Finish Line
I’m exhausted. Just cooked. I am tired in a way that I’ve never been tired before.
I think it’s obvious why.
Without really meaning to, The Hammer and I have managed to ride ourselves through a ridiculously ambitious season. We’ve both been faster than ever, and it’s been a long time since The Hammer has not finished a race on the podium.
But, behind the scenes, we’ve been wearing out.
For example, since racing the Salt to Saint, The Hammer has gone out on the road with me exactly one time. And during that one time, about three miles into the ride, she simply said, “I don’t want to do this anymore,” turned around, and went home.
I was not surprised; I was not confused. I knew what she meant.
Since then, we’ve just ridden mountain bikes. And even then, we will often look at each other at the top of a climb and ask things like, “Was that a lot steeper than it was a couple months ago?”
Because everything sure feels steeper.
And longer, too.
One More Finish Line
So a few days ago, I was texting with Kenny, who is racing the 25 Hours in Frog Hollow in the solo singlespeed category, as are The Hammer and I.
“My season is DONE,” I texted to Kenny. “I have ZERO motivation to train.”
Then I concluded with, “I’m conceding to you NOW.”
Of course, that’s only a partial truth. When it comes down to it — when we line up at the starting line — I know that I’ll get all charged up. I know that I’ll race hard. I know that I won’t get all lackadaisical and give up part way through the day. That’s not my way.
But when this race is done, I’m looking forward to months and months with no races at all. I’m looking forward to putting together a season next year that focuses less on racing and more on riding.
Because I am tired.
Writing Vacation
In addition to this last one big race, I’ve got some pretty big personal stuff going on at home right now. Not bad stuff, just big work-related stuff (and some behind-the-scenes blog stuff that takes some energy and time). And I’ve got to focus on it this week.
So, I’ll be back Tuesday, November 5.
’Til then, remember: ride for fun. And if you’re racing, do that for fun, too.
Comment by Anonymous | 10.28.2013 | 11:11 am
Have a great vacation and get some rest!
Comment by PBRMEASAP | 10.28.2013 | 11:30 am
Peace and Love, peace and love.
Comment by George | 10.28.2013 | 11:32 am
Enjoy some pie!
Comment by J | 10.28.2013 | 11:32 am
I was surprised by the short entry, but not shocked. At this time of year, I would be too busy enjoying the trail to focus on what to blog about. Enjoy the time off as I will enjoy mine after this race and house move.
Comment by Josh | 10.28.2013 | 11:50 am
Well stated, Fatty. I myself noticed a lack of Cycling Mojo on this past Saturday’s mountain bike ride. Time to ride for fun, for sure. (Besides, Strava tells me so. No KOMs, PRs, or achievements lately.)
Comment by JRay | 10.28.2013 | 12:27 pm
You deserve a break today… and tomorrow, and the next…. Rest, relax. Enjoy yourself as a human BE-ing for a while rather than human DO-ing. Peace.
Comment by Doug (Way upstate NY) | 10.28.2013 | 12:30 pm
I don’t know the extent of what you are feeling, but I definitely feel that myself. My season is over, I still have a training plan with a coach (prepping for next year). Sunday it was cold and rainy. Plan called for 5.5 hours. I didn’t feel like it, so I didn’t ride it. I rode for 2 hours and called it good. Somewhere in there I realized I need to get back a little to riding for fun (before the snow really flies!).
Good luck this weekend…..
Comment by MattC | 10.28.2013 | 12:42 pm
Hey…I ride for fun ALL THE TIME! It’s the only way I roll in fact. I’m of the opinion “if I’m not having FUN, then why am I doing it? (which also explains why more motivated riders destroy me pretty much all the time).
In fact, this very weekend was our local 24hr mtb race (the 24 hrs of Halloween)…and my cycling club had a team. I was not on it (I had volunteered, but thankfully Tony had filled the remaining spots). Instead, I rode with the ‘rest’ of the club on Sat morning, and we even stopped for coffee and cinamon rolls mid-ride (it was pretty chilly…the hot coffe was NICE!) I think it was mostly to celebrate the fact that we were NOT out racing, but enjoying the day. You gotta stop and smell the coffee now and then!
Comment by MattC | 10.28.2013 | 12:45 pm
Oh…and have FUN this weekend! I’d call a solo 25hr race a “BIG HUGE GINORMOUS STUPENDOUS and COMPLETLY INSANE” race, not just a “big race”. Safe racing to you all!
Comment by KM | 10.28.2013 | 12:46 pm
Fatty, I remember having those same thoughts and feelings a few years ago….or was it over 10 years ago, it was pre-kids. Regardless I have my sights on next years points series. I’m not fast, just fat,….. at the moment. But come May, it’s on. Take time, ride and remember to enjoy the ride. Besides Vegas knows Kenny will kick your butt (odds are 5 to 1 in favor of Kenny)…..hopefully that will motivate you.
Comment by Kel | 10.28.2013 | 1:03 pm
Get some rest! You two may have worked your way into over training…. we all need breaks from exercising hard. Take care!!!
Comment by Joe | 10.28.2013 | 1:12 pm
When come back bring pie.
Comment by eclecticdeb | 10.28.2013 | 1:14 pm
Not surprised. Not only is it the RACING that is tiring, all the TRAVELING to get to those races takes it’s toll. I get exhausted just thinking about what you and The Hammer do…and I don’t have any kids at home. I’ve frequently wondered if either of you sleep during the week.
Comment by Christina | 10.28.2013 | 1:19 pm
Something, something, glycogen.
Enjoy the time off!
Comment by Clydesteve | 10.28.2013 | 1:47 pm
They have a name for what you have, Fatty. But I’m not saying it. You know the cure.
Comment by Brian | 10.28.2013 | 2:32 pm
Are you planning on growing a mo’ this November? If so, why not join my team, Movember in Monticello? We even have a Moustache Ride scheduled!
Comment by UpTheGrade SR, CA | 10.28.2013 | 2:41 pm
Wait! What? You’re just going to abandon us, me, just beacuse of a little fatigue, kid stuff, racing, life and work are all sucking the energy out of you? What kind of excuse is that?
If I can muster the energy every day to check your blog, I’d think you could do the writing part, I mean – what am I going to do with my life now??
Well, I guess I could just go ride my bike instead, or scare some kids on Halloween. I’ll think of something.
You just take care of yourself and the fam and come back to us refreshed and full of your usual wit when you’re ready. Slacker.
Comment by Davidh-Marin,ca | 10.28.2013 | 3:43 pm
I’m hoping just a little bit you’ll relent and at least give us some links for the Frog Hollow live tracker feed.
As for a return date take two weeks! We’ll be in DC next week for family so won’t have much time to keep up on things. Like your mother I’m convinced you’re writing this just for me….and your mother.
I would suggest therest of us could use this comment page to post favorite pie recipes. W.667 could start with the Shoo Fly Pie. (Honey, are you there???)
Comment by Wife#.667 (by no means am I an imposter) | 10.28.2013 | 3:55 pm
Oh hi honey….yes I’m here…you want pie? GO BAKE IT YOURSELF! That’s what I’m talkin’ bout! Shoo Fly Pie my eye! that’s a TOP SECRET recipie that I only share with a few hundred thousand of my closest friends for crying out loud!
That wasn’t rude, was it? Just askin’.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 10.28.2013 | 10:02 pm
I’m not sure how to take this, but I think I’ll take the pillows off the bed tonight just in case.
Something New: 100MoN Victor Daniel Weisse
could use a little FoF help with an upcoming BikeMS ride.
There’s no swag but if we can all get behind Daniel maybe we can convince him to come to Davis next year. Let’s help him reach his goal…and then some.
Comment by The Real Wife#.667 | 10.28.2013 | 10:18 pm
David and Imposter Wife #666, sheesh get a room you two!
Fatty, I cannot imagine how tired you must be because most of us get tired just reading about your riding. I myself have have developed a distinct lack of interest in riding my actual bike (despite the smoking new tires) and have oddly been instead jonesing for the gym. I can’t decide if it’s the weather change, or the fact that now I am riding to a level where I have to put so much crap on to just go ride my bike, that’s it’s actually become a deterrent – because once you put on all the gear, it seems silly to only ride for 10 miles, so I don’t ride at all. Instead I go to the gym.
All of which is appropo of nothing. But as someone also seriously mired down in day job work right now, I say blow off all the peeps here and do what you gotta do. Take a nice blogcation and we will be here when you return. Enjoy the time focused on other efforts, and god help you, enjoy Frog Hollow. And Fred. Kiss Fred for me in fact. And I’d like a picture of you kissing Fred.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 10.28.2013 | 10:42 pm
Oh MattC, you card you!
I still intend to bring you back a very special present from DC, and no it’s not your agency ‘file’. Send me your address so UPS can find your house. homerhouserugs at ya hoo dot (you know the rest)
Comment by Jill Homer (@AlaskaJill) | 10.28.2013 | 10:57 pm
Looking forward to it!
The great thing about Frog Hollow or any 24-(er, 25-)hour race is that it can be whatever you want it to be. Some people are in it to race until their eyes bleed, and some people want to dress up like unicorns and crank out a couple of laps and then drink beer by the fire. It’s all good.
I usually fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. At first I just want to have fun, and then endurance crack kicks in and I want to ride forever. The hard part comes when I get a stomach ache or the sleepies, which inevitably happens … it’s a lot harder to motivate any further when there is a nice tent and a warm sleeping bag right there. And this late in the season, everyone is a little burnt out.
Are you going to wear a costume? I still haven’t decided (i.e. I’ve been too lazy to track one down.) But the weather should be great and it’s always a fun loop! In three years I’ve ridden it 36 times. My dream would be to push that to 50 and hopefully kick my Frog Hollow habit for good. But if 14 doesn’t work out, I’ll have to come back again.
See you out there!
Comment by Daddystyle | 10.29.2013 | 6:12 am
Sage advice. I race less every year, heck we tour now more than race.
Comment by Jacob | 10.29.2013 | 6:18 am
There’s an interesting show on Esquire called Boundless, which follows a couple of endurance athletes as they try out a variety of endurance races all over the world (dirtroad marathon in Kenya, Kayak race in South Africa, running in Iceland, etc.) and the last episode they did 6 Hours of Frog Hollow and seemed spent. That really makes your 25 Hours of Frog Hollow that much more impressive.
And good lord, the stuff they did before the race in the canyons and rock walls really makes me want to visit that area. I’m not a climber, but that’s gorgeous country.
Comment by Jacob | 10.29.2013 | 6:22 am
And I know what you mean. I hit a mental wall in my training last year and I was skipping workouts left and right the last month and a half. It showed on the marathon I was training for when I blew up at mile 18 and added an hour to the time I had been on pace to finish at by that point. I didn’t run for two weeks after that race, and I usually don’t have any issues running during the winter here. It’s a lot easier to want to run when it’s 60 and low humidity, than when it’s 96 and the maximum humidity.
Then I hurt my knee running trails with a friend on New Year’s Eve and couldn’t run for 68 days. Getting to run again in March was the happiest day of the year so far. I seem to be doing better this year. I’m hitting my long runs and have only skipped a couple of shorter runs due to family or work conflicts. If I can keep this up through November and December, I should be really good this year.
And I’ll probably take a couple of weeks off again.
Comment by Bozidar | 10.29.2013 | 6:33 am
Nice one Fatty. Closing the season with the best message to all riders out there. Ride for fun. I’ll just add: Otherwise it’s not worth riding!
Comment by slo joe | 10.29.2013 | 8:25 am
Saw Jill post here. Maybe you should do one race like Hajime Nishi runs marathons (as posted on her blog). From Jill’s blog: “A marathon, he says, is about learning more about people, cultures, and himself. According to a Runner’s World article, his “worst marathon time” is 3:45 and his “best” is 10:32.”
Think about it. :O)
Comment by slo joe | 10.29.2013 | 8:35 am
P.S. Along the lines of what Jacob said: If you want motivation to do something go somewhere where you can’t.
Due to the wife’s work I’m in Sao Paulo and our original abode was in Morumbi. I would not cycle there: Narrow roads with crazy drivers and all hills were 6% to 11%. Could only cycle on Sundays taking the subway to Ciclofaxcia (they close a car lane for bikes only on Domingo)
Now living in Moema near Sao Paulo’s “Central Park” (Ibirapuera park )with a 2 mile bike loop. Guess who’s been there every day and can’t wait for tomorrow?
Never know where motivation will come from, but abstinance sure works.
Comment by Bryan (not that one) | 10.29.2013 | 9:28 am
“remember: ride for fun. And if you’re racing, do that for fun, too.”
I couldn’t agree more. Any time I’ve put training and an event ahead of riding for fun I get burned out and then go weeks or months without riding.
I’m still lacking motivation to get back out there.
Comment by DrBryce | 10.29.2013 | 1:32 pm
You sound like you would both enjoy a recovery day.
It is time for you both to have a day of infra-red detox sauna, recovery massage, SOQI infra-red deep heat motion table, lymphatic drainage massage and TurboSonic vibration table for circulation and drainage of your legs.
You will not believe how good your legs will feel (let alone your mind) after a Therapeutic recovery day.
I can make it happen. You have my contact info.
Comment by DonQuix | 10.29.2013 | 6:46 pm
Is it the fifth yet?
Also thank for the bluebuds coupon, bud. I’m thoroughly enjoying them.
Comment by ScottyCycles | 10.30.2013 | 8:38 am
Enjoy your off-season!
Comment by Angus Weer | 10.30.2013 | 10:25 am
Hope u r not gonna get fat again as ya did last fall, will ya?
Comment by AUChefDave | 10.30.2013 | 1:11 pm
Heck, after Salt to Saint I would have sold all my bike equipment and bought a “DELUX” Lazy-Boy!!! REST FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SACRED TO THE CYCLING WORLD!! We need to have you happy and healthy. I need your mojo to push me to do more. There I said it, as selfish as that is, you mean a lot to a lot of people and your mental and psychical health is important to us, your extended family
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 10.30.2013 | 1:42 pm
Since we are indeed his extended family, I’m hoping for something really special for Christmas. Would it be rude to send him our addresses?
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 10.30.2013 | 3:49 pm
Hey Fatty! I know you are always looking for new topics or products to review. I believe, seriously, that there is no one better to review this product than you. And, it has headphones.

There are many of your loyal follicularly challenged readers waiting for you to take this on. Oh, and we’d need pictures. You Betcha! we’d need pictures.
And by pictures…I mean on you.
Comment by Ratadog | 10.31.2013 | 2:11 am
Fascinated by what davidh-marin,ca was searching for when he found the hair rejuvenator.
And by why he was searching for it.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 10.31.2013 | 9:34 am
I was perusing the Hammacher catalog before I tossed it in the recycling and came across it.(and that’s my story!)
I had found the following item first, but that’s for another family member.

plus you have to admit that ‘contraption’ on Fatty would be a picture for the ages….and if we could get him into this after winter I’d pay serious charity money.


and GO! GO! GO! Elden and Lisa, and Kenny!!!
Comment by MattC | 10.31.2013 | 10:10 am
I was thinking the helmet-thinggee was some new form of X-men helmet…channeling Fatty’s superpower(s)..while wearing that rig NO ONE can resist pullling out their wallet, checkbook and savings accounts, and giving all their money to Fatty’s latest fundraising opportunity (although the top ‘prize’ is 10,000 stock shares of Shimano AND a trip to lower space on the White-Knight/SpaceShipOne) out of Mojave, worth roughly $200,000 give or take.
Be safe this weekend Fatty/Hammer and Kenny! You’re all insane (in a good way)!
Comment by J | 10.31.2013 | 10:36 am
I keep checking my calendar but it’s not the fifth yet! I’m itching for some information to fill the void.
Comment by Kukui | 10.31.2013 | 11:51 am
Happy Halloween, Fatty and family, and Friends of Fatty! Have fun and ride safe! =)
Comment by cyclingjimbo | 10.31.2013 | 11:57 am
Have fun this weekend at Frog Hollow, and listen to your bodies. It sounds like both of you need a serious break for a while.
Come back to us healthy and fit, both physically and mentally – especially the mentally part. The two of you have accomplished some really great things this year on your bikes, and you have earned a break. The body ands mind simply cannot go full tilt competition mode day after day, week after week – if you don’t give yourself some downtime, your body will make other arrangements, and the outcome might not be as enjoyable.
Comment by Tom in Albany | 10.31.2013 | 1:31 pm
Fortunately, you have Zach and Fred to get you through Frog Hollow to the otherside and some downtime. Enjoy!
Comment by slo joe | 11.1.2013 | 8:12 am
davidh…could you please share the html code for posting pics? You can email me off thread at
joesuekeenan AT gmail DOTISH com Or do you just use the “click here” at the bottom?
Testing with a photo of FC and Hammer’s kick back bike.
Comment by slo joe | 11.1.2013 | 8:13 am
FC..sorry about that. Delete this and that monstrous image por favor
Comment by Corrine | 11.1.2013 | 10:08 am
Zach, please post updates during the race!
Comment by rednow01 | 11.2.2013 | 7:02 pm
Rub some cotex on it and get back on the bike….
Comment by Doug (Way upstate NY) | 11.4.2013 | 9:30 am
Super domestiq
Comment by Doug (Way upstate NY) | 11.4.2013 | 9:31 am
Super Domestique Fatty again this weekend I see.
Pingback by Lazy | A Year of Living...humm...dangerous? | 11.6.2013 | 6:02 am
[...] effort into finding the time to do my training and riding. Fatty wrote a post last week about being cooked. I really related to that post. Fatty was a maniac this summer with his riding. My season [...]