Superfly 100 + Shimano XTR Build: LiveBlog!
I’m sorry — no, actually I’m not sorry at all — to interrupt the 100 Miles of Nowhere race reports (which will continue later today and go through tomorrow and probably the next day, every couple hours or so) — with a liveblog from Racer’s Cycle Service, as Racer builds my new Superfly 100 up.
Indulge me.
4:00: Oh wait. Weight! Let’s see what we’ve got: 24.8lbs. OK, honestly I was expecting lighter.
But let’s see how it rides. Back later!
3:46: Saddle going on. I believe we are mere moments from bike completion.
I will post later this afternoon / evening with first ride impressions.
3:25: There’s a race tomorrow at Sundance. I should go race it. On this bike.
You know, I think I will.
3:18: As the bike nears completion, I have a hard time looking away. Racer’s now fine-tuning the shifting. Next up, saddle and the bottle cage. And then I’m going riding!
2:48: A couple people have asked what I got Racer for lunch. The answer is: a Steak Burrito from Mountain West Burrito. He did not want guac or sour cream, which I simply cannot fathom.
And no, I did not get a burrito (nor anything at all, in fact) for myself.
2:15: Just in case you’re interested: I’m going with Time ATAC pedals, a Selle Italia SLR XC saddle, and an Arundel Sideloader bottle cage.
I’m guessing this bike will weigh ~22lbs when fully built. Anyone want to weigh in (ahem) with a different guess?
2:10: Getting close to finished! Things left to do: shifter cables, chain, saddle, brake cables.
And yes, it looks like Racer’s gonna need to shorten the brake cables today after all. Too bad!
1:21: I’m heading out to go buy Racer some lunch. More blogginess soon.
1:13: The line for the front brake is in fact a little bit long, but we’re going to go with it for today, in large part because it’s just a shame to lose the factory bleed. We’ll cut it down later. And by “we,” I of course mean “Racer.”
1:09: Racer’s starting on the brakes. This is a nervous part of the build. If the as-shipped line length goes well with the bike frame, this can go quickly. If the line has to be cut because the frame is too small for that length of cable, then there’s gonna be a lot of work.
1:05: Look at that sad box of parts. Like they’re from Island of Misfit Toys. Don’t worry, bike parts, you’ll find a good home. I promise.
1:01: It’s all starting to come together! Racer’s got the cranks, derailleurs, stem and handlebar on. I believe this is going to be a fine bicycle. Just fine.
12:51: I apparently misread Ashley’s comment. Sorry, Ashley! In answer to your question, yes I work from home most days. Today is a PTO day, though.
12:46: NickP asks, “Is it weird that I want to lick those spokes?” To which I would answer, “See my remark @12:35.”
NickP also wants to know where I’m taking this riding once it’s built. I haven’t yet decided: either Frank or a tour of Corner Canyon. Maybe both.
12:43: From the comments, Ashley asks, “Fatty, you, uh, bored today or something?” To which I respond, “Ashley, not every post is for every reader. From your comment, I’m guessing this one is not for you.”
12:35: OK, the cassette is beautiful, but the new XTR cranks are pure sex.
I’ve always had a thing about cranks, though. Is that weird?
Oh, you can see where I’m blogging from in the background of this photo. Just in case you were curious what kind of a setup I’m using.
12:30: The Shimano XTR cassette is a thing of beauty. I mean that quite literally. Really excellent engineering has an elegant aesthetic that I think qualifies as art.
12:22: James is asking about tires. Crossmark’s don’t come in LUSTs for 29ers. And apparently, I’m actually getting an Ardent front as well. Why didn’t I know what tires I was getting? Cuz I’ve been using the Schwalbe’s and thought that’s what I’d do on this bike. Racer let me know that he couldn’t get Schwalbes (he can again now apparently) and so I told him to surprise me with something he likes.
It’s nice to be able to trust your mechanic enough that you can say “surprise me” without any concern whatsoever.
12:16: Check them out: two tubeless, carbon, 29″ beauties. Keith (Bontrager’s friends call him “Keith”) has reason to be proud.
12:12: Ross asks a good question: what kind of questions should you have when you go into a shop buying your first mountain bike? Racer says you shouldn’t worry so much about questions as have answers to the questions the shop SHOULD be asking you. As in, make sure the person at the shop is someone who asks you what you’re going to be doing with the bike and learns about how you want to use it. If they start recommending a bike before then, wrong shop.
As far as things to ask the shop, ask about whether you’ll get discounts on accessories, service plans, and such. There’s a good chance the shop will want to form a relationship with you and will offer you incentives to come back.
12:07: Josh in Upstate NY says he’s going to be in the area and wants a place to rent a bike. Racer doesn’t do that kind of thing, but there are a couple other places that do. Call Racer’s shop, Josh, and they’ll point you in the right direction.
12:05: David-Marin,ca asks where all the “old” (as in brand new) parts are going. A great question. My plan is to buy a frame and build a mountain bike for my 15-year-old son.
12:00: Here’s Racer putting the tire sealant in the tire for the rear wheel. The tire? A Maxxis Crossmark. I’m usually a Schwalbe Racing Ralph guy, but I’m trying something different here.
11:55: Alert reader Superstantial asked why I have two stems. This is because Shimano is awesome and sent me a couple to try out: a 100mm and a 110mm stem. I’m pretty sure the 110 is going to be what I go with, but the 100 will definitely find a good home somewhere.
I’ll be checking comments as I liveblog, so if you’ve got questions — including questions a bike mechanic might answer — ask away. I’ll ask Racer and probably mistranslate his answers here.
11:53: Racer has asked me if I would like to have the pie plate installed on my Bontrager XXX wheels. I have declined.
11:47: Racer’s working on putting rotors on the wheels. He’s hunched over the wheels and is in general not being very photogenic at the moment.
So I’ll take a moment to give you an interesting anecdote. Specifically, did you know that Racer’s actual name is in fact “Racer?” It is. See, back in the old days, his name used to be “Jared,” but he worked in another bike shop that already had a Jared. To distinguish between the two, we called the other guy Jared and we called the Jared who raced a lot “Racer Jared.”
After a while, we stopped saying the “Jared” part.
And a while after that, Racer made it legal. I’m pretty sure a lawyer did the work for him in exchange for having some bike work done.
Interesting factoid: 85% of bike work is paid using the barter system. For example, I am paying Racer entirely in egg yolks.
11:43: Doesn’t take Racer long to strip the frame to its raw, naked glory:
I just asked Racer, by the way, how long this build will take. He says he’d be surprised if he finishes it in less than three hours.
Yeah, so would I. In fact, In my entire life, I don’t believe I have ever witnessed a bike shop build a bike for me in fewer than five hours. This might have something to do with the fact that other customers — the pests — always want something RIGHT NOW, not realizing that my bike build is much more important and urgent than whatever it is they need done. Sheesh.
11:37: The bike, pretty much ready for all the parts to be taken off and replaced with much sexier parts:
11:35: Racer, as we begin the unboxing, holding the frame.
Is that raw, unbridled lust in his eyes? Probably.
11:30: OK, here are the stars of the show. First, I have a box of Shimano XTR goodness. Which is to say, you know how the Superfly 100 is an unimaginably sweet bike even when it’s totally stock?
Yeah, well, mine won’t be stock. It’ll be full XTR. Behold:
11:22: I just got here; Racer’s about to get started.
Unboxing starts in a second.
Comment by Superstantial | 06.7.2011 | 11:52 am
I’m suprised at the lack of comment.
In other news, why do you have two stems in the picture above?
Is this the rare, two-handlebarred double Superfly we’ve heard about on
If so, where are the four chains you’re going to need?
These questions need answers!
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 11:54 am
No custom paint? Was Shepard Fairey unavailable?
God I hope this isn’t too big.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 11:55 am
Thank goodness, not too large. Now picture “Fat Cyclist” colors and script, and we’ll all want one. BTW, where are the ‘old’ parts going? Contest?
Comment by 3d brian | 06.7.2011 | 11:58 am
“nteresting factoid: 85% of bike work is paid using the barter system. For example, I am paying Racer entirely in egg yolks.”
93% of percentages listed on the internet are made up.
Comment by Josh in Upstate NY | 06.7.2011 | 12:01 pm
I think I’m falling in love with this bike the more I watch it. I’m also going to be passing through Provo on a cross country road trip in August…might just have to stop by and check out the shop! Hoping to get some riding in as we travel through UT. Unfortunately, I don’t have room for my GF Hi-Fi 29r…any recommendations for rental shops in the area?
Comment by Superstantial | 06.7.2011 | 12:01 pm
Thanks! I couldn’t tell the 10mm difference on my screen. Although I’m dissappointed about not seeing a two-handlebarred bike.
Glad to see you’re not wasting those yolks – although I’m still curious why you didn’t just buy eggwhites.
I wish I had time to live blog your live blog.
Comment by Superstantial | 06.7.2011 | 12:03 pm
Also, very kind of the people at Shimano Cycling Fishing Rowing Consortium.
Those guys (gals) seem like class acts, all around.
Comment by Ross | 06.7.2011 | 12:05 pm
Been a roadie for five years but I’m buying my first mountain bike today.
I’m thinking I will go with either the Trek/GF Paragon or Specialized Stumpjumper Comp 29er…\
(I will be in quite a pickle if I end up winning the current contest. An excellent pickle.)
Any tips/advice from Fatty or Racer for questions to bring with my walking into the shop?
THANKS! Bike looks great
Comment by zach in a cubicle | 06.7.2011 | 12:06 pm
This is dumb (so totally appropriate) but you should use the XTR boxes as future prize boxes those things are cool looking…
Comment by Patrick #4091 | 06.7.2011 | 12:08 pm
I bet your slavering with anticipation!
Comment by zach in a cubicle | 06.7.2011 | 12:11 pm
No Patrick, he’s eating a double cheeseburger with fries… and a dozen macadamian nut cookies… as a light hooray I made it snack before lunch…
Comment by Patrick #4091 | 06.7.2011 | 12:12 pm
*you’re (sorry)
Comment by James N | 06.7.2011 | 12:15 pm
Crossmark front and rear? Are the LUSTs or regular tires?
A few of us have run Ignitor fronts and Crossmark rears for several years with a lot of success. Leadville even. I just switched to an Ardent front (with a Crossmark rear) so I can run tubeless on 29inch front and back. Have had mixed results running the non tubeless Maxxis as tubeless.
Comment by MattC | 06.7.2011 | 12:23 pm
Ross, as to which bike, well…mostly it depends on A: what kind of riding do you plan to do? (need crystal ball here to tell the future, cuz what terrain you START riding on won’t be what you are riding 5 yrs from now).
B: how old are you? (don’t need to answer, but I’ll tell you why: as you get old..uh, er, I mean oldER, you start to think a cushy full susp. bike would be nice, and as you increase your olderness, that becomes necessary…if you ride the kind of terrain that a FS is good for I mean). If you are going to be riding rails to trails type bikepaths, then a hardtail is nice. Serious mt biking? For myself I like my full susp. I WANT IT. I NEED IT! Look at Fatty…he now has (or will in an hour or so) a full susp. 29′er to go with his singlespeed and whatever else he has in his stable…cuz there are times when full susp is just the ticket. Just my 2 cents worth.
And Fatty…this must be pretty exciting! The culmination of MONTHS of suffering (except for the cookies I mean). It’s going to be GREAT! Congrats again!
Comment by Kevin M | 06.7.2011 | 12:27 pm
Go Racer Go!!! We wanna see the finished bike too!!!
Comment by Bryan (not that one) | 06.7.2011 | 12:28 pm
Fatty, let me add the words you accidently left out from “My plan is to buy a frame and build a mountain bike for my 15-year-old son.”
My plan is to buy a frame and HAVE RACER build a mountain bike for my 15-year-old son.
Comment by Nick P | 06.7.2011 | 12:29 pm
Is it weird that I want to lick those spokes?
Comment by Ashley | 06.7.2011 | 12:30 pm
Fatty, you, uh, bored today or something?
Comment by Nick P | 06.7.2011 | 12:31 pm
I am assuming you are christening this thing today. What/where do you have planned for the first ride?
Comment by GenghisKhan | 06.7.2011 | 12:36 pm
Ask Racer to divulge a favorite secret riding spot to the Utah County folks!
Comment by GenghisKhan | 06.7.2011 | 12:38 pm
Also, if he didn’t have to stop every plety-six seconds for a photo-op, how long would it really take him to build your bike? ;o)
Comment by Ross | 06.7.2011 | 12:39 pm
Thanks Fatty and MattC! To answer your questions, MattC:
I am a spry 23 yr. old. I’m planning on doing serious mountain biking– or as serious as you can get within a few hours driving of Cleveland, OH. XC is what I really want to do. From my prelim Internet research I arrived at those two bikes from various user reviews/brand reputation/price point. I will, of course, walk in to the shop with a totally open mind.
I really only want (can afford) to spend around $2,000 but I want to get a good bike that is outfitted well. From what I’ve seen, FS just gets a little too pricy. We’ll see though.
Fatty- this open Q&A is neat. You should probably make it a regular event!
Comment by DonQuix | 06.7.2011 | 12:41 pm
So very glad that you can rub my nose in your bike glory. Thanks Fatty!
Comment by Josh in Upstate NY | 06.7.2011 | 12:45 pm
Thanks for the advice Elden, I’ll definitely contact Racer when we get in the area. Maybe I’ll see you out on the trails. I’m thoroughly enjoying this liveblog! A little envious though! ok A LOT!
Comment by Ashley | 06.7.2011 | 12:48 pm
Totally wrong, Fatty, I just posted this blog via Twitter. I was just curious :)!/ashleyhdesign/status/78163516397338624
If I could’ve been at the shop when they built mine, I would’ve.
Do you work from home still?
Comment by zach in a cubicle | 06.7.2011 | 12:49 pm
The Live Blog is so he has official reason to hang out in a shop and oogle his build… I just wish I had official reason at my shop… I usually have to buy admission with a 6 pack.
Comment by Kevin | 06.7.2011 | 12:50 pm
Just curious why you picked the Superfly 100 for your goal of a sub 9 hour ride at Leadville when you kicked ass on you SS Superfly HT last year. With you parts you could have been riding a sub 20lb Superfly HT with gears.
Comment by Maggi | 06.7.2011 | 12:51 pm
Ashley asks if you’re bored or something — meanwhile, I’m totally slammed at work, but still manage to find time to refresh this page repeatedly.
I don’t even ride mountain bikes, and I am still finding this whole build process incredibly sexy.
Wonder if it would be just as sexy to watch the repair and rebuild of the 1960’s English 3-speed I rescued from the trash last night?
Comment by Steve | 06.7.2011 | 12:55 pm
This is almost as exciting as following the keynote address from Apple’s WWDC yesterday.
Comment by mateo | 06.7.2011 | 12:56 pm
This is like a strip tease…just a little at a time, drawing out the anticipation. I’m gonna need a moist towelette.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 12:56 pm
Will Racer be traveling to Davis as the team mechanic?
Substitute chain whip:
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 12:57 pm
Almost there:
Comment by roan | 06.7.2011 | 12:58 pm
Yolks…really ? guess the yolks on us, HuH ? No Guinness Ice Cream 4 you !
Comment by Andrew M | 06.7.2011 | 1:02 pm
I am quite jealous of your new bike. I’ve always wanted a Superfly.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 1:02 pm
Why no ‘head cam’ on racer? A missed opportunity, surely.
Comment by Brian | 06.7.2011 | 1:05 pm
This is just makes me sad that I live in New York City without a mountain bike or a place to ride it. Or the money to buy a top of the line bike.
Comment by Bryan (not that one) | 06.7.2011 | 1:08 pm
Are you concerned that seeing the word Salsa on your handlebar will make you hungry while you’re in the middle of a ride?
Comment by MattC | 06.7.2011 | 1:11 pm
Ross…typically there are various build kits for any model. The cheaper builds have heavier stuff, and the expenisve versions have lighter (sexier) stuff (ie: Fatty’s full XTR build). The frame is the heart of the beast…you can get a cheaper build model now and slowly upgrade parts as you break them / find cash available.
You can still find nice FS bikes in your price range, but it will be heavier (but you’re young…just makes you stronger). As long as the frame is a good one, then you can be set for a LONG time. My frame is an 03 and it’s STILL a sweet sweet bike 8 yrs later (and I have near full XTR build…only the shifters are left). And btw, for what it’s worth, tubeless MTB wheels/tires are the BOMB! I’ve been riding them for over 5 yrs now, NEVER flatted once. Pulled literally dozens of thorns n stuff out, the sealent just snaps the hole closed like a door…worn out 3 full sets of tires too. I’d have been fixing flats all the time had they been standard tube tires/wheels. I’ve used Stans, and this last set I’m using Slime tubeless (cheaper)…both work just fine.
Comment by 3d brian | 06.7.2011 | 1:19 pm
Frank?!?! Of all the trails you could pick – Frank? Ok maybe down Frank then down Dragon’s Back to Nun’s Park…
A way better route would be up through the race track, up Betty, up GWT (right at the Altar) to the first ridge, down to the 51 turnoff across 51, down lament, down frank, down dragon’s back to Nun’s Park – that last decent on the dirt road into Nun’s Park makes Frank look like a sissy trail.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 1:22 pm
Have you told the bike wait fate awaits:

Comment by C-Fed | 06.7.2011 | 1:23 pm
No bike build is complete without a scale shot. I’m guessing it’s 23.8 lbs.
Comment by NYCCarlos | 06.7.2011 | 1:25 pm
Fatty – can you ask racer (or maybe you can answer without his opinion) what the advantages are of mechanical vs. hydraulic disc brakes are?
Comment by NYCCarlos | 06.7.2011 | 1:26 pm
minus that 2nd “are”… or the first one. it works either way, just not with both in there.
Comment by Greg | 06.7.2011 | 1:33 pm
I’m jealous. Very jealous.
Comment by James N | 06.7.2011 | 1:41 pm
Not to call you a liar, but you are a liar. Crossmarks and Ardents are available in tubeless, LUST in Maxxis speak.
Maxxis just started making 29 inch tires in tubeless this year. In years past (and now) I ran their tubed tires as tubeless without much issue. This year I decided to switch up and try their 29 inch tubeless tires. Not on my bike of course, on my wife’s. I mean really, I can’t afford to take that chance but my wife can. You understand right Fatty?
Comment by kimbrolio | 06.7.2011 | 1:42 pm
Keep that hose long so you can huck some sweet truckdrivers…or whatever it is the kids do these days.
Comment by Clancy | 06.7.2011 | 1:50 pm
So… Fatty – you were holding out on us with the contest thingy. You were willing to give up the wheels and the bike, but not the XTR groupo you also added?
Also – I along those lines – I think there may be a problem.. I still haven’t received your email on how I won you ‘other’ superfly. I’ve double-checked and I still don’t have an email from you yet on that. Just for good measure, it’s included with this comment!! :-)
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 1:56 pm
Gone to get Racer some lunch. Does he like egg whites?
Comment by Bryan (not that one) | 06.7.2011 | 2:02 pm
NYCCarlos – I’ll throw in my two cents on the mechanical versus hydraulic disc brakes.
With hydraulic there no cable stretch. Also no housing with a cable running through it to get gunked up on a muddy ride and have problems with the cable moving through it. Along with the no cable stretch for hydraulic I think comes more power.
If you had a hydraulic line failure mid-ride, I would think your ride would be done. If you have a cable failure you might be able to fix that mid-ride.
And I just think being able to say you have hydraulic brakes on your bike is very, very cool. :-D
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 2:05 pm
Scanning around while you nosh I have come across this from Velonews:
Published Jun 6th 2011 7:50 PM UTC
BBC: British residents oppose naked bike ride
The World Naked Bike Ride is set for Friday in 70 cities in 20 countries. Among the communities upset about the plans is Portsmouth, England, where residents are organizing a petition. “If you saw someone walking naked down the road you would call the police and they would be arrested,” said Sarah Carter, the petition organizer. An event proponent said the nudity will highlight cyclists’ vulnerability on the road. “There is a very common phrase in the cycling world known as the SMIDSY — sorry mate I didn’t see you — it usually happens when a car or lorry driver has knocked a cyclist off their bike, but they’ll certainly see us on Friday,” he added.
Is this a Fatty endorsed event? Where do we put the Clydesdale decal?
Maybe it should just be about the bike today.
Comment by Donna | 06.7.2011 | 2:21 pm
@ Maggi
I believe it would.
Watching a new bike being built up is a wondrous thing, watching an older one being brought back to life…well, that’s even better.
Hope you get to do it and I for one would love to see before and afters.
Comment by Ashley | 06.7.2011 | 2:22 pm
The bike will definitely weigh less than 156 lbs.
Comment by Jessy Diamond | 06.7.2011 | 2:24 pm
Woah, wait, 22 lbs? Damn, your full suspension mountain bike is about as light as my aluminium road bike.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 2:25 pm
Are these avl on the Buy FC Gear page?
2:15: Just in case you’re interested: I’m going with Time ATAC pedals, a Selle Italia SLR XC saddle, and an Arundel Sideloader bottle cage.
Branded of course.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 2:29 pm
@Comment by Jessy Diamond | 06.7.2011 | 2:24 pm
Remember, size. Your bike is probably an adult size.
Comment by JamesInPhoenix | 06.7.2011 | 2:29 pm
just semantics… but if they’re hydraulic disc brakes then it’s brake lines not cables as there’s no cables in them just hydraulic fluid… A little known fact…
Comment by Greg | 06.7.2011 | 2:30 pm
Are you going to miss having 2 water bottle cages?
Comment by Slug | 06.7.2011 | 2:34 pm
Where was lunch?
Comment by Rob | 06.7.2011 | 2:34 pm
22lbs? That is obscene.
Comment by zach in a cubicle | 06.7.2011 | 2:34 pm
@David I won’t laugh at that… much.
Comment by Dave T | 06.7.2011 | 2:39 pm
Nice bike fatty 22lbs! I remember being happy when my first mountain bike came in at 38lbs.
Comment by KB | 06.7.2011 | 2:40 pm
Did Racer get egg whites and avocado for lunch? I’m guessing 22.8 lbs. Also, do you like the new paint job on the “Fisher Collection”? Very stealthy, but a little plain for such sexy bikes…
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 2:40 pm
12:05: David-Marin,ca asks where all the “old” (as in brand new) parts are going. A great question. My plan is to buy a frame and build a mountain bike for my 15-year-old son.
Congrats to your son the lucky dog. ‘though I suspect he is already eyeing a truck (read ‘yours’) to carry the bike in (next year).
Comment by Jessy Diamond | 06.7.2011 | 2:46 pm
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 2:29 pm
Well, it’s a Small (52 cm), so it’s not exactly a huge bike. It’s still impressive.
Comment by Eric | 06.7.2011 | 3:06 pm
Is this going to be the Leadville bike Fatty?
Comment by makrl | 06.7.2011 | 3:06 pm
I’m a little disturbed at how compelling (very) this is for me.
Comment by Kevin | 06.7.2011 | 3:07 pm
I say its going to be 21.9 lbs.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 3:17 pm
(2:48: A couple people…)
I was beginning to think that Fatty was already out riding. I have already put off the laundry, the bathroom and, am only partially through the kitchen, on my list of “to dos” today. But I’m not complaining.
Comment by gly | 06.7.2011 | 3:18 pm
Don’t you already have a hard tail Superfly 100? Rigid I believe? Was just wondering why not just load up that with a nice front fork and some of those gear things.
Congrats on the new bike.
Comment by Jason | 06.7.2011 | 3:26 pm
So.. are you going to be wearing a camelbak for Leadville… we all know you love wearing it?
Comment by OlyOop | 06.7.2011 | 3:29 pm
As the bike nears completion I find myself refreshing the view every 30 seconds or so; for what is, after all, a vicarious thrill, I’m taking this waaay to seriously.
I buy and sell a few bikes a year but I’ve not been able to do a full custom build on a new bike since, well, ever. Watching the process is convincing me that my day will have to come soon. If it only the process worked so effectively on my better/smarter half.
Comment by Eric | 06.7.2011 | 3:36 pm
Heck yeah Fatty. Go race that bad boy!
Comment by Charlie | 06.7.2011 | 3:37 pm
Since Racer is a pro, I’m sure he checked and double checked that all the bolts are torqued down properly. My custom build had a chainring bolt come off in the middle of nowhere. Limped it home in the small chainring. Had some words with the shop.
Comment by Joe | 06.7.2011 | 3:39 pm
Sorry to let you know but I hear the race is a no go for tomorrow
Comment by bahama mama | 06.7.2011 | 3:45 pm
Remember – keep the rubber side down.
Comment by Joe | 06.7.2011 | 3:46 pm
my bad, Mt Ogden is off, Sundance still on
Comment by DavidV | 06.7.2011 | 3:48 pm
That’s a sweet ride. I’m riding my Kona Mountain bike for the first time this season tonight, so your bike inspired me to kick some ass. I love the white spokes!
Comment by Josh in Upstate NY | 06.7.2011 | 3:52 pm
What are you using for grips? I personally love my Ergons, nothing fancy but quite confortable.
Assuming you aren’t going with, what looks like pipe insulation on the handlebars.
Comment by evilbanks | 06.7.2011 | 3:54 pm
That thing is money……never thought I’d see you rollin’ around on geared, FS bike. I’m interested to hear your take.
Comment by Meredith | 06.7.2011 | 3:55 pm
A MTB race on a Wednesday? Don’t you Utahns ever work? Sweet bike, though. Congrats!
Comment by Eric | 06.7.2011 | 3:55 pm
Thanks Fatty and Racer. I really enjoyed watching this build and learned a thing or two.
Comment by C-Fed | 06.7.2011 | 4:12 pm
Twenty-four point eight pounds! Did you install a hitch for the plow? Any chance you could grade the powerline?
Comment by bykjunkie | 06.7.2011 | 4:18 pm
Man I donated just to donate but now I want to win that STOCK bike!!
Enjoy the ride Fatty!
Comment by Charlie | 06.7.2011 | 4:18 pm
24.8 lbs…Shoulda gone with the XX.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 4:27 pm
@Comment by Meredith | 06.7.2011 | 3:55 pm
I believe Wednesday is the Sabbath in Utah. Never did well in my comparative religion class in college. If not, then Fatty has some of the best benefits in his work environment. Nice bike Fatty, thanks for the day.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 5:33 pm
24.8 lbs. Bike would have weighed less if it did not have the burden of responsibility that is AWESOMENESS! That, and the weight of World Fatty.
Comment by Herr Dr. L. | 06.7.2011 | 5:59 pm
I see that you have made a new very luxury bike to reward your new luxury body. Dr. L.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 6:54 pm
For the vicarious athletes out there (isn’t that all of us) the videos are coming in:
And my Favorite(he always wears the shades for the money shots:
And to remind us we all have a fight in us, whatever the challenge:
There better be a guest post here because my allergies are already affected.
Comment by LIz | 06.7.2011 | 7:25 pm
Hmm . . . if I understand the time zones and all accurately, it’s been 3 hours and 24 minutes since Elden left for his test ride. Guess he wasn’t satisfied with just a quick spin around the block, huh?
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.7.2011 | 7:30 pm
@Liz. I believe there’s some kind of family contract requiring him to be there when the kids go to bed. At least when he’s in town that is. ….or he could still be riding.
Comment by BamaJim | 06.7.2011 | 9:09 pm
That is a sweet bike. I’ve been thinking there might be something to the gears and suspension thing.
Comment by Dan | 06.7.2011 | 10:30 pm
100 miles of no where just made Channel 9 news (Denver NBC station). Two local riders doing laps around Washington Park – nice work you two!!!
Comment by OlyOop | 06.8.2011 | 5:03 am
Guys…I don’t think he’s coming back.
Comment by NYCCarlos | 06.8.2011 | 5:06 am
@davidh-marin,ca – thank YOU for the day… your comments were 100% hysterical. I particularly the adult sized bike jab.
Comment by Doug (Way upstate NY) | 06.8.2011 | 5:30 am
Can you please let Josh in Upstate NY know that he should be in the lab working, or in the office editing the paper we are writing and not reading your blog. He has work to do before he goes on his trip.
OH, BTW Josh, have fun on your trip.
Comment by lynn e | 06.8.2011 | 5:42 am
Pretty. Flower!
Comment by Josh in Upstate NY | 06.8.2011 | 11:26 am
Doug (Way upstate NY)…I think you have me confused with another Josh…I neither work in a lab nor have a paper due with you. I’m in the Capital district…as oppose to those on the island that think the term “Upstate” is anything north of Yonkers. 8~) What’s your definition of “Way Upstate?”
Comment by Rich | 06.9.2011 | 2:05 pm
Where is the post-ride update???? Do you love the bike????
Comment by mark | 06.10.2011 | 10:00 am
24.8 isn’t bad at all. Since I know in your heart of hearts you’re curious, XTR is 0.3 pounds (140 grams) heavier than XX but 100 times less likely to break on your first ride.