Free Verse Friday: Illustrated Ode to a Yurt on a Calm Spring Morn
A Note from Fatty:
End of week approaches
I am excitement
To ride with friends
On perfect trail
I just can’t even.
The Hammer
And Kenny and Heather
And I
Shall all be riding
Near St. George
On Gooseberry Mesa
Which I should note
Is known to be the best trail
In the whole world.
But wait!
There is more!
We will be camping-in-quotes
Staying in a yurt
Of Kenny’s own construction
Right on the border
Of Gooseberry Mesa.
I should say not
It is more like a nice apartment
Check it out from within.
We are bringing four bikes
Two singlespeeds
And two geared hardtails
All four are Stumpjumpers
All four are carbon
All four are 29ers.
The Hammer
Has made quiche
We will bring it with us
One is vegetarian
Without onions
(It is for Heather)
The other one will be
My GoPro is charged
And I have figured out
How the iPhone app
Works with it.
I shall bring back video.
I shall bring back stories.
I shall bring back
More than likely
A scab or two.
Above all else
I shall bring back a tale
Of how you
Like I
Can spend a weekend
Riding incredible trails
And staying at
An incredible place.
As the winner
Of a contest.
Thank you.
Comment by Viper312 | 03.28.2014 | 10:01 am
I’m so jealous, the trails here are still so messed up. The only thing to do is some trail building, if it stops raining. Have fun be safe.
Comment by SteveB | 03.28.2014 | 10:02 am
Oh Free Verse Friday
a long absent companion
nice to have you back
Comment by Eric L | 03.28.2014 | 10:12 am
I bet Mark Cavendish doesn’t have a yurt.
…a palatial yurt at that!
Sounds like a perfect recipe for bliss.
Comment by TK | 03.28.2014 | 10:25 am
I just can’t even
Deal with people
Who just can’t even.
Thank you.
Comment by bob | 03.28.2014 | 11:27 am
One is vegetarian
Without onions
(It is for Heather)
The other one will be
Just checking to see if that came out like you meant for it to…
I meant to imply that the vegetarian one without onions will not be delicious. Is that how you interpreted it? – FC
Comment by Jojo | 03.28.2014 | 11:28 am
I like haiku more
So jelly of your weekend
I want to go there
Comment by BostonCarlos (formerly NYC) | 03.28.2014 | 11:47 am
This would go
very nicely
with my new Ripley
I suspect however
I’m not lucky enough
to win twice
Comment by UpTheGrade, SR, CA | 03.28.2014 | 11:48 am
How come free verse doesn’t rhyme?
Anyway, enjoy the yurt,
And have a great time,
riding in the dirt.
Comment by Skye | 03.28.2014 | 12:23 pm
Did you not notice
That Heather
By way of wanting
onion-free veggie quiche
Gets a WHOLE pie to herself?!
Heather is smart.
Thank you.
Comment by bob | 03.28.2014 | 2:38 pm
@NotSofatty Yes it is!
Comment by NDE | 03.28.2014 | 2:42 pm
I just got back from GooseBerry Mesa last week!!!! It was our first time (from So Cal) and it was amazing! staying/camping is a great idea since that road in it a bit of a trek when all you want to do is ride!
Comment by MC | 03.28.2014 | 3:48 pm
I’d heard that “real men don’t eat quiche”…however I believe back in 92 that was amended to “real men don’t eat quiche unless they’re in a yurt”…lucky for you.
Wow, Kenny & Heather have it going ON! I mean, they live in St. George, they have the Sprinter super-van custom made for adventure, and now a freaking YURT right smack near the best trail on the planet?? Are you KIDDING ME? This is SO not fair!
Comment by spaceyace | 03.28.2014 | 5:59 pm
One is vegetarian
Without onions
(It is for Heather)
The other one will be
Ha! Speaking as a vegetarian, I find this hilarious. Mostly because Heather will get the last laugh as she eats the *more delicious* quiche.
Comment by Corrine | 03.28.2014 | 7:13 pm
I too will have a wilderness adventure
The White Mountains north of Fairbanks
100 miles of spring skiing through the wilds
Blue skies, perfect snow conditions.
It is a race for 65 brave souls yet
I would not call what Eric and I do racing.
The fat bikes will win
Yet I will feel we are winners when we finish
And I hope to beat a runner or two!
24 hours. . . or more of wilderness
Hopefully the auroras will keep us going in the dead of night.
I hope everybody will have their own adventure
On this perfect weekend.
Comment by Nic Grillo | 03.28.2014 | 7:37 pm
I just rode Gooseberry Mesa last month. That place is beyond awesome. Don’t wimp out. Ride your bike across the gap at the point.
Comment by EldensDuaghterCarrie | 03.28.2014 | 10:35 pm
That sound great dad! I hope you have fun!
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 03.29.2014 | 12:23 am
Did you forget
to tell the
you were gone
Let’s be the first
to rent the yurt
MC, DaveT, and Steve
We’ll invite Nic
to lead the way
across the Gap
or not.
Comment by leroy | 03.30.2014 | 2:24 pm
My dog told me the difference between yurt and yogurt is “go.”
I told him I didn’t get it. He told me to think about it.
So I thought about it and realized it didn’t mean anything. He was just messing with me.
So I asked him if he knew the difference between “Go Dog Go” and “Go Yurt Go.”
That ought to keep him busy.
(Of course the answer is one’s a great read, the other’s a great weekend — especially compared to hanging around Brooklyn with a dog making obscure yogurt themed jokes.)
Hope you have/had a great weekend!
Comment by Shugg McGraw | 03.31.2014 | 5:26 am
Yurt looks gorgeous. Quiche without any dead animals in it probably not such a hardship. Hope you had a great weekend.
Comment by John in Seattle | 04.3.2014 | 1:43 pm
“The Hammer Has made quiche We will bring it with us One is vegetarian Without onions(It is for Heather)The other one will be Delicious.” – awesome…
Pingback by Fat Cyclist » Blog Archive » Give a Smile, Win an Incredible Cycling Weekend Full of Smiles | 04.7.2014 | 9:49 pm
[...] opportunity to spend the weekend in the Gooseberry Yurt. Elden spent a considerable amount of time bragging it up. And I would have to agree with everything he said! What an awesome place to spend a few [...]