I Am Both Terrified and Desperate
I have never been so nervous as I am today. I’m panicked, really. I can’t focus on anything. Can’t work. Can’t hold the thread of a conversation.
You see that paragraph up there? I’ve been working on it for two hours.
I am, in short (5′7″), a wreck. And I could really, really use some help.
But first (partly because I cannot seem to stay on topic today, partly because I thought I’d experiment with “teasing” in my blog today), I’d like to talk a little bit about the Davis LiveStrong Challenge that’s coming up really really soon now.
Team Fatty at the Davis, CA LiveStrong Challenge
The Davis, California LiveStrong Challenge is July 10. That’s coming up soon. And while we’ve got 98 people signed up as part of Team Fatty, I’d love to have more. Click here to register and help us help LiveStrong raise money for the fight against cancer, whether you’re going to be able to join us in California or not.
Note that if you’re planning to be at the event, you need to have raised a minimum of $200.00. And you really should try to be at the event. It’s a great ride, with a great group of people who care about the same things we do.
Plus, there’s the comedic aspect of watching me turn myself inside out trying to get to the finish line as quickly as possible so I can give as many Team Fatty riders as possible a hug (or manly handshake) when you finish.
We’re Going to the Cycling Hall of Fame! Literally.
This year, as a pre-event get-together, Team Fatty has reserved the United States Bicycling Hall of Fame for the evening, where we’ll get to eat fancy food and look at all the amazing stuff there.
And hobnob. We will definitely hobnob.
Here’s what you need to know about the where, when, and how much it’ll cost:
- When: Friday, July 8, 6:00 – 10:00pm
- Where: 303 3rd Street, Davis, CA
- Cost: $20 / person
- Hall of Fame Website: http://www.usbhof.org/
I need to get a headcount of who’s going to be coming to this. Please email me with the subject line “Hall of Fame” with how many total will be in your party, OK?
Huge thanks to Angie Gibson, who has taken care of logistics for this.
Where Should You Stay?
Honestly, I haven’t chosen a hotel yet, though the LiveStrong people have told me that the following places should all be within biking distances to the venue:
- Hallmark Inn, Davis : 110 F Street Davis, CA, 95616
- University Park Inn and Suites : 1111 Richards Boulevard Davis, CA, 95616
- Hyatt Place UC Davis : 173 Old Davis Road Ext Davis, CA, 95619
- Comfort Suites UC Davis : 1640 Research Park Drive Davis, CA, 95618
If anyone’s got a suggestion / preference, I’d love to hear it.
One More Big Contest?
What if, leading up to the Davis LiveStrong Challenge, I did one more big contest? One where I didn’t give away just one bike, but instead gave away three? Or maybe five?
That would be cool, wouldn’t it?
And maybe also a trip (flight, hotel, etc.) with the Yellow Jersey treatment to this year’s Ride for the Roses. That would be a nice additional prize, I think.
Stay tuned. And if you’re fundraising for the Davis LiveStrong Challenge, start fundraising hard. Because the money you raise now counts toward the contest I’ll be announcing soon!
OK, Now Please, Help Me
Unwisely, I took a phone call about a week ago. It was from the local Cub Scouts Cubmaster.
Evidently, I agreed at that time to spend twenty minutes tonight talking to the Cub Scouts about bikes and bike safety.
I honestly have no idea what I should do to make this fun, or interesting, or compelling. I fear, in short, that I am going to suck. Bad.
There has to be someone who reads this blog who knows how to make this subject interesting, and can give me some pointers.
So please, do. I need advice / help.
And I need it now.
Comment by 3d brian | 06.23.2011 | 9:12 am
Cub scouts is all about lots of corny jokes. Maybe bring your bike and demonstrate some interesting crashes. I would imagine riding your bike into the cultural hall and then wiping out would grab their attention.
Don’t worry about covering a lot of ground – just cover a few points and make sure they have an impact – that those few rules really stick with them.
Comment by chtrich | 06.23.2011 | 9:21 am
Toss out candy during your speech.
Comment by Liz | 06.23.2011 | 9:24 am
First, Elden, check out the resources that have helpfully been assembled for you:
You have known some little boys in your life, no? Just be aware their attention span is short, so talk as briefly and as lively as possible. Make it interactive. Will they have their bikes with them? Is there an open space like a parking lot where you can take them to do some demonstrations? If not, you could bring a bike or two with you if you are going to talk about bike basics.
You could make it amusing with some blown up silly photos of cycling “don’ts.” Or get your girls to draw some humorous illustrations of the same.
Good luck, you’ll do great, and don’t forget to tell us about it afterwards.
Comment by KM | 06.23.2011 | 9:26 am
Ok I’ll stray from harrassing you to actual suggestions. As a cub scout den leader for 3 years I feel I might be able to offer something of use.
Suggestion #1: take a couple of bikes to show them both rd and mtb. Your bikes are cool enough the boys will be all over them. Don’t go in full racing kit, it looks weird to kids but take them to show and describe why you wear what you wear, or better yet, get Kenny to go in full kit. He’ll get laughed and pointed at…it’ll be worth it trust me. Cover the rules of the road and safety rules esp. the need for a HELMET!!!
Suggestion #2: Take 2 bikes, ignore the clothes and COVER safety rules (helmets, rules of the road, hand signals)…you do use hand signals don’t you Fatty?……I thought so..AND focus on…proper care/maintenance. If you have time demonstrate how to change a flat. If you have enough spare tubes, set up 2-3 stations and see if the kids can practice applying a patch, after you demonstrate, if you can spare some glueless ones or if you’re really brave teach them how to use a patch kit with glue. This is more ambitious but the other adult leaders should help you out. Just ask them when you arrive. It also provides the boys a opportunity to accomplish something hands on which helps them out. And you don’t have to talk as much.
Suggestion #3: Or…if you’re really intimidated/scared/lazy etc., just show them your bikes, talk about all the races you do, why you do what you do (to support cancer reasearch and other causes) and open the floor for questions….with both a rd and mtb as sexy as yours, the boys should start asking all kinds of questions. However make sure you cover safety rules for biking esp. helmets and rules of the road!!
Hope this helps. You’ll do great.
Comment by Sansauto | 06.23.2011 | 9:29 am
The League of American Bicyclists has some ideas. The site is a bit cumbersome, but I took a training from them and it gave me loads of ideas.
I would focus on a few key points and repeat them over and over to assure that they go home with something. Some ideas: Helmet, hand signals, ABC Quick check (You should check Air in the tires, Brake function, Chain, and Quick release every time before you ride).
YOu might want to touch on riding on the right side of the street and talk of common obstacles (driveways, lips in the pavement, turning cars, dogs, goatheads, etc.)
If the kids are going to have their bikes there, I would make a competition of seeing how fast they can stop (with a focus on not skidding). Some time and sidewalk chalk would give you the opportunity to make an obstacle course with stop signs, intersections, railroad crossings and tight corners to test a variety of skills.
Comment by GenghisKhan | 06.23.2011 | 9:31 am
All good stuff and you might survive 20 minutes with the cubscouts. Might. Here’s a fun suggestion (that might make it so you don’t get invited back again): Take two watermelons or cantaloupes or perhaps honeydew melons. For the first, drop/throw it to the ground to simulate a crash. Then do the same with the second, but with a helmet on. Just thinking outloud here..
Comment by TomE | 06.23.2011 | 9:33 am
Show them the picture of you flatting on Slickrock years ago…make fun of yourself – you seem to do a good job at that!
Comment by Digimon | 06.23.2011 | 9:40 am
I agree with the above – all great ideas! But don’t sweat it at all. Twenty minutes will go really fast! You also have a great sense of humor already, so use it! :-) And, you know a ton of things already, so this is a topic in which you’ll shine! :-) Know that you have a captive audience – they can’t really leave now can they? Tell them about your history, so they have a sense of your passion for cycling. Then, try most of the above suggestions and the time will fly. One last thing. Most people love to talk about themselves, so if you ask each of the boys their names as they ask you questions, they will feel more connected with you. You can do it! With all that you’ve been through in your life, this is a cake walk! :-)
Comment by Mike Roadie | 06.23.2011 | 9:41 am
Be square, and obey the laws of the pack!
Comment by Paul W | 06.23.2011 | 9:42 am
Get THEM to do something; they can do the melon/helmet experiment.
If you want them to answer questions, get them to write answers on a post-it, then swap before reading out someone elses. Post-its get stuck to the wall on the way out for everyone to read.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.23.2011 | 9:43 am
Do you know the one about ….”pull my finger”? That’s always a crow pleaser for cub scouts.
Or…Ask your boys to talk about bike safety with you, the “example”

(my favorite riding shot)
Lastly retell a story from your own files:
Hell Hath No Fury Like a 10-Year-Old Who Has Just Had His Bike Stolen
You People are Insane.
They’ll want you back…really. And if there’s a picture of you with the Cub Scouts please. Pretty pleeeeaaassssse. With fry sauce on it.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.23.2011 | 9:47 am
Darn. I missed the link to the story. I know it has a message or the Scouts: http://www.fatcyclist.com/2005/11/10/you-people-are-insane/
Comment by JamesInPhoenix | 06.23.2011 | 9:48 am
I agree with everything that’s been said. If you were with the boy scouts, then you should worry… and worry alot… but at less than 10 years old cub scouts still think some adults are cool…
Comment by Graham | 06.23.2011 | 9:54 am
@GenghisKhan – or maybe you could try not scaring them into never wanting to ride a bike again! Helmets have their place, but constantly repeating the message that without one you’re going to end up with your head smushed, just reinforces the exaggerated views people have of the dangers of riding a bike. Fact is the danger you put yourself in by riding (even un-helmeted) is much smaller than the health risks associated with the more sedentary lifestyles non-cyclists tend to live. Vociferously promoting helmets reinforces the message that it’s dangerous, and discourages people from cycling.
Comment by Charlie | 06.23.2011 | 10:02 am
I like the ideas put up so far. Liz and KM seem to be on to something that will make a memorable presentation. 20 minutes will go pretty fast. Hands on is great if you have more time, but you have to be really prepared with all the materials lined up and ready to go. I think having your bikes there and using your ever-present wit to woo the audience, just saying what you know and hitting all the salient safety points above will make those 20 minutes fruitful.
Comment by Santi | 06.23.2011 | 10:10 am
Real life crash with no helmet demo. Nothing like a little blood to scare a kid into wearing a lid.
Comment by Graham | 06.23.2011 | 10:28 am
Don’t want to go on a rant about helmets, but @santi, “Nothing like a little blood to scare a kid into wearing a lid”. Really? Really??!! You’ve got 20 minutes to talk to a group of kids about cycling, and instead of focusing on the pleasure of riding a bike, and the freedom it can give, you’d try to scare them?
The stats are UK/Euro rather than US, but the CTC Safety in Numbers campaign is an interesting read: http://goo.gl/IYW8Y
Comment by Arizona Guy | 06.23.2011 | 10:32 am
In the distant past when my guys were in Cub Scouts, there was a ‘World Culture’ badge of some sort. I showed videos of my trip to Carnival in Rio and it was a huge hit. I became legendary among the other Dads for managing to gracefully combine videos of women wearing only body paint and glitter with approved Cub Scout curriculum.
I challenge you to do better…
Comment by rich | 06.23.2011 | 10:34 am
I was going to suggest you talk about bike maintenance. As a kid who hasn’t taken a pair of vice grip to the handlebars that came loose or the seat that kept tilting up….
Then I remembered your stories about your bike repair skills….maybe you should stick to humor or bike safety instead of repair and maintenance….
You’ll do great. Kids will love you!
Comment by Sean | 06.23.2011 | 10:41 am
As an Eagle Scout with a short attention span I can guarantee that the best way to get the kids to pay attention is through humor, competition, and bribery. Set up a little safety course with a ranking systems, get the kids to see who can be safest, winner gets something cool. Just bring some candy for all the kids to enjoy and send them on a sugar rush back to their parents.
Comment by Stephanie | 06.23.2011 | 10:46 am
Definitely stay at the Hyatt. You’ll be a 1/2 mile or so out of “town,” and near cows (hey – it’s Davis, right?), but the hotel is newer than the others. It’s right near a performing arts center and even better, right near a shady trail that winds along a creek for those early morning runs.
Comment by Brandy | 06.23.2011 | 11:08 am
Fatty, I live in Davis, so I second the Hyatt as your 1st hotel, your second choice should be the Hallmark Inn, it is right next to down town, and close to the Hall of Fame.
Comment by Duncan Gray | 06.23.2011 | 11:20 am
On the sugar rush back to their parents theme – why not give them the opportunity to try some energy gels? After all, staying hydrated and fuelled is an important safety point too. And the parents will love it when the gels kick in around bed time…
Comment by roan | 06.23.2011 | 11:23 am
So many great suggestions already. KM’s #2 tube patching, good hands on, great interest. If a parent doesn’t bike then a flat tire means their bike will sit in the garage.
I’m sure you will cover safety. A key point due to their size…they are difficult to see.
Ride to be visible, ask a random scout his age…”Hummm 9 yrs old, well I just turned 45. Sure you will have some crashes but the great danger is…(show a pic of a motor vehicle).” “Ride visible and predicable, car drivers are visible BUT NOT predicable so you need to be.”
One last idea, these are boy scouts…take a BMX bike, something they probably are riding now, if they have a bike. If you don’t have one…borrow one from Kenny.
Comment by Diana | 06.23.2011 | 11:26 am
I also live in Davis and think Hyatt best choice. While it might be nice to be downtown at Hallmark, not as nice. Very excited that you are coming. Sadly there is no way I can raise $200 to be there. Best of luck!!!!
Comment by mtnbikechk@hotmail.com | 06.23.2011 | 11:35 am
ok, so my 2 cents…..take a watermelon in with you. Get up on a chair/table/stage…..drop the melon on the floor so that it splats really REALLY well….then say to them….”that?, that was YOUR head with no helmet.
Then proceed with the rest of your bike show ‘n’ tell..
Sounds good?..giggle.
Comment by wendy | 06.23.2011 | 11:36 am
How about some info on leg shaving technique? Maybe some hands-on practice on the Cubmaster’s legs.
Comment by Heber Chad | 06.23.2011 | 11:38 am
Dont forget the pictures from
“Kenny Uses His Head…As a Brake”
That would work for me, maybe bring Kenny’s actual head.
Good Luck!
Comment by Northern Neighbor | 06.23.2011 | 11:42 am
Show and tell. Make it visual. Definitely talk about the fun of riding. You’ve got some great photos of White Rim, etc. I would also show them a few photos of biking injuries and then talk about how to avoid those. Your problem will be condensing it to 20 minutes.
Comment by rmullen | 06.23.2011 | 11:56 am
props. kids seem much more engaged if you bring props. plus, they are comforting to ‘hide’ behind.
Comment by JAT in Seattle | 06.23.2011 | 12:00 pm
give out patch kits and tire levers!
I don’t remember having tire levers as a kid (I used to use the lever from my quick release skewers, I shudder to recall) – but I sure remember patching my tubes and though I’ve shown my kid how to do it, but I have no delusion that he’d remember how to…
Comment by Yahoo! Rob | 06.23.2011 | 12:07 pm
Why, oh why, hasn’t anyone come up with THIS suggestion yet: take your full suspension MTB and set up a jump with a log and piece of plywood. Or better yet, if they are doing this at the church building (hey, it’s in Utah, right?) then take your MTB off the stage/pulpit!!
THEN show Kenny’s pic of his helmet-less crash.
And I totally agree that letting them try some ShotBloks will be a winning idea.
Comment by Yahoo! Rob | 06.23.2011 | 12:08 pm
Oh, oh, oh…and show the clip from Napoleon Dynamite going over the same jump – just to show what can happen to your boys if you don’t jump correctly!
Comment by janey | 06.23.2011 | 12:12 pm
My (horse-mule)trail riding friend conducts a wilderness care and conservation program for kids at Wildwood Park in Thousand Oaks, CA. The fourth graders in one group were fascinated with her horse but paid attention to the entire program because they heard there would be a quiz at the end. Ron, one of the park guides got on his bike and got his commentary going: “I love coming up here because I can get away from my wife and (taking out a cigarette) SMOKE. She own’t let me smoke at home and she doesn’t know I do it up here. He threw the empty cigarette pack on the ground, rode off trail, up and other some rocks marked keep off, said: “she doesn’t like me to eat candy either,” while he unwrapped a candy bar and threw the wrapper on the ground.
When the program finished, the question asked was “name ten things Ron did wrong.”
One kid in the front row raised his hand insistently and stated, “You lied to your wife.”
And sometimes that’s all you need.
Comment by Aaron | 06.23.2011 | 12:25 pm
I did this very thing last summer for the Cub Scout Den and it was a lot of fun for me and them. Important rule #1 – have them bring their bikes.
- Spend 5 minutes talking about how they can inspect the bike before riding to make sure that it is safe (pedals, wheels, seat, brakes, etc).
- Spend 5 more minutes talking about keeping yourself safe (signaling, footwear, sunscreen, riding in safe areas, looking out for cars, etc.).
- Do a “do not do this” demonstration on a course you’ve laid out with cones/chalk in the parking lot. Put your helmet on backwards or too loose, don’t signal, go too fast, etc. Have them yell out what they see you doing wrong.
- Now break into groups – one area doing a “bike wash” where you have some soapy water, de-greaser, lube, etc. and one group that does a bike rodeo on the course you’ve set up but doing everything correctly.
- Serve treats
fyi – there’s a cub scout belt loop they can earn iirc, so ask the leaders if they’ve looked at the requirements to be sure they get an achievement.
Comment by c | 06.23.2011 | 12:29 pm
Take along your helmet (a couple if you have different weights)- and if you have one from a wreck take it along and show them the broken pieces. Our scouts did the Cycling merit badge in 2005 and were mesmerized by the cracked helmet from one of the merit badge counselors. Also – they LOVE snacks – take alone some kind of cool cycling snack – bananas, shot blocks or some kind of newton – it shouldn’t be anything too foreign. Our guys also loved the concept of quick release wheels and “clipping” into the pedals.
Comment by Obstinate Roadie | 06.23.2011 | 12:40 pm
Fart jokes. Plenty of fart jokes.
Comment by Laura | 06.23.2011 | 12:53 pm
I gave a cub scout bike safety demo last fall. These little guys are pretty active so I knew it had to be simple and interactive.
I brought in my bike, bike shoes, helmet, bike pump, rear light, front headlight, etc; and laid the items on the floor in a line. I introduced myself, asked the kids to name each item and its use, asked them what side of the road to ride on, etc.; and that was 20 minutes total. The kids loved showing off their knowledge or at least talking, and the interaction kept their attention.
Good luck! Love the blog, your humor, and positive energy (and action). :)
- Laura
Comment by KT | 06.23.2011 | 1:11 pm
Definitely Hyatt or Hallmark — both are on the “right” side of the freeway ;) It will matter. Btw, can my non-Team Fatty fundraising (I am doing the ride and have raised a modest amount) count towards the as-of-yet-unspecified contest? Just askin’
Comment by Heather S | 06.23.2011 | 1:19 pm
I like the “what did the cyclist do wrong” idea A LOT.
I’d use a tiny demo ride in front of the building to highlight some of the most dangerous mistakes kids make:
-riding in the door zone (which always suprises people when you show them how wide it really is)
-wrong-way riding
-sidewalk riding
Wishing I was in that scout group!
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.23.2011 | 1:19 pm
Based on my reading of Fatty’s blogs he doesn’t have ‘Fart Jokes’, apparently his constantly gaseous state IS the joke.
@ Comment by Diana | 06.23.2011 | 11:26 am
I intend to bring a plethora of Nations Pies for us Fatty’s. My family is abandoning me this day since the kidlets are leaving with grandparents for Alaska.(I’m promised pictures). If you are willing, or able, please give thought to coming and joining us, I’ll have a canopy…. and pie. Anyone not familiar with Nations Pies:

Comment by Chris | 06.23.2011 | 1:45 pm
@Wendy, I liked your comment on shaving the cubmasters legs :)
Comment by Susie H | 06.23.2011 | 3:00 pm
Yes on the Hyatt as being the newest, however, there is some charm in staying downtown if you DON’T have wheels. Diana, it is my understanding that you only need to raise $200 to ride in the event, but not to be part of the team. I have registered and have donated a smaller amount, I am also participating in some volunteering with Livestrong on that Friday and the day of the event. You should totally come out and do what you can! :)
Comment by Greg | 06.23.2011 | 3:50 pm
Always start by showing off. Kids love a wheelie, bunny hop, jump, etc. That will get their attention. Then you go over bike safety issues (helmet, watch for cars, don’t ride with no-hands if there is crosswind, and don’t spit into the wind). Then you ride around on together in the culd-de-sac doing some tricks, eat treats, call it a day.
Comment by Jenni | 06.23.2011 | 5:03 pm
You know I’m a bike educator. Or maybe you don’t know.
Giveaways (reflective stickers for their helmets make a fantastic and fun part)
You could even put them all over your clothes, give the kids some flashlights and then turn all the lights off and let them see you acting goofy in the dark as they learn reflectivity
If it’s on bike, I teach safety and handling with building up to a bike race. A slow bike race. Last person to cross the finish line wins a prize.
Teach how to signal right, left and stop. And then have everyone do it at once, only go faster and faster and faster and see how long they can keep up with you
You could bring some pool noodles and let kids pretend to be car doors- they can whack you as you ride past them. Point out to stay 3 feet from a car door, but if they’re really young, they’re allowed on the side walk.
PLEASE stress to them that kids get hurt at driveways and intersections so they have to practice looking for them.
Also, stop does not mean stoptional.
You can print out some traffic signs and do a matching game. I like to do this with the material taped to a wall and give the kids laser pointers so they can show what goes where. Kids love laser pointers, no matter what you’re teaching.
What else can I tell you?
Comment by Jenni | 06.23.2011 | 5:14 pm
I just emailed you two presentations that might help.
If you’re really suffering, you could show them the Bike Safe, Bike Smart video located on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website. It’s 15 minutes and very inclusive.
Good luck!
Let me know if there’s anything else I can send, I might have just what you’re looking for.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.23.2011 | 5:56 pm
Just show a movie! I’m sure they’ll want you back!
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.23.2011 | 5:58 pm
That didn’t work. Let’s try this:![]()
Comment by Days | 06.23.2011 | 7:41 pm
have you got access to a busted helmet?
“This could have been your head”
It’s perhaps not funny but a good demonstration of how a helmet works at a destructive level
Comment by Curtis | 06.23.2011 | 8:26 pm
I’m a scoutmaster and I had Racer teach my scouts about bike maintenance. Worked great. Racer is the man.
Comment by Dr Bryce | 06.23.2011 | 8:49 pm
Every year 1,200 lives are lost in accidents that are preventable with a helmet that fit properly. That doesn’t account for the THOUSANDS more that are seriously injured due to lack of a properly fitting helmet.
You’ve got to be kidding me about omitting telling them to wear their helmets.
That’d be a disservice. Otherwise they’ll end up in my clinic at some point dealing with a traumatic brain injury that is preventable.
Comment by not much further... | 06.24.2011 | 3:56 am
phew, thanks guys for the recommendations about the Hyatt – that’s where we are booked! Coming from London, UK and doing this as part of our holiday and getting very excited now!
Comment by DOM | 06.24.2011 | 5:08 am
Pass around a tub of Assos Chamois Cream. Have everyone spalm themselves.
Comment by roan | 06.24.2011 | 5:11 am
Message to Diana 6.23.2011 11:26AM
You should consider contacting LiveStrong and volunteering to help in Davis. I would think they could use some. AND then if you haven’t signed up at 3 PLUS do so, your volunteering counts toward KUDOS with Team Fatty for World Bicycle Relief.
Comment by roan | 06.24.2011 | 5:25 am
HEY FATTY, I’ll bet your 20 minute talk about bikes went waaaayy over the time period. In 20 minutes you were probably just warming up. I’ll bet it went at least an hour. AND that was just Part I with Parts II, III and IV to follow. The suspense is killing me.
Comment by cyclingjimbo | 06.24.2011 | 5:43 am
How about a report on what you covered and how it went, now that the dreaded event is over.
@davidh-marin,ca – the picture you posted has to have a story behind it, if the front wheel collapse continued like it appears to have started. So, what’s the story? And, what was the outcome?
Comment by Graham | 06.24.2011 | 5:48 am
@Dr Bryce – As I said in my first message, helmets have a place. I usually wear one myself, especially when taking part in more risky cycling eg offroad. My point is that by stressing the need to wear a helmet above everything else as some here seem to be suggesting, you are, even if only at a subliminal level, reinforcing the message that cycling is a dangerous activity. That in turn discourages people from getting on bikes in the first place. Santi’s suggestion to “scare (them) into wearing a lid” is just as likely to scare them into staying in the car, which is more likely to shorten their lives than riding a bike without a helmet.
It’s very easy to count cyclists with head injuries that could possibly have been helped by wearing a helmet. Much harder to count the people who have been put off cycling for whatever reason and gone on to die young from obesity related illnesses, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored.
I guess what I’m saying is that the message should be “cyling is wonderful: a fantastic way to get around; great for you health and wellbeing. You should think about wearing a helmet in case you’re involved in an accident” rather than “wear a helmet everytime you’re on a bike or you’re going to end up with head injuries”.
Comment by Mike@Squirrelhead | 06.24.2011 | 8:36 am
Sadly I am going to miss the Bicycle Hall of Fame because I get in at 10pm on Friday. :( I am also staying at the Courtyard Marriott on River Plaza Dr in Sacramento. A family member donated it to my cause which I love so I will have to drive a bit. I am excited for this event!!
Comment by Dr Codfish | 06.24.2011 | 9:18 am
You are uncomfortable because you are in uncharted (for you) territory. Go with what you know:
Fatty’s top 10, most worst ever safety violations all scouts must NEVER commit!
You’ve got a treasure trove of photos documenting all the bonehead safety vioulations you know by heart. (lacking water bottles, hand stands out on that rock arch, bombing into blind corners). Thnk abot it: Whenever you end up with some monor knee gash or road rash what do you do? YOU RUN AND GET THE CAMERA! Now put all that foolishness to work.
Plus kids love gore so they’ll be glued to your speil, and in this way you get to come off edgy with that “danger man, don’t grow up like me” asthetic. You’ll be edgy, (maybe just a little too for the scout leaders) but you can pull it all together with a few examples of good practice. You know full water bottles on hot days, a little crash pack in your seat bag, a helmet shot here and there.
You’ll be in your element, completely at ease and thie whole thing will roll off your lips like you knew what you were doing!
Yr pal, Dr C
Comment by Lord Adamantine Sedgepig | 06.24.2011 | 10:22 am
I’ve often been called upon to address rather unruly crowds. I find that a little levity often wins around the most cantankerous of audiences. Here is a comical story that I picked up at Harrow – feel free to use it:
A latin teacher went to a pub near his house for a drink.
“What would you like to drink?” asked the barman.
“A martinus,” said the teacher.
“Don’t you mean martini?”
“If I wanted more than one I’d ask for more than one.”
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.24.2011 | 10:46 am
@ Comment by cyclingjimbo | 06.24.2011 | 5:43 am
That picture is not my own I assure you. I am both too old and still too much in control of my own faculties to even attempt a move like that. That picture belong to our fearless(?) leader. I just have a good memory for the obscure. The story comes from “15+ years of wisdom” below;
@squirrelhead: we’ll all toast a ‘can-o-pay’ in your honor.
Comment by Flora | 06.28.2011 | 5:12 pm
I’ve been following your blog for quite some time is SUPER excited to see a Team Fatty in Davis – where I live!
Comment by Huy Tran | 06.28.2011 | 5:48 pm
Hallmark Inn, Aggie Inn, both Best Westerns,and Econo Lodge are the closest to Central Park. These are within walking distance. The Hallmark Inn is a sponsor of the Davis Bike Club Race Team. The Hyatt is the newest hotel and is on the southern edge of the UC Davis campus near the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. It is only a 5-ish minute ride from there to the Park and you can go through the campus of you like. I would definitely say Hyatt or Hallmark Inn. Definitely eat at Seasons if you stay at Hallmark.
Pingback by Fat Cyclist » Blog Archive » Fight Cancer, Win a Trek Madone. Or a Yellow-Jersey-Level Trip to Ride for the Roses. Or Another Madone | 06.29.2011 | 4:33 pm
[...] Davis LiveStrong Challenge is soon. Really soon. As in, a week from Friday we’ll be hanging out at the Cycling Hall of Fame (RSVP if you haven’t already: please email me with the subject line “Hall of Fame” with [...]
Comment by john hess | 06.29.2011 | 8:03 pm
Hiya Fatty,
Another Davis person here, with the Davis Bike Club and the Hall of Fame. Yes, the Hallmark sponsors the DBC and is closer than the Hyatt, which is really close to nothing but the freeway (OK, the Buehler alumni center and Mondavi Center for performing arts (no events according to their web page, but I have tickets for July 5th)). For food, Bistro 33 is also a sponsor of the DBC. Also close to the Hallmark is the Davis Beer Shoppe, not much to really look at, but a great place for beer.
Comment by solar | 06.30.2011 | 4:57 pm
For the best sandwich ever stop by Beach Hut Deli. Its a 5 min walk from The Hall of Fame. Great place and great food.