03.24.2011 | 1:02 pm
Years and years ago (2008), I had a terrible idea: I bet a bunch of Fat Cyclist readers that I could ride my rollers for 100 miles. A lot of you took me up on that bet, and I raised around $1,000 for LiveStrong — and had a story to tell.
A year later, I did it again. But this time a bunch of you joined in, each of you donating generously for the privilege of riding your bikes for 100 miles either indoors at your home or on a ridiculously short course near your house. Then you sent in your stories. And amazing videos.
And then, last year, the event got huge. 500 of you signed up, and we made a ton of money for LiveStrong to use in supporting people in the fight against cancer. Many sponsors sent in awesome stuff, making the 100 Miles of Nowhere event one of the swaggiest events ever.
And for a couple of days, I got to post the incredible stories you sent in.
Now it’s 2011, and the single-most common email question I get is “When Is the Next 100 Miles of Nowhere?”
Well, it’s high time you get some details.
What Is The 100 Miles of Nowhere, And Why Should You Do It?
The idea of the 100 Miles of Nowhere is to ride an infuriatingly small course for 100 miles (or 50, or 25, but ideally 100), to fight cancer and to show you have no sense at all. The profits from your race registration go to LiveStrong, to help them as they help people, worldwide, in their battle against cancer.
The 100 Miles of Nowhere is a race without a place. It’s an event in which hundreds of people participate . . . all by ourselves.
You’ll have fun. You’ll be miserable. And, thanks to the fact that there won’t be hundreds of people all over the place, you almost certainly won’t have to wait for fifteen minutes to use an overflowing portapotty.
And you get some pretty decent bragging rights. Namely, if you take some good pictures of you (and your friends) doing the 100 Miles of Nowhere and send me a good writeup, I’ll post it on the blog.
Also, you get to claim that you won your division . . . since you get to create your own division. For example, I am the three-year consecutive reigning champion of the “Alpine Men’s 40-45 on Rollers” division. Which is a pretty big deal, if you ask me.
Most importantly, though, is the fact that you’re joining Team Fatty in our ongoing fight against cancer. And that matters.
The Timeline
So when do you sign up, and when’s the race? Well, here are the dates you need to know:
Event Registration: April 11 – 18. Be certain that you register ASAP. Like last year, I expect this year to sell out again this year. Registration will be $85 this year.
Race Day: June 4. But many people have emailed me saying that date doesn’t work for them, and they’d like to do it a day or two (or week or two) earlier or later. That is perfectly fine. But if you can do the 100 Miles of Nowhere on June 4, please do. For solidarity.
Stories: Please send your race stories as soon after the race as possible. Like, the same day if you can. Any stories received after June 6 probably won’t make it into the blog (unless they’re so awesome I simply cannot resist).
The Sponsors and The Swag
Here’s a true fact: If I were to call you on the phone right now and ask you to give me something, you’d almost certainly give it to me.
That’s one of my superpowers: asking for stuff.
Luckily for you, I use this power for good, not evil. At least 80% of the time, anyway.
Specifically, I’ve used my superpower of asking several companies I like to send you some great stuff. Here’s what you’ll be getting:
Twin Six: The Event T-Shirt: My good friends at Twin Six are currently hard at work designing a cool T-shirt you can proudly wear to proclaim that you don’t have a lick of sense and therefore chose to ride your bike for 100 miles without going anywhere. The design isn’t done, but check out this sneak peek:
A Race Plate: My favorite souvenir of races is the race plate I get to put on my bike. The Runner and I like to staple them to the wall in the garage. So this year I’ve asked Bike Monkey — the folks who promote and run the amazing Levi’s GranFondo — to design a race plate you can attach to your bike. You know, so the fans will be able to recognize you.
PRO Bars : I am totally addicted to PRO Bars — it’s just amazing how much better than normal energy bars they taste. Nuts, fruit, berries — they’re just good (and they’re vegan, which I believe will make at least some of you happy).
And now PRO Bar is introducing Halo bars, “The Sinfully Healthy Snack,” which you’ll be getting in your swag box.
These are so new that I haven’t even tried one yet. But I have a suspicion I’m going to like them.
An Issue (and special subscription rate) of Bike Monkey Magazine: Tired of biking magazines that teach you the same 15 tips and tricks, over and over and over, year after year? Or that review stuff you’ll never even consider buying? Then you’ll enjoy Bike Monkey, a magazine that’s about people, bikes, and rides. I dig it, and hopefully will someday be good enough to write for it.
You’ll get a free issue of Bike Monkey with your swag box, as well as a great discount offer in case you decide to subscribe. Which you should.

Leverage : True story. As I was killing time in the Chicago airport with a co-worker, he mentioned his favorite show is Leverage — an action-packed show about a group of thieves who run cons to help people who have nowhere to turn.
I downloaded an episode, and it quickly became one of my favorite shows for while riding the rollers.
Then — in a coincidence of awesome proportions — I found out that Paul Guyot, a Friend of Fatty and frequent commenter, is actually a writer/producer for Leverage. He hooked me up to the show, and now you’re going to get a coupon to download an episode for free. Huzzah!
Banjo Brothers Seat Bag: You know who the first advertiser I ever had was? You know who the first company that ever did giveaways with me was? In both cases, it was Banjo Brothers, a small company making great bags for cyclists. I have their Seat Bags on every single bike I own — both road and mountain.
This year, Banjo Brothers will be supplying a variety of different seat bags for the 100 Miles of Nowhere. Which will you get — the Mini, the Small, the Medium, or the Large? You won’t know ’til you get your box.
Surprises are awesome.
And a free bike bag is even awesomer.
If that’s possible.
DZ-Nuts: DZ Nuts returns for a third year as a sponsor of the 100 Miles of Nowhere. Awesome. If you use chamois cream, it’s high time you try DZ-Nuts. If you have never tried chamois cream, I cannot think of a more perfect time to begin. As I have noted in my review, this is good stuff.
Seriously, if you’re going to be riding your bike for 100 miles and not going anywhere while doing it, you should at least be protecting your junk.
CarboRocket “Half Evil” CR333 : A couple years ago, my friend Brad told me about a new sports drink he had in mind: something powerful enough that you could drink it — and consume nothing else — long term, for however big your ride is.
Soon, had had invented “CR333″ — because it has 333 calories per serving.
“You know,” I said, “333″ is half the number of the beast. You should call it ‘Half-Evil’ in your tagline.”
In my defense, I didn’t honestly expect him to take me seriously.
Taglines notwithstanding, CR333 is amazing. You seriously can go all day with it. No upset stomach, no bonk. And 100 Miles of Nowhere racers will be the first people in the world to get to try out the new single-serve packets, in both raspberry and lemonade.
Winchester Bars: What’s the antidote to yet another energy gel or energy chew or whatever? Meat-ergy is, that’s what.
Since getting a couple of boxes of these Winchester Beef and Cranberry bars, both the Runner and I have become huge fans. They’re like jerky, but with cranberry to give both taste and texture variety.
I was kidding when I wrote my original “Meat-ergy” post, but I’m not kidding at all when I say that these are fantastic. And if you’re a vegetarian, you can give yours to someone who isn’t. They’ll be glad you did. (And I’ll leave you to consider the ethical considerations of a vegetarian giving meat to someone.).
My 100 Miles of Nowhere Plan (You Should Join Me If You’re Local)
I plan to make an event of the 100 Miles of Nowhere. On June 4, starting around 5:00am, The Runner and I are going to ride the Suncrest hill as many times as necessary to do 100 miles. We plan to ride from the Alpine City Park to the top of the South Side of Suncrest, then down to the bottom of the North side of Suncrest. That’s 10 miles, with 1225 feet of climbing.
Then, of course, we’ll retrace our steps. So one complete out-and-back is 20 miles, with 2500 feet of climbing.
Which means, after 5 laps, we’ll have ridden 100 miles and climbed around 12,500 feet.
That’s a whole lotta nowhere.
We’ve asked some friends to join us, so there’ll be at least five other people doing this ride with us. And we’d love to have any local riders who want an intense day of riding — and climbing — nowhere to join us.
Of course, if our route seems too mild, you could just do the North side of Suncrest, over and over. By my calculations, that should — in 15 laps — give you 100 miles and 18,375 feet of climbing. That would be a pretty amazing claim to fame.
I’ll post more details soon. But if you’re local, mark your calendar: June 4 is the 100 Miles of Nowhere @ Suncrest.
It’s gonna hurt.
What Are You Going to Do for the 100 Miles of Nowhere?
So, now you know when you need to register. You know how much it’ll cost. You know what’s going in the bag.
Now you need to ask yourself, “What course am I going to ride?” You see, when I originally created the 100 Miles of Nowhere, I simply thought of it as 100 miles on my rollers. But readers took the idea and came up with much more creative and interesting ways to ride 100 miles. On a unicycle. Around a roundabout. On an aircraft carrier.
So I’d like to have you post in the comments section your idea for what kind of course you’re planning for the 100 Miles of Nowhere. And are you going to be riding it yourself? Or with a large group?
Comments (119)
12.23.2010 | 8:26 am
A Note From Fatty: Today is the last day you can enter the “Help Andreas Knickman Fight Bone Cancer, Tour Italy with Andy-Freaking-Hampsten” contest. Click here for details on who you’re helping and why, and then click below to donate.
Just so you know, so far we’ve raised $13,800 for Andreas. It would be awesome if we could end the contest by telling them we raised $15,000.
And thanks, everyone, for your generosity. I’m astounded and impressed at the way Fat Cyclist readers give.
I’ll contact the winner of this contest early next week.
Another Note from Fatty: If you haven’t joined Team Fatty for 2011, you should. I go into it in great detail in yesterday’s post, which you can read here. Or you can simply go to the Team Fatty LiveStrong Challenge page, click the “Join Our Team” link, and sign up. I’m cool with either one.
Your Weight
Today is the final day you have to weigh in, too. You need to post as follows:
1. Your starting weight
2. Your current weight
3. Your total weight loss
4. Any special thing you did to get to that loss of ten pounds
If — like me — you need to do some “last minute weight loss” before you get to that magic number, get to it. You have ’til midnight (your midnight, not mine) today to post a comment with your numbers.
Make sure you fill in the email field when you enter your comment so I can get back ahold of you if you win.
When I’ll Announce Winners
Well, since you can post your weight anytime today, I won’t be contacting winners today. And there’s no way I’m going to spend Christmas Eve (that’s tomorrow) finding and contacting more than 100 winners. Same goes with Christmas day.
And frankly, it’s going to take more than a day for me to draw and contact that many people.
So let’s say that I’ll contact winners early next week. Fair enough?
My Weigh-In, Version 1.0
Last night, after a busy day of work and an exhausting evening of Christmas shopping, The Runner and I went to a popular Mexican place: Cafe Rio. I got the Grilled Chicken Tostada, which is not quite enough food for three people.
I of course ate the whole thing.
So it should not surprise you that when I weighed myself, I came in at 167.2 — exactly four pounds too heavy to say I lost ten pounds.
I am not content.
Luckily, I am now on vacation, The Runner is at work, the kids are still in bed, and I have rented Inception (no, I have not seen it yet).
So I am going to get out the rollers and ride until I weigh 163.2.
I shall report back on my progress from time to time.
My Weigh-In, Version 1.1
Okay, just finished watching the first hour of Inception. I now weigh 166.6 pounds. Somehow, I thought I’d be down at least a whole pound by now.
Looks like I’ll be riding for quite a while.
My Weigh-In, Version 1.2
I’m now two hours into Inception, and am happy to report I now weigh 164.8 pounds. 1.6 pounds to go. Luckily, this movie is a lot of fun to watch (although perhaps a little too obvious and non-convoluted for my tastes), and is also very, very long.
Unluckily, I need to go run errands for a little while, so I’ll have to pause the movie and get back to my “weight loss” when I get back.
My Weigh-In, Version 1.3
I’m back from errand running now. About an hour an a half has elapsed. I just weighed myself again and am now at 164.2 pounds. I can only conclude that errand-running is a highly effective (albeit heretofore unknown) weight loss technique.
I think it’s entirely possible that I will lose the final pound necessary while riding the rollers for the last half hour of Inception, provided I ratchet up the resistance on my rollers a notch.
My Weigh-In, Version 1.4
The movie’s over. Not exactly sure what happened, but I can state unequivocally that I am very, very thirsty.
Sadly, my weight is 163.4 pounds, which is 0.2 pounds too heavy. I think another fifteen minutes on the rollers will do the trick, however.
And then I will enjoy a nice cold drink. And, I believe, a sandwich.
My Weigh-In, Version 2.0
Drumroll, please. My weight is now. . . 162.8 pounds, which is 0.4 more than I had to lose.
See? Losing 10.4 pounds by Christmas is easy. Even if you have to lose the final 4.4 pounds in one day.
Comments (479)
12.22.2010 | 9:09 am
I’d like to make one thing perfectly clear: I am not good at making plans. I don’t like making plans. I prefer to have an idea and then instantly adopt one of the following courses of action regarding that idea:
- Execute the idea right then
- Forget I ever even had the idea
However, a bunch of Team Fatty members — every single one of which is more organized than I — have been asking, “What are we going to do in 2011?”
It’s a fair question, and one I’ve been giving a lot of thought. For example, in between when I finished the previous sentence and started this one, I thought about it for about ten minutes.
Which, for me, is a lot.
So here’s what I’ve been thinking.
My 2011 Team Fatty LiveStrong Plan
Team Fatty: Fighting Like Susan is practically synonymous with kicking butt in the LiveStrong Challenges, and this will continue to be the case in 2011. But this year, I want to hone things a little bit so that I feel a little bit less overwhelmed by having so many teams.
Mainly, instead of having going full-bore on every single LiveStrong Challenge, I want to focus on one event. And this year, we’re going to do the newly-created LiveStrong Challenge in Davis, California, July 10-11.
That’s the event The Runner and I are going to. That’s the event that Philly Jen is going to. That’s the event that ClydeSteve is going to. That’s the event that MattC is going to. Heck, I’m hoping that’ll even be the event that MikeRoadie is going to.
In other words, we plan to make a giant Team Fatty blowout party out of Davis, to the extent that we’re expecting LiveStrong will have no choice but to rename the event LiveStrong Davis / Team Fatty.
Join Up
To join Team Fatty, go to http://davis2011.livestrong.org/teamfatty and click the “Join Our Team” link, then fill out the form.
Note that you only need to pay a fee if you plan to show up and ride your bike at the event. If you want to join Team Fatty and help us raise money in the fight against cancer — but don’t expect to be able to come to Davis on July — you can sign up for the “Virtual Challenge” for no fee at all.
Also note that the registration fee to do any of the rides is only $35 right now but will go up to $50 after the beginning of the new year, so you should sign up now.
No Zero Dollar Members, Please
This year, I’d like to ask everyone, as you sign up, to make a donation to your own LiveStrong Challenge page. Whatever amount you can afford: $25, $50, $100. Seriously, whatever. In 2010, there were a lot of us who signed up with good intentions, and then never got past the starting gate. This year, give yourself some momentum by making a donation yourself.
And then you won’t feel so embarrassed asking others to make a donation, because you’ll be able to say, “Hey, I’ve already donated. I’m not asking you to do anything I’m not doing myself.”
Or you can feel free to rephrase that sentiment so it sounds less smug. Your call.
But What About If You’ve Already Joined the Davis LiveStrong Challenge?
If you simply couldn’t wait for me to get my act together and you’ve already signed up for the Davis LiveStrong Challenge, send an email to Team LiveStrong asking them to change your individual registration to a registration with Team Fatty: Fighting Like Susan. Be sure to give them the name you registered under. They’ll help you out.
But What About Other Challenges?
There won’t be a Seattle LiveStrong Challenge in 2011, so we won’t be going there. I will, however — at some point — be setting up a Team Fatty Philly and Team Fatty Austin, for the folks who want to attend those events because they’re closer.
But even if you’re going to go to one of those events, I’d like you to — for now — sign up for the Davis event and raise money for it. This is the event we’re going to really emphasize this year.
And this is the challenge all the big contests are going to be focused on.
So, once again, please join up.
If You’d Like to Buy Me a Christmas Present
By the way, I have created my very own personal LiveStrong Challenge page. I’m quite pleased with it. If you’d like, as a kind of “thanks for writing” Christmas present to me, to help me get started as I take up my 2011 fight against cancer, I’d really appreciate it. Click here to donate.
That’s Not All. Not Even Close.
This year, I want to start expanding Team Fatty’s efforts beyond just doing LiveStrong Challenges. Right now, there are two things that I really want to do.
- 100 Miles of Nowhere. We’re definitely going to do the 100 Miles of Nowhere again this year. I think May is a good month to do it, since this event has changed from being a solitary thing you do on rollers in your own house to being a full-on contest to see who can do the most ridiculous short-course century imaginable. This year, though, I’d like to see more and more groups doing this event, and I plan to give you tools to make that easy to do. Stay tuned for details (which is my way of saying I haven’t actually got any details ready).
- Dustin Brady’s Promise. You all know Dustin Brady as the guy with Shimano who has helped Team Fatty raise hundreds of thousands of dollars by arranging for me to have incredible dream bikes available for my fundraising contests. You also know him as the guy who lost his fiance (and published a very moving tribute to her here) to breast cancer in 2010, in much the same way I lost Susan in 2009. Well, Dustin made a promise to Michelle, and I think Team Fatty is in an excellent position to help him keep that promise to her. I’ll explain more soon.
And there’s more I’m going to want to do. Much more, really. If I had the energy and didn’t have to work for a living, honestly this is what I’d do full-time.
I’m excited for 2011, and extremely excited to be a part of Team Fatty for another year. I don’t think anyone else could even argue the point: I have the best readership in the entire world.
Thank you for all you’ve done, all you’re doing, and all we’re going to continue to do.
Comments (62)
12.20.2010 | 10:17 am
A Note from Fatty: An all-caps THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in the contest to win a tour of Italy or France with Andy Hampsten by helping Andreas Knickman in his fight against bone cancer. So far, we have raised $11,300. That is awesome.
There are still three days to enter the contest and possibly win the perfect storm of cycling, eating, and hanging out with a Grand Tour champion. So, click here to go to Paypal and donate:
Another Note from Fatty: I actually got an email last night from Deb, Andreas Knickman’s mom. Here’s what she said to us.
All I can say is wow, and thank you.
We’re stunned by the support our cycling community has extended… and hey, I think we’d all love a tour of Italy with Andy!!! Aside from what you guys are doing for Andreas, what a great idea to have this little contest! Gratitude doesn’t quite say enough about how this makes us feel.
So I’m actually writing from the hospital for an unexpected visit, and my poor guy is pretty down. He was supposed to have a sleepover with his best friends tonight, and he’s pretty shut down… so actually you could do something. He loves the CaringBridge updates this year– we can tell they help him, and he reads every day. He won’t get out of here til at earliest mid-Monday, so if you or any buddies want to send him a note, I’d be immensely grateful! Funny or stories are always good… Kid is living on air and love this weekend…
This seems like a request that was made for the super powers Team Fatty has. Please join me in heading over to Andreas’ guestbook on CaringBridge and dropping off a note of support. Thanks.
Oh My Goodness, We Have EVEN MORE PRIZES For the 10-Pounds-By-Christmas Weigh-in
I am starting to find it hard to believe, but I have more prizes to
Today’s Weigh-In
weighed myself today, and am happy to report that . . . I am a pound heavier than last week. Yep, I gained a pound over the weekend. For the record: 168.0 pounds.
I am so proud.
What does this mean? It means that, with three days to go (final weigh in is on Thursday), I am pretty much five pounds away from my ten pounds by December 23 goal.
So I am considering my options.
- Give up. I could claim a moral victory and simply not worry about losing the final ten pounds. The “moral victory” part comes from the fact that to lose any weight at all during this time of year is quite a feat. I could claim that trying to lose ten pounds in that period of time simply wasn’t realistic, considering that there are bags of Kit Kats, Reese’s, Twix, and Nestle’s Crunch around, and that every single one of these is my absolute favorite candy bar of all time. Yes, I know it’s not possible for all of them to be my very favorite, but it’s still true.
- Starve. Five pounds in three days is totally possible if I live on grapefruit and water. And the occasional splurge on celery, when I really want to treat myself. This is also known as the “really grouchy Fatty” option.
- Caffeinate. I have found that if I take enough caffeine I will lose weight, quickly and effectively. Albeit totally temporarily (i.e., I know it’s totally due to the diuretic effect). As long as I don’t mind being really jittery and not being able to sleep. Oh, and there’s the headache, too.
- Dehydrate. Wednesday night, ride without a water bottle. Don’t rehydrate afterward. That’s two pounds, right there.
- Procrastinate. Originally, I planned my Thursday weigh in for the morning. Now I’m thinking I’ll give myself the rest of the day to lose a little bit more, through the medium of eating very little, drinking even less, and exercising myself silly, with an eye toward dehydration.
Will I hit my goal? I think I will. And then will bounce right back by Christmas afternoon.
So how are the rest of you doing? Remember to post:
1. Your starting weight
2. Your current weight
3. Amount lost so far
4. Your ingenious plan for how you’ll lose those final pounds by Thursday
We’re on the home stretch (although the home stretch is longer for some of us than others). Good luck!
Comments (527)
12.14.2010 | 10:44 am
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this (that’s not true; I realize I’ve mentioned it endlessly), but this blog is not my job. You see, I have a regular ol’ full-time job. One that pays the bills and allows me to send my kids to college and stuff.
And I’m at the end of quarter right now, with a big project that needs to be done. Soon. As in, I’m going to be working both early and late on it for a while.
So I’m going to be posting kinda short stuff, and maybe kinda infrequently for the next week or two. Or three.
That said, there are a few things I wanted to (quickly) mention:
Update on the “Help Andreas Knickman Fight Bone Cancer, Tour Italy with Andy-Freaking-Hampsten” Contest
Yesterday I launched a new contest where, by helping out a teenage boy with bone cancerdon’t need to do that name thing, you can win a tour of Italy with Andy Hampsten, for crying out loud.
So far, more than eighty of you have donated, and you’ve raised around $2000. That’s a good start. But you know, considering this is a contest to tour Italy by bike with a cycling legend as your tour guide, it’s not really what I expected.
So today, I’d like to ask those of you who are participating in the “Let’s Lose Ten Pounds by Christmas” challenge to consider donating $10 to the Andreas Knickman fund, as a sort of optional entry fee. And yes, that $10 definitely is eligible for the big prize — touring with Andy Hampsten (and probably The Runner and me, unless you really don’t want us to come).
Click here to go to Paypal and donate:
Note: Yesterday I asked you, when you donated, to indicate it’s for Andreas Knickman. Several of you commented that you had forgotten to do this, which is totally understandable. Don’t worry about it. All donations to this foundation during the contest period will go toward the contest and will be eligible for the prizes. And The confirmation message you receive will indicate you paid a “Firefighters Fund”. That’s the one! Roy Knickman is a firefighter in Santa Maria, and his unit is behind his kid all the way. Cool?
I’ve Stalled Out
I weighed myself today, and — much to my non-surprise — I have gained a pound since last week, bringing me to 169.4 pounds.
Why have I gained a pound? Well, part of it is that it’s just not easy to lose weight during the Winter, seeing as how my favorite way to lose weight is to go on long bike rides, and it has been a cold, rainy, sleety Fall so far.
The other part of it is that, in order to escape aforementioned cold, rainy, sleety Fall last weekend, The Runner and I got out of town. We went to St. George, UT, where we were able to ride in beautiful, sunny, warm desert country in our brand-spanking-new Fat Cyclist gear for a couple of days. Check me out:

Now check us out:

Please stop noticing how hard I’m sucking in my gut in that picture for a moment, and get a good look at the incredible job Brent and Ryan at Twin Six did in designing everything this year. I swear, it is the best-looking, best-fitting Team Fatty collection there has ever been. In particular, both The Runner and I have been loving the long-sleeve jersey (in women’s too) — it’s a breathable, fleeced fabric I’m wearing pretty much every time I ride right now. I also love the socks: tall and merino wool. I bought six pair and wear them all the time, including when I’m not on my bike.
And, ahem, all Team Fatty gear is for sale and would make delightful Christmas presents.
But anyway, back to my weight. Why would I weigh more after a weekend of riding? Well, it has something to do, I think, with the fact that after I ride, I’m hungry. And when I’m not at home, the only place to eat would be at restaurants.
You see where I’m going with this, right?
But no more excuses. I’ve got six pounds to lose in less than nine days. It won’t be easy, but I swear: I will do it.
And now it’s turn for those of you participating in the Lose Ten Pounds By Christmas challenge to weigh in. Like before, give the following:
1. Your starting weight
2. Your current weight
3. Total amount lost
And then, after you enter your weight, please do something good for a kid who’s fighting hard against bone cancer and donate $10. Here’s the link again:
PS: For those of you wondering about Team Fatty and what we’re going to be doing next year, stay tuned; I’ll be detailing my plans very soon — late this week or early next week, just depending on when I can get time to think it through and write it down.
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