How To Ruin Someone’s Day
We had gone on a ride earlier that day, so even though it was beautiful outside, I told The Hammer I needed to stay home and work on my book.
So she went to Lambert Park — a terrific little park about a mile from where we live — without me, taking Nikita — the approaching-elderly Malamute The Hammer brought to our marriage — on a walk on her own.
Now, Alpine, Utah is a tiny town, with the feel of Mayberry. People are nice in general. A little more laid-back than most places. You kind of need to be that way if you’re going to live in a town without a single grocery store or restaurant in it.
And if the people in Alpine are friendly and easy-going, the Lambert Park trail system is even more that way. People bring their kids here to learn to mountain bike. Cyclists come here when they don’t have time to go up American Fork Canyon or to Corner Canyon. People come here for a short ride on their horses.
And people come here to walk their dogs.
And until The Hammer got home from her walk this particular day, I had never heard of anyone being anything but incredibly friendly to each other at this park.
Encounter 1: Rodeo Down
So The Hammer is walking Nikita in Lambert Park. One of the popular trails there is called “Rodeo.” It’s got both an “Up” trail and a “Down” trail. She’s walking down the Down trail when she hears a bike coming.
As a cyclist, The Hammer knows this is a fun trail to go fast on, so she holds Nikita by the collar and moves off the trail.
As the 60-ish year-old man goes by, The Hammer starts, “Have a good…”
“You shouldn’t be on this trail!” The man interrupts, yelling.
Perhaps this man thought he owns the trail. Perhaps he didn’t realize that Lambert Park is multi-use and people walk (and trail run) on all of the trails here, all the time.
Perhaps he didn’t realize that around here, people don’t yell at each other.
And almost certainly, he thought he could shout at a lone woman without consequence.
“First of all,” The Hammer replied, “I have every right to be on this trail. Second, I got out of the way for you, even though pedestrians have the right of way.”
“People ride fast down this trail!” The man yelled back. “I could have hit you!”
“Kids ride on this trail,” shot back The Hammer. “And sometimes there are cyclists stopped in the trail. If you can’t control your speed and avoid someone, you’re going too fast.”
At which point, the man started up again, continuing down the trail (with a woman — possibly the man’s wife — riding behind, avoiding meeting The Hammer’s eyes.
And The Hammer continued her walk.
Encounter 2: Rodeo Up
At one of the places the trails cross, Hammer switched over to Rodeo Up. Once again, she heard a bike coming. Once again, she took her dog by the collar and moved out of the trail.
And once again, it was the man.
“Are you going to yell at me for being on your trails again?” asked The Hammer.
“No,” said the man, riding by. “I don’t care if you’re on Rodeo Up.”
And then, as he passed The Hammer, he said it: “Bitch.”
Astonished, The Hammer looked to the woman riding behind the man. “You should be embarrassed to be with that man,” The Hammer said.
“He’s just trying to keep the trails safe for everyone,” replied the woman.
For pretty much the rest of the day — and the day after that — The Hammer and I found ourselves constantly talking about this encounter. We just couldn’t believe it. We kept asking each other questions, like:
- Would he have said any of this if both of us were there? We kind of suspect not.
- Did he really think he was making anything safer for anyone? Again, we kind of suspect not.
- Was he surprised that he didn’t get away with shouting at a lone woman? We expect he was.
- Why would he do this? That’s the real poser of a question, the one we keep talking about. Why would anyone on a trail ever be anything but glad to see another person — a person who had already yielded — on a trail? Was he just in a foul mood and wanted to spread it around?
Obviously, we don’t know the answer to any of these. And I kind of doubt that a guy like that would read my blog (and frankly hope a person like that doesn’t). But in the off chance that he does, well, congratulations. You have the honor of being the first person I’ve ever come across at Lambert Park who was anything but friendly and polite.
That’s behavior I would expect from someone yelling from a car window — not from someone in a small town, riding on a neighborhood trail.
Comment by Hautacam | 11.8.2011 | 11:54 am
There is a special place in hell for people who are rude or thoughtless on trails. Apart from competition events, everyone on a trail is there to relax and have fun (even if “fun” means riding or running yourself into oxygen debt-induced blackout). If you can’t share and play nicely with others, you don’t belong there.
Comment by pgreen | 11.8.2011 | 11:56 am
Wow.. Just rude.
There is really nothing that you can do for people like that. They are in their own worlds where the sky is grey and there is never anything that goes right.
I would have given an “on your left” and a “Thank you” after I passed.
Comment by davidh-marin, ca | 11.8.2011 | 11:57 am
WOW! We all know there are people out there who believe they set their own rules. And have partners, spouses, friends, or family who cover for them.
Clearly this individual fails to realize the army that the Hammer could unleash on him. Kinda like that movie 300, but with everyone in Lycra. Say the word Lisa, Team Fatty has a lot of weight they could throw around. Or, Paul Guyot could script us our own Leverage scenario, with Team Fatty as actors. How cool would that be.
Comment by George | 11.8.2011 | 12:02 pm
Hammer – As I approach another birthday, my biggest fear is becoming a “Grumpy Old Man.” Thank you for reminding me not to be that way. You are welcome ride or walk in my neighborhood anytime.
Comment by zeeeter | 11.8.2011 | 12:02 pm
That’s what cellphone cameras are for . . . sounds like someone needs a very public humiliation. A thought for next time maybe, not that you would expect to need that there.
Comment by NYCCarlos | 11.8.2011 | 12:15 pm
sounds like the people of central park… everyone seems to think that they have more of a right to be there than you do. no matter what you’re doing. IF you’re riding, the runners complain. If you’re running, the cyclist complain. If you’re walking the dog, everyone complains. The park is my favorite part of NYC, but the people in it are probably my least favorite part. Why can’t everyone just get along?
Comment by roan | 11.8.2011 | 12:17 pm
To remove any question on one point…I’m 60-ish.
These encounters are the ‘new’ norm. Sad that it has reached Alpine(or anywhere civil). If there were 2 people walking a dog and moving off the trail as The Hammer did…nothing would or should have been said. I probably would have stopped to talk, even if I didn’t recognize the dog walker. Only he and his riding partner know what type of day he was having or if he had an earlier encounter where he felt he was wronged. Based on the other rider’s comment.
At best I hope this was an unusual day for him though I suspect not.
If I may (based on my own references)…next time go on the walk. Compare how much nicer your day would have been and the time saved without the ensuing discussions. Luv you guys.
Comment by Steve PMcG | 11.8.2011 | 12:20 pm
Im surprised. Surprised that the hammer did not throw something at him. Idiots like that are unfortunatly more common than not even in mayberry. Put it down to a chance encounter but make sure you have a tazer next time that way while he squirms on the ground you can walk up and say “This is what a Bitch is like” LOL
Comment by MikeL | 11.8.2011 | 12:49 pm
Say the word and I will have one of my “uncles” come out for a visit and provide mediation services.
Comment by hank | 11.8.2011 | 12:53 pm
So sad. Here’s to a peaceful rest of the week -
Comment by Chris | 11.8.2011 | 12:54 pm
My predilection is to think that someone was having a bad day and went on a ride to decompress. I tend to think that way about people though. Sounds like he would have needed a much longer ride for it to take though.
Comment by Sandra | 11.8.2011 | 12:56 pm
we have a whole group of those “people” the ones at our state park call themselves, “Friends of the Fells” they are a bunch of grumps that think they own the “STATE” park, they are against every form of recreation. I think that all those Rude ignorant people need a park of their own, and let the rest of have fun and say hi and be polite, Can’t we all get along?
Comment by MtlDan | 11.8.2011 | 12:57 pm
People are all different. Meet enough of them and you might find one who likes stale bread (me) or doesn’t like ice cream (my father in law) or is an asshole in Lambert Park (that guy). It makes life interesting.
Comment by Clancy | 11.8.2011 | 12:57 pm
I’d be willing to lay odds that the rude man probably considers himself to be a rather exceptional cyclist, yet he probably rarely ever rides more than 20 miles at a time. I wonder if his tone would have been different knowing he was talking to a multi-time leadville finisher?
I know of nowhere where a cyclist “owns” the trail. All of our local trails are shared by runners, walkers and horses, yet it’s often the cyclists who do the most to care and maintain the trail. If the trail is good enough for a road bike, then this is even more-so important that the cyclist yield to everyone else.
And at the risk of sounding even more stereotypical – I’d be willing to bet the guy was a transplant from the east coast (says the east coast native).
Comment by The Hamer | 11.8.2011 | 12:57 pm
Amen Fatty.
Comment by don mueller | 11.8.2011 | 1:00 pm
On the trails here in Levi’s country, Santa Rosa, downhill riders yield to uphill riders or hikers. That means heads up, pay attention and control your speed. None of these things are something the Jerk appears to be doing in his efforts to “keep things safe for everyone.”
Comment by Jennifer Sage | 11.8.2011 | 1:01 pm
I live in a somewhat small town (but not nearly as small as yours – we have grocery stores) in the mountains of Colorado and there is a very local newspaper that has a very active “letters to the editor” section. That’s where I would take your revenge. Write a sincere, and very nice, but sad tale of woe about your encounter (similar to this blog post), wondering if Alpine is falling prey to the problems larger communities have to deal with. Remind the readers that this trail is multi-use, in both directions, and also remind them to take care because of kids and dogs. Might at least shame this guy if he sees himself described there. And how many 60-year old mountain biking couples are there – he might be called out by people who know him.
Comment by davidh-marin, ca | 11.8.2011 | 1:28 pm
Something tells me that The Hammer has more ‘friends’ than the rider. Imagine that.
Comment by Erin | 11.8.2011 | 1:40 pm
As one of those people caught with a gaping mouth by such situations who then spends the next three hours thinking of incredibly witty things she should have said, were she not so slow: Hammer, I salute you.
Comment by Jenni | 11.8.2011 | 1:42 pm
Gah! So sorry for that blast of negativity! Hammer, you’re beautiful and awesome and all-things wonderful. You don’t deserve that. I hope you’re able to take a deep breath and let it go.
Comment by Tim K. | 11.8.2011 | 1:44 pm
Not sure if this will take Youtube links, but for your viewing pleasure:
Just imagine Woodrow taking care of the situation.
Comment by JL | 11.8.2011 | 1:45 pm
The guy was clearly out of line.
However, knowing the park, I would never hike or run on that trail in any direction. There are better options. I’ve often thought the trail should be designated as downhill, bike only. I’ve stopped (notice, stopped…in plenty of time)and warned (in a polite way) several people hiking or pushing bikes up that it is mostly ridden downhill fast and that there are multiple better options for going up. They were each unaware and appreciated the heads up.
I’ve also told folks riding up the Down section the same thing, in the same way. My problem isn’t at all with expressing an opinion, it’s with being mean (and to be clear: I don’t see what you’re saying as being at all being mean). – FC
Comment by dan | 11.8.2011 | 1:45 pm
I’ve been riding trails for 4 years since having my fake knee rebuilt. I’m 60 and therefore not young. During that time, I’ve run into lots of grumpy opinionated individuals. They have made comments on the trail itself, ignored me or we nasty at the trail-head or I just felt that they were boring a hole in me with their glances. And now that you made me think about it,in every single case, it’s been older men. Were these guys grumpy managers in their jobs? were they poor grumpy husbands? is this an age related “illness”? I wish I had an answer for you, but I rest in the fact that these people are a small minority.
Comment by ClydeinKS | 11.8.2011 | 2:02 pm
I like his reasoning for position on the trail “I go fast.” Anyway to arrange a time trial with the Hammer to put him in his place? There is no telling what compelled the Jerk to act as such, hopefully he wasn’t forced to the trail by a 4-wheeled yelling Jerk Too while riding on the street. I’m always amazed by some of the comments I get on the street, probably the best was someone who wanted to yell something clever but what came out was “Fall over, why don’t you just fall down!” I’m glad I was stopped at a light or I just may have.
Jeff D
Comment by Keith | 11.8.2011 | 2:22 pm
I’ve been every person in this scenario. On some really bad days, I’m capable of being the jerk whose obstinacy doesn’t make any rational sense. (Dear world: I’m sorry. I’ll try harder.)
I can see how if I were taken by surprise by the presence of a pedestrian while maybe going a liiiiiiiittle too fast for my abilities, I could get snarly. Especially if, say, I were already having a difficult week, and…you know. Turned into a jerk before I could stop myself. Which would then be followed by having to dig my jerkiness in farther because I’d have to say SOMETHING besides, “Oops, you’re right, I’m sorry,” when called on it.
I wonder how they both felt ten minutes later.
Comment by aussie kev | 11.8.2011 | 2:29 pm
I think Nikita needs to be taught the command “Shred”, a dog than could run up behind and shred rear tyres would be very handy !!! – if you can teach her to do it to car tyres as well she would be very welcome to come over to Boyne island in Australia for a holiday !!!!
“Allez Nikita – Shred”
Comment by buckythedonkey | 11.8.2011 | 2:34 pm
Did the man, perchance, have a Swiss accent?
Comment by Hank | 11.8.2011 | 2:41 pm
I’m glad she said something back at the time. How many times to you meet these guys, they mouth off and you just let it slide… then beat yourself up for the rest of the day, thinking of what you should of said.
Comment by sdcadbiker | 11.8.2011 | 2:43 pm
Lisa, tomorrow you will wake up and you will feel better; when the other guy wakes up he’ll still be an asshole.
“Bad day” syndrome might excuse his initial rant but that final insult goes _way_ past “bad day” and points to a fundamentally unpleasant character. He has to live with himself and, unfortunately for her, so does his partner. I pity her.
Comment by Terry | 11.8.2011 | 2:44 pm
I had a similar encounter while skiing with my 4 year old son last winter. We were near the bottom of the trail, in view of the lift where there are signs to slow down, just skiing along minding our own business. This guy comes bombing down the hill, and yelled at us to get out of the middle of the trail! It’s not like we were sitting there eating our lunch…we were moving across the trail while we skied. I said, “No, we’re good. Maybe you should slow down.” The “you self-entitled buttwad” elaboration was kept to myself, only because of little ears. But it presented another opportunity to explain to my son the importance of skiing in control.
Comment by Mark in Ottawa | 11.8.2011 | 2:47 pm
I’m sorry that The Hammer had this happen – I know that when I go walking on a trail I’m there to relax and take in the beauty of the surroundings.
I also know what a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach I get after just such an encounter, replaying it over and over in my head.
I hope that this guys reflected as much on the situation as you both did – hopefully it will prevent a similar situation the next time he goes riding and spare everyone the mental energy.
Mark (in Ottawa, Canada)
Comment by rabidrunner | 11.8.2011 | 2:56 pm
I sure like that you and the Hammer are amiable and affable and acquiescing and altruistic and accordant and amicable and attentive and adroit and attentive and basically all of the “A” words (except for that one “A” word in which you are not.)
Comment by Jon | 11.8.2011 | 3:00 pm
Thanks to this kind of person gives mtn bikers like myself, a bad reputation..
Also looks like the trail needs to post who has the right-away sign for people like this guy…
I hope Karma comes around and gets him sooner than later…
Comment by Tes | 11.8.2011 | 3:13 pm
There must be something in the air lately as these people are coming out of the woodwork. Found a little somethingabout people like that which made me smile yesterday:
Comment by Tes | 11.8.2011 | 3:13 pm
Okay – that’s really big… sorry!
Comment by davidh-marin, ca | 11.8.2011 | 4:07 pm
Well I think there is unanimity of opinion regarding trail etiquette. I want to ask a separate question:
Has anyone read the ‘cover art’ on Fatty’s Book above? Specifically the author’s bio. The words imposing….tall(sic)…and powerfully built are liberally used in the text. Let me demonstrate:

Can we have any confidence in what lies between the covers? ….of the book of course.
Comment by Heidi | 11.8.2011 | 4:25 pm
I say, let it go. He’s not worth your energy.
Comment by nurse Betsy | 11.8.2011 | 4:29 pm
Sorry for the bad day, what a rude man. I like that the Hammer told the woman that she should be embarrassed to be with him. Now let it go…..He is a small man and not worth your energy.
Comment by melicious | 11.8.2011 | 4:49 pm
Sorry to hear about your negative encounter. It is really a shame that incidents like this tend to grind at us, souring our mood for a day or a few days to come. Sadly, this man is just unhappy with his life in some way and is making it his mission to make everyone else unhappy, too. Counteract his negativity with a positive act, just for you.
Comment by Mateo | 11.8.2011 | 4:51 pm
The Author’s photo on the book…kinda creepy stare there big guy. Going for a Jason Statham-esque feeling with this one?
Comment by Kevin | 11.8.2011 | 5:22 pm
“How people treat you is their karma. How you react is your karma.”
Kudos to Hammer for rising above…
Comment by Kiki | 11.8.2011 | 5:25 pm
I’m very impressed by the way the Hammer conducted herself. Extra points for saying something to the woman with him. What concerns me the most about this tale is if the ‘kind’ gentleman is willing to yell at a woman he doesn’t know over trail use, what does this poor woman who is with him encounter daily. Can you imagine when they have run out of beer?If there is a next time and Fatty you are there maybe you can show this woman how real men treat women!
Comment by Hammer/Lisa | 11.8.2011 | 5:52 pm
Thanx for all the support in this ugly situation! On my way home I was fighting back the tears! I was so mad that he had ruined a beautiful walk on a beautiful day! I don’t know if I handled the situation right-I rarely get my feathers ruffled, but when I do, you better watch out! I have since gone back to the trail and there is nothing to distinguish the trail then anything but a “down” trail. It does not specify it is BIKERS ONLY!
The encounter did bother me for the next several days though, hopefully we can all learn from this and just be a little more kind and maybe think before speak!
I also agree with some of the other commenters about the guys wife!! I really feel sorry for her. She has to put up with him everyday!
Comment by jack | 11.8.2011 | 5:53 pm
Mr Fatty
I am having trouble with pay paypal. nothing shows up in my account to pay when I click on the button. i want to buy the 39.95 book.
I am from Newcastle Australia and I love your blog. My girlfriend loves it too and has gotten her more into cycling. Fatcyclist – Gateway drug to the world of cycling.
Comment by spinecho | 11.8.2011 | 6:30 pm
Maybe that man was Dr. Lammler….
Comment by Michael | 11.8.2011 | 7:18 pm
Sorry, Fatty. I’m amazed you’ve been able to restrain yourself from going out there and tracking the guy down.
For the sake of giving him the benefit of the doubt, let’s just say he was really low on calories (like an Israeli judge from a recent bit of research that has been floating around the news websites lately) and had his decision-making abilities impaired.
Actually, even in that situation, he could’ve learned some manners.
The thing that blows my mind is the fact that his wife actually defended him. Blind leading the blind, I expect.
Comment by Doug (way upstate NY) | 11.8.2011 | 8:33 pm
Send Levi after him………
Comment by JPG | 11.8.2011 | 8:44 pm
I can be a dick from time to time. I will typically tell people when they are doing something wrong on a trail, but if someone yields to me that doesn’t have to I ALWAYS make it a point to say, “thanks”.
Comment by Simon | 11.8.2011 | 8:45 pm
You know, I really hate it when people do this kind of thing… It absolutely ruins my ride/day, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t people just breathe a little?
Comment by roan | 11.8.2011 | 9:16 pm
We all know these people exist so we need to put our best efforts forward. Not to trivilize The Hammer’s encounters but in reading the comments there is one that is needling me. So I’ll direct my question to, buckythedonkey, “Did the man perchance, have a Swiss accent?” I’m at a loss here, help me. Like Fatty…”I am, at heart, a yokel.” And being a ‘yokel’ sorta sounds like a Swiss word. What is a Swiss accent ?
Someone speaking like a Big Cheese full of holes ?
ps, bucky, I think you need to start capitalizing…The.
Comment by RodNeeds2Ride | 11.8.2011 | 9:40 pm
For some reason this made me think of the following joke:
“What’s the difference between a porcupine and a Corvette?”
“With porcupines, the pricks are on the outside.”
Good for a laugh anyway, no offense to Vette owners!
Comment by Jessi | 11.8.2011 | 10:12 pm
misery loves company. it sucks that people try to pull you into their wretched life. I hope you can let it go and enjoy that park again.
Comment by cyclingjimbo | 11.9.2011 | 12:50 am
Sad, indeed. The cyclist probably thought he was in the right to yell at The Hammer and didn’t have another thought about it. But the negative energy he created is still churning. The guy was a real butthead, and we can’t let the negative energy of dicks like him pull us down, too. Your only choice is to let it go immediately – you have no control over what others do, and you can’t let yourself waste your positive energy – he wins if you let the negative energy bubble up.
If you want to soar with the eagles, you can’t let the turkey’s pull you down.
Comment by Patrick #4091 | 11.9.2011 | 2:13 am
Am mentally scowling at bad man from across the pond, if I was cycling and saw the Hammer, or Fatty, I’d stop and have a chat.
Comment by battlegarden | 11.9.2011 | 2:40 am
Is this a reference to something I’m not aware of, or are you suggesting Swiss people are rude?
Comment by Brian | 11.9.2011 | 3:13 am
@battlegarden: I think buckythedonkey was suggesting it might be Dr. Michael Lämmler (of “comedian mastermind” fame).
Comment by a chris | 11.9.2011 | 4:09 am
Grrr. I hate it when people behave like that. What gets me is how my head explodes trying to absorb (once again) that people CAN be like that (in the sense that it’s possible, and also that they get away with it). Yeah, I’m a slow learner.
If Lisa managed to say all the things you’ve written there, I’m very impressed. Usually when you get a drive-by jerk there isn’t time to respond (they count on it) even if you have the presence of mind to formulate a good answer.
If he heard the bit about pedestrians having right of way, and didn’t know it before, sounds like he had a defensive meltdown between encounters and lashed out angrily since he didn’t have the emotional tools to be come gracefully down from his high horse.
Comment by Chris | 11.9.2011 | 7:00 am
I’m always surprised by how empowered people feel when they believe that they hold the advantage.
Comment by DifferentKenny | 11.9.2011 | 8:20 am
There is an old man in jail in New Mexico for stringing fishing line at neck level because he didn’t like mountain bikers on “his trail” lucky for the kid who got knocked off his bike he was only scraped up.
We all need to be nice and courtesy out there. Plenty of room for everyone!
Comment by Man on Trail | 11.9.2011 | 9:02 am
No, if you had been there, the proper statement would have been “Bitches”, that’s plural…
Comment by Brian in VA | 11.9.2011 | 9:25 am
Kudos to The Hammer for her handling of the situation and expressing her displeasure over the encounter. I know it didn’t make you feel any better.
I always work to assume best intent in all human interaction as we never know what the other person is going through / experiencing / knows / feels. That said, one right to take a swing at me ends at the end of my nose. :)
I’m a trainer as a profession. When all else fails, I remember: You can’t fix stupid! That allows me to let it go sooner, rather than later.
Enjoy the ride because it’s always too short!
Comment by RL Julia | 11.9.2011 | 9:41 am
As a women who commutes solo – I agree. Some guys are real jerks and the things I see people doing in their cars on their ways to work? Amazing!
I usually pretend I know the people honking, screaming and having a problem. I just smile and wave, thank them and give them a big thumbs up. Totally confuses them.
Then I think of all the nasty bumperstickers I want to print up and secretly put on their cars when I ride by (things like “texting” or “I will cut you off”).
Comment by Bryan (not that one) | 11.9.2011 | 9:55 am
The thing that I hate about these types of encounters is how they stick with you. It seems like the bad ones eat at you for a longer time than the good ones pick you up. Sad, but that’s been my experience.
Comment by Lord Adamantine Sedgepig | 11.9.2011 | 10:39 am
Deep breath … and, release. And move on.
Comment by Tony from CLT | 11.9.2011 | 11:05 am
Have the Hammer describe his cycling kit for you and post it. Maybe someone out there will recognize the guy and identify him for us so we can properly scorn him online.
Comment by Head Smacker | 11.9.2011 | 11:20 am
Did anybody else notice Man on Trail’s comment? I can only assume he is the rider in question.
Honey, you are the same type of d-bag who screamed at me during a CHARITY ride several months ago for having the audacity to attempt to be on the same trail as him. I had also moved completely off the trail after hearing riders coming up behind me at a much faster pace than I was riding. I don’t care what kind of day you’re having or who pissed in your Cheerios. You do NOT treat others like that. I hope you receive the same treatment you gave The Hammer…tenfold.
Love, a longtime and loyal Fatty reader and 1st-time commenter.
Comment by davidh-marin, ca | 11.9.2011 | 11:40 am
It’s disappointing to me that our scorn for the ‘Man on the Trail’ has succumbed to the same level of ‘trash talk’ as the rider.
Fatty once said;
“Keep the language clean. If I wouldn’t be comfortable saying the words to my 10-year-old daughters, I won’t use them in my blog. Oct. 13, 2011″
Needless to say I would prefer my 10 year old daughter not read this, call me naive.
I do not disagree with any description of the ‘Man on the Trail’, I just think we are capable of a higher ground. The English language, and especially the British language, is ripe with choice retorts.
Comment by Matt | 11.9.2011 | 12:09 pm
If Man on Trail is really the person in question, Fatty might be able to find the IP address used to post the comment from the stats counter and run it through to get the guy’s location. With location in hand the internet would reveal all sorts of details about his identity, which could be posted to a follow up on this blog. Anyone more tech savvy than me know if this will work?
Comment by Haven-KT | 11.9.2011 | 12:16 pm
Lisa, kudos to you for saying something.
Personally, I would have turned to the man’s riding partner and asked if she gets verbally abused by this man too… because that’s what it is. Poor woman.
I would have also asked the man how he thought he was making the trails safe for everyone. Because it begs the question.
He’s lucky your dog isn’t like my dog and goes from wagging to “PROTECT THE MAMA NOW” in 0.025 seconds. Strangers trigger that, especially yelling angry man-type ones.
Comment by Cyclin' Missy | 11.9.2011 | 12:16 pm
Wow! What a jerky thing to do. I was riding at my favorite trail this weekend, and a guy farther up on the trail approached me in a place where the trail loops back on itself. He yelled that I was going the wrong way, which I wasn’t. As I passed by the man, I heard him whisper to himself, “Oh no you’re not. I am.” Oops! Nice trail police work there, dude.
Comment by Cat_Rancher | 11.9.2011 | 5:39 pm
I have found that really loud laughter is the best response to those kind of people- in person, or in the car. Being controlling is a power trip for them, and laughing at them completely pops their bubble. It can also make you feel better- kind of like smiling even when you don’t feel like it can trick your brain into a more positive frame.
Comment by Jeremy | 11.10.2011 | 12:34 am
As someone who works with teenagers on a nearly daily basis, I or one of my colleagues are usually graced with a descriptor at the level of that shot toward the Hammer or worse. Let it go. It’s not you; it’s them. Not worth the time and energy regardless or who is “right” in their understanding of the rules of the trails.
And in most cases, whatever caused the shot goes away in a remarkably short time unless there is some serious underlying animosity. Then it devolves into carving the name for you into the desks.
Comment by Dan | 11.10.2011 | 8:40 pm
That’s a shame. Cyclists should treat pedestrians the way they hope motorists will treat them.
Comment by Six | 11.10.2011 | 9:37 pm
Lisa, you handled the encounter perfectly. Please, you and Fatty, don’t give this another single second of thought. In my career I encountered such anger, hostility and negativity literally every day. It’s sometimes tough to put it aside but he’s the real loser here, not you. He’ll live his life with few (or no) friends and no one outside his very immediate family who truly and completely love him. You two have a wealth of friends who love and appreciate you. You have your kids and each other and a love of people and life he’ll never know, much less understand.
He’s just a tiny blip in your lives. Don’t let him and those like him be anything more.
Comment by Fat Chick on a Bike | 11.13.2011 | 10:21 pm
Please, peeps. Must we go looking for vigilante justice (post description, look up IP addy) on every person who acts like a butt towards bloggers we’re fond of? Hammer, I’m sorry this happened to you. in Kindergarden my daughter’s little blonde best friend was easily moved to tears by a harsh word. Her teachers would tell her “don’t let it ruin your day” Next time I hope you can not let it ruin your day. The mental attitude someone like that inflicts on himself is worse punishment than anything anyone else could do.