Comedian Mastermind: One Last Plug Before Christmas
Have you already finished all your Christmas shopping? Awesome! Me too!
Oh, yeah. I know. I was just kidding too. I haven’t even started, really.
If you’ve got a cyclist in your life and would like to get that person a copy of my book — Comedian Mastermind: The Best of Fat Cyclist, 2005 – 2007 — for Christmas, well, there’s still (probably) time.
Order today (Friday) or, at the very worst, early Saturday morning, and I’ll promise to do a post office run Saturday. As in, tomorrow.
Based on how fast Media Mail is traveling, you (continental U.S. folk, I mean) really should get your copy before the end of next week. Which is, if I understand my calendar right (and I am right in my calendar reading at least 80% of the time, a good solid B-), still before Christmas.
Now, I don’t know if it really means anything, but quite a few people have emailed and tweeted me after they’ve received and read the book, and everyone seems to be enjoying it.
As in, so far nobody’s sent me an email or tweet saying they’re disappointed in the book and want their money back.
Although, come to think of it, I’ve started a few thousand books in my lifetime, and have probably disliked maybe 10% of those books, and hated maybe an additional 5%. And I’ve never — even once — sent the author an email saying I disliked their book.
But I’ve also — with one exception — never sent an author a note saying I loved her or his book, either.
(That exception, by the way, is Straight Man, by Richard Russo. Anytime anyone ever asks me to recommend a book, I recommend Straight Man.)
Wait a second. How did I wind up plugging someone else’s book? I need to get back on track here.
For more details on Comedian Mastermind, click here.
PS: If you already have purchased and have started reading Comedian Mastermind, I’d be genuinely interested in your leaving a comment here on what you think. Good, bad, or indifferent. I’m thin-skinned, but you won’t see me cry, so it’s OK to be honest.
Comment by Bex | 12.16.2011 | 10:37 am
I’ve read (and finished) the book, and I love it. Especially the footnote humor.
Also, you need to thank the guy who did the layout and cover design, because extremely well executed (I got to use it as an example of good text layout in a graphic design class, actually).
Have you met your quota yet?
Comment by chad | 12.16.2011 | 10:55 am
I read it while riding the trainer the other night. The first half hour flew by! Really, it was the best half hour I’ve ever had on the trainer. But, the pages aren’t water-proof, so I had to put it up when the sweat really started rolling, at which point I went ahead and descended into my usual misery cave…
Comment by ScottR | 12.16.2011 | 10:58 am
I’m to the ‘food’ section. Enjoying it a lot so far, especially since these entries predate my discovery of your page. I enjoy the context of the present-day footnotes, and the reader comments.
Comment by Mark | 12.16.2011 | 11:07 am
I didn’t catch the early train, but am now on board. Your book is fresh material to me, and it’s great!
Comment by Nancy | 12.16.2011 | 11:26 am
Was planning on keeping it as a Christmas present to myself, but turned the page and started reading…and laughing. Still reading it, chuckling, laughing out loud. It’s a great book; you should be proud!
Comment by Cali_Lady | 12.16.2011 | 11:27 am
To be honest, I was hesitant to buy the book at first for two reasons: 1)I’m broke; and 2)After discovering this blog and really liking it, I systematically read through the ENTIRE set of archives. So I thought, why should I pay money (when I don’t have much to spare) for something that I already read for free? But since I really like what Fatty stands for and the type of person he is, I bought the book. I thought at least I could help with his bragging rights as to how many books he sold – which will help him get his next books published. His next books will do so much good, for so many people working to take care of their family member struggling with cancer. And it is AWESOME that he offers a “I need a bargain” price for the U.S. folks.
THEN, when I got the book, I immediately knew I made the right decision to buy it!! The footnotes and other extra stuff he added make it a whole new reading experience! I’ve taken the time to comment on this blog about his book before, because I love Fatty’s book…I couldn’t put it down!! We all need a nice laugh when we can get it, and this book delivers! So, if you haven’t yet made the decision to buy it, what are you waiting for? Seriously, buy the book. You will be glad you did! :-)
Comment by Dave T | 12.16.2011 | 11:35 am
I’m about a 1/3 of the way through and enjoying it very much. The comments about Dr. Lammler make a lot more sense now. The foot notes are nice but kind of hard to stop reading, read the foot note then find were you left off. Minor disruption though, might just be my dyslexia as reading is a challenge for me as it is. I’m looking forward to the comments I get from 2 of my biking buddies who will be receiving a copy of your book for Christmas.
Comment by TK | 12.16.2011 | 11:41 am
I started reading the book out on the couch and my kids kept asking me why I was smiling/giggling. It got time-consuming trying to explain to a 1st and 2nd grader why some particular phrases were funny. Now I only read it while on the toilet. I sit in there reading until my legs go numb and then my kids wonder why I take so long to go potty and then come out limping.
Comment by Dan O | 12.16.2011 | 11:55 am
I got it in the mail, I gave the sealed envelope to my wife and said, “you can give this me for Christmas” So, I have it, but haven’t even seen it yet!
Comment by davidh-marinca | 12.16.2011 | 11:55 am
When I see these blogs to “buy the book” a part of me wonders if it’s really Fatty himself making the plug, or some member of his extended family (IT Guy) hijacking the site. Why? To get rid of the remaining copies, assuring they get what they really want for Christmas (new socks) rather than a book.
To all Fatty’s, everywhere, Merry Christmas!
Comment by MattC | 12.16.2011 | 11:59 am
Got my copy, but I’m saving it for a LONG and BORING trans-Atlantic flight in Jan (13 hours in coach…I can hardly wait).
Fatty…I’ve been away on travel a lot in the last few months, just wondering when you are opening up the Team Fatty Davis LIVESTRONG page (unless you already did that and I missed it, in which case I humbly appologize)?
Comment by dvhansen | 12.16.2011 | 12:10 pm
i’m loving the book – also happy that i orderd 5 other copies to give to my dad and bros-in-law. it’s well written, humorous, and full of fun pleasing facts about cycling that my wife doesn’t get when i laugh out loud and she insists i read to her what i’m laughing at…you must be a comedian mastermind!
Comment by davidh-marinca | 12.16.2011 | 12:19 pm
Here’s a challenge: Get your picture in Bicycling Magazine March issue:
Let’s all clip and paste Fatty’s picture (we’re TEAM FATTY after all!!) as our own. The names will change but the image will stay the same. I’ll suggest this picture as representative of TEAM:
and @MattC I hope your bike is flying in a better class than you. (it’s the right thing to do.)
Comment by ClydeinKS | 12.16.2011 | 12:20 pm
Got my copy and have to say that I DISLIKE the length of the book, you cut it off too soon! I can’t wait for the next editions to come off the press. I’m about 3/4 through but only because I’ve gone back and reread some sections and pushing very hard to get my wife to start reading. I guess I’ll have to hurry and finish it to take over diaper duty in order to free up some reading time, then again I could just reread this 3 or 4 times before freeing her up :)
Jeff D
Comment by Chris | 12.16.2011 | 12:21 pm
Not the book but… I got my T6 Fatty ’sweater’ today, good stuff. Happpy (Yes an extra p because I’m that happy) to rock the Christmas ‘Sweater.’
Comment by Tammy | 12.16.2011 | 12:30 pm
I’m about 3/4 of the way through it and love it. If my husband was a reader I would have bought him a copy, but instead I resort to reading aloud all the funny stuff (most of the book!) to him. Love your sense of humor and ability to capture it through writing!
Comment by Caroline | 12.16.2011 | 12:34 pm
Received the book one night and couldn’t put it down. I’m convinced Fatty smeared some form of petroleum jelly infused with super glue on it so it couldn’t leave my hands until I had finished reading.
Comment by roan | 12.16.2011 | 12:41 pm
I like the pic above, good idea…davidh-marinca. Now I just need to get it done.
I hope that Fatty gets a replacement of his ’signature’ sunglasses for Christmas.
I kept watching & waiting for my last copy of the book to arrive. Good old PO delivered it to the wrong house. Person there circle my name & address and writes “Not Us”…why not ‘del. to wrong address’ ?
With the plain white wrapper ‘they’ just had to open it anyway. Probably very disappointed that it was only bicycle porn…jerks. probably took a couple of weeks of guilt before sending the book on.
Comment by mtb w | 12.16.2011 | 12:55 pm
I just finished reading it this morning. Very well done! I only started in a couple days ago and ploughed right thru it. I thought the fake news section had a few too many posts, but that’s just me. I was surprised you put some reader comments in the book – but it was a good surprise. I have been a long time reader (since mid 2006) so it was nice to read some posts that were new to me. The comments you added to the varous posts were a good touch – some were meant to be serious or insightful but many were just funny. I would keep that feature for any new books.
Yes, the Straight Man is hilarious (though with odd humor)! I just finished it last weekend so it’s strange you mention it today.
Comment by KM | 12.16.2011 | 12:56 pm
I’ve not started reading it yet, but don’t you worry Fatty, I’ll find time next week during Christmas downtime to break into it. Actually that’s not entirely true, I read part of the forward(s) and loved it, what 3 pages I did read. I jumped on the Fatty bandwagon about 2 or 3 years ago…honestly I don’t remember, but either way I know there’s tons of blog material I’ve not read yet. Looking forward to diving in.
Comment by dirtengineer | 12.16.2011 | 12:57 pm
So far I’m loving the book. Just got into the food section, its been a blast so far.
I told my fiancee she needs to read certain sections because they will help explain what happens in my brain (like the points system for passing other cyclists when on rides)
Comment by Liz | 12.16.2011 | 1:22 pm
No, I’m saving it for either my husband or son to give me for Christmas. We find it works best when I select and purchase my own gifts.
Please ask the question again after Christmas for those of us who won’t open it until then! Although I know it’s gonna be great.
Comment by theCanary | 12.16.2011 | 1:35 pm
It’s good Fatty, good I tell you. I haven’t read all the way through it yet, having a two month old in the house has diminished my reading time, but I have enjoyed every page I have turned so far. I’ve enjoyed the footnotes too, nice to have the added insight.
Comment by Gabi | 12.16.2011 | 1:35 pm
I’m loving the footnotes! I read it on my lunch break at work everyday and my coworkers think I’m a crazy person laughing out loud over a book. Though they also get very confused by the title and are convinced I’m learning to be a stand up comedian. Or an evil comedian.
Comment by Mark in Ottawa | 12.16.2011 | 1:37 pm
Hey Fatty,
Still waiting for my copy, but I promise I’ll let you know how I like it once I get it and read it.
Mark (in Ottawa, Canada)
Ps (still dying to see what you wrote as a note in my copy!)
Comment by Laura | 12.16.2011 | 2:57 pm
I love the humor in your book. I haven’t laughed out loud this many times while reading a book. And I’m fairly confident that I’ll find the same sections just as funny on the second and third reading – even if I’m on the trainer.
Thanks for the hard work that went into this!
p.s. I can’t wait to tell my husband that other people ‘accidentally’ spray snot on their fellow riders. Especially after one memorable incident when I needed to clear my nose… and he was riding behind me. And yes, we still ride together.
Comment by Brian in VA | 12.16.2011 | 3:35 pm
I’m probably a third of the way through and, like many other readers, find myself laughing uproariously. When my bride asks me to read her what I find so funny and she laughs – not even a cyclist – you know it’s pretty good.
For the record, I hate footnotes because I never see those little numbers and get to the bottom of the page and have to go back and find them, match up the comment to the number…. Dude, it’s a hassle. Like reading a text book. Only with laughter. I mean, should I have a high-lighter, too? Is there going to be a test at the end? If I fail, do I have to ride hills for the rest of my life? That could suck, majorly.
Comment by Jenni | 12.16.2011 | 3:58 pm
I started reading it and was reading it so fast I’ve put it down and plan to drag out the rest of it in metered doses.
Comment by Anonymous | 12.16.2011 | 5:53 pm
The book made a review in BikeRadar
Comment by Alina | 12.16.2011 | 7:25 pm
When I received my copy of the book I made a very unflattering sound of excitement and ripped it open shouting, “Merry Christmas to MEEEEEEEE!” No joke. I loved the book, the footnotes were a fun addition and made it feel as if I was reading it all for the first time. Well done Fatty, well done.
Comment by GTM | 12.16.2011 | 9:01 pm
Per your directive in the inscription I read every word in the book. Well I may have skimmed over a couple. I started following your blog later so many of the stories were new to me. I have to say I really enjoyed the read. I laughed out loud quite a few times and I am anticipating making the cake. Great fun read and happy to support your efforts.
Comment by Pat from Littleton | 12.16.2011 | 9:03 pm
Yep, Bikeradar. You made it big time now.
Comment by Carl | 12.16.2011 | 11:01 pm
Just ordered book #3 as a gift. I hope my order doesn’t get screwed up by PayPal because I had it shipped directly to my friend instead of to me.
Comment by Scott | 12.16.2011 | 11:25 pm
I’m not the slightest bit funny, I don’t write well and I can’t seem to lose weight so I really appreciated that you were able to capture all these things in your book. I normally don’t leave feedback, but it was quite simply great! (that I know you love having positive feedback)
Can’t wait for the next one.
Comment by Rumpled/Jim | 12.17.2011 | 12:49 am
I read it all very quickly, start to finish. Mostly in my car at lunch or when alone at home.
Laughed like crazy. Found myself agreeing with you or commenting right at the book.
I wanted to comment back all the time, like it was the live blog.
Well done, hurry up with the next one already.
Comment by Grueny | 12.17.2011 | 4:29 am
I’m hoping the book made it off my Wish List and will be under the tree.
Comment by Triflefat | 12.17.2011 | 4:44 am
Still waiting patiently here in Oz for my copy?What the??
Comment by Lonster | 12.17.2011 | 9:58 am
I finished it this week and passed it off to a friend. Great job. Loved the footnotes!
Comment by Janet B | 12.17.2011 | 11:23 am
While reading your book last night I laughed so hard last night I was crying.
Comment by Bruce | 12.17.2011 | 11:32 am
Just finished the first Leadville 100 race story, got all excited, then saw it costs $275 “plus processing fee” if you even get into it via the $15 lottery. Too much for me.
Rather go ride the White Rim in a day!
Book is great, though!
Comment by Bruce | 12.17.2011 | 11:35 am
BTW Fatty, only funnier book I’ve ever read is “Winterdance” Epic stories make for epic hilarity. How do we survive such madness?
Comment by Bruce | 12.17.2011 | 11:46 am
BTW, that is a book to read to your daughters. You all will die laughing!
Comment by Bruce | 12.17.2011 | 11:54 am
Mostly, anyway. There is a really hard to read part about another musher kicking his dog…
But it is one of the best books I have ever read. And I started reading 50 years ago :)
Comment by Bruce | 12.17.2011 | 1:26 pm
Fatty, just finished “The Bonk” section. How true!
I (barely) remember one of my worst, when we did what we called “The Death Ride”, start in Alta, over Sugarloaf, down towards Tibble Fork, left up and over down to Midway, and then that ungodly long climb to Soldiers Summit. Followed by the climb from Brighton to the pass back down to Alta aka Highway To Heaven.
I bonked hard heading up to Soldiers Summit that year, and there was a God. He was having a wedding party on top, with food. Lot’s of food.
Then there was the year I had so many flats I ended up lining my tires with long plants. That’s a pic!
Why is suffering so much fun :)
Comment by skippy | 12.17.2011 | 2:33 pm
This guy is practising for an important event!
Wonder what his Christmas present will be ?
Somene send him Faty’ book
Comment by AustinSteve (aka Captain Steve) | 12.17.2011 | 5:11 pm
Musn’t…. start…. reading…. till…. Christmas…. (so far, so good)
Team Fatty Davis and Team Fatty Austin are both active, join both! (there’s a virtual participant mode if you know you won’t make it, it’s free!)
Comment by Kukui | 12.17.2011 | 6:31 pm
I read the whole book, forewords, footnotes and all and I love it! I thought I would die laughing! :) I gave a copy to my biking buddy as an early Christmas present because I couldn’t wait to give it to him. Now I have to figure out what to get him for real Christmas…
Comment by Janie_K | 12.18.2011 | 6:41 pm
My husband ordered me a copy for Xmas to be sent to London, UK. Any news on when it will arrive over here? It was in the first batch I think.
The suspense is killing me…
Comment by davidh-marin, ca | 12.18.2011 | 7:39 pm
Fatty- for our Fatty Friends across the pond or down under I’ve got a suggestion.
If they haven’t received their copy by Friday December 23rd, maybe you could set up a little ‘reading’ on Christmas Eve. You have all those superpower skills, maybe a SKYPE broadcast to hear the words they’ll soon be reading, from the Master Comedian himself.
You’re not busy that day, are you?
Comment by Susie H | 12.18.2011 | 8:14 pm
I’m leaving for Puerto Rico tomorrow for 9 DAYS, and I’ve been saving it for then. After reading the above reviews, I am certain it will make the perfect beach reading material! :)
Comment by Susie H | 12.18.2011 | 8:14 pm
…and will inspire my husband and I to do the mountain biking excursion we’ve researched on the island! :-)
Comment by RodNeeds2Ride | 12.19.2011 | 5:57 pm
2/3 of the way through it, and I have to say its EXACTLY like you standing over my shoulder making comments while eating a large sandwich. Could you go a little easier on the pastrami and onions next time though?
GREAT stuff Fatty!
Comment by JenR | 12.22.2011 | 9:36 pm
I just received Fatty’s book in the mail. I had planned on giving it as a Christmas gift to a friend, but I am now starting to feel quite jealous of said friend. Perhaps he would be fine with a Dunkin Donuts gift card…