Fight Cancer, Win a Trek Madone. Or a Yellow-Jersey-Level Trip to Ride for the Roses. Or Another Madone
A Note from Fatty About This Contest’s Timing: In the contest I describe below, I’m very probably giving away two very nice road bikes and a very plush trip to Austin. Here’s the thing: this contest ends at the beginning of the day this Tuesday. And since traffic’s always low on this site Friday – Sunday, and Monday’s a holiday, today is really the main and only day anyone’s going to see or enter this contest. That’s not very long.
Which means I honestly don’t think as many people are going to enter this contest as usual.
And there are possibly three grand prizes I’ll be giving away.
So you do the math: a contest that won’t have as many people entering as usual, with three times as many big prizes as usual. Is it possible, then, that your chances with this contest are better than usual?
I kinda think so.
So maybe — just maybe – this might be a good contest for you to enter. You know, maybe just $5 or $10 or $25 or so.
At the very least, you’ll have helped LiveStrong in their mission to fight cancer. And it’s possible — perhaps more possible than usual — that you’ll win something really cool. So please: go donate now.
The Davis LiveStrong Challenge is soon. Really soon. As in, a week from Friday we’ll be hanging out at the Cycling Hall of Fame (RSVP if you haven’t already: please email me with the subject line “Hall of Fame” with how many total will be in your party!).
And then a week from Sunday, we’ll be riding together. And those of you who will be there will get an opportunity to see whether you can hang with The Hammer. (Good luck with that!)
I love these LiveStrong Challenges. They’re an awesome time to get together and celebrate the good work we’ve done in the fight against cancer so far this year.
And because we have in fact done some really good work (Team Fatty – Davis has raised nearly $88,000 so far!), I’m hoping I’m going to be able to give away some really cool stuff this next Tuesday.
But I’m going to need you to help me out in order for me to be able to give away everything I want to.
Team Fatty and the Implications of the Coveted Fundraising Awards Sweep
Take a moment and look at the Fundraising Award categories for the LiveStrong Davis Challenge:
There are, as you can see, four fundraising awards. And you know what’s cool? Team Fatty is in the running for all four of them. Yes, it’s entirely possible (but by no means guaranteed) that we will win the Individual Champion Award, the Individual Messenger Award, the Team Champion Award, and the Team Time Trial Award.
We could totally sweep this thing. The competitive part of me loves this.
Why Our Award (Or Lack Thereof) Status Should Matter to You
Now, you may (or may not) have noticed that for both the Individual Champion and Individual Messenger awards, the winner gets a Trek Madone. Specifically, a Madone 5.2, like this:
That right there is a fine bicycle. A very fine (MSRP $3249) bicycle indeed. With a 5 Series TCT Carbon frame, a Shimano Ultegra drivetrain and Brake setup, as well as Bontrager Race wheels, that is not just a beautiful bike (and make no mistake, that is a beautiful bike), that is a well-equipped bike.
And right now, I’m pretty sure that I’m the frontrunner to win two of them.
The thing is, I’d feel weird getting a bike (and doubly weird getting two bikes) because so many of you have been so generous in donating money in the fight against cancer.
So how about this, instead.
If I win either (or both) of these bikes, I’m going to do a drawing and give it (or both of them) away to a person (or people) who donates to my LiveStrong Challenge page between now and Tuesday July 5, at 9:00am Central Time.
Let me be clear on this: In order for me to be able to give these bikes away, I need to be the guy in the Davis LiveStrong Challenge who raises the most money, and be the guy in the Davis LiveStrong Challenge who has the most individual people donate.
I’ll go into details on the rules, but if you already know how this works, you might want to go to my LiveStrong Challenge Page and donate now.
To wrap up and restate and recap and all that: If I win a bike, I’m giving it away to someone who donates to my LiveStrong Challenge between now and July 5, 9am CT. If I win both bikes, I’m giving them both away.
Or Hey, Maybe You’ll Win a Trip Instead
For the past two years, I’ve gotten to be a part of the amazingly awesome Ride for the Roses in Austin, TX. This year, though, I want to share the experience with one of you. And since my fundraising has already past the “yellow jersey” level (the highest level there is), I get to give away this “Yellow Jersey” trip to someone.
What does that include? Check it out:
That’s a lotta schwag. So much, in fact, that it’s worth calling out the big-ticket items in case you missed them:
- Participant airfare
- 3-night hotel stay
- Sunday ride front starting line position
- Sunday Hospitality tent entry (that’s the VIP tent)
It’s a pretty deluxe way to enjoy the Ride for the Roses weekend. And do win it, you’ve got to be the person I randomly selected who donates to my LIveStrong Challenge between now and July 5 at 9am CT.
How It Works
To participate in this contest, just go to my LiveStrong Challenge page and donate any multiple of $5.00. For each $5.00 you donate, you will be given a row in my contest spreadsheet. You must donate between now and Tuesday, July 5, at 9:00am CT.
Once I have heard from LiveStrong whether I have won any (or both) Madones, I will go to and generate three random numbers between 1 and the number of rows in my spreadsheet (inclusive, natch). The order the winning numbers will be assigned to prizes is:
- Yellow Jersey Trip
- Madone (if I win one)
- 2nd Madone (if I win two)
I will immediately notify the winner(s) by email. However, because it’s become nearly freaking impossible to notify someone by email that they’ve genuinely won something, the subject line will be something innocuous (like, “Followup to the 6/29 blog post”), and the message will tell you that I need to talk with you, and will include my phone number so you can call me back.
So watch for that, OK?
Stipulations and Stuff
- The contest starts now, ends at July 5, 9am CT
- Make sure when you donate, you use an email address that you actually check, for crying out loud.
- Donations made for prior contests don’t apply toward this contest.
- You have to promise to keep and ride this bike, or at least to give it away to someone who will keep it, love it, and ride it. No re-prizing or ebaying (even though that’s what I’m doing, but I got special permission from LiveStrong)
- Contest only available to residents of the U.S. Sorry, international readers! I swear I’ll do a contest soon that you can participate in!
- Winning one of the prizes does not exclude you from winning one of the other prizes (if there is more than one prize). It’s not probable, but it’s not impossible.
If you have questions, post them in comments; I’ll do my best to answer them either inline, or to edit this post to contain the answer.
Thanks for playing; I’m excited to find out who wins!
Comment by Darren | 06.29.2011 | 5:27 pm
Very kind of you Fatty. Even though I am in Canada and can’t win the prizes I donated. My wife is a survivor and I am very thankful for what you do. Both the fundraising and the entertaining writing. Thank you.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.29.2011 | 6:01 pm
You know, if Darren should win, I believe there’s a Fatty out there somewhere who would take that bike up to the border. There’s over 600 on the +3 Site and I have seen some mapped rides from the far north of Minnesota, Michigan, and we have that guy “way upstate NY”. Never say never Canada, where there’s a will there’s a way.
Comment by Dale | 06.29.2011 | 6:27 pm
Since this bike is the exact bike that I was looking at last night, dreaming of someday talking my wife into letting me buy, you know I’m entering. (I know there are much more expensive bikes, but I try to dream realistically.)
Comment by LIz | 06.29.2011 | 6:36 pm
Okay, I’m in again. Should we also be making donations to Team Members #2 through #5 to boost their totals to get the Team Time Trial Award?
I noticed on the Plus 3 website, although I am dutifully hand entering my data, that I am not receiving nearly as many kudos as those who do a similar workout but enter the data via Garmin. Gee, I have a birthday coming up . . . guess I better start dropping hints to my husband and son about what a great gift that Garmin would be . . .
Comment by jacked | 06.29.2011 | 7:13 pm
The trip to Austin is always fantastic! Whoever wins it will have a blast. Wonderful city, wonderful ride, and truly an emotional experience.
As always Fatty, thanks for the effort you put into this fight!
Comment by Mayhemnsuz | 06.29.2011 | 7:15 pm
I’m in on this one in honor of my dad. Thanks for putting together a great challenge. Allez, Fatty.
Comment by zeeeter | 06.29.2011 | 7:16 pm
I’m in just for the sake of being in, even though I don’t think that Team Fatty is going to need any help! See you Sunday week.
PS, can I just say that EVERY time I think about the ride (which incidentally is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this!) I seem to be getting the same portapotty urges that Fatty gets before every race. I assume this is entirely normal? :)
PS, assuming Fatty agrees to the idea on bumping up for the team time tria, feel free to add to my total (Robert Elliott) if you want, I’ll personally make sure I’m at $3000 for the day regardless but any and all additional sponsorships will be gratefully received.
Comment by Paul Guyot | 06.29.2011 | 9:31 pm
Ack. Since I could not make Davis (thank you, Leverage) I am riding in Austin.
So I really want to win that Yellow Jersey SWAG (no c, no h)!!!
Ride strong in Davis, Fatties!
Comment by AK_Chick | 06.29.2011 | 10:52 pm
Hey Fatty (Thinny!) I made a $35 donation in honor of my super awesome and amazing brother-in-law Chris Pennewell. He is under 30 and living with stage 4 colon cancer. He has an 8% chance of surviving 5 years. He has a beautiful wife and the cutest little boy who turns 1 soon. I’m hoping I can raise enough to get to Livestrong Austin so I can ride in his honor (and a few others who have touched my life along the way). Every mile I ride and jog this year is dedicated to him.
I’d LOVE to win the trip or the bike (I’d really rather win the trip). I doubt I’ll win with that small of a donation; however,I haven’t made any donations to you yet this year so I’m due. :) I hope to see you and maybe meet you in Austin. I will hopefully earn my way through some good old fashioned fundraising. :) And there is nothing wrong nor is there any shame in that.
Also, can you believe that the Tour starts this weekend!!! GO HORNER!!! Allez!
Comment by Jeremy | 06.29.2011 | 11:18 pm
I’m in. I’m looking forward to getting to Davis and suffering a little trying to hang with Fatty for the roll out.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.30.2011 | 12:16 am
@ Comment by Paul Guyot | 06.29.2011 | 9:31 pm
We’ll let you off the hook for Davis, but I for one am looking for a Leverage Challenge to get Fatty on TV. Just a small “ride on” part. He can deliver the package, the hook, a couple of secret words Or you could hang him upside down off the side of a building, a boat, or an elevator shaft. We delivered for RadioShack, imagine what we could do for a chance on TV. And he does look like Stanley Tucci:
or a homeless person
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.30.2011 | 12:25 am
@ Comment by Jeremy | 06.29.2011 | 11:18 pm
Hang with Fatty? Have you seen his +3 numbers? I figure our job is to create a bicycle phalanx that renders passing impossible allowing THE HAMMER and her trusty Sidekick to solo out ahead to the cheers and cameras. I believe there’s someone named ‘Vance’ scheduled to be there? If so maybe we’ll let him ride with long as he’s willing to set tempo.
Comment by Skippy | 06.30.2011 | 2:30 am
Link to raise awareness of this awesome offer !
Yesterday as i rode with Levi I asked him if he was following “Fatcyclist” and he replied that he had not spoken to Eldon for some weeks ! Sounds like there is something else coming through Folks !
Comment by Kent | 06.30.2011 | 6:53 am
Always happy to donate, the possible perks are great, but the true reward is helping those fighting like Susan.
I will also upload more +3 today. I love that I do something healthy, help someone else, kinda cool! I also enjoy seeing all the different ways we make it count everday.
Comment by Miles Archer | 06.30.2011 | 7:52 am
Looking forward to meeting the team in Davis.
Comment by Cameron | 06.30.2011 | 9:09 am
I was very close to donating…. just about to hit the submit button, but then I noticed the encryption on the page was broken. Donation aborted.
Comment by rich | 06.30.2011 | 9:27 am
I’m in….can’t wait to ride my new bike and I promise to keep it and ride it regularly….I’ll be checking the email account to make sure I get your message….I just know I’ll win…
Glad to donate either way….really appreciate all you do for this cause
Comment by Richard (boomerang guy) | 06.30.2011 | 9:38 am
Another great give-away for a great cause.
Comment by jodie | 06.30.2011 | 9:44 am
just donated and excited to see who wins. I was passed by a Fat Cyclist wearing his jersey proud up the Sundance side of the Alpine loop last Saturday.
Comment by daniel | 06.30.2011 | 10:08 am
I’m in brah! You are crushing it with this one. I can’t wait to get that email from you!
Comment by Doug (Way upstate NY) | 06.30.2011 | 10:31 am
Ready to go. The ride for the roses looks like a blast.
Comment by Paul Guyot | 06.30.2011 | 10:41 am
As God as my witness, Fatty WILL be on Season 5 of LEVERAGE.
If there is a season five.
Comment by Dan O | 06.30.2011 | 10:51 am
Good luck keeping up with The Hammer, she passed me in Austin last year, right towards the end. She rode 65 miles to my leisurely 45. She slowed a bit to to say hi, then rode on to the end.
Life is good
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.30.2011 | 10:52 am
Touche! A cliffhanger in the making. Just give us an email for the producers and we’ll get to it.
Comment by zach in a cubicle | 06.30.2011 | 10:58 am
If for some strange reason the second bike is not one you can always give away a special edition blood stained marathon Jersey those are rare… but if not I am in for a Trek, I guess. but the jersey would be sweet in a disturbing sort of way.
Comment by Zach Collett | 06.30.2011 | 11:42 am
I recently started reading your blog on google reader. I enjoy your stories. When someone is fighting with a loved one against cancer I find myself inspired to say the least. My best friend has been fortunate enough to have fought and beat breast cancer three times. I did all I could to be by her side and support her in any way I could. I even got a pink ribbon tattoo on my ribacage for her. Her and I were both going through our own battles. Hers with breast cancer and mine with an injury sustained in Iraq. I read your story and felt compelled to donate. I see that you have been able to reach a large ammount of people. Do you have any tips for me on reaching a larger audience. I am trying to raise money and awareness for the Wounded Warrior Project at I have raised a few thousand dollars so far. But, I would like to raise as much as possible. It’s amazing what you have done for those fighting this fight. Thank you.
Comment by Heber Chad | 06.30.2011 | 1:20 pm
Fatty, I just clicked on the link (So please: go donate now) and donated, just FYI it went to The Hammers page.
That’s cuz I just realized she hadn’t signed up for the Davis Challenge and needed to correct that, ASAP! All donations going to her page will of course be included in this contest. – FC
Comment by Heber Chad | 06.30.2011 | 1:22 pm
BTW, I’m really proud to be a part of Team Fatty. Its really cool, thanks for letting us be a part of something so awesome.
Comment by Scott R | 06.30.2011 | 1:34 pm
Paul, say it ain’t so! There must be a season 5! :-)
Great job, as usual, Fatty. Have everyone has a great time in Davis.
Comment by Mark M | 06.30.2011 | 1:44 pm
Just made my contribution. With or without a prize, I am happy to participate…only wish I could be in Davis for the ride!
Comment by NYCCarlos | 06.30.2011 | 1:50 pm
omg… Paul – Fatty on LEVERAGE?! That would be amazing.
Donation made… I hope I win the trip!
Hopefully, that’ll be the episode guest-starring Stanley Tucci, with me being his dumpier, evil, never-acted before twin. – FC
Pingback by Almost there! | Team 22 | 06.30.2011 | 4:35 pm
[...] you want to donate something please go to and donate to his latest contest. You may win some awesome prizes and the money goes to livestrong. His 100 miles of nowhere was the [...]
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.30.2011 | 6:26 pm
The Hammer hasn’t signed up yet? Maybe she’s trying to tell you she would like to stay home and put her feet up for the weekend. Unlike someone we all know, her job requires ALOT of walking, walking, walking.
And if Fatty doesn’t want to take the Leverage challenge, I’m sure we’d still pony up donations to get The Hammer on the show. Opposite Stanley Tucci of course.
Comment by Mark J. | 06.30.2011 | 9:09 pm
I’m in Fatty. Make mine a 54cm please. Thanks pal.
I donated (link went to the Hammer’s page), but I did pause when I noticed the secure encryption on the LIVESTRONG page was broken, as Cameron mentioned above. They need to get their S*** straight.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 06.30.2011 | 10:58 pm
If you are not as ‘on top of things’ as I am, ‘wife no. 1 has sent me the link to the Davis Challenges Maps:
It’s beginning to warm up here this weekend, so pack the extra large Camelback. (or ask Fatty to bring some of his)
Looking forward to an interesting ‘group’ ride.
Comment by Jojo88 | 06.30.2011 | 11:13 pm
This year I’ve been saving up for a new bike and the past several days was considering donating what I’ve saved so far to this cause:
I met the parents through BikingLasVegas and have ridden with them several times. It’s so hard to imagine what they are going through. I kept thinking to myself I already have a bike and it’s in good shape. This is someone’s life. Kassidy is the face of the Livestrong bike ride in Vegas this year
Gosh I would love to win this bike. It would be win win. Donate to Fatty’s ride and Kassidy’s fight. Of course I’m dreaming right now since it’s a drawing. Even if I don’t win I’m leaning towards donating instead of a new bike any ways.
Cancer sucks. Got to do what I can do.
Comment by Jojo88 | 06.30.2011 | 11:17 pm
Sorry one more link to share:
Comment by Doug (Way upstate NY) | 07.1.2011 | 6:42 am
Fatty I’m not sure I can stay with the Hammer next week. But I’m gunning for you buddy! :D
Comment by Connie and Joe | 07.1.2011 | 10:40 am
Thank you so much for all you do to raise awareness and support such a wonderful cause. How refressing to see the internet being used to do good and bring people together. I look forward to your insights and stories everyday. Thank you again for letting my family share the blessings that God has provided to us to support Livestrong and the work they are doing.
Good luck to you and “the Hammer” in your race.
Comment by John Juge | 07.1.2011 | 2:37 pm
hey here Fatty! I finally figured out how to sign up for the livestrong team! donated and trying now to raise 1000.00 for the cause!
your blog has been an inspiration to me, and let me tell you that every time I wear your jersey someone and usually more than one, comes up to me and tells me that they are a “Fatty” and how much they enjoy your blog and story.
you are touching lives in cities I am sure you never dreamed you could.
When I look back on my life, I will want only to know that I made a difference. Elden, you have made a difference.
cant wait to meet you for STP 2012.
Comment by Carmen | 07.2.2011 | 10:58 am
Long time lurker. I really enjoy your sardonic take on things and what you’re about. And that you recognize The Hammer as such a superior athlete.
I entered the contest despite the fact that I am a painfully new cyclist. A bike like this is overkill in the extreme for me, but also something I would never be able to afford so I’m excited nonetheless :)
Good luck in your continuing efforts to fight cancer!
Comment by Heidi | 07.2.2011 | 3:28 pm
Unrelated, but not really. You could be a competitor and not even know it!
SO funny…
Comment by Jeremy | 07.2.2011 | 11:23 pm
Alright Team Fatty, I’m trying to hunt up a ride so I can maybe attend the get together at the Bicycle Hall of Fame. If you are passing through Salem, Oregon on your way down with the intent to be there Friday, I would love to touch base with you. My gear will be making its way down Saturday so just me. I can contribute to gas, if needed.
Comment by Kathy E | 07.4.2011 | 8:51 am
Oh boo. I didn’t realize I can’t win as a result of being Canadian. But I am still proud to have decided to support this great cause. If you do draw my name, send me a pic of a bike or awesome trip, then sigh, pick someone else’s name! :D
Comment by cannondale | 07.5.2011 | 1:38 am
Life is good!
Comment by Keith Jones | 07.5.2011 | 5:31 am
I suppose the donation page didn’t like the 4th of July… doesn’t seem to be working for me this morning! Oh well–will just have to stick to the old bike!
Pingback by My Road Bike « – Tracy Wilkins’ Cycling Weblog | 07.18.2011 | 4:59 pm
[...] Here’s a link to the details. [...]