park for our ride. Me and the bandit decided on the 6 mile loop while the guys picked a 1.5 mile course. We started as soon as the park opened at 7 a.m. to try to avoid the afternoon heat as much as possible (it was mid 90’s by the time we finished). The bandit and two of the registered riders finshed their hundreds early in the afternoon. Unfortunately my husband got overheated and had to drop out at 72 miles. I told him that if he can complete his final 28 miles this evening then he could still wear his t-shirt proudly (the 100 MoN weekend edition). So I guess we’ll saddle on up later when it cools off and “git ‘er done” tonight.
I have to admit it was really cool knowing that there were 497 plus riders out there collectively giving the finger to cancer… very motivating!
The picture is at our 40 mile refueling rest stop.
Thank you for all your creative ideas that keep us excited and motivated!
mikef18 at 2010-05-09" alt="a> at 2010-05-09" />
Winner of the 44 year old woman that’s had 3 knee sugeries within the last year division
Comment by Tom | 05.9.2010 | 3:11 pm
Another Londoner here. Last year I managed to get to the Inner Circle and go round and round and round with Buckythedonkey et al, but this year I live much further out and the weather was just too unreliable for me to commit to getting into town and getting it down (100 miles of nowhere, not 100 miles of rain…). Forced to resort to the epic turbo session instead.
My thoughts? Much harder doing it inside alone vs outside with other people, but this is almost outweighed by being able to stop and fridge raid whenever I needed to.
I got there eventually and knocked 7 minutes off last years ride time. Not that it really counts, because I was inside, in the warm, with no hills.
Slightly ridiculous GPS track (for proof!) etc at
Comment by Mike | 05.9.2010 | 6:21 pm
The 100 Miles of Hellacious Wind in Levittown is complete!
My first ever century – we were one of few to buck up (stupidly) and fight the elements in the Mid Atlantic area. We started out carrying great pace on a 2.25 mile loop around my section. By great I mean 15mph with occasional jaunts up to 25…by 2pm we were fighting to reach 13mph downhill!
A couple more details, pics and gps later.
For now, I managed to finish. Phew!
Comment by Allison- S. Florida | 05.9.2010 | 6:21 pm
After dropping out after 72 miles yesterday due to problems with the heat here in South Florida, my husband went back to Markham Park this evening and completed his 100 MoN. Now we can proudly wear our sporty ride t-shirts together!
Good job, Hun!
Comment by Jenni | 05.9.2010 | 6:36 pm
My ride report is up. Click on my name to read it!
What a great day!!
Comment by Jeremy | 05.9.2010 | 6:59 pm
Ditto, Jenni.
My ride report is up. Click on my name to read it.
Comment by NYCCarlos | 05.9.2010 | 7:34 pm
6 hoursish of riding, 1 hour of stoppage, NY Road Runner’s Mother’s Day 10k successfully avoided without incident… 40ish laps of the 1.7 mile loop, a few more of the 5 mile loop (because of the NY RR Race cutting off the turnoff to the 1.7 mile loop)… worked great.
It was 46 freaking degrees at the start and about 50 at the finish. Consistent 30mph winds with gusts up to 50mph… so crappy…
I was surprised at how fun the ride actually was though. I have to say, a tiny loop really isn’t that bad because you get LOTS of little victories each lap that are easily comparable to the last lap. I also had some friends show up for 25 miles so I could be a total wheel suck.
Thanks for putting this together fatty. I’ll send some pictures and a full race report later!
-NYC Carlos
Comment by Noodles | 05.9.2010 | 7:35 pm
Where can we go to put extra donations we made for Fat Cyclist and Livestrong?
Comment by Bisso | 05.9.2010 | 8:54 pm
Ditto to Noodles – i am ‘racing’ this weekend and want to screw a few extra bucks out of my usual riding crew
Comment by Jane | 05.10.2010 | 6:09 am
Re: runner winging an Ironman, check out Marathon Me: He did IM CdA in 2008 on little swim/bike training.
Comment by Jeremy in MPLS | 05.10.2010 | 8:09 am
Initial plan to put bike & trainer on front porch, open screen windows for a breeze, lug old television & dvd player up and ride proud all day, further confusing my neighbors. However, MPLS opened up in mid-30s Saturday morning, plus my four-year-old god-daughter spent night w/ my younger daughter, and they decided it was time to get up at 4:15 am (after my wife had dragged in at two-something from recording session); I put little devils back to bed–until about seven. So I was starting smoked and didn’t feel inspired to heft all the stuff upstairs only to freeze on the porch.
Basement dungeon it was. Good times. I am a sweaty bastard. Ride went well. Mental mental mental challenges.
I explained it to dubious family as a good-natured analogy for the tedium and challenge of the medical labyrinth. !00 miles to nowhere is just the top layer of doctors, appointments, uncertainty, and waiting waiting waiting.
If the saddle sores heal by this weekend (did I mention I’m a sweaty fellow?), I’m hoping it will be good preparation for the Almanzo 100. If not, who cares? It all beats golf.
In memory of my mother, her mother, and the third mother of my youth.
Comment by AnneJuliet | 05.10.2010 | 11:01 am
GREAT times in DC. WINDY times. but great times. took forEVER because of the wind, but my first century is now behind me and i’m so excited it was under these windy circumstances with all the rest of the 100MoN’ers, for mom AND on mothers day (weekend).
thanks, fatty, chris and everyone else!
Comment by alison | 05.10.2010 | 8:55 pm
Our bandit 100 Miles (in the Middle) of Nowhere was great except for that part at the end where we almost died. It is amazing how fast you can ride at mile 97.5 when lightening hits the house next to where you are riding. Pouring rain crapped out my bike computer at 99.92. You just can’t make this stuff up. Ride time 5:55 – we loved it. Post race highlight: ate 1/2 a bag of peanut M&Ms in pouring rain while I waited for the kids’ bus – yum. Thanks Fatty!! Can’t wait for next year.
Comment by eldan | 05.10.2010 | 11:29 pm
Melinda and I attempted to ride 200 laps of a little course in Volunteer Park, Seattle, but we made the mistake of using a place where cars park. After 50 miles, we decided it could be 100 miles as a combined effort, to save our sanity.