10.20.2010 | 11:08 am
I really appreciate everyone taking the time yesterday to leave a comment on why you have joined the fight against cancer. I admit, I got choked up a number of times while reading your reasons, and I want to say that you inspire me to stay motivated in this fight. Thank you.
Also, to those of you in Team Fatty Austin: Thank you for sending your photos in. Those will make an appearance in the video, too.
Late last night, I finished writing and recording my script for my video, and sent the whole thing in — my script, my video of me talking, my voiceover, your quotes, photos of Team Fatty Austin, and the list of people who have donated to my LiveStrong Challenge page — to the production company.
I’m sure they’ll make it really great to watch. But meanwhile — since any award anyone from Team Fatty belongs to all of Team Fatty — I wanted to give you a preview of what I’ll be saying.
So here’s the script I wrote, along with a few of the images I sent in.
Team Fatty’s Champion / Messenger Award Video Script
I’m Elden Nelson, the blogger behind FatCyclist.com. But please, feel free to call me Fatty.

The Team Champion award really belongs to the team. And the Messenger award really belongs to the people who donated. So while I tell you a little story about Team Fatty, I’d like to show you photos of some of the team, along with some reasons why they’ve joined the fight against cancer.

And I’m also going to acknowledge all the people who donated to my LiveStrong Challenge. There are 975 names here, so they might go by kinda fast. [A Note from Fatty: Check the bottom of today's post to see that list. It's pretty darned impressive, if I do say so myself.]

I’m a very lazy person by nature. I’m terribly disorganized. I am not detailed-oriented. All I’m good at is riding my bike and telling goofy stories about riding my bike.

The truth is, I’m the very last person you’d expect to be captaining even one LiveStrong Challenge team, much less five teams.

So the fact is, I joined the fight against cancer because I was forced to.
You see, my late wife, Susan, fought breast cancer for nearly five years. She fought with focus, courage, kindness, creativity, and outrageous endurance.

While she fought, I called LiveStrong. We got information. Support. And inspiration.
So as I told Susan’s and my story online, I started thinking: if Susan was going to fight, I had to fight too. Joining up with LiveStrong seemed like a perfect match.

I asked my readers to join me in the fight. And they have. Way beyond my expectations. I mean, 1.3 million dollars over the course of two years? I still can’t even wrap my mind around that.

How did Team Fatty do it? Well, we did it different.

Earlier this year, 500 of us paid $75 for the privilege of participating in the Third Annual Fat Cyclist 100 Miles of Nowhere – a fake event where you ride a hundred miles on the smallest course you can imagine, as close to your own home as possible. It was completely ridiculous – but it was fun too – Team Fatty members, all over the world, riding nowhere for 100 miles. One of them on unicycles, two of them on an aircraft carrier. It was awesome, knowing there were hundreds of other people doing the same ridiculous thing.

And it raised tens of thousands of dollars for the fight against cancer.

That’s Team Fatty in a nutshell.

Or there was the time we got Bob Roll to promise to shave his head if we could raise $5000 during the Tour of California. I loved watching when Johan Bruyneel shaved Bob’s head on TV.

Team Fatty’s had a lot of luck getting companies and people to help us fundraise. Gary Fisher Bicycles. Ibis Bicycles. Intense Bicycles. Sycip Bicycles. Orbea. Clif Bar. DZ Nuts. Twin Six. And most of all, Shimano. As it turns out, there are a lot of good companies who love to join a great cause.

Maybe the greatest thing about Team Fatty, though, is that we’re a great, huge group of friends who’ve mostly never met each other. When we ride together this weekend, for many of us it will be the first time we’ve ever seen another Team Fatty member.

But that doesn’t mean we’re strangers. We’ve got some incredibly important things in common.

We love to ride. We love to eat. We love to fight cancer with focus. With courage, with kindness, With creativity.

In short, Team Fatty fights like Susan.
PS: A huge thanks to all the people who donated to my LiveStrong Challenge pages this year. Specifically: Rosemary D., Ben S., Marybeth P., Joy C., Taylor T., Stephen B., Brad P., Debra M., Brian B., Daniel N., Mike M., Peter A., Craig R., Jesse N., Graeme D., Ronna D., David C., Todd S., Seth K., Andrew M., Reina S., Sean P., Peter M., Glen G., Henrik J., Glen P., Clark N., Matt R., Peter B., Michael W., Kyle P., Eric H., Michael S., Jennifer S., Thomas H., Paul N., Peter H., Rickey C., Melissa H., Mark L., Kevin M., Philip S., Jim S., Daniel J., Steve D., Ian D., Cheryl S., Aaron Y., Cecile E., Thomas B., Angie G., Catherine C., Patrick L., Matthew S., Bradley S., David H., Michael P., Joshua L., Adam C., Gilbert M., Duane B., Henrik J., Paul N., Andrew F., Nathan E., Ken M., Dylan W., Bekki M., Scott G., Andrew W., Andrew F., Jeffrey T., Matthew K., Bridget Q., Elizabeth M., Nate N., Daniel P., William D., Elizabeth C., Drew R., Jim F., Ted D., Chris B., Scott M., Shelley A., Caren G., Charles B., William F., Mark K., Vance P., William Z., Anthony D., Andy M., Richard E., Jouni R., Michael P., Justin L., Michael R., S. Tyler B., Elizabeth P., Andrew M., Axel T., Robert D., John W., Raul S., Katherine O., Doug R., Rick N., Darren L., Stephanie B., Alice T., Hans S., Todd N., Paul G., Patrick M., Mark L., Michael M., Scott W., Jason K., Robert B., Brian B., Kenneth B., Matthew S., John D., Eric T., Allison D., Patrick S., Brian W., Matthew R., Rick N., Brian M., Seth S., Tracy W., David F., Scott G., Tim S., Joseph R., Jim L., Penina S., Arnoldo M., Angela H., Mike H., Todd S., Tim Z., Jim R., Mike S., Sara Z., Nicholas E., Scott C., Mark K., Austin F., Rich S., Null N., Graeme T., Helen W., Kathy H., Joe D., Robert H., Jonathan H., Rebecca F., Warren H., Charles B., Patrick C., David B., Andrew M., Fred D., Shawn M., Elizabeth K., Donald B., Helen W., Josh H., Aaron R., Andrew B., David L., Steven P., Lisa B., Alexander Y., Janet S., Brett B., Demetrius M., Andrew B., Deborah P., Geoff W., Karen N., James B., Michael O., Johan M., John K., Tom M., Todd R., Dan R., Andrew M., Charlotte L., James T., Jordan M., Justin D., Sean T., Brad P., Catherine B., Kirk S., Erik H., Jason P., Matthew R., Jenny H., Mike M., Craig C., Tom H., Kevin H., Alex M., Brian H., Stuart K., Kent H., Heather H., Timothy R., Kimberly M., Grant C., Charles H., Jeffrey W., Daniel J., Leslie C., Brian V., Tom H., Brian H., Robert L., Sara S., Jennifer S., Bradley D., Brandy K., Patrick L., Michael M., Greg L., Kimberly W., John S., David V., Jason S., David S., Stephen G., Dustin K., Stacey A., Antonio R., Matthew E., Randall M., Stephen B., Mark N., Andrew M., Suzanne W., Clayton R., Coleman C., Gerald H., Flavio L., Matthew V., Barry C., Daniel R., Dale P., Hans J., Daniel W., Moishe L., Katherine E., Kent C., Dale P., Tom M., Heather B., Jimmy S., Jessica W., Dave D., Sam M., William W., Jim F., Megan B., Robert B., Michael O., Anthony S., Kieran H., Eric K., Charlie W., Philip S., John M., Shireen S., Clifford J., John O., Chris C., Eric G., Jordan M., Andrew B., Joshua W., Mike C., Doug R., David M., Dale A., Jeff A., Joshua M., Elizabeth W., Gabriel C., Todd N., Kris N., Joshua K., Rob R., Matt G., Jerry&Tammy G., Lisa G., Brad B., Aaron K., Timothy R., Franz P., Matthew W., Mark H., Robert M., Adam H., Kurt M., Brant A., Susan B., Gabe F., Gregory C., Chinda D., Shawn O., Andrew M., Scott O., Michael R., Todd S., David T., Mark K., David N., Jacob N., Wade C., Larkin G., Wayne M., Brandon E., Dylan S., Wendy F., Kyle M., Robert G., Mary M., Jeremy B., Andrew C., Matt P., Timothy S M., Mark G., Stephen S., John Y., Stephen W., Travis O., Joe L., Brian S., Leonard B., Robert G., Roland R., Colby H., Mark K., Phill C., Brandon G., Mark G., Fran T., Lauren G., Chris L., Marge G., Jeffrey S., Randolph S., Michael K., David A., Joshua B., Chris S., James N., Kevin P., Amy K., Justin M., Arlo M., Tony R., Jeff H., Ricardo C., Jason C., Joe L., Mark G., Andy W., Don M., Chad B., Shirley D., Tim G., Wes M., John L., Sean W., Marc R., Lynne K., Andrew S., Deren B., William S., George G., Jim R., Steven W., Christine G., Keith M., Michael G., Scott E., Kevin K., Marc P J., William H., Cecil P., Peter B., Ray I., Daniel F., Samuel B., Jennifer B., David R., Lee C., Peter M., Stephen W., Mike W., Jim L., Johnnie M., Santiago M., Daniel R., Derek G., Paul S., Casey C., Shannon H., Karen E., Daniel A., Daniel C., Travis C., Janice H., Russ T., Rob C., Todd B., David R., Dan D., Nathan P., Jason S., Bryan K., Michael D., Melvin H., Ray I., Andrew W., Michael G., Shawn M., Mark U., Jeffrey S., Toby J., Chris M., Andrew C., Lynda S., Frances R., Keith D., Nikki B., Axel T., Miles M., Kris K., Katherine O., Kevin R., Cory F., Jessy D., Daniel C., Mark G., Patrick D., Erin G., Jorge C., Joshua M., JR J., Lisa W., Lucas A., Nick H., Peter P., Keith C., John Y., Paul N., Ryan A., David S., Greg L., Tomasz K., Paul G., Rhiannon H., Curtis W., James C., Jana W., Scott F., Sheldon L., James T., Uaisele P., Michael A., Andy M., John M., Mark C., Amy R., Don S., Chris F., Ryan G., Trevor W., Eric B., Paul F., Greg L., Stephanie T., Antoine R., Jason M., Kevin W., Brian A., William T., Jessica M., Rudi B., Peggy H., Benjamin W., Chris W., Spencer L., Heather L., Taylor P., Jason R., Simon O., Jayme B., Josh R., Gaberial S., David P., Chris W., David L., Joseph R., Brian M., David G., Johan M., Melanie P., Devin Y., Kris D., Jacob J., Josh G., Rebecca S., Carl F., Simon J., Mark G., Walter W., Erik F., Chris D., Keith C., Jonathan G., Russell R., Shane G., Brian F., Erik H., Bjarne M., David H., Dan M., David H., Daniel N., Catherine D., Damian D., John M., EUNAN H., Cheryl S., Jessica W., Warren P., Stephen D., Michael R., Darren S., Earl S., Sean P., Chris B., Phillip L., Scott L., Edward S., Kevin H., Jonathan S., Dan H., Keith C., John W., Tony G., David F., Daniel W., Nick O., Mark G., Michael P., T E., Greg F., Daniel N., Kevin R., George C., Conor B., Matthew J., Ethan L., Gerald S., Michael D., Lukas K., Andy L., John E., Lynn L., Matthew C., Andrew C., Alan F., Robert H., Kit W., John W., Brad E., Rayhaan F., David S., Kevin C., Mark M., Chris B., Kevin C., Joan E., Brad L., Ted H., Brian D., Steven D., Dan K., Kelly K., Brendan S., Kyle J., Jason S., Scott L., Leigh Anne D., Kevin C., Jason S., Austin L., Kyle M., James D., Matt G., Steven V., David L., Chuck P., Erin G., Desirae C., Yiling W., William P., Steven C., Leslie H., Donna C., Allen W., Jeff K., Paul I., Lori P., Garrett D., Peter A., Steve C., Andrew H., Edward E., Robert W., Emily P., Dennis B., David K., Todd S., Brendan M., John M., Alan K., Mike A., George D., Jen Y., Mike M., Sean L., Steve L., Robert H., Joseph R., Andrew M., Daniel C., Ed O., Denise H., Darren H., Adam C., Michael J., Matt P., Jaap B., Michael K., David E., Evan H., Pierluc T., Melissa H., Gaberial S., Seth C., Timothy K., Paul G., Lisa G., Mark G., Heidi R., Michael D., Brad T., Jason R., Chris S., Urs L., Heidi R., Pal M., Bryan L., Andrew M., Steven M., Michael M., Joann H., Paul G., Justin D., Antoine R., Jason C., Roxanne L., Alan S., Ken P., Bradley D., Brian S., David P., Paul D., Richard J., Daron D., Garrett B., Santiago M., John C., Kevin E., Gary H., Randie T., R. B., John F., Julie B., Samuel B., Jack B., Kathryn K., Nicholas R., David C., Andrew M., Mal S., Tom V., Charlie W., Doug R., Gina B., Carl H., Nathan R., Eric F., Zebulon L., Jon L., Neil C., Nicole S., Patrria Y., Dan R., Sean S., Hilary H., James K., W H., Lorenzo B., Uaisele P., Marja N., Matthew W., Jeff L., Shannon G., Zach O., Joan E., Richard C., Chris L., Anhkhoa D., Randolph S., Andrew P., Robert R., Josh C., Shane G., Mark O., Steven C., James W., John S., Jennifer P., Chip T., Gary H., Christian E., Callie K., Robert M., Phil P., Robert L., Will E., Michael S., Shane N., Allison M., Paul W., Jenny P., Seak Jun M., Reimund M., Mark B., Lanier B., Brandy K., David K., Marge G., Christine M., Philip H., Charles B., Paul B., Brian S., Travis R., Kimberly W., Kevin R., William P., Todd R., Sean C., David Z., Dan T., Martin H., Janneke K., Robert B., Charles W., Na N., Alyson M., Jennifer H., Joe L., Michael M., Anne C., William T., Sean C., Hillarie F., Jonathan O., Bradley N., Jim F., Axel T., Paula W., David H., Douglas L., Frances R., Gary F., Steven C., Jason S., Timothy L., Jordan B., Ty M., Paolo B., Keith B., George M., Daniel D., Adam C., George G., Alan C., Michelle C., Andy T., Joshua W., Chris B., Nic G., Todd R., Nicole S., Derek C., Shirley D., Steve A., Carrie H., Kathryn K., Michael H., Donald D., Sam R., Michael H., Mike G., Matt S., Eric T., Ted M., Judith G., Gregory S., John G., Michael A., Ronald B., Charise D., Greg O., George S., Nic G., Michael H., Barb W., Marja N., Lexi B., Ryan S., Roxanne L., David H., Jody L., Mark K., Joel S., David H., Tim G., Aaron M., Mark P., Todd S., Patty G., Taylor T., Cynthia B., Brian L., Ted D., Chinda D., Dan D., Julie S., George M., Peter B., Timothy M., Jacob J., Joe L., Annie R., Lucien P., Jerome R., Joshua M., Douglas R., Jodie A., Marc L., Andrew F., Amy D., Jacob C., Steven N., Jeremy B., Amy C., Josh R., Richard K., Michael S., Hans H., William A., Daniel J., Katherine M., Seth S., Brian M., Guy H., Jarom G., Amy L., Bob F., Mark K., Jonathan S., Jacob C., David E., Jeffrey C., Allie H., Gilbert S., Zachariah R., James S., Troy R., Mandy F., EUNAN H., Carlos P., Graeme D., Timothy L., Ryo S., Stephanie T., Jeff R., Brad S., Daniel D., Michael H., Joel P., Gregory H., Darren H., Tonya F., Ron Z., Vance P., Matt S., John S., JP M., Seth G., Paige S., Lana K., Michael S., Jerry Z., Frank P., Jay B., Jordan W., Andrew C., Robert L., Roy S., Patrick L., Bryan K., Randy G., Brendan C., Tom F., Luis S., Michael S., Michael K., Marc R., Kim B., Melanie P., Austin L., Peggy H., Migue C., Lance F., Patrick K., Patrick L., Elizabeth A., Josh E., Adam H., Shelley A., Chris H., Philip W., William P., Austin L., Gregory H., Heather L., Claudia K., John S., Edith M., Ben C., Travis C., Tracy O., Carrie H., Lucas A., Chris O., Craig M., Cecile E., Lorie T., Michael W., and (last but not least) John O.
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