10.1.2009 | 10:47 am
I have started getting a lot of terrific stuff in the mail. For example, yesterday I got a very exclusive offer to try out Domino’s new Pasta Bread Bowl at a Very Special Price.
You can bet I’ll take them up on that soon. Real soon.
I also get a lot of bike-related stuff in the mail — and I don’t mean just a new Colorado Cyclist catalogue every couple days. I get genuine, actual bike-related things. That people could theoretically buy and stuff.
Here’s how the process generally plays out, in eleven easy steps.
- Someone — either a person from the vendor company or from their fancy-pants PR firm — emails me, telling me they’re a big fan of the blog (“Well, how could you not be?” I ask myself in bemusement), and that they have something they’d like to send me to try out.
- I reply, saying, “Sure, send it on over!” and give them my address, while crossing my fingers that I have not just made some identity thief’s job really really easy.
- Enough time elapses (i.e., more than seven minutes) that I forget we ever had an email exchange.
- A package arrives, generally via USPS.
- The package sits in the mailbox for a week or more, because we’ve all been trained to know that with the advent of e-mail, nothing good comes by USPS. Just bills and junk mail.
- Eventually the mail carrier leaves an angry note taped to my mailbox saying that no more stuff fits in it. Once, I left a response, saying, “Then stop putting those newspaper-sized grocery store ads in my mailbox.” The conversation ended there. And yes, he continues to put the grocery store ads in my mailbox, and I continue to not pick up USPS mail more than a couple times a month.
- I get the mail and — yay! — spy a package.
- I tear the package open and don a puzzled look. What is this? Where did it come from? Is it delicious? Is it poisonous? Both? (I’m always really sad when something’s both delicious and poisonous — I’m looking at you, antifreeze).
- I wake up from a sound sleep two nights later, suddenly remembering the email conversation I had with the vendor / PR guy.
- I try the product out, and find that I don’t like it enough to talk about here, and that I furthermore don’t hate it enough to talk about here. “Reasonably OK” doesn’t make for hilarious blogginess that people have come to love and expect here at Fat Cyclist.
- Eventually, I get follow-up email from the vendor or PR person, but by then I’ve forgotten them and their product again.
So there you have it: the magic formula for how to get me to talk about stuff you send me: be really good, or suck in an interesting way.
Today, I am going to talk about two things that are really good.
Cutter Tech Knickerbockers
Here’s how I can tell what my favorite clothing items are: they never get folded and put away. Which is to say, I generally wear them straight out of the dryer.
With this metric — or the metric of the fact that I wear them constantly — Cutter’s Tech Knickerbockers are definitely my favorite shorts, on the bike (in cool weather) or off.

You know, I just never get over how remarkably handsome I am.
(Side Note: I want to point out that the Tom Selleck “Movember” T-shirt I’m wearing here is to let you know that Team Fatty will definitely be celebrating Movember. Start planning your moustache ideas now. Oh, and also that I meant to be pointing at Tom’s moustache with my left hand, but seem to be unable to flex and point accurately at the same time.)
For one thing, the Cutters are comfortable — the material is stretchy and doesn’t bind anywhere. For another, they’re tough as nails. For a third, the articulated knees make them look and feel great when you’re on the bike. Though, to be truthful, this same articulation makes those knees kind of pooch out when you’re off the bike and standing around.
They’ve got pockets everywhere, in sizes for pretty much everything. And while the video on the catalog page at their site describes what each pocket is for (and gives you much more technical information than I’m going to about what these shorts are made of), I just generally put whatever I need to hold into whatever pocket will hold it.
During the Spring, I wore these on two mountain bike rides out of every three. They were terrific at being water — and mud — repellent, and they showed they were tough. The crotch didn’t wear out, and there are no visible scuffs from when I turfed it.
For the Summer, it was too hot to wear these for the kind of riding I’ve been doing, but I wore them off the bike nearly every day. They’re just that comfortable.
And now that Autumn is here, I’m planning to put these back into active service on the bike.
These are pricey pants — $149. I probably wouldn’t have bought them before I had known how much I would like them. That just seems like too much money. Now that I’m into my third season of wearing and loving these shorts, I’d say $149 is a bargain.
Oh, and Cutter is a SLC-based company. I love it when local boys make good.
Grease Monkey Wipes
I always keep an industrial-sized container of baby wipes in my truck; they’re perfect for doing a quick cleanup after a lunch bike ride. Ride, clean up, get dressed, get back to meetings. The perfect crime.
And now, since getting Grease Monkey Wipes, I keep a few of these in my truck, too.
Really, they’re just like baby wipes, except they’re made for degreasing. And if you’ve had to work on your bike during your lunch ride, they can be the difference between looking like an auto mechanic and a white-collar softie when you get back to work.
And the good thing is, these really work. Allow me to demonstrate.
Step 1: Oh noes, I seem to have grabbed a greasy, dirty bike chain.

Step 2: Get out the Grease Monkey Wipe and scrub for about 15 seconds (scrubbing not shown because I only have two hands and have to use one of them to take the picture).

Step 3: Gee, my hand is clean again. And smells lemony-fresh!

One of these wipes takes me from greasy to presentable. And, as noted above, they smell lemony.
And they’re not half bad for removing the rookie mark from your calf, either.
PS: Expect a review of something that sucked in an interesting way sometime really really soon.
Comments (53)
09.30.2009 | 12:30 am
You’d think, after 43+ years, I’d know myself pretty well. But there’s something new about me that I’ve been exploring for the past couple weeks.
A giant goiter.
No, wait, that’s not it. Actually, this new thing about myself is intensity. I honestly never knew I had any in me. I considered myself 100% relaxed.
But lately, I have found I love to ride climbing intervals. And I love to time trial. And I love to drive a knitting needle up my nose using a ball peen hammer.
Hold on, strike that last one. I’m not sure how it got in there. My point is that I have found that for some reason, lately I don’t just put up with the physical pain and mental blackness that come with a maximum effort. I’ve been seeking it out.
Does this all seem a little creepy? OK, can we pretend it doesn’t for a bit, then?
For example, a week or so ago, I decided to Time Trial the American Fork side of the Alpine Loop. 10.5 miles, around 3000 feet of climbing. I did it in 53:11. Earlier this year, Mark, Sam and I killed ourselves doing this ride in about 58 minutes.
And then yesterday, I — for the first time ever — Time Trialed the Clark’s MTB climb in Corner Canyon. Now, this is a popular local TT course, with honor-system-based annual standings posted and everything.
I gave it my all. Really just emptied myself into the climb, with my usual mental narrative / inventory / inquisition looping through my skull: “Is this pace sustainable? Or am I about to blow? Is it my legs or lungs limiting my speed right now? Lungs? OK, then I can breathe harder. Can I push just a little harder and still not blow? OK, I’m going harder. No, better back off a little, just touched the edge of my breaking point. Five easy seconds to pull myself together. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Go hard again. My peripheral vision has stopped working, is that OK? Yes, I think it is. I’ll hold this pace for twenty seconds. 20, 19, 18 . . . .”
And repeat.
Meanwhile, my mouth isn’t just hanging open. It’s stretched open. But my eyes are squinting and my ears are back, so I picture myself as grinning madly. My mouth is nothing but a giant oxygen intake device, and it is staying open. If drool needs to leak out, fine. If sweat and snot need to drip in, well, it all started in the same place anyway, right?
Fortunately for everyone in the whole world, I did not encounter a single person going up or down the trail during my TT.
I reached the top, punched the red button on my Garmin, felt the first wave of nausea hit, and then looked at the time.
I finished in 9:50, which triggers an overlay of elation on the nausea. Peculiar.
That 9:50 is good for the #3 spot (out of 55 recorded) in the 2009 results, and the #6 spot in the all-time results.
Which means the weird has happened: I have gotten lean (154 pounds today) and fast.
I believe it’s time to put this to the test.
Team Fatty: Going to 24 Hours of Moab
Brad, Kenny, Rick Sunderlage (not his real name) and I will be Team Fatty at the 24 Hours of Moab this October 10 – 11. We will be racing in the Rigid Singlespeed class.
When you consider that Kenny and Brad owned the singlespeed division of the Park City Point 2 Point and when you further consider that whenever Rick Sunderlage and I go riding he just spins away from me, and when you finally consider that I seem to have crossed some sort of threshold, you might reasonably assume that our prospects for this division in this race are pretty good.
More important than that, though, is what I consider genuinely cool about my team: we’re all part of the Core Team. I’ll be racing with three of the best friends I’ve ever had.
And that is extra motivation, right there. Motivation to kick their butts, that is.
Oh, Hello
You know what? It just occurred to me that not everyone in the world knows what a 24-Hour race is. Well, it’s pretty simple. The course is set up to be a circuit — in this case, around twelve miles long. One person from the team races at a time, handing the team baton (a small wooden dowel) to the next teammate after completing a lap.
So you ride hard for an hour and change, hand off to the next guy, and then have a few hours to eat and relax until it’s your turn again.
And you, as a team, try to rack up as many laps during a 24-hour period as you can.
It’s a very stupid idea, and I’m excited to do it.
Help, I’m Afraid of the Dark
Here’s my problem: I do not have any good bike lights for racing. And I am going to need really, really good bike lights so that I can see and avoid all the stuff that I will otherwise crash into.
It is my fervent hope that someone out there is a honcho or knows a honcho at one of the bike light manufacturers or PR firms and has the insanely good idea that it would really be a great idea to outfit Team Fatty — one of the top two cycling blogs in America! (and I’m pretty sure Bike Snob NYC isn’t fielding a team) — with lights. If you are, you should email me. I daresay you’ll get a quick response.
UPDATE: Big thanks to Princeton Tec, which has stepped forward and outfitted Team Fatty with a full complement of their most powerful light setup: The SwitchBack 3. With a 6-hour burn time at high-beam, we won’t even have to worry about recharging. Count on our impressions of these lights after — and probably during — the race.
Also, if you’re a bratwurst maker, you might want to get ahold of us. Or if you’re Gulden’s Mustard. I would love to be sponsored by a reputable Bratwurst maker and Gulden’s Mustard. “Team Fatty, Presented by Twin Six, Powered by [your name here] Bratwurst” has a very nice ring to it.
OK, all done whoring now.
I’ve heard that there’s WiFi access at the 24 Hours of Moab. If that’s the case, then I will — when not racing or eating or doing something else — post updates on the race.
I suspect that these updates will become increasingly incoherent and angry as the race progresses.
Comments (72)
09.29.2009 | 12:24 am
We were just riding along.
Seriously, we were.
Mark was introducing me to a terrific MTB trail network — Millcreek Canyon — and we were really, honestly, and truly just riding along.
And then the god of mountain bikes looked down on Mark and — for whatever reason — was not pleased. So Betty (the god of mountain bikes is a woman named Betty, and I understand she’s super hot) smote Mark. Just knocked him clean off his bike. No warning or anything. Just tugged his front wheel out from under him and pushed him over.
Unfortunately — for both Mark and me — I was right on Mark’s tail. I no sooner saw the hand of Betty show him who’s boss (hint: it’s Betty) than I crashed into the wreckage formerly known as Mark and his bike.
So startled was I by this chain of events that my mouth hung slack. This worked out badly for Mark, because my open mouth was bound to collide with something. In this case, my front teeth would collide with his knee, drawing blood.
For those who are curious about my first impressions of this unintentional foray into cannibalism: tastes like chicken. Disappointing, really.
Oh, and speaking of knees — because, two paragraphs up, I really was briefly speaking of knees — my knee was what took first impact on the hard-surfaced, gravelly trail.
Ooh, looky here. I have a photo:

For those wondering, the green socks are my wool Ibis socks. I’m a fan.
Oh, and in case you thought I was kidding about me being a kneebiter, behold Mark’s knee:

I really hope that leaves a scar.
And, just to round things off, gross most of the rest of you out, and make maybe a few of you uncomfortable with the fact that you’re suddenly very interested in Mark, here’s him cheerfully showing off his post-crash hip:

“Here,” Mark seems to be saying in this photo. “I’d really really like to show you my wound, and perhaps a wee bit more.”
But you know what’s really weird? The fact that I’m this far into today’s post and haven’t even broached today’s topic. Specifically, after all the fun and games are over, someone’s going to have to clean up this mess.
The Shower of Pain
A good hard bike wreck — road or mountain — hurts really bad twice. The first time is when you incur the injury. And the second is, of course, is when you wash it.
Because the washing is so much more than soap-lather-rinse. In fact, it’s even more than soap-lather-rinse-repeat.
It’s a ritual of pain. An assertion that you are willing to suffer for your art, such as it is. And above all, it’s an absolute lock of a way to ruin a white washcloth.
I expect there are some people who, when they’ve got a bike injury to clean up, step into the shower — tub, whatever — and get straight to it.
I am not one of those people.
Instead, I wash everything else first, slowly and carefully. I wash my face extra-well, because — who knows? — perhaps I’ll otherwise break out with my first acne in twenty years. I wash between my toes. I wash my back, without the aid of a back scrubber. Takes more time that way, especially if you’re being thorough.
I wash my hands, which I generally otherwise don’t do in the shower, figuring they see plenty of soap and scrubbing action without having to be specifically attended to. Which is unfair, when you think about it.
Perhaps I might even put shampoo on my head, which is a cruel mockery of both my head and the shampoo upon it.
Then maybe I’ll squeegee the glass and clean the shower’s grout. And then cast about, desperate for something — anything — else to clean besides the wound.
At some point, though, the wound must be cleaned.
This May Hurt a Little…But It’s More Likely Going to Make You Wish You Had Opted for the General Anesthetic
When it’s time to start the process of cleaning the wound up, I tell myself that my wound is just a surface that needs to be cleaned. It is not part of me. Any pain I experience has nothing to do with the actions I am taking, and so I will not stop just because I am in pain.
This doesn’t help at all, by the way. I have no idea why I say it to myself.
I then take the two very simple tools I use for cleanup — Dial soap and a dark-colored washcloth — and begin to lightly daub at the wound, hoping that perhaps all the blood and dirt and scabs will just fall off, due to the overwhelmingly strong combined forces of gravity and soap.
Then I begin the scrubbing ramp-up. Each stroke just a little bit more forceful than the last, until the wound has been successfully opened up again and is bleeding freely again and oh no I think I perhaps need a transfusion because I suddenly am having a difficult time standing and the room is spinning around.
Oh, and also I should mention that I usually make pitiful mewling noises while I do that part.
With all the general stuff washed off, the easy part — and by “easy” I mean “bearably painful” — is over.
Now it’s time to get to the stubborn stuff.
The stubborn stuff tends to take the form of very small rocks, or stubborn dirt. Or a riding buddy’s front tooth, I suppose. And it’s usually hidden beneath a flap of skin that didn’t get torn all the way off, so now it’s acting as a tupperwarish lid, keeping the dirt and grime safely sealed away inside you.
That flap of skin is going to have to go. I realize that. And yet, whenever I go to pull one of those flaps off, a very shrill and insistent voice in my head says things like, “YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO TEAR YOUR SKIN OFF, STUPID. BECAUSE WHEN YOU TEAR OFF YOUR SKIN IT CAN NO LONGER PROTECT THE JUICY STUFF UNDERNEATH.”
Yep, that voice really says everything in all-caps like that. And don’t think I haven’t told it how annoying that can be.
So I do my best to ignore the voice and remove the skin that isn’t doing me any good anymore, so I can get to the dirt and rocks and dog hair and pieces of asphalt that are trying — and making a pretty good show of it — to bond with me.
Eventually, the wound is clean. And then comes the rinsing. Which, magically, seems to hurt just as bad as everything else that has come before. Or maybe worse. By then my gauge of pain is a little bit fouled up.
Once cleaned, I apply an entire tube of Neosporin, because I work under the theory that Neosporin’s main job is to prevent any air molecules from getting near my blood. My science may be shaky here.
And then, once the ointment (really, is there an uglier word in the English language?) is applied, I like to discover that the only kind of bandages I have left in the house are the tiny little ones that don’t quite make it all the way around your pinky finger.
Good thing each box of bandaids comes with around 80 or 90 of this size. With patience, I can make a sort of quilt from these tiny bandaids and apply them to my wound.
This will, naturally, not adhere to any place on my skin where there’s any Neosporin at all.
Though it will adhere very well to my open wound, and will in fact bond chemically with it in seconds.
I swear, sometimes all this post-crash cleanup takes so much time and effort I wonder why I bother injuring myself at all.
Comments (91)
09.28.2009 | 12:01 pm
I have been an avid cyclist for a long time now. Like, fifteen years. And since I’ve been saying “I’ve been an avid cyclist for fifteen years” for about three years, it’s possible I’ve been riding even longer than fifteen years.
I’ll get back to you once I’ve done the math.
Anyway, during my long and increasingly illustrious cycling career, I have learned many, many important things about riding. Things I wish I had known much earlier. Things you may not know. Enough things to fill a book.
As long as it’s a really short book. Or if I’m allowed to use lots of illustrations and a big font.
OK, the fact is there are three things I have learned that I think are worth sharing. It’s entirely possible that my three hard-earned epiphanies may do someone some good.
Not probable, perhaps, but you must admit: it’s possible.
Soften Up
I remember making a decision about air pressure before the Leadville 100 five or six years ago. “I do not want to get a flat coming down the Powerline descent,” I thought to myself, “so I’d better inflate my tires to 50psi instead of the usual 45.”
My head spins now, even thinking about that. 50psi.
Fifty pounds per square inch.
No wonder I was the worst, most squirrelly downhiller that ever lived.
Nowadays, I have big wheels — 29″ instead of the 26″ variety — and I ride with a Stans NoTube setup.
And I ride with my tires at 20 – 22psi. Maybe 25 if I’m racing.
There is nothing — nothing! — that has affected my riding (and especially downhilling) so dramatically as this change. I corner better. Even fully rigid, I bounce around less. I just feel like I am in much better control.
And I’m pretty sure I flat less, too.
Now, I’m pretty sure that not everyone has had this low-pressure epiphany. A couple weeks ago I started a ride with someone who was inflating his tires to 40psi.
“I am about to make you a much better rider,” I said, and let half the air out of his tires. And this guy — for the first time in his life — suddenly found that he loved descending Mud Springs and Tibble, trails he had no affection for at all previously.
“That was so great,” he said when we hit the bottom of the trail. “I felt like I had so much more control.”
And for a moment, I knew exactly what it felt like to be Obi-Wan. Or Mr. Miyagi.
Slower Is Not Safer
The next big thing that — up until last year, really — slowed me down on the downhills was the certainty that going slow is safer. That when I got to a nasty downhill field of loose softball-sized boulders and deep dirt the consistency of talcum powder (those of you who have ridden the section right after Julie Andrews Meadow on the Timpooneke trail know exactly what I’m talking about), the best policy is to inch my way down, treating each rock as an individual obstacle to be evaluated and (if at all possible) circumvented.
And then my front wheel would inevitable jam against a rock and I would endo.
Then, a couple years ago, I begged Dan to give me some tips on downhilling. And he told me, among other things, to let go of my brakes. “When you go fast and crash, it doesn’t hurt a lot more than when you go slow and crash,” he said. “And when you go slow, you’re going to crash more often.”
Dan was right. When your wheels are rolling fast, they go over stuff they get stuck on when you’re going slow. When your wheels are spinning fast, they want to stay upright. And when you’re going fast, you don’t have as much time to fret.
Perhaps the strongest case in point of this fact is this (incredibly awesome) picture of me.

If I hadn’t grabbed a handful of brake, if I had just sailed the move the way everyone else in the group had, probably all my weight wouldn’t have gone onto that tire, making it explode and then slamming me into the ground.
Today I could ride that move easily. If I were to try it. Which I’m not. Because I don’t believe I will ever be able to get this image out of my head.
No Camelbak for Me, Thanks
I used to wear a Camelbak for every single ride. Even rides that lasted just a couple hours. But here’s the thing: if you’re wearing a Camelbak, standing climbing is a pain. And if you’re wearing a Camelbak, you’re top-heavy. And if you’re wearing a Camelbak, your back stays all sweaty.
And don’t start in about mesh this and wicking that. A big heavy backpack makes your back sweat.
But that’s not the real reason to not use a Camelbak. The real reason to not use a Camelbak is because — if you’re going to be out for less than four hours — bottles are generally all you need. And they’re right there on your bike.
Although — not very ironically, but maybe a little — the very best bottles do in fact seem to be…Camelbaks.
Yeah, I expect to get some disagreement on this piece of advice — a backpack holds a lot of food and gear, and a lot of bikes don’t have room on the frame for two bottle cages.
But this is my distilled wisdom. And I ride a singlespeed most of the time, and am standing up when I climb. Which means a Camelbak feels like it’s trying to wrestle me to the ground as I row my bike up the mountain. But with bottles, I forget they’re even there ’til I need them.
So. There you go. Fifteen years of wisdom. All in a nice one-sitting read.
That’s sad, really.
Comments (53)
09.22.2009 | 9:21 am
A Note About 2010 Jerseys from Fatty: Twin Six and I have started getting a lot of email from people asking about why their 2010 Fat Cyclist jerseys haven’t arrived. As mentioned in my pre-order post, your stuff will arrive in mid-November.
Also, I’ve been getting a lot of email from people wondering how they can buy 2010 jerseys now. Well, right now you can’t order a Fat Cyclist jersey. However, once the pre-order shipment comes in and everything’s been shipped out and had time for exchanges and returns, there will be some jerseys left over, at which point they’ll go up for sale. I’ll announce at least 24 hours ahead of time when they’re available. Please note that these “leftovers” jerseys always go fast. If you want one, you shouldn’t wait a day or two to think about it, because by then they’ll be gone.
Win a Jersey Signed Both by Lance Armstrong and…Me.
OK, I’ve given everyone a few weeks off of the whole “Help Team Fatty Fight Cancer” thing. I figured you all deserved a break. And frankly, I felt like I deserved one too.
But now we’re just a month or so away from the final LiveStrong Challenge event, and it’s time to kick it into high gear.
Over the next few weeks, you’re going to see some pretty remarkable fundraising contests. And we’re going to start with one engineered by my friend BikeCopVT, a frequent commenter and one-time guest poster at Fat Cyclist.
Ben participated in the LiveStrong Philly event and as part of his schwag bag from LAF, received a Team LiveStrong Jersey like the one you see Lance sporting here.
While in Philly, Ben cornered me in the hotel elevator, and got me to sign his Team LiveStrong jersey, after he explained he’d be raffling it to benefit the LAF.
It is because of his career as a bicycle patrol officer that this prize takes on an interesting twist. No, you’re not getting a “get out of jail free” card too.
You see, as a police officer that rides bikes a lot, you develop many strong friendships along the way. Police officers in particular really like to help each other out, and as we all know, friends have connections. One of Ben’s good friends is also a bicycle patrol officer and because of that he has developed a working relationship of sorts with — you guessed it, Lance Armstrong. After Ben begged and begged, this friend agreed to bring the jersey to Lance and Lance graciously agreed to sign the jersey as well.

Or at least, we can assume he was gracious, since Lance has not tweeted about being held hostage for an autograph.
Here is where you come in. You can now be the proud owner of a 2009 Team LiveStrong jersey signed by me and Lance Armstrong. At the same time 100% of your $5 raffle ticket is going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
For every $5 donation you get one virtual raffle ticket. $10 gets you two tickets, and so on. Donate here (http://philly09.livestrong.org/benkaufman) for your virtual raffle ticket.
Sorry, no picture of my signature (it really is there). You’ll just have to believe it’s there. And also, you’ll have to believe how weird I feel about signing stuff.
Just one problem: if you win you have to decide (if you frame it) do you want to look at Lance’s or Fatty’s signature (Lance signed the front, I signed the back). I’m sure you’ll do the right thing.
The raffle runs until Monday, September 28, 2009 at 9:00 p.m. EDT. Click here to donate, and good luck!
PS: Posts will be kind of scarce for the next few days. I have other fish in need of frying. I’ll be back in force next week.
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