Peas Beah Wid Me; I Hab a Bewwy Bad Cowd
You know how when you have a cold, your brain slows down to the speed of molasses (that’s not fast)? And things that normally wouldn’t annoy you, do? And you just want to lay down and sleep, and then watch some TV? And then maybe sleep some more?
Yeah, that’s how I am right now.
Right around mile 65 or so of Levi’s GranFondo last Saturday, I started feeling a scratchiness in the back of my throat. By the time I was back in the hotel and showered, my eyes were watery and itchhy.
And now I sound like Darth Vader when I breathe.
My point is that right now I wouldn’t be able to do justice to the awesomeness of the Levi’s GranFondo weekend, and I do want to do it justice. So I’d like to ask for your patience for a day. Tomorrow (or Wednesday at the latest if this cold is worse than I think it is) I’ll have a story and a video — yes, I wore the helmetcam for the whole ride.
Meanwhile, here are a couple of pictures from the trip:
This is me leaning against a redwood tree in Armstrong Forest. This is the first time I’d ever seen redwoods in person. I was awestruck at their enormity, not to mention beauty. So, as you can expect, I was quite embarrassed when — after having this photo taken — I accidentally pushed this tree over. I am quite strong.
The Gran La Fonda Handbuilt Bicycle Show — the evening before the ride — was a blast, from seeing beautiful steel handbuilt bikes to gawking at the gargantuan pedal-powered monstrosities to meeting and chatting with the author of Red Kite Prayer.
It was also at the Handbuilt Bicycle Show that Sean of Soulcraft gave me this, my favorite new bumper sticker. Obviously, I will apply it to Kenny’s truck as soon as humanly possible.
I’ve always been of the opinion that every natural setting has its own beauty, but there’s something extraordinary about riding along the coast. The weather was perfect, the course was breathtakingly beautiful, and the support was unbelievably good.
This was — honestly — one of the most enjoyable days I’ve ever had on a road bike.
Details soon. I’m going back to bed now.
Comment by Dan | 10.11.2010 | 10:05 am
Oh man, think of all the people who licked the Madone after you! They’re all hating you now.
Comment by Alison Wonderland | 10.11.2010 | 10:29 am
Maybe you got it from someone who licked the Madone before you. Still worth it?
Comment by Nooch | 10.11.2010 | 10:38 am
Hey fatty, any word from T6 about the shipping of the goods?? I’m getting anxious!
Comment by Cyclin' Missy | 10.11.2010 | 10:38 am
We’ll wait! I hope you feel better quickly!
Comment by Erik | 10.11.2010 | 10:56 am
You sound like Darth Vader? COOL.
Who’s YOUR Daddy?
Comment by Nurse Betsy | 10.11.2010 | 11:12 am
Have someone get you some spicy Thai soup with chicken and coconut milk in it. The spices will burn it right out of you. Lots of fluids and rest. Get well soon Fatty.
Comment by Mike Roadie | 10.11.2010 | 11:33 am
Feew bedda…..
Comment by Kathy McElhaney | 10.11.2010 | 11:39 am
Yep, that’s what I love about this state – giant Redwoods (and Sequoias) and the amazing Pacific Coast Highway. We’ll just leave out the looneys who also live here… I’ve lived here all my life and I ain’t leaving! Wait, does that make ME a looney??
Feel better soon.
Comment by AngieG | 10.11.2010 | 11:41 am
I’m sorry you caught a cold. I hope you feel better soon I am glad you and The Runner were able to make it. It was great seeing you both at the Festa. I wish we could have caught up after the ride. Sounds like you enjoyed our wonderfully EPIC ride. I can’t wait to read your post.
I saw several Fatty’s there too!
Get Well soon!!
Comment by Fat Cathy | 10.11.2010 | 11:41 am
Poor baby. Hope you feel better soon!
Comment by KanyonKris | 10.11.2010 | 11:54 am
My weekend was killed by a cold – I’m not happy about that.
Ditto on the Redwoods – I was amazed.
Resentment swells when I see your photos of the ocean, then I push it back down and I’m happy for you.
Comment by Chris | 10.11.2010 | 12:30 pm
“This was — honestly — one of the most enjoyable days I’ve ever had on a road bike.”
Agreed, that’s exactly how I felt about this ride.
Comment by Arizona Guy | 10.11.2010 | 12:30 pm
Fatty – I so kicked your ass in Moab this weekend!!
It was so much more fun knowing that my best efforts on my super-delux full cush, multi-speed wonder bike were not being showed up by a you on a rigid single-speed.
Comment by curtismchale | 10.11.2010 | 12:33 pm
Ooo now I want that huge trike. Guess I could build my own.
Comment by DanO | 10.11.2010 | 12:38 pm
My last ride was killed by pneumonia, let’s hope you only have a cowd! See you in a few weeks in Austin.
Comment by Adventure Monkey | 10.11.2010 | 1:58 pm
A bad cold and still funny – impressive.
Comment by Allison (Wife #1) Houston | 10.11.2010 | 2:15 pm
Feel better and take the time to get well. Knocking over a thousands of year old giant redwood can really take it out of you. We shall await your return with alacrity. And when you are really feeling better, can you photoshop David’s hair so he looks like you and Levi…. ‘cept maybe a teensy bit taller.
Comment by racing bikes | 10.11.2010 | 2:24 pm
I want to ride that bike trike!
Comment by Chuckles Ibis | 10.11.2010 | 2:46 pm
Hey! Who put their disease in you? How could they do that to you given your impeccable taste in fashion?
Comment by bikemike | 10.11.2010 | 2:55 pm
caught my cold friday night. thanks.
Comment by Andrew | 10.11.2010 | 4:07 pm
It sounds like you are suffering a Mancold, these are much worse than a normal cold that others such as women and children suffer, they really can be debilitating as it targets the male of the human species.
Get well.
Comment by rich | 10.11.2010 | 4:23 pm
Love that bumper sticker!
Feel better soon
Comment by Penina | 10.11.2010 | 5:28 pm
Feel better soon….can only hold our collective breathes but oh so long, awaiting the awesomeness of your Grand Fondo blog.
Comment by kenny | 10.12.2010 | 9:59 am
I once rode a single speed with absolutely no one around to see me. I was SO cool that day.
Comment by Beginning Biker | 09.23.2011 | 3:01 pm
I followed the link to the Gran La Fonda Handbuilt Bicycle Show. The site says they have an event September 30th. Is that updated information or is that for the last event?
Looks updated. I went last year, and loved it. Definitely going back this year! – FC